Dart catch clause

Exception HandlingTry CatchDart

Exception Handling Problem Overview

I recently stumbled across the following Dart code:

void doSomething(String url, String method) {
    HttpRequest request = new HttpRequest();

    request.open(method, url);
    request.onLoad.listen((event) {
        if(request.status < 400) {
            try {
                String json = request.responseText;
            } catch(e) {
        } else {
            print("Error! (400+)");

    request.setRequestHeader("Accept", ApplicationJSON);

I'm wondering what the e variable is in the catch clause:

catch(e) {

Obviously its some sort of exception, but (1) why do we not need to specify its type, and (2) what could I add in there to specify its concrete type? For instance, how could I handle multiple types of possible exceptions in a similar way to catchError(someHandler, test: (e) => e is SomeException)?

Exception Handling Solutions

Solution 1 - Exception Handling

  1. Dart is an optional typed language. So the type of e is not required.

  2. you have to use the following syntax to catch only SomeException :

try {
  // ...
} on SomeException catch(e) {
 //Handle exception of type SomeException
} catch(e) {
 //Handle all other exceptions

See catch section of Dart: Up and Running.

Finally catch can accept 2 parameters ( catch(e, s) ) where the second parameter is the StackTrace.


All content for this solution is sourced from the original question on Stackoverflow.

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Content TypeOriginal AuthorOriginal Content on Stackoverflow
QuestionIAmYourFajaView Question on Stackoverflow
Solution 1 - Exception HandlingAlexandre ArdhuinView Answer on Stackoverflow