Check if JavaScript is enabled with PHP


Php Problem Overview

Is there a way to check if JavaScript is enabled with PHP? If so, how?

Php Solutions

Solution 1 - Php

perhaps a more simple option...

   This page needs JavaScript activated to work. 
   <style>div { display:none; }</style>
my content

Solution 2 - Php

No, that is not possible, because PHP is a server side language, it does not access the client's browser in any way or form (the client requests from the PHP server).

The client may provide some meta info through HTTP headers, but they don't necessarily tell you whether the user has JavaScript enabled or not and you can't rely on them anyway,

Solution 3 - Php

Technically no because as the other answers have said, PHP is strictly server-side, but you could do this...

In the PHP page on the server, output (a lot of HTML has been deleted for brevity)

      <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery1.4.4.js"></script>
      <script type="text/javascript">

Then in myPage.php set a session variable to indicate the client supports JS

   $_SESSION['js'] = true;

But really, just use <script></script><noscript></noscript> tags, much, much less effort...

Solution 4 - Php

//Here is a solution: //it works perfect


  echo "<noscript><meta http-equiv='refresh' content='0;url=/get-javascript-status.php&js=0'> </noscript>";
   $js = true;

 }elseif(isset($_SESSION['js'])&& $_SESSION['js']=="0"){
   $js = false;

 }elseif(isset($_SESSION['js'])&& $_SESSION['js']=="1"){
   $js = true;
if ($js) {
    echo 'Javascript is enabled';
 } else {
    echo 'Javascript is disabled';


//And then inside get-javascript-status.php :

$_SESSION['js'] = isset($_GET['js'])&&$_GET['js']=="0" ? "0":"1";
header('location: /');

Solution 5 - Php

You can't tell if a browser has JS enabled, but you can tell if the browser supports JS

$js_capable = get_browser(null, true)=>javascript == 1

Having said this, that's probably not of much use. You should reconsider detecting JS from PHP. There should be no need for it if you use [progressive enhancement][1], meaning that JS only adds functionality to what's already on the page.

[1]: "Progressive Enhancement"

Solution 6 - Php

    <?php if(basename($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) != "disable.html"){ ?>
        <meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="0;disable.html">
    <?php } ?>

Place above code in your header file after title tag and set appropriate like[disable.html] for redirection.

Solution 7 - Php

before try you have to disable your browsers javascript...

after then

Try This code :

<noscript><meta http-equiv="refresh"content="0; url=script-disabled.html">
<h1>congrats ! Your Browser Have Java Script Enabled </h1>

Write something in script-disabled.html

its work

Solution 8 - Php

You can try with 2 metod:

  • setting cookies with JS and detecting them from PHP
  • creating a form with a hidden field and an empty value; and then assigning some value to it with JS, if the field gets the value – JS is ON, otherwise it’s off. But the form had to be submitted first before PHP can request that hidden field’s value.

if you want detect if JS enable enable setting before the loading of the page you can try this (I don't konw if it works):

if (isset($_POST['jstest'])) {
  $nojs = FALSE;
  } else {
  // create a hidden form and submit it with javascript
  echo '<form name="jsform" id="jsform" method="post" style="display:none">';
  echo '<input name="jstest" type="text" value="true" />';
  echo '<script language="javascript">';
  echo 'document.jsform.submit();';
  echo '</script>';
  echo '</form>';
  // the variable below would be set only if the form wasn't submitted, hence JS is disabled
  $nojs = TRUE;
if ($nojs){
  //JS is OFF, do the PHP stuff

there is a fine tutorial on this issue on address

Solution 9 - Php

Here is a small include I made up that I have on top of my pages to detect if js is enabled. Hope this helps out...

//Check if we should check for js
if ((!isset($_GET['jsEnabled']) || $_GET['jsEnabled'] == 'true') && !isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH'])){

   //Check to see if we already found js enabled
   if (!isset($_SESSION['javaEnabled'])){
      //Check if we were redirected by javascript
      if (isset($_GET['jsEnabled'])){
         //Check if we have started a session
         if(session_id() == '') {
         //Set session variable that we have js enabled
         $_SESSION['javaEnabled'] = true;
         $reqUrl = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
         $paramConnector = (strpos($reqUrl, "?"))? "&" : "?";
         echo "
            <script type='text/javascript'>
               window.location = '" . $reqUrl . $paramConnector . "jsEnabled=true'
               <!-- Redirect to page and tell us that JS is not enabled -->
               <meta HTTP-EQUIV='REFRESH' content='0; " . $reqUrl . $paramConnector . "jsEnabled=false'>
         //Break out and try again to check js

Solution 10 - Php

      <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url='<?php echo basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);?>?JS='"/>
  if(isset($_REQUEST['JS'])) echo 'JavaScript is Disabled';
  else echo 'JavaScript is Enabled';

Solution 11 - Php

PHP can't be used to detect whether javascript is enabled or not. Instead use <noscript> to display an alternate message / do something.

Solution 12 - Php

To get rid of bots with JS disabled:



if (!isset($_COOKIE['JSEnabled']) || strlen($_COOKIE['JSEnabled'])!=32 ) {
  $js_cookie=md5(md5(@$_SESSION['pagecount']) . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
  echo '<script language="javascript">';
  echo 'document.cookie="JSEnabled=' . $js_cookie . '"';
  echo '</script>';
  echo '<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;url="/>';

 if ($js!=md5(md5(@$_SESSION['pagecount']-1) . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])) {
 $js_cookie=md5(md5(@$_SESSION['pagecount']) . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
  echo '<script language="javascript">';
  echo 'document.cookie="JSEnabled=' . $js_cookie . '"';
  echo '</script>';
     echo "</head><body>Sorry, this website needs javascript and cookies enabled.</body></html>";
 } else {
  $js_cookie=md5(md5(@$_SESSION['pagecount']) . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
  echo '<script language="javascript">';
  echo 'document.cookie="JSEnabled=' . $js_cookie . '"';
  echo '</script>';    

No one can use for example curl -H "Cookie: JSEnabled=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" because they don't know your algo of computing the hash.

Solution 13 - Php

This is the way I check whether javascript and cookies are enabled or not

I copy/paste it here

if($_SESSION['JSexe']){		//3rd check js
	if($_COOKIE['JS'])	setcookie('JS','JS',time()-1);//check on every page load
	else			header('Location: js.html');
}				//2nd so far it's been server-side scripting. Client-side scripting must be executed once to set second cookie.
				//Without JSexe, user with cookies and js enabled would be sent to js.html the first page load.
elseif($_COOKIE['PHP'])		$_SESSION['JSexe'] = true;
else{				//1st check cookies
	if($_GET['cookie'])	header('Location: cookies.html');
				header('Location: '.$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'].'?cookie=1');
<script type="text/javascript">document.cookie = 'JS=JS'</script>

Solution 14 - Php

Recently, I had the following dilemma:

I use a PHP function that generates a QR image related to the current URL, which is very useful for mobile devices. The function works fine, but having my site on a shared hosting, there are some limits for CPU and RAM usage. This function is to heavy and it consumes a lot of CPU time and RAM, so the hosting guys asked me to decrease the usage.

After some tries, I finally reached the idea that I can save some CPU & RAM usage from search engine bots. It is difficult to recognize a bot by browser identification, but all the bots have no JS enabled and that's the main criteria I used to detect if it is a real browser or it is a bot. To explain how significant it is to prevent executing code which will not give anything more for Search Engines (QR, in my case, does not affect search engines), I can say that just Google bot for example makes about 16000 crawls a day on my site.

So I've made this very simple thing which helped a lot:

<script language="javascript"><!--
document.write('<?php echo drawQR($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]);?>');

This code uses JS to write a line of PHP code, so this line will be written only when JS is enabled.

Of couse you can use 'noscript' tag if you want to show something when JS is disabled, but this method shows how to execute some PHP only when JS is enabled.

Hope this helps.

Solution 15 - Php

Create a cookie using JavaScript and read it using PHP.

Solution 16 - Php

Please despite all the people telling you cant check for a client-side scripting technology. If the target technology has http functions, you can do ALWAYS, just write out a verify step. That means literally, the way to check javascript is to run javascript. If javascript is disabled on the browser side it's not possible to check if the client is Javascript capable (like Dillo with it's default config or others)

UPDATED: I've develop this script because i test some of the examples here and seems that everybody does copypasting without any sort of tests. Code is also on the Gist (updated)

//function to check for session after|before PHP version 5.4.0
function start_session() {
    if(version_compare(phpversion(), "5.4.0") != -1){
        if (session_status() == PHP_SESSION_NONE) {
    } else {
        if(session_id() == '') {

// starting the function

// create a script to run on the AJAX GET request from :P Javascript enabled browser
    '<script src=""></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
    $.get(document.URL.substring(0, document.URL.length-1) + "?sessionstart=1");
    console.log(document.URL.substring(0, document.URL.length-1) + "?sessionstart=1")}

// Ajax GET request handle
if ($_REQUEST['sessionstart'] == 1){
    $_SESSION['js'] = 1; // save into session variable
  } else {
    session_destroy(); // force reset the test. otherwise session

// If the session variable has not saved by the AJAX call, loads again.
if (!isset($_SESSION['js'])){
    header("Refresh: 1"); // thats only for the first load
    echo "Javascript is not enabled <br>"; // Return false
} else {
    echo "Javascript is enabled <br>"; // Return true

This solution do not need more files, just a iteration if you run a Javascript capable browser. The value is passed back to PHP using a GET with a simple variable but anyone can fake the output doing cURL to url + ?sessionstart=1 unless you add more logic to it.

Solution 17 - Php

With this basic ajax you can separate data that the client see based on javascript or not.


    <!DOCTYPE html>

function jsCheck() {
  var xhttp;
  if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {
    // code for modern browsers
    xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
    } else {
    // code for IE6, IE5
    xhttp = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
  xhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {
    if (xhttp.readyState == 4 && xhttp.status == 200) {
      document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = xhttp.responseText;
             "GET", "jscheckCon.php", true);
<div id="demo">
	no javascript 


echo 'we have javascript!';//you can do that you like to do with js! 

Solution 18 - Php

Make your main php page assume jscript is off, and add a <script> to redirect to the jscript-enabled app in the <head>. If the user actually uses your first page, assume jscript is off.

Solution 19 - Php

Other option: If you dont' have to check if JS is enabled at the visitors first view (mainpage) you can set a cookie with js. On the next page you can check with php if the cookie is there...

Solution 20 - Php

You can use logic the logic (default/switch) - is this example I printed the variable in php:


$js = 'No';
print 'Javascript Enabled: &lt;span id="jsEnabled"&gt;'.$js.'&lt;/span&gt;';

JS: (in my document ready)

jQuery('#jsEnabled').text('Yes'); or $('#jsEnabled').text('Yes');

Solution 21 - Php

You can set a cookie using Javascript and then reload the page using Javascript. Then using PHP you shall check if the cookie is setted, if it is Javascript is enabled!

Solution 22 - Php

Its 2013. Simply have your script render the non-js templates inside a body > noscript tag, then inside your CSS keep your main js site container div display: none; After that just put something like <script>$('#container').show();</script> immediately after you close you main #container div and before your noscript tag. (if you're using jquery of course).

Doing it this way will show the HTML for the non-js enabled browsers automatically, and then the js enabled browsers will only see the js site.

If you're worried about over-bloating the page size with too much mark up, then you could do the same but instead leave <div id="content"></div> empty, then with the js code instead of just showing the div use an ajax call to fetch the content for it.

On a side note, I would probably include additional css files for the non-js site within the noscript tag to save on bandwidth.

Solution 23 - Php

Since PHP is server side you can't know in PHP whether the client has Javascript enabled unless you use sessions (or some other way to store data across requests) and first send some code to which the client responds.

If you put the following at the start of your PHP file the client is redirected to the same URL with either 'js=0' or 'js=1' appended to the query string, depending on whether they have Javascript enabled or not. Upon receiving the redirected request the script records the result in a session variable and then redirects back to the original URL, i.e. without the appended 'js=0' or 'js=1'.Upon receiving this second redirect the script proceeds as normal, now with the session variable set according to the clients Javascript capability.

If you don't care about how your query string looks in the user's address bar you can skip the second redirect and just set the session variable. While these redirects are taking place the user is shown a short informative message (also something you could skip if you don't care about that).

if (!isset($_SESSION['js']) && !isset($_GET['js'])) {
    die('<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"><head><meta charset="utf-8" /><title>js check</title>'.
        '<script type="text/javascript">window.location.href="'.$url.$qry.'=1";</script>'.
        '<noscript><meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url='.$url.$qry.'=0" /></noscript>'.
        '</head><body>Hold on while we check whether you have Javascript enabled.</body></html>');
} elseif (isset($_GET['js'])) {
    $qry = preg_replace('%&?js=(0|1)$%', '', $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']);
    $url = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_URI'].($qry?'?':'').$qry;
    die('<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"><head><meta charset="utf-8" /><title>js check</title>'.
        '<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url='.$url.$qry.'" />'.
        '</head><body>Hold on while we check whether you have Javascript enabled.</body></html>');

if ($_SESSION['js']) {
    //Javascript is enabled
} else {
    //Javascript is disabled

Solution 24 - Php

if checking when the page first loads, this can run php if javascript is disabled:

    //your php code here


    die('please enable JavaScript to view this page');

Solution 25 - Php


Ensure you have the latest jQuery.js

$('#jsEnabled2').html('Yes it is')

$js - 'No';
$jscheck = 'Javascript Enabled: ';
$jscheck .= '<span id="jsEnabled">'.$js.'</span>';
print $jscheck;


All content for this solution is sourced from the original question on Stackoverflow.

The content on this page is licensed under the Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) license.

Content TypeOriginal AuthorOriginal Content on Stackoverflow
QuestionWillView Question on Stackoverflow
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