How do I remove the first characters of a specific column in a table?

SqlSql ServerStringTsql

Sql Problem Overview

In SQL, how can I remove the first 4 characters of values of a specific column in a table? Column name is Student Code and an example value is ABCD123Stu1231. I want to remove first 4 chars from my table for all records

Please guide me

Sql Solutions

Solution 1 - Sql

SELECT RIGHT(MyColumn, LEN(MyColumn) - 4) AS MyTrimmedColumn

Edit: To explain, RIGHT takes 2 arguments - the string (or column) to operate on, and the number of characters to return (starting at the "right" side of the string). LEN returns the length of the column data, and we subtract four so that our RIGHT function leaves the leftmost 4 characters "behind".

Hope this makes sense.

Edit again - I just read Andrew's response, and he may very well have interperpereted correctly, and I might be mistaken. If this is the case (and you want to UPDATE the table rather than just return doctored results), you can do this:

SET MyColumn = RIGHT(MyColumn, LEN(MyColumn) - 4)

He's on the right track, but his solution will keep the 4 characters at the start of the string, rather than discarding said 4 characters.

Solution 2 - Sql

Stuff(someColumn, 1, 4, '')

This says, starting with the first 1 character position, replace 4 characters with nothing ''

Solution 3 - Sql

Why use LEN so you have 2 string functions? All you need is character 5 on...

...SUBSTRING (Code1, 5, 8000)...

Solution 4 - Sql

Try this:

update table YourTable
set YourField = substring(YourField, 5, len(YourField)-3);

Solution 5 - Sql

Here's a simple mock-up of what you're trying to do :)

code1 varchar(10),
code2 varchar(10)


SET code2 = SUBSTRING(Code1, 5, LEN(CODE1) -4)

So, use the last statement against the field you want to trim :)

The SUBSTRING function trims down Code1, starting at the FIFTH character, and continuing for the length of CODE1 less 4 (the number of characters skipped at the start).

Solution 6 - Sql

The Complete thing

DECLARE @v varchar(10)

SET @v='#temp'

select STUFF(@v, 1, 1, '')
WHERE LEFT(@v,1)='#'

Solution 7 - Sql

You Can also do this in SQL..



substring (ColumnName,<Number of starting Character which u want to remove>,<length of given string>)

Solution 8 - Sql

The top answer is not suitable when values may have length less than 4.


You will get "Invalid length parameter passed to the right function" because it doesn't accept negatives. Use a CASE statement:

SELECT case when len(foo) >= 4 then RIGHT(foo, LEN(foo) - 4) else '' end AS myfoo from mytable;

In Postgres

Values less than 4 give the surprising behavior below instead of an error, because passing negative values to RIGHT trims the first characters instead of the entire string. It makes more sense to use RIGHT(MyColumn, -5) instead.

An example comparing what you get when you use the top answer's "length - 5" instead of "-5":

create temp table foo (foo) as values ('123456789'),('12345678'),('1234567'),('123456'),('12345'),('1234'),('123'),('12'),('1'), ('');

select foo, right(foo, length(foo) - 5), right(foo, -5) from foo;

foo       len(foo) - 5  just -5   
--------- ------------  -------     
123456789 6789          6789 
12345678  678           678  
1234567   67            67   
123456    6             6    
1234      234               
123       3                 

Solution 9 - Sql

It would be good to share, For DB2 use: INSERT(someColumn, 1, 4, '')

Stuff is not supported in DB2

Solution 10 - Sql

Try this. 100% working

UPDATE Table_Name
SET RIGHT(column_name, LEN(column_name) - 1)


Solution 11 - Sql

There's the built-in trim function that is perfect for the purpose.

SELECT trim(both 'ag' from 'asdfg');
(1 riga)

Solution 12 - Sql

If you have to remove the first few characters that are preceded by a special character like #, this is a good one:

UPDATE tblInvalidID
SET [ColumnName] =stuff(ColumnName, 1, charindex('#', ColumnName), ' ') 


All content for this solution is sourced from the original question on Stackoverflow.

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Content TypeOriginal AuthorOriginal Content on Stackoverflow
QuestionShyjuView Question on Stackoverflow
Solution 1 - SqlAaron AltonView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 2 - SqlAaronLSView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 3 - SqlgbnView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 4 - SqlAndrew HareView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 5 - SqlRobView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 6 - SqlHigarianView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 7 - SqlDurgesh PandeyView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 8 - SqlNoumenonView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 9 - SqlSuperb SaifView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 10 - Sqluser8613096View Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 11 - SqllinuxaticoView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 12 - SqlPrachitaView Answer on Stackoverflow