MySQL cannot create foreign key constraint

MysqlIndexingForeign Keys

Mysql Problem Overview

I'm having some problems creating a foreign key to an existing table in a mysql database.

I have the table exp:

| Field       | Type             | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| EID         | varchar(45)      | NO   | PRI | NULL    |       |
| Comment     | text             | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| Initials    | varchar(255)     | NO   |     | NULL    |       |
| ExpDate     | date             | NO   |     | NULL    |       |
| InsertDate  | date             | NO   |     | NULL    |       |
| inserted_by | int(11) unsigned | YES  | MUL | NULL    |       |

and I wan't to create a new table called sample_df referencing this, using the following:

CREATE TABLE sample_df (
df_id mediumint(5) unsigned AUTO_INCREMENT primary key,
sample_type mediumint(5) unsigned NOT NULL,
df_above_1000 BOOLEAN NOT NULL,
target INT(11) unsigned NOT NULL,
assay MEDIUMINT(5) unsigned zerofill NOT NULL,
inserted_by INT(11) unsigned NOT NULL,
initials varchar(255),
experiment VARCHAR(45),
CONSTRAINT FOREIGN KEY (inserted_by) REFERENCES user (iduser),
CONSTRAINT FOREIGN KEY (sample_type) REFERENCES sample_type (ID),

But I get the error:

ERROR 1215 (HY000): Cannot add foreign key constraint

To get some more information I did:


From which I got:

Cannot find an index in the referenced table where the
referenced columns appear as the first columns, or column types
in the table and the referenced table do not match for constraint.

To me the column types seem to match, since they are both varchar(45).(I also tried setting the experiment column to not null, but this didn't fix it) So I guess the problem must be that Cannot find an index in the referenced table where the referenced columns appear as the first columns. But I'm not quite sure what this means, or how to check/fix it. Does anyone have any suggestions? And what is meant by first columns?

Mysql Solutions

Solution 1 - Mysql

Just throwing this into the mix of possible causes, I ran into this when the referencing table column had the same "type" but did not have the same signing.

In my case, the referenced table colum was TINYINT UNSIGNED and my referencing table column was TINYINT SIGNED. Aligning both columns solved the issue.

Solution 2 - Mysql

This error can also occur, if the references table and the current table don't have the same character set.

Solution 3 - Mysql

According to

> MySQL requires indexes on foreign keys and referenced keys so that > foreign key checks can be fast and not require a table scan. In the > referencing table, there must be an index where the foreign key > columns are listed as the first columns in the same order. > > InnoDB permits a foreign key to reference any index column or group of > columns. However, in the referenced table, there must be an index > where the referenced columns are listed as the first columns in the > same order.

So if the index in referenced table is exist and it is consists from several columns, and desired column is not first, the error shall be occurred.

The cause of our error was due to violation of following rule:

> Corresponding columns in the foreign key and the referenced key must > have similar data types. The size and sign of integer types must be > the same. The length of string types need not be the same. For > nonbinary (character) string columns, the character set and collation > must be the same.

Solution 4 - Mysql

As mentioned @Anton, this could be because of the different data type. In my case I had primary key BIGINT(20) and tried to set foreight key with INT(10)

Solution 5 - Mysql

Mine was a collation issue between the referenced table and the to be created table so I had to explicitly set the collation type of the key I was referencing.

  • First I ran a query at referenced table to get its collation type
show table STATUS like '<table_name_here>';
  • Then I copied the collation type and explicitly stated employee_id's collation type at the creation query. In my case it was utf8_general_ci
CREATE TABLE dbo.sample_db
  employee_id varchar(45) COLLATE utf8_general_ci NOT NULL,
  event_date_time DATETIME,
  CONSTRAINT sample_db_event_event_id_fk FOREIGN KEY (event_id) REFERENCES event (event_id),
  CONSTRAINT sample_db_employee_employee_id_fk FOREIGN KEY (employee_id) REFERENCES employee (employee_id)

Solution 6 - Mysql

In my case, it turned out the referenced column wasn't declared primary or unique.

Solution 7 - Mysql

For me it was just the charset and collation of the DB. I changed to utf8_unicode_ci and works

Solution 8 - Mysql

In my case, it was an incompatibility with ENGINE and COLLATE, once i added ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci it worked

CREATE TABLE `some_table` (
      `id` varchar(36) NOT NULL,
      `col_id` varchar(36) NOT NULL,
      PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
      CONSTRAINT `FK_some_table_cols_col_id` FOREIGN KEY (`col_id`) REFERENCES `ref_table` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE,
  ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci;

Solution 9 - Mysql

The exact order of the primary key also needs to match with no extra columns in between.

I had a primary key setup where the column order actually matches, but the problem was the primary key had an extra column in it that is not part of the foreign key of the referencing table

e.g.) table 2, column (a, b, c) -> table 1, column (a, b, d, c) -- THIS FAILS

I had to reorder the primary key columns so that not only they're ordered the same way, but have no extra columns in the middle:

e.g.) table 2, column (a, b, c) -> table 1, column (a, b, c, d) -- THIS SUCCEEDS

Solution 10 - Mysql

I had this error as well. None of the answers pertained to me. In my case, my GUI automatically creates a table with a primary unique identifier as "unassigned". This fails when I try and create a foreign key and gives me the exact same error. My primary key needs to be assigned.

If you write the SQL itself like so id int unique auto_increment then you don't have this issue but for some reason my GUI does this instead id int unassigned unique auto_increment.

Hope this helps someone else down the road.

Solution 11 - Mysql

In my case was created using integer for the id, and the referencing table was creating by default a foreign key using bigint.

This caused a big nightmare in my Rails app as the migration failed but the fields were actually created in DB, so they showed up in the DB but not in the schema of the Rails app.

Solution 12 - Mysql

Referencing the same column more than once in the same constraint also produces this Cannot find an index in the referenced table error, but can be difficult to spot on large tables. Split up the constraints and it will work as expected.

Solution 13 - Mysql

In some cases, I had to make the referenced field unique on top of defining it as the primary key.

But I found that not defining it as unique doesn't create a problem in every case. I have not been able to figure out the scenarios though. Probably something to do with nullable definition.

Solution 14 - Mysql

Just to throw another solution in the mix. I had on delete set to set null but the field that i was putting the foreign key on was NOT nullable so making it nullable allowed the foreign key to be created.

As others have said the following things can be an issue

Field Length - INT -> BIGINT, VARCHAR(20) -> VARCHAR(40)
Unsigned - UNSIGNED -> Signed
Mixed Collations

Solution 15 - Mysql

And just to add to this , I've had the same issue today

Both fields were int of same length etc, however, one was unsigned and this was enough to break it.

Both needed to be declared as unsigned

Solution 16 - Mysql

I had the same problem with writing this piece of code in the OnModelCreating method My problem was completely solved and my tables and migrations were created without errors. Please try it

var cascadeFKs = modelBuilder.Model.GetEntityTypes()
    .SelectMany(t => t.GetForeignKeys())
    .Where(fk => !fk.IsOwnership && fk.DeleteBehavior == DeleteBehavior.Cascade);

foreach (var fk in cascadeFKs)
    fk.DeleteBehavior = DeleteBehavior.Restrict;

Solution 17 - Mysql

It is mostly because the old table you are referring to does not have the suitable data type / collation / engine with the new table. The way to detect the difference is dumping that old table out and see how the database collect the information to have the dump script

mysqldump -uroot -p -h127.0.0.1 your_database your_old_table > dump_table.sql

It will give you enough information for you to compare

create table your_old_table
    `id`  varchar(32) not null,
) Engine = InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb3;

This only works if you have the permission to dump your table scheme

Solution 18 - Mysql

I spent hours trying to get this to work. It turned out I had an older version of Heidi, which was not displaying the UNSIGNED attribute in the create table statement (Heidi bug), which I had used to copy from. Couldn't see it in the table design view either.

So the original table had an UNSIGNED attribute, but my foreign key didn't. The solution was upgrading Heidi, and adding the UNSIGNED attribute in the create table .

CREATE TABLE `extension` (
	`ExtensionId` INT NOT NULL,
	`AccountId` INT NOT NULL,
	INDEX `AccountId` (`AccountId`) USING BTREE,

Change to:



All content for this solution is sourced from the original question on Stackoverflow.

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Content TypeOriginal AuthorOriginal Content on Stackoverflow
QuestionnumfarView Question on Stackoverflow
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Solution 2 - MysqlPratik SinghalView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 3 - MysqlAntonView Answer on Stackoverflow
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Solution 9 - MysqlNelsonView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 10 - MysqlPaul CarltonView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 11 - MysqlhelenatxuView Answer on Stackoverflow
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Solution 13 - MysqlsprkshView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 14 - MysqlBrettView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 15 - MysqlAlex HellierView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 16 - MysqlAhmad HadizadehView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 17 - MysqlThai TranView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 18 - Mysqllive-loveView Answer on Stackoverflow