Ruby on Rails - Import Data from a CSV file

Ruby on-RailsCsvImport

Ruby on-Rails Problem Overview

I would like to import data from a CSV file into an existing database table. I do not want to save the CSV file, just take the data from it and put it into the existing table. I am using Ruby 1.9.2 and Rails 3.

This is my table:

create_table "mouldings", :force => true do |t|
  t.string   "suppliers_code"
  t.datetime "created_at"
  t.datetime "updated_at"
  t.string   "name"
  t.integer  "supplier_id"
  t.decimal  "length",         :precision => 3, :scale => 2
  t.decimal  "cost",           :precision => 4, :scale => 2
  t.integer  "width"
  t.integer  "depth"

Can you give me some code to show me the best way to do this, thanks.

Ruby on-Rails Solutions

Solution 1 - Ruby on-Rails

require 'csv'    

csv_text ='...')
csv = CSV.parse(csv_text, :headers => true)
csv.each do |row|

Solution 2 - Ruby on-Rails

Simpler version of yfeldblum's answer, that is simpler and works well also with large files:

require 'csv'    

CSV.foreach(filename, headers: true) do |row|

No need for with_indifferent_access or symbolize_keys, and no need to read in the file to a string first.

It doesnt't keep the whole file in memory at once, but reads in line by line and creates a Moulding per line.

Solution 3 - Ruby on-Rails

The smarter_csv gem was specifically created for this use-case: to read data from CSV file and quickly create database entries.

  require 'smarter_csv'
  options = {}
  SmarterCSV.process('input_file.csv', options) do |chunk|
    chunk.each do |data_hash|
      Moulding.create!( data_hash )

You can use the option chunk_size to read N csv-rows at a time, and then use Resque in the inner loop to generate jobs which will create the new records, rather than creating them right away - this way you can spread the load of generating entries to multiple workers.

See also:

Solution 4 - Ruby on-Rails

You might try Upsert:

require 'upsert' # add this to your Gemfile
require 'csv'    

u = Moulding.connection, Moulding.table_name
CSV.foreach(file, headers: true) do |row|
  selector = { name: row['name'] } # this treats "name" as the primary key and prevents the creation of duplicates by name
  setter = row.to_hash
  u.row selector, setter

If this is what you want, you might also consider getting rid of the auto-increment primary key from the table and setting the primary key to name. Alternatively, if there is some combination of attributes that form a primary key, use that as the selector. No index is necessary, it will just make it faster.

Solution 5 - Ruby on-Rails

This can help. It has code examples too:

Or for a rake task for doing the same:

Solution 6 - Ruby on-Rails

It is better to wrap the database related process inside a transaction block. Code snippet blow is a full process of seeding a set of languages to Language model,

require 'csv'

namespace :lan do
  desc 'Seed initial languages data with language & code'
  task init_data: :environment do
    puts '>>> Initializing Languages Data Table'
    ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do
      csv_path = File.expand_path('languages.csv', File.dirname(__FILE__))
      csv_str =
      csv =
      csv.each do |lan_set|
        lan_code = lan_set[0]
        lan_str = lan_set[1]
        Language.create!(language: lan_str, code: lan_code)
        print '.'
    puts ''
    puts '>>> Languages Database Table Initialization Completed'

Snippet below is a partial of languages.csv file,


Solution 7 - Ruby on-Rails

I know it's old question but it still in first 10 links in google.

It is not very efficient to save rows one-by-one because it cause database call in the loop and you better avoid that, especially when you need to insert huge portions of data.

It's better (and significantly faster) to use batch insert.

INSERT INTO `mouldings` (suppliers_code, name, cost)
    ('s1', 'supplier1', 1.111), 
    ('s2', 'supplier2', '2.222')

You can build such a query manually and than do Model.connection.execute(RAW SQL STRING) (not recomended) or use gem activerecord-import (it was first released on 11 Aug 2010) in this case just put data in array rows and call Model.import rows

refer to gem docs for details

Solution 8 - Ruby on-Rails

Use this gem:

class Moulding < ActiveRecord::Base

Then you may now use:


Just be sure to that your headers match the column names of your table

Solution 9 - Ruby on-Rails

The better way is to include it in a rake task. Create import.rake file inside /lib/tasks/ and put this code to that file.

desc "Imports a CSV file into an ActiveRecord table"
task :csv_model_import, [:filename, :model] => [:environment] do |task,args|
  lines =[:filename], "r:ISO-8859-1").readlines
  header = lines.shift.strip
  keys = header.split(',')
  lines.each do |line|
    values = line.strip.split(',')
    attributes = Hash[ values]

After that run this command in your terminal rake csv_model_import[file.csv,Name_of_the_Model]

Solution 10 - Ruby on-Rails

The following module can be extended on any model and it will import the data according to the column headers defined in the CSV.


  • This is a great internal tool, for customer use I would recommend adding safeguards and sanitization
  • The column names in the CSV must be exactly like the DB schema or it won't work
  • It can be further improved by using the table name to get the headers vs defining them in the file

Create a file named "csv_importer.rb" in your models/concerns folder

module CsvImporter
  extend ActiveSupport::Concern  
  require 'csv'
  def convert_csv_to_book_attributes(csv_path)
    csv_rows =
    columns = csv_rows[0].map(&:strip).map(&:to_sym)
    return columns, csv_rows
  def import_by_csv(csv_path)
    columns, attributes_array = convert_csv_to_book_attributes(csv_path)
    message = ""
      self.import columns, attributes_array, validate: false
      message = "Import Successful."
    rescue => e
      message = e.message
    return message

Add extend CsvImporter to whichever model you would like to extend this functionality to.

In your controller you can have an action like the following to utilize this functionality:

def import_file
   model_name = params[:table_name].singularize.camelize.constantize
   csv = params[:file].path
   @message = model_name.import_by_csv(csv)

Solution 11 - Ruby on-Rails

It's better to use CSV::Table and use String.encode(universal_newline: true). It converting CRLF and CR to LF

Solution 12 - Ruby on-Rails

If you want to Use SmartCSV

all_data = SmarterCSV.process(
               :col_sep => "\t", 
               :row_sep => "\n" 

This represents tab delimited data in each row "\t" with rows separated by new lines "\n"


All content for this solution is sourced from the original question on Stackoverflow.

The content on this page is licensed under the Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) license.

Content TypeOriginal AuthorOriginal Content on Stackoverflow
QuestionfreshestView Question on Stackoverflow
Solution 1 - Ruby on-RailsyfeldblumView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 2 - Ruby on-RailsTom De LeuView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 3 - Ruby on-RailsTiloView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 4 - Ruby on-RailsSeamus AbshereView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 5 - Ruby on-RailsKalyan MadduView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 6 - Ruby on-RailsX.CreatesView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 7 - Ruby on-RailsYaroslavView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 8 - Ruby on-RailsMichael NeraView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 9 - Ruby on-RailsIpsagelView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 10 - Ruby on-RailsHeshie BeeView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 11 - Ruby on-RailsVaisakh VMView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 12 - Ruby on-RailsMaged MakledView Answer on Stackoverflow