Why does "git difftool" not open the tool directly?
GitDiffDifftoolGit Problem Overview
I configured git
like this:
git config --global diff.tool meld
When I run:
git difftool
I get the following message:
Viewing: 'hello.txt'
Hit return to launch 'meld':
Then, if I press Enter, meld
will launch.
How can I disable this message, so that meld
will be launched straight away after typing git difftool
Git Solutions
Solution 1 - Git
There's also an option:
Prompt before each invocation of the diff tool.
The following command turns off the prompt globally (for all repos):
git config --global difftool.prompt false
Which is like writing in ~/.gitconfig
(or in %HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH%\.gitconfig
prompt = false
Solution 2 - Git
man git-difftool
-y, --no-prompt
Do not prompt before launching a diff tool.