Possible reason for NGINX 499 error codes

NginxHttp HeadersUwsgi

Nginx Problem Overview

I'm getting a lot of 499 NGINX error codes. I see that this is a client side issue. It is not a problem with NGINX or my uWSGI stack. I note the correlation in uWSGI logs when a get a 499.

address space usage: 383692800 bytes/365MB} {rss usage: 167038976
bytes/159MB} [pid: 16614|app: 0|req: 74184/222373] ()
{36 vars in 481 bytes} [Fri Oct 19 10:07:07 2012] POST /bidder/ =>
generated 0 bytes in 8 msecs (HTTP/1.1 200) 1 headers in 59 bytes (1
switches on core 1760)
SIGPIPE: writing to a closed pipe/socket/fd (probably the client
disconnected) on request /bidder/ (ip 74.125.xxx.xxx) !!!
Fri Oct 19 10:07:07 2012 - write(): Broken pipe [proto/uwsgi.c line
143] during POST /bidder/ (74.125.xxx.xxx)
IOError: write error

I'm looking for a more in depth explanation and hoping it is nothing wrong with my NGINX config for uwsgi. I'm taking it on face value. It seems like a client issue.

Nginx Solutions

Solution 1 - Nginx

HTTP 499 in Nginx means that the client closed the connection before the server answered the request. In my experience is usually caused by client side timeout. As I know it's an Nginx specific error code.

Solution 2 - Nginx

In my case, I was impatient and ended up misinterpreting the log.

In fact, the real problem was the communication between nginx and uwsgi, and not between the browser and nginx. If I had loaded the site in my browser and had waited long enough I would have gotten a "504 - Bad Gateway". But it took so long, that I kept trying stuff, and then refresh in the browser. So I never waited long enough to see the 504 error. When refreshing in the browser, that is when the previous request is closed, and Nginx writes that in the log as 499.


Here I will assume that the reader knows as little as I did when I started playing around.

My setup was a reverse proxy, the nginx server, and an application server, the uWSGI server behind it. All requests from the client would go to the nginx server, then forwarded to the uWSGI server, and then response was sent the same way back. I think this is how everyone uses nginx/uwsgi and are supposed to use it.

My nginx worked as it should, but something was wrong with the uwsgi server. There are two ways (maybe more) in which the uwsgi server can fail to respond to the nginx server.

  1. uWSGI says, "I'm processing, just wait and you will soon get a response". nginx has a certain period of time, that it is willing to wait, fx 20 seconds. After that, it will respond to the client, with a 504 error.

  2. uWSGI is dead, or uWSGi dies while nginx is waiting for it. nginx sees that right away and in that case, it returns a 499 error.

I was testing my setup by making requests in the client (browser). In the browser nothing happened, it just kept hanging. After maybe 10 seconds (less than the timeout) I concluded that something was not right (which was true), and closed the uWSGI server from the command line. Then I would go to the uWSGI settings, try something new, and then restart the uWSGI server. The moment I closed the uWSGI server, the nginx server would return a 499 error.

So I kept debugging with the 499 erroe, which means googling for the 499 error. But if I had waited long enough, I would have gotten the 504 error. If I had gotten the 504 error, I would have been able to understand the problem better, and then be able to debug.

So the conclusion is, that the problem was with uWGSI, which kept hanging ("Wait a little longer, just a little longer, then I will have an answer for you...").

How I fixed that problem, I don't remember. I guess it could be caused by a lot of things.

Solution 3 - Nginx

The "client" in "client closed the connection" isn't necessarily the Web browser!

You may find 499 errors in an Nginx log file if you have a load balancing service between your users and your Nginx -- using AWS or haproxy. In this configuration the load balancer service will act as a client to the Nginx server and as a server to the Web browser, proxying data back and forth.

For haproxy the default values for certain applicable timeouts are some 60 seconds for connecting to upstream and for reading from upstream (Nginx) or downstream (Web browser).

Meaning that if after some 60 seconds the proxy hasn't connected to the upstream for writing, or if it hasn't received any data from the downstream (Web browser) or upstream (Nginx) as part of a HTTP request or response, respectively, it will close the corresponding connection, which will be treated as an error by the Nginx, at least, if the latter has been processing the request at the time (taking too long).

Timeouts might happen for busy websites or scripts that need more time for execution. You may need to find a timeout value that will work for you. For example extending it to a larger number, like 180 seconds. That may fix it for you.

Depending on your setup you might see a 504 Gateway Timeout HTTP error in your browser which may indicate that something is wrong with php-fpm. That won't be the case, however, with 499 errors in your log files.

Solution 4 - Nginx

As you point 499 a connection abortion logged by the nginx. But usually this is produced when your backend server is being too slow, and another proxy timeouts first or the user software aborts the connection. So check if uWSGI is answering fast or not of if there is any load on uWSGI / Database server.

In many cases there are some other proxies between the user and nginx. Some can be in your infrastructure like maybe a CDN, Load Balacer, a Varnish cache etc. Others can be in user side like a caching proxy etc.

If there are proxies on your side like a LoadBalancer / CDN ... you should set the timeouts to timeout first your backend and progressively the other proxies to the user.

If you have:

user >>> CDN >>> Load Balancer >>> Nginx >>> uWSGI

I'll recommend you to set:

  • n seconds to uWSGI timeout
  • n+1 seconds to nginx timeout
  • n+2 senconds to timeout to Load Balancer
  • n+3 seconds of timeout to the CDN.

If you can't set some of the timeouts (like CDN) find whats is its timeout and adjust the others according to it (n, n-1...).

This provides a correct chain of timeouts. and you'll find really whose giving the timeout and return the right response code to the user.

Solution 5 - Nginx

Turns out 499's really does mean "client interrupted connection."

I had a client "read timeout" setting of 60s (and nginx also has a default proxy_read_timeout of 60s). So what was happening in my case is that nginx would error.log an upstream timed out (110: Connection timed out) while reading upstream and then nginx retries "the next proxy server in the backend server group you configured." That's if you have more than one.

Then it tries the next and next till (by default) it has exhausted all of them. As each one times out, it removes them from the list of "live" backend servers, as well. After all are exhausted, it returns a 504 gateway timeout.

So in my case nginx marked the server as "unavailable", re-tried it on the next server, then my client's 60s timeout (immediately) occurred, so I'd see a upstream timed out (110: Connection timed out) while reading upstream log, immediately followed by a 499 log. But it was just timing coincidence.


If all servers in the group are marked as currently unavailable, then it returns a 502 Bad Gateway. for 10s as well. See here max_fails and fail_timeout. Inn the logs it will say no live upstreams while connecting to upstream.

If you only have one proxy backend in your server group, it just try's the one server, and returns a 504 Gateway Time-out and doesn't remove the single server from the list of "live" servers, if proxy_read_timeout is surpassed. See here "If there is only a single server in a group, max_fails, fail_timeout and slow_start parameters are ignored, and such a server will never be considered unavailable."

The really tricky part is that if you specify proxy_pass to "localhost" and your box happens to also have ipv6 and ipv4 "versions of localhost" on it at the same time (most boxes do by default), it will count as if you had a "list" of multiple servers in your server group, which means you can get into the situation above of having it return "502 for 10s" even though you list only one server. See here "If a domain name resolves to several addresses, all of them will be used in a round-robin fashion." One workaround is to declare it as proxy_pass; (its ipv4 address) to avoid it being both ipv6 and ipv4. Then it counts as "only a single server" behavior.

There's a few different settings you can tweak to make this "less" of a problem. Like increasing timeouts or making it so it doesn't mark servers as "disabled" when they timeout...or fixing the list so it's only size 1, see above :)

See also: https://serverfault.com/a/783624/27813

Solution 6 - Nginx

In my case I got 499 when the client's API closed the connection before it gets any response. Literally sent a POST and immediately close the connection. This is resolved by option:

> proxy_ignore_client_abort on

Nginx doc

Solution 7 - Nginx

This error is pretty easy to reproduce using standard nginx configuration with php-fpm.

Keeping the F5 button down on a page will create dozens of refresh requests to the server. Each previous request is canceled by the browser at new refresh. In my case I found dozens of 499's in my client's online shop log file. From an nginx point of view: If the response has not been delivered to the client before the next refresh request nginx logs the 499 error.

mydomain.com.log: - - [19/Jun/2018:09:07:32 +0200] "GET /(path) HTTP/2.0" 499 0 "-" (user-agent-string)
mydomain.com.log: - - [19/Jun/2018:09:07:33 +0200] "GET /(path) HTTP/2.0" 499 0 "-" (user-agent-string)
mydomain.com.log: - - [19/Jun/2018:09:07:33 +0200] "GET /(path) HTTP/2.0" 499 0 "-" (user-agent-string)
mydomain.com.log: - - [19/Jun/2018:09:07:33 +0200] "GET /(path) HTTP/2.0" 499 0 "-" (user-agent-string)
mydomain.com.log: - - [19/Jun/2018:09:07:33 +0200] "GET /(path) HTTP/2.0" 499 0 "-" (user-agent-string)
mydomain.com.log: - - [19/Jun/2018:09:07:34 +0200] "GET /(path) HTTP/2.0" 499 0 "-" (user-agent-string)
mydomain.com.log: - - [19/Jun/2018:09:07:34 +0200] "GET /(path) HTTP/2.0" 499 0 "-" (user-agent-string)
mydomain.com.log: - - [19/Jun/2018:09:07:34 +0200] "GET /(path) HTTP/2.0" 499 0 "-" (user-agent-string)
mydomain.com.log: - - [19/Jun/2018:09:07:34 +0200] "GET /(path) HTTP/2.0" 499 0 "-" (user-agent-string)
mydomain.com.log: - - [19/Jun/2018:09:07:35 +0200] "GET /(path) HTTP/2.0" 499 0 "-" (user-agent-string)
mydomain.com.log: - - [19/Jun/2018:09:07:35 +0200] "GET /(path) HTTP/2.0" 499 0 "-" (user-agent-string)

If the php-fpm processing takes longer (like a heavyish WP page) it may cause problems, of course. I have heard of php-fpm crashes, for instance, but I believe they can be prevented configuring services properly like handling calls to xmlrpc.php.

Solution 8 - Nginx

This doesn't answer the OPs question, but since I ended up here after searching furiously for an answer, I wanted to share what we discovered.

In our case, it turns out these 499s are expected. When users use the type-ahead feature in some search boxes, for example, we see something like this in the logs.

GET /api/search?q=h [Status 499] 
GET /api/search?q=he [Status 499]
GET /api/search?q=hel [Status 499]
GET /api/search?q=hell [Status 499]
GET /api/search?q=hello [Status 200]

So in our case I think its safe to use proxy_ignore_client_abort on which was suggested in a previous answer. Thanks for that!

Solution 9 - Nginx

I know this is an old thread, but it exactly matches what recently happened to me and I thought I'd document it here. The setup (in Docker) is as follows:

  • nginx_proxy
  • nginx
  • php_fpm running the actual app.

The symptom was a "502 Gateway Timeout" on the application login prompt. Examination of logs found:

  • the button works via an HTTP POST to /login ... and so ...
  • nginx-proxy got the /login request, and eventually reported a timeout.
  • nginx returned a 499 response, which of course means "the host died."
  • the /login request did not appear at all(!) in the FPM server's logs!
  • there were no tracebacks or error-messages in FPM ... nada, zero, zippo, none.

It turned out that the problem was a failure to connect to the database to verify the login. But how to figure that out turned out to be pure guesswork.

The complete absence of application traceback logs ... or even a record that the request had been received by FPM ... was a complete (and, devastating ...) surprise to me. Yes, the application is supposed to log failures, but in this case it looks like the FPM worker process died with a runtime error, leading to the 499 response from nginx. Now, this obviously is a problem in our application ... somewhere. But I wanted to record the particulars of what happened for the benefit of the next folks who face something like this.

Solution 10 - Nginx

...came here from a google search

I found the answer elsewhere here --> https://stackoverflow.com/a/15621223/1093174

which was to raise the connection idle timeout of my AWS elastic load balancer!

(I had setup a Django site with nginx/apache reverse proxy, and a really really really log backend job/view was timing out)

Solution 11 - Nginx

Once I got 499 "Request has been forbidden by antivirus" as an AJAX http response (false positive by Kaspersky Internet Security with light heuristic analysis, deep heuristic analysis knew correctly there was nothing wrong).

Solution 12 - Nginx

In my case, I have setup like

AWS ELB >> ECS(nginx) >> ECS(php-fpm).

I had configured the wrong AWS security group for ECS(php-fpm) service, so Nginx wasn't able to reach out to php-fpm task container. That's why i was getting errors in nginx task log

499 0 - elb-healthchecker/2.0

Health check was configured as to check php-fpm service and confirm it's up and give back a response.

Solution 13 - Nginx

One of the reasons for this behaviour could be you are using http for uwsgi instead of socket. Use the below command if you are using uwsgi directly.

uwsgi --socket :8080 --module app-name.wsgi

Same command in .ini file is

chdir = /path/to/app/folder
socket = :8080
module = app-name.wsgi

Solution 14 - Nginx

I encountered this issue and the cause was due to Kaspersky Protection plugin on the browser. If you are encountering this, try to disable your plugins and see if that fixes your issue.

Solution 15 - Nginx

We were also getting 499 response code in Production.Our stack is

  1. NGINX,
  2. Gunicorn
  3. Django
  4. Celery (Asynchronous)
  5. Redis celery broker.
  6. Postgresql

Problem : Our API was not return response to Gunicorn -> NGINX. Because Redis was down (Loading the data), celery passing the request to .delay() method for offloading the workload from API and it did not return any response.

How to reproduce it in Django and other stack ?

Don't return any response from API.NGINX will send 499 response code to the client.

How we solved it ?

We checked each component of stack and finally reached on causing component, which was Redis. We commented the .delay() (This method used Redis) method call and tested the API, it was working fine.

This is one possible reason NGINX returns 499. Make sure your Web Framework returning the response or not. If it returns 200 then check your NGINX configurations or client side.

Solution 16 - Nginx

For my part I had enabled ufw but I forgot to expose my upstreams ports ._.


All content for this solution is sourced from the original question on Stackoverflow.

The content on this page is licensed under the Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) license.

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