Using the Javascript slice() method with no arguments


Javascript Problem Overview

I'm currently reading through this jquery masking plugin to try and understand how it works, and in numerous places the author calls the slice() function passing no arguments to it. For instance here the _buffer variable is slice()d, and _buffer.slice() and _buffer seem to hold the same values.

Is there any reason for doing this, or is the author just making the code more complicated than it should be?

 //functionality fn
 function unmaskedvalue($input, skipDatepickerCheck) {
     var input = $input[0];
     if (tests && (skipDatepickerCheck === true || !$input.hasClass('hasDatepicker'))) {
         var buffer = _buffer.slice();
         checkVal(input, buffer);
         return $.map(buffer, function(element, index) {
             return isMask(index) && element != getBufferElement(_buffer.slice(), index) ? element : null; }).join('');
    else {
        return input._valueGet();

Javascript Solutions

Solution 1 - Javascript

The .slice() method makes a (shallow) copy of an array, and takes parameters to indicate which subset of the source array to copy. Calling it with no arguments just copies the entire array. That is:

// is equivalent to
// also equivalent to
_buffer.slice(0, _buffer.length);

EDIT: Isn't the start index mandatory? Yes. And no. Sort of. JavaScript references (like MDN) usually say that .slice() requires at least one argument, the start index. Calling .slice() with no arguments is like saying .slice(undefined). In the ECMAScript Language Spec, step 5 in the .slice() algorithm says "Let relativeStart be ToInteger(start)". If you look at the algorithm for the abstract operation ToInteger(), which in turn uses ToNumber(), you'll see that it ends up converting undefined to 0.

Still, in my own code I would always say .slice(0), not .slice() - to me it seems neater.

Solution 2 - Javascript

array.slice() = array shallow copy and is a shorter form of array.slice()

> Is there any reason for doing this, or is the author just making the code more complicated than it should be?

Yes there may be a reason in the following cases (for which we do not have a clue, on whether they apply, in the provided code):

  • checkVal() or getBufferElement() modify the content of the arrays passed to them (as second and first argument respectively). In this case the code author wants to prevent the global variable _buffer's content from being modified when calling unmaskedvalue().
  • The function passed to $.map runs asynchronously. In this case the code author wants to make sure that the passed callback will access the array content as it was during unmaskedvalue() execution (e.g. Another event handler could modify _buffer content after unmaskedvalue() execution and before $.map's callback execution).

If none of the above is the case then, yes, the code would equally work without using .slice(). In this case maybe the code author wants to play safe and avoid bugs from future code changes that would result in unforeseen _buffer content modifications.


When saying: "prevent the global variable _buffer's content from being modified" it means to achieve the following:

  • _buffer[0].someProp = "new value" would reflect in the copied array.
  • _buffer[0] = "new value" would not reflect in the copied array.

(For preventing changes also in the first bullet above, array deep clone can be used, but this is out of the discussed context)

Note 2:

In ES6

var buffer = _buffer.slice();

can also be written as

var buffer = [..._buffer];


All content for this solution is sourced from the original question on Stackoverflow.

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Content TypeOriginal AuthorOriginal Content on Stackoverflow
Questionuser886596View Question on Stackoverflow
Solution 1 - JavascriptnnnnnnView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 2 - JavascriptMarinos AnView Answer on Stackoverflow