Is there a simple way to change a column of yes/no to 1/0 in a Pandas dataframe?


Python Problem Overview

I read a csv file into a pandas dataframe, and would like to convert the columns with binary answers from strings of yes/no to integers of 1/0. Below, I show one of such columns ("sampleDF" is the pandas dataframe).

In [13]: sampleDF.housing[0:10]
0     no
1     no
2    yes
3     no
4     no
5     no
6     no
7     no
8    yes
9    yes
Name: housing, dtype: object

Help is much appreciated!

Python Solutions

Solution 1 - Python

method 1


method 2

pd.Series(np.where(sample.housing.values == 'yes', 1, 0),

method 3, no=0))

method 4

pd.Series(map(lambda x: dict(yes=1, no=0)[x],
              sample.housing.values.tolist()), sample.index)

method 5

pd.Series(np.searchsorted(['no', 'yes'], sample.housing.values), sample.index)

All yield

0    0
1    0
2    1
3    0
4    0
5    0
6    0
7    0
8    1
9    1

given sample

enter image description here

long sample
sample = pd.DataFrame(dict(housing=np.random.choice(('yes', 'no'), size=100000)))

enter image description here

Solution 2 - Python

Try this:

sampleDF['housing'] = sampleDF['housing'].map({'yes': 1, 'no': 0})

Solution 3 - Python

# produces True/False
sampleDF['housing'] = sampleDF['housing'] == 'yes'

The above returns True/False values which are essentially 1/0, respectively. Booleans support sum functions, etc. If you really need it to be 1/0 values, you can use the following.

housing_map = {'yes': 1, 'no': 0}
sampleDF['housing'] = sampleDF['housing'].map(housing_map)

Solution 4 - Python

sampleDF['housing'] = sampleDF['housing'].apply(lambda x: 0 if x=='no' else 1)

1.84 ms ± 56.2 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1000 loops each)

>>> Replaces 'yes' with 1, 'no' with 0 for the df column specified.

Solution 5 - Python

Use sklearn's LabelEncoder

from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder

lb = LabelEncoder() 
sampleDF['housing'] = lb.fit_transform(sampleDF['housing'])


Solution 6 - Python

yes there is you can change yes/no values of your column to 1/0 by using following code snippet

sampleDF = sampleDF.replace(to_replace = ['yes','no'],value = ['1','0'])

by using first line you can replace the values with 1/0 by using second line you can see the changes by printing it

Solution 7 - Python

For a dataset names data and a column named Paid;

data = data.replace({'Paid': {'yes': 1, 'no': 0}})

all the yes will change to 1 and all the no will be replaced by 0

Solution 8 - Python

Generic way:

import pandas as pd
string_data = string_data.astype('category')
numbers_data =


Solution 9 - Python

You can convert a series from Boolean to integer explicitly:

sampleDF['housing'] = sampleDF['housing'].eq('yes').astype(int)

Solution 10 - Python

The easy way to do that use pandas as below:

housing = pd.get_dummies(sampleDF['housing'],drop_first=True)

after that drop this filed from main df


now merge new one in you df

sampleDF= pd.concat([sampleDF,housing ],axis=1)

Solution 11 - Python

A simple and intuitive way to convert the whole dataframe to 0's and 1's might be:

sampleDF = sampleDF.replace(to_replace = "yes", value = 1)
sampleDF = sampleDF.replace(to_replace = "no", value = 0)

Solution 12 - Python

sampleDF['housing'] = sampleDF['housing'].map(lambda x: 1 if x == 'yes' else 0)
sampleDF['housing'] = sampleDF['housing'].astype(int)

This will work.

Solution 13 - Python

Try the following:

sampleDF['housing'] = sampleDF['housing'].str.lower().replace({'yes': 1, 'no': 0})

Solution 14 - Python

I used the preprocesssing function from sklearn. First you create an encoder.

e = preprocessing.LabelEncoder()

Then for each attribute or characteristic in the data use the label encoder to transform it into an integer value

size = le.fit_transform(list(data["size"]))
color = le.fit_transform(list(data["color"]))

It's converting a list of all the "size" or "color" attributes, and converting that into a list of their corresponding integer values. To put all of this into one list, use the zip function.

It is not going to be in the same format as the csv file; it will be a giant list of everything.

data = list(zip(buying, size))

Hopefully I explained that somewhat clearly.

Solution 15 - Python

You can also try :

sampleDF["housing"] = (sampleDF["housing"]=="Yes")*1 

Solution 16 - Python

This is just a bool to int.

Try this.

sampleDF.housing = (sampleDF.housing == 'yes').astype(int)

Solution 17 - Python

Try this, it will work.

sampleDF.housing.replace(['no', 'yes'], [0,1], inplace = True) 

Solution 18 - Python


Solution 19 - Python

comprehension array

sampleDF['housing'] = [int(v == 'yes') for v in sampleDF['housing']]


All content for this solution is sourced from the original question on Stackoverflow.

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