How to fold/unfold HTML tags with Vim


Html Problem Overview

Is there some plugin to fold HTML tags in Vim?
Or there is another way to setup a shortcut to fold or unfold html tags?
I would like to fold/unfold html tags just like I do with indentation folding.

Html Solutions

Solution 1 - Html

I have found zfat (or, equally, zfit) works well for folding with HTML documents. za will toggle (open or close) an existing fold. zR opens all the folds in the current document, zM effectively re-enables all existing folds marked in the document.

If you find yourself using folds extensively, you could make some handy keybindings for yourself in your .vimrc.

Solution 2 - Html

If you indent your HTML the following should work:

set foldmethod=indent

The problem with this, I find, is there are too many folds. To get around this I use zO and zc to open and close nested folds, respectively.

See help fold-indent for more information:

The folds are automatically defined by the indent of the lines.

The foldlevel is computed from the indent of the line, divided by the
'shiftwidth' (rounded down).  A sequence of lines with the same or higher fold
level form a fold, with the lines with a higher level forming a nested fold.

The nesting of folds is limited with 'foldnestmax'.

Some lines are ignored and get the fold level of the line above or below it,
whichever is lower.  These are empty or white lines and lines starting
with a character in 'foldignore'.  White space is skipped before checking for
characters in 'foldignore'.  For C use "#" to ignore preprocessor lines.

When you want to ignore lines in another way, use the 'expr' method.  The
indent() function can be used in 'foldexpr' to get the indent of a line.

Solution 3 - Html

Folding html with foldmethod syntax, which is simpler.

This answer is based on HTML syntax folding in vim. author is @Ingo Karcat.

  1. set your fold method to be syntax with the following:

    vim command line :set foldmethod=syntax

    or put the setting in ~/.vim/after/ftplugin/html.vim

    setlocal foldmethod=syntax
  2. Also note so far, the default syntax script only folds a multi-line tag itself, not the text between the opening and closing tag.

        So, this gets folded:
        And this doesn't
                <b>text between here</b>
  3. To get folded between tags, you need extend the syntax script, via the following, best place into ~/.vim/after/syntax/html.vim

    The syntax folding is performed between all but void html elements (those which don't have a closing sibling, like <br>)

    syntax region htmlFold start="<\z(\<\(area\|base\|br\|col\|command\|embed\|hr\|img\|input\|keygen\|link\|meta\|para\|source\|track\|wbr\>\)\@![a-z-]\+\>\)\%(\_s*\_[^/]\?>\|\_s\_[^>]*\_[^>/]>\)" end="</\z1\_s*>" fold transparent keepend extend containedin=htmlHead,htmlH\d

Solution 4 - Html

Install js-beautify command(JavaScript version)

npm -g install js-beautify  
wget --no-check-certificate -O google.index.html  
js-beautify -f google.index.html  -o orignal html: orignal

js-beautify and vim fold:

js-beautify and vim fold

Solution 5 - Html

Add on to answer by James Lai. Initially my foldmethod=syntax so zfat won't work. Solution is to set the foldemethod to manual

:setlocal foldmethod=manual

to check which foldmethod in use,

:setlocal foldmethod?

Solution 6 - Html

Firstly set foldmethod=syntax and try zfit to fold start tag and zo to unfold tags, It works well on my vim.


All content for this solution is sourced from the original question on Stackoverflow.

The content on this page is licensed under the Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) license.

Content TypeOriginal AuthorOriginal Content on Stackoverflow
QuestionnsbmView Question on Stackoverflow
Solution 1 - HtmlJames LaiView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 2 - HtmlihohbetoView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 3 - HtmlsoarinblueView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 4 - HtmlkainanView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 5 - HtmlkenView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 6 - HtmlRyan ChouView Answer on Stackoverflow