How to set tbody height with overflow scroll


Html Problem Overview

I am facing problem while setting tbody height width overflow scroll.


       <h3>Table B</h3>
    <table style="border: 1px solid red;width:300px;display:block">
        <tbody style='height:50px;display:block;overflow:scroll'>

Visit my fiddle here

I want table B like Table A with overflow scroll.

Any help will be appreciated.

Many Thanks, M.

Html Solutions

Solution 1 - Html

If you want tbody to show a scrollbar, set its display: block;.

Set display: table; for the tr so that it keeps the behavior of a table.

To evenly spread the cells, use table-layout: fixed;.

DEMO tbody scroll


table, tr td {
    border: 1px solid red
tbody {
    display: block;
    height: 50px;
    overflow: auto;
thead, tbody tr {
    display: table;
    width: 100%;
    table-layout: fixed;/* even columns width , fix width of table too*/
thead {
    width: calc( 100% - 1em )/* scrollbar is average 1em/16px width, remove it from thead width */
table {
    width: 400px;

If tbody doesn't show a scroll, because content is less than height or max-height, set the scroll any time with: overflow-y: scroll;. DEMO 2

<editS/updateS> 2019 - 04/2021

  • Important note: this approach to making a table scrollable has drawbacks in some cases. (See comments below.) some of the duplicate answers in this thread deserves the same warning by the way >WARNING: this solution disconnects the thead and tbody cell grids; which means that in most practical cases, you will not have the cell alignment you expect from tables. Notice this solution uses a hack to keep them sort-of aligned: thead { width: calc( 100% - 1em ) }

  • Anyhow, to set a scrollbar, a display reset is needed to get rid of the table-layout (which will never show scrollbar).

  • Turning the <table> into a grid via display:grid/contents will also leave a gap in between header and scrollable part, to mind about. (idem if built from divs)

  • overflow:overlay; has not yet shown up in Firefox ( keep watching it)

  • position:sticky will require a parent container which can be the scrolling one. make sure your thead can be sticky if you have a few rows and rowspan/colspan headers in it (it does not with chrome).

So far, there is no perfect solution yet via CSS only. there is a few average ways to choose along so it fits your own table (table-layout:fixed; is .. fixing table and column's width, but javascript could probably be used to reset those values => exit pure CSS)

Solution 2 - Html

Another approach is to wrap your table in a scrollable element and set the header cells to stick to the top.

The advantage of this approach is that you don't have to change the display on tbody and you can leave it to the browser to calculate column width while keeping the header cell widths in line with the data cell column widths.

/* Set a fixed scrollable wrapper */
.tableWrap {
  height: 200px;
  border: 2px solid black;
  overflow: auto;
/* Set header to stick to the top of the container. */
thead tr th {
  position: sticky;
  top: 0;

/* If we use border,
we must use table-collapse to avoid
a slight movement of the header row */
table {
 border-collapse: collapse;

/* Because we must set sticky on th,
 we have to apply background styles here
 rather than on thead */
th {
  padding: 16px;
  padding-left: 15px;
  border-left: 1px dotted rgba(200, 209, 224, 0.6);
  border-bottom: 1px solid #e8e8e8;
  background: #ffc491;
  text-align: left;
  /* With border-collapse, we must use box-shadow or psuedo elements
  for the header borders */
  box-shadow: 0px 0px 0 2px #e8e8e8;

/* Basic Demo styling */
table {
  width: 100%;
  font-family: sans-serif;
table td {
  padding: 16px;
tbody tr {
  border-bottom: 2px solid #e8e8e8;
thead {
  font-weight: 500;
  color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.85);
tbody tr:hover {
  background: #e6f7ff;

<div class="tableWrap">
        <td><span>Invite | Delete</span></td>
        <td>February. An extra long string.</td>
        <td><span>Invite | Delete</span></td>
        <td><span>Invite | Delete</span></td>
        <td><span>Invite | Delete</span></td>
        <td><span>Invite | Delete</span></td>
        <td><span>Invite | Delete</span></td>
        <td><span>Invite | Delete</span></td>
        <td><span>Invite | Delete</span></td>
        <td><span>Invite | Delete</span></td>
        <td><span>Invite | Delete</span></td>
        <td><span>Invite | Delete</span></td>
        <td><span>Invite | Delete</span></td>

Solution 3 - Html

It is simple way to use scroll bar to table body

/* It is simple way to use scroll bar to table body*/

table tbody {
  display: block;
  max-height: 300px;
  overflow-y: scroll;

table thead, table tbody tr {
  display: table;
  width: 100%;
  table-layout: fixed;

    <th>Invoice Number</th>
    <th>Invoice Amount</th>
    <th>Invoice Date</th>
      <td>Dinesh Vaitage</td>
      <td>Dinesh Vaitage</td>
      <td>Dinesh Vaitage</td>
      <td>Dinesh Vaitage</td>
      <td>Dinesh Vaitage</td>
      <td>Dinesh Vaitage</td>
      <td>Dinesh Vaitage</td>
      <td>Dinesh Vaitage</td>
      <td>Dinesh Vaitage</td>
      <td>Dinesh Vaitage</td>
      <td>Dinesh Vaitage</td>
      <td>Dinesh Vaitage</td>
      <td>Dinesh Vaitage</td>
      <td>Dinesh Vaitage</td>
      <td>Dinesh Vaitage</td>
      <td>Dinesh Vaitage</td>
      <td>Dinesh Vaitage</td>
      <td>Dinesh Vaitage</td>

Solution 4 - Html

By default overflow does not apply to table group elements unless you give a display:block to <tbody> also you have to give a position:relative and display: block to <thead>. Check the DEMO.

.fixed {
  table-layout: fixed;
  border-collapse: collapse;
.fixed th {
  text-decoration: underline;
.fixed th,
.fixed td {
  padding: 5px;
  text-align: left;
  min-width: 200px;

.fixed thead {
  background-color: red;
  color: #fdfdfd;
.fixed thead tr {
  display: block;
  position: relative;
.fixed tbody {
  display: block;
  overflow: auto;
  width: 100%;
  height: 100px;
  overflow-y: scroll;
    overflow-x: hidden;

Solution 5 - Html

Simplest of all solutions:

Add the below code in CSS:

.tableClassName tbody {
  display: block;
  max-height: 200px;
  overflow-y: scroll;

.tableClassName thead, .tableClassName tbody tr {
  display: table;
  width: 100%;
  table-layout: fixed;
.tableClassName thead {
  width: calc( 100% - 1.1em );

> 1.1 em is the average width of the scroll bar, please modify this if needed.

Solution 6 - Html

Based on this answer, here's a minimal solution if you're already using Bootstrap:

div.scrollable-table-wrapper {
  height: 500px;
  overflow: auto;

  thead tr th {
    position: sticky;
    top: 0;

<div class="scrollable-table-wrapper">
  <table class="table">

Tested on Bootstrap v3

Solution 7 - Html

Change your second table code like below.

<table style="border: 1px solid red;width:300px;display:block;">
        <td width=150>Name</td>
        <td width=150>phone</td>
<tbody style='height:50px;overflow:auto;display:block;width:317px;'>
        <td width=150>AAAA</td>
        <td width=150>323232</td>


Solution 8 - Html

In my case I wanted to have responsive table height instead of fixed height in pixels as the other answers are showing. To do that I used percentage of visible height property and overflow on div containing the table:

&__table-container {
  height: 70vh;
  overflow: scroll;

This way the table will expand along with the window being resized.

Solution 9 - Html


<table id="uniquetable">
		<th> {{ field[0].key }} </th>
		<th> {{ field[1].key }} </th>
		<th> {{ field[2].key }} </th>
		<th> {{ field[3].key }} </th>
	  <tr v-for="obj in objects" v-bind:key="">
		<td> {{ }} </td>
		<td> {{ }} </td>
		<td> {{ obj.age }} </td>
		<td> {{ obj.gender }} </td>


#uniquetable thead{
    width: 100%;
#uniquetable tbody{
    width: 100%;
    height: 100px;
#uniquetable tbody tr,#uniquetable thead tr{
    width: 100%;
#uniquetable tbody tr td, #uniquetable thead tr th{
   width:20% !important;

this will work as well:

#uniquetable tbody {
    width:inherit !important;
    max-height: 400px;
  #uniquetable thead {
    width:inherit !important;
  #uniquetable tbody tr, #uniquetable thead tr {
  #uniquetable tbody tr td,  #uniquetable thead tr th {
    text-overflow: ellipsis;
    overflow: hidden;

Solution 10 - Html

Making scrolling tables is always a challenge. This is a solution where the table is scrolled both horizontally and vertically with fixed height on tbody making theader and tbody "stick" (without display: sticky). I've added a "big" table just to show. I got inspiration from G-Cyrillus to make the tbody display:block; But when it comes to width of a cell (both in header and body), it's depending on the inside content. Therefore I added content with specific width inside each cell, both in thead and minimum first row in tbody (the other rows adapt accordingly)

.go-wrapper {
    overflow-x: auto;
    width: 100%;
.go-wrapper table {
    width: auto;
.go-wrapper table tbody {
    display: block;
    height: 220px;
    overflow: auto;
.go-wrapper table thead {
    display: table;
.go-wrapper table tfoot {
    display: table;
.go-wrapper table thead tr, 
.go-wrapper table tbody tr,
.go-wrapper table tfoot tr {
    display: table-row;

.go-wrapper table th,
.go-wrapper table td { 
    white-space: nowrap; 

.go-wrapper .aw-50  { min-height: 1px; width: 50px; }
.go-wrapper .aw-100 { min-height: 1px; width: 100px; }
.go-wrapper .aw-200 { min-height: 1px; width: 200px; }
.go-wrapper .aw-400 { min-height: 1px; width: 400px; }

/***** Colors *****/
.go-wrapper table {
    border: 2px solid red
.go-wrapper table thead, 
.go-wrapper table tbody, 
.go-wrapper table tfoot {
    outline: 1px solid green
.go-wrapper td {
    outline: 1px solid blue

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                                <td><div class="aw-200">AAAAA</div></td>
                                <td><div class="aw-50" >15</div></td>
                                <td><div class="aw-100">07.04.2020</div></td>
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                                <td>Project 1</td>
                                <td>Blah blah blah</td>
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                                <td>Project 1</td>
                                <td>Blah blah blah</td>
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                                <td>Blah blah blah</td>
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                                <td>Project 1</td>
                                <td>Blah blah blah</td>
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                                <td>Project 1</td>
                                <td>Blah blah blah</td>
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                                <td>Project 1</td>
                                <td>Blah blah blah</td>
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                                <td>Project 1</td>
                                <td>Blah blah blah</td>
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                                <td>Project 1</td>
                                <td>Blah blah blah</td>
                                <td><div class="checker"><span><input type="checkbox" class="styled"></span></div></td>
                                <td>Project 1</td>
                                <td>Blah blah blah</td>
                                <td><div class="checker"><span><input type="checkbox" class="styled"></span></div></td>
                                <td>Project 1</td>
                                <td>Blah blah blah</td>
                                <td><div class="checker"><span><input type="checkbox" class="styled"></span></div></td>
                                <td>Project 1</td>
                                <td>Blah blah blah</td>
                                <td><div class="checker"><span><input type="checkbox" class="styled"></span></div></td>
                                <td>Project 1</td>
                                <td>Blah blah blah</td>
                                <td><div class="checker"><span><input type="checkbox" class="styled"></span></div></td>
                                <td>Project 1</td>
                                <td>Blah blah blah</td>
                                <td><div class="checker"><span><input type="checkbox" class="styled"></span></div></td>
                                <td>Project 1</td>
                                <td>Blah blah blah</td>
                                <td><div class="checker"><span><input type="checkbox" class="styled"></span></div></td>
                                <td>Project 1</td>
                                <td>Blah blah blah</td>
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                                <td>Project 1</td>
                                <td>Blah blah blah</td>
                                <td><div class="checker"><span><input type="checkbox" class="styled"></span></div></td>
                                <td>Project 1</td>
                                <td>Blah blah blah</td>
                                <td><div class="checker"><span><input type="checkbox" class="styled"></span></div></td>
                                <td>Project 1</td>
                                <td>Blah blah blah</td>
                                <td><div class="checker"><span><input type="checkbox" class="styled"></span></div></td>
                                <td>Project 1</td>
                                <td>Blah blah blah</td>
                                <td><div class="checker"><span><input type="checkbox" class="styled"></span></div></td>
                                <td>Project 1</td>
                                <td>Blah blah blah</td>
                                <td><div class="checker"><span><input type="checkbox" class="styled"></span></div></td>
                                <td>Project 1</td>
                                <td>Blah blah blah</td>
                                <td><div class="checker"><span><input type="checkbox" class="styled"></span></div></td>
                                <td>Project 1</td>
                                <td>Blah blah blah</td>
                                <td><div class="checker"><span><input type="checkbox" class="styled"></span></div></td>
                                <td>Project 1</td>
                                <td>Blah blah blah</td>
                                <td><div class="checker"><span><input type="checkbox" class="styled"></span></div></td>
                                <td>Project 1</td>
                                <td>Blah blah blah</td>
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                                <th><div class="aw-400">Text</div></th>
                                <th><div class="aw-200">Activity</div></th>
                                <th><div class="aw-50" >Hours</th>
                                <th><div class="aw-50" >Pause</div></th>
                                <th><div class="aw-100">Status</div></th>
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Solution 11 - Html

I guess what you're trying to do, is to keep the header fixed and to scroll the body content. You can scroll the content into 2 directions:

  • horizontally: you won't be able to scroll the content horizontally unless you use a slider (a jQuery slider for example). I would recommend to avoid using a table in this case.
  • vertically: you won't be able to achieve that with a tbody tag, because assigning display:block or display:inline-block will break the layout of the table.

Here's a solution using divs: JSFiddle


<div class="wrap_header">
	<div class="column">
	<div class="column">
	<div class="clearfix"></div>
<div class="wrap_body">
	<div class="sliding_wrapper">
		<div class="serie">
			<div class="cell">
			<div class="cell">
			<div class="clearfix"></div>
		<div class="serie">
			<div class="cell">
			<div class="cell">
			<div class="clearfix"></div>
		<div class="serie">
			<div class="cell">
			<div class="cell">
			<div class="clearfix"></div>


.wrap_body {width:221px;}
.sliding_wrapper {overflow-y:scroll; overflow-x:none;}
.wrap_body {height:45px;}
.wrap_body {overflow:hidden;}
.column {width:100px; float:left; border:1px solid red;}
.cell {width:100px; float:left; border:1px solid red;}

 * @info Clearfix: clear all the floated elements
.clearfix:after {
	content:" ";
.clearfix {display:inline-table;}

 * @hack Display the Clearfix as a block element
 * @hackfor Every browser except IE for Macintosh
	/* Hides from IE-mac \*/
	* html .clearfix {height:1%;}
	.clearfix {display:block;}
	/* End hide from IE-mac */


You have a sliding wrapper which will contain all the data.

Note the following:

.wrap_body {width:221px;}

There's a difference of 17px because we need to take into consideration the width of the scrollbar.

Solution 12 - Html

Webkit seems to use internally display: table-row-group for the tbody tag. There is currently a bug with setting height to it:

Let's hope it will be solved soon.

Solution 13 - Html

Here is a good example for table scrolling across x and y way. Horizontal and vertical scrolling is the best thing for responsive table.

table, th, tr, td {
  border: 1px solid lightgrey;
  border-collapse: collapse;
tbody {
  max-height: 200px;
max-width: 200px;
  overflow: auto;
  display: block;
  table-layout: fixed;

tr {
  display: table;

     <input type="checkbox"> 
























































































     <input type="checkbox"> 
























































































     <input type="checkbox"> 
























































































     <input type="checkbox"> 
























































































     <input type="checkbox"> 
























































































     <input type="checkbox"> 
























































































     <input type="checkbox"> 
























































































     <input type="checkbox"> 
























































































     <input type="checkbox"> 
























































































     <input type="checkbox"> 
























































































     <input type="checkbox"> 
























































































     <input type="checkbox"> 
























































































     <input type="checkbox"> 
     <input type="checkbox"> 
     <input type="checkbox"> 


All content for this solution is sourced from the original question on Stackoverflow.

The content on this page is licensed under the Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) license.

Content TypeOriginal AuthorOriginal Content on Stackoverflow
QuestionAmit KumarView Question on Stackoverflow
Solution 1 - HtmlG-CyrillusView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 2 - HtmlbrandonkalView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 3 - HtmlDinesh VaitageView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 4 - HtmlKheema PandeyView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 5 - HtmlGil BaggioView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 6 - HtmlErJabView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 7 - HtmlSuresh PonnukalaiView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 8 - HtmlkazuarView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 9 - Htmlbermz kastralView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 10 - HtmlJørgen Rudolph LåkerView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 11 - HtmlWissam El-KikView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 12 - HtmlKarl AdlerView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 13 - HtmlOtabek SadiridinovView Answer on Stackoverflow