addEventListener on custom object


Javascript Problem Overview

I've created an object that has several methods. Some of these methods are asynchronous and thus I want to use events to be able to perform actions when the methods are done. To do this I tried to add the addEventListener to the object.


var iSubmit = {
	addEventListener: document.addEventListener || document.attachEvent,
	dispatchEvent: document.dispatchEvent,
	fireEvent: document.fireEvent,   

	//the method below is added for completeness, but is not causing the problem.

	test: function(memo) {
		var name = "test";
		var event;
		if (document.createEvent) {
			event = document.createEvent("HTMLEvents");
			event.initEvent(name, true, true);
		} else {
			event = document.createEventObject();
			event.eventType = name;
		event.eventName = name;
		event.memo = memo || { };
		if (document.createEvent) {
			try {
			} catch (ex) {
				iAlert.debug(ex, 'iPushError');
		} else {
			document.fireEvent("on" + event.eventType, event);

iSubmit.addEventListener("test", function(e) { console.log(e); }, false);

//This call is added to have a complete test. The errors are already triggered with the line before this one.


This will return an error: Failed to add eventlisterens: TypeError: 'addEventListener' called on an object that does not implement interface EventTarget."

Now this code will be used in a phonegap app and when I do, it is working on android/ios. During testing, however, it would be nice if I could get it to work in at least a single browser.

PS> I know I could enable bubbling and then listen to the document root, but I would like to have just a little bit OOP where each object can work on its own.

Javascript Solutions

Solution 1 - Javascript

addEventListener is intended for DOM Elements that implements certain event-related interfaces. If you want an event system on pure JavaScript objects, you are looking for a custom event system. An example would be Backbone.Events in Backbone.js. The basic idea is using an object as a hash to keep track of registered callbacks.

Personally I use this: emitter.

It's a fairly simple and elegant solution - with sweet short method names like on(), off() and emit(). you can either create new instances with new Emitter(), or use Emitter(obj) to mix event capabilities into existing objects. Note this library is written for use with a CommonJS module system, but you can use it anywhere else by removing the module.exports = ... line.

Solution 2 - Javascript

If you want to listen a javascript object you have three ways:

About sup/pub pattern:

You need to publish events.

About native implementations:

  • Object get/set operators is enough to listen add, remove, change, get events. Operators have good support. Problems only in IE8-. But if you want to use get/set in IE8 use Object.defineProperty but on DOM objects or use Object.defineProperty sham.
  • has the good ES5 polyfill.
  • Proxy API needs ES Harmony support.

Object.observe example

var o = {};
Object.observe(o, function (changes) {
  changes.forEach(function (change) {
    // change.object contains changed object version
    console.log('property:',, 'type:', change.type);
o.x = 1     // property: x type: add
o.x = 2     // property: x type: update
delete o.x  // property: x type: delete

Solution 3 - Javascript

If you don't need true event features(such as bubbling, stopPropagation), then you can implement your own events. addEventListener is just an API of the DOM, so you don't really need it for your own objects outside the DOM. If you want to create an evented pattern around an object, here's a good way to do it that does not require any extra browser APIs and should be very backwards-compatible.

Let's say you have an object where you want a bunch of events to be triggered when the dispatch method is called:

var OurDispatcher, dispatcher;

OurDispatcher = (function() {
  function OurDispatcher() {
    this.dispatchHandlers = [];

  OurDispatcher.prototype.on = function(eventName, handler) {
    switch (eventName) {
      case "dispatch":
        return this.dispatchHandlers.push(handler);
      case "somethingElse":
        return alert('write something for this event :)');

  OurDispatcher.prototype.dispatch = function() {
    var handler, i, len, ref;
    ref = this.dispatchHandlers;
    for (i = 0, len = ref.length; i < len; i++) {
      handler = ref[i];
      setTimeout(handler, 0);

  return OurDispatcher;


dispatcher = new OurDispatcher();

dispatcher.on("dispatch", function() {
  return document.body.innerHTML += "DISPATCHED</br>";

dispatcher.on("dispatch", function() {
  return document.body.innerHTML += "DISPATCHED AGAIN</br>";


It really doesn't have to be more complicated than that, for the most part. This way you have some decent control over your events and you don't need to worry about backward-compatibility or external libraries because everything there is widely supported. Technically, you could even do without setTimeout and handle your callbacks without any APIs. Anything else like stopPropagation() would have to be handled yourself.

There are, of course, polyfills for CustomEvent, but unless I need advanced event features, I prefer to wrap my own eventing system into a "class" and extending other classes/functions with it.

Here's the CoffeeScript version, which is what the JavaScript is derived from:

^^ A bit easier to understand.

Solution 4 - Javascript

There are two problems.

First, the iSubmit.addEventListener() method is actually a method on the EventTarget DOM interface:

These are inteded for use only on DOM elements. By adding it to the iSubmit object as a method, you're calling it on an object that is not an EventTarget. This is why Chrome throws an Uncaught TypeError: Illegal invocation JavaScript error.

The first problem is critical, but if you could use EventTarget#addEventListener() your code would not work because the event is being added to iSubmit but dispatched from document. Generally, the same object's methods need to be used when attaching event listeners and dispatching events (unless you're using bubbling events, which is a different story - Note: bubbling is not restricted to JavaScript or DOM related events, for example).

Using custom events with your own objects is very normal. As Evan Yu mentioned, there are libraries for this. Here are a couple:

I have used js-signals and like it quite a bit. I have never used Wolfy87/EventEmitter, but it has a nice look to it.

Your example might look something like the following if you used js-signals


var iSubmit = {
    finished: new signals.Signal(),
    test: function test(memo) {
        this.finished.dispatch(memo || {});

iSubmit.finished.add(function(data) {
    console.log('finished:', data);

iSubmit.test('this is the finished data');

// alternatively
iSubmit.finished.dispatch('this is dispatched directly from the signal');

Solution 5 - Javascript

Just speculation; I haven't tried it myself. But you can create a dummy element and fire/listen to events on the dummy element. Also, I prefer going without libraries.

function myObject(){
    //create "dummy" element
    var dummy = document.createElement('dummy');
    //method for listening for events
    this.on = function(event, func){dummy.addEventListener(event, func);};
    //you need a way to fire events
    this.fireEvent = function(event, obj){
      dummy.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(event, {detail: obj}));
//now you can use the methods in the object constructor
var obj = new myObject();
obj.on("custom", function(e){console.log(e.detail.result)});
obj.fireEvent("custom", {result: "hello world!!!"});

Solution 6 - Javascript

If you are in a Node.js environment then you can use Node's EventEmitter class:


const EventEmitter = require('events');

class CustomObject extends EventEmitter {
  constructor() {

  doSomething() {
    const event = {message: 'Hello World!'};
    this.emit('myEventName', event);

module.exports = CustomObject;


const CustomObject = require('./CustomObject');

// 1. Create a new instance
const myObject = new CustomObject();

// 2. Subscribe to events with ID "myEventName"
myObject.on('myEventName', function(event) {
  console.log('Received event', event);

// 3. Trigger the event emitter

If you want to use Node's EventEmitter outside of a Node.js environment, then you can use webpack (preferably v2.2 or later) to get a bundle of your CustomClass together with an EventEmitter polyfill (built by webpack).

Here is how it works (assuming that you installed webpack globally using npm install -g webpack):

  1. Run webpack CustomObject.js bundle.js --output-library=CustomObject
  2. Include bundle.js in your HTML page (it will expose window.CustomObject)
  3. There's no step three!


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="UTF-8" />
    <script src="bundle.js"></script>
      // 1. Create a new instance
      const myObject = new window.CustomObject();

      // 2. Subscribe to events with ID "myEventName"
      myObject.on('myEventName', function(event) {
        console.log('Received event', event);

      // 3. Trigger the event emitter

Solution 7 - Javascript

Here's a simple event emitter:

class EventEmitter {
    on(name, callback) {
        var callbacks = this[name];
        if (!callbacks) this[name] = [callback];
        else callbacks.push(callback);

    dispatch(name, event) {
        var callbacks = this[name];
        if (callbacks) callbacks.forEach(callback => callback(event));


var emitter = new EventEmitter();

emitter.on('test', event => {

emitter.dispatch('test', 'hello world');

Solution 8 - Javascript

I have been able to achieve this by wrapping an element in javascript class. Important point is that the element does not have to exist in dom. Also, the element tag name can be anything such as the custom class name.


class MyClass
    constructor(options ) 
        this.el =  document.createElement("MyClass");//dummy element to manage events.    
        this.el.obj= this; //So that it is accessible via



//call this function or write code below when the event needs to be raised.

            var event = new Event('dataFound');
   = messageData;

let obj = new MyClass();

function onDataFound()
console.log('onDataFound Handler called');


Solution 9 - Javascript

This article explains creating custom events:

here is an example:

create the event -

var event = new CustomEvent(
        detail: {
            message: "Hello World!",
            time: new Date(),
        bubbles: true,
        cancelable: true

assign the event to something -


subscribe to the event -

document.addEventListener("newMessage", newMessageHandler, false);

Solution 10 - Javascript

Usage: [jsfiddle][1]

This is a naive approach but might work for some applications:

CustomEventTarget.prototype = {
	'constructor': CustomEventTarget,
	on:   function( ev, el ) { this.eventTarget.addEventListener( ev, el ) },
	off:  function( ev, el ) { this.eventTarget.removeEventListener( ev, el ) },
	emit: function( ev ) { this.eventTarget.dispatchEvent( ev ) }

function CustomEventTarget() { this.eventTarget = new EventTarget }

[1]: "jsfiddle"

Solution 11 - Javascript

I think you can use Object $Deferred and promises. It'll let you do something like this:

Stacked: bind multiple handlers anywhere in the application to the same promise event.

  var request = $.ajax(url);
  request.done(function () {
  console.log('Request completed');

// Somewhere else in the application

   request.done(function (retrievedData) {

Parallel tasks: ask multiple promises to return a promise which alerts of their mutual completion.

$.when(taskOne, taskTwo).done(function () {
  console.log('taskOne and taskTwo are finished');

Sequential tasks: execute tasks in sequential order.

 var step1, step2, url;

 url = '';

 step1 = $.ajax(url);

 step2 = step1.then(
   function (data) {
       var def = new $.Deferred();

       setTimeout(function () {
           console.log('Request completed');

     return def.promise();

   function (err) {
       console.log('Step1 failed: Ajax request');
 step2.done(function () {
     console.log('Sequence completed')

Source here:

Solution 12 - Javascript

Here is how you do this with Node.js style syntax in the browser.

The Events class:

  • stores callbacks in a hash associated with event keys
  • triggers the callbacks with the provided parameters

To add the behavior to your own custom classes just extend the Events object (example below).

class Events {
  constructor () {
    this._callbacks = {}

  on (key, callback) {
    // create an empty array for the event key
    if (this._callbacks[key] === undefined) { this._callbacks[key] = [] }
    // save the callback in the array for the event key

  emit (key, ...params) {
    // if the key exists
    if (this._callbacks[key] !== undefined) {
      // iterate through the callbacks for the event key
      for (let i=0; i<this._callbacks[key].length; i++) {
        // trigger the callbacks with all provided params


class Thing extends Events {
  constructor () {
    setInterval(() => {
      this.emit('hello', 'world')
    }, 1000)

const thing = new Thing()

thing.on('hello', (data) => {
  console.log(`hello ${data}`)

Here is a link a github gist with this code:

Solution 13 - Javascript

For anyone that's looking for an easy answer that works. I visited this document, only to learn that most browser doesn't support it. But at the bottom of the page, there was a link to this GitHub page that basically does what the and Object.unwatch() would have done, and it works for me!

Here's how you can watch for changes

 * polyfill
 * 2012-04-03
 * By Eli Grey,
 * Public Domain.

if (! {
	Object.defineProperty(Object.prototype, "watch", {
		  enumerable: false
		, configurable: true
		, writable: false
		, value: function (prop, handler) {
			  oldval = this[prop]
			, newval = oldval
			, getter = function () {
				return newval;
			, setter = function (val) {
				oldval = newval;
				return newval =, prop, oldval, val);
			if (delete this[prop]) { // can't watch constants
				Object.defineProperty(this, prop, {
					  get: getter
					, set: setter
					, enumerable: true
					, configurable: true

// object.unwatch
if (!Object.prototype.unwatch) {
	Object.defineProperty(Object.prototype, "unwatch", {
		  enumerable: false
		, configurable: true
		, writable: false
		, value: function (prop) {
			var val = this[prop];
			delete this[prop]; // remove accessors
			this[prop] = val;

And this should be your code:

var object = {
    value: null,
    changeValue: function(newValue) {
        this.value = newValue;
    onChange: function(callback) {'value', function(obj, oldVal, newVal) {
            // obj will return the object that received a change
            // oldVal is the old value from the object
            // newVal is the new value from the object

            console.log("Object "+obj+"'s value got updated from '"+oldValue+"' to '"+newValue+"'");
            // object.changeValue("hello world");
            // returns "Object object.value's value got updated from 'null' to 'hello world'";
            // and if you want the function to stop checking for
            // changes you can always unwatch it with:

            // you can retrieve information such as old value, new value
            // and the object with the .watch() method, learn more here:

or as short as:

var object = { user: null };

// add a watch to 'user' value from object'user', function() {
    // object user value changed


All content for this solution is sourced from the original question on Stackoverflow.

The content on this page is licensed under the Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) license.

Content TypeOriginal AuthorOriginal Content on Stackoverflow
QuestionHugo DelsingView Question on Stackoverflow
Solution 1 - JavascriptEvan YouView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 2 - JavascriptPinalView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 3 - JavascriptRavenstineView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 4 - JavascripttiffonView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 5 - JavascriptReyView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 6 - JavascriptBenny NeugebauerView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 7 - Javascript1polygonView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 8 - JavascriptSandeep DixitView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 9 - JavascriptDawson LoudonView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 10 - JavascriptflcoderView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 11 - JavascriptJSG33kC0d3View Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 12 - JavascriptalextaujenisView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 13 - JavascriptMxlvinView Answer on Stackoverflow