How to draw a crystal ball with two-color particles inside

RMatlabPlotComputer Vision

R Problem Overview

I am just throwing an idea with possibility of closing. I need to draw a crystal ball in which red and blue particles randomly locate. I guess I have to go with photoshop, and even tried to make the ball in an image but as this is for research paper and does not have to be fancy, I wonder if there is any way to program with R, matlab, or any other language.

R Solutions

Solution 1 - R

In R, using the rgl package (R-to-OpenGL interface):

n <- 100
randcoord <- function(n=100,r=1) {
    d <- data.frame(rho=runif(n)*r,phi=runif(n)*2*pi,psi=runif(n)*2*pi)

enter image description here

Solution 2 - R

This is very similar to Ben Bolker's answer, but I'm demonstrating how one might add a bit of an aura to the crystal ball by using some mystical coloring:

lapply(seq(0.01, 1, by=0.01), function(x) rgl.spheres(0,0,0, rad=1.1*x, alpha=.01,
rgl.spheres(0,0,0, radius=1.11, col="red", alpha=.1)
rgl.spheres(0,0,0, radius=1.12, col="black", alpha=.1)
rgl.spheres(0,0,0, radius=1.13, col="white", alpha=.1)

xyz <- matrix(rnorm(3*100), ncol=3)
xyz <- xyz * runif(100)^(1/3) / sqrt(rowSums(xyz^2))

rgl.spheres(xyz[1:50,], rad=.02, col="blue")
rgl.spheres(xyz[51:100,], rad=.02, col="red")"black")

enter image description hereenter image description here

The only difference between the two is in the lapply call. You can see that just by changing the colors in colorRampPalette you can change the look of the crystal ball significantly. The one on the left uses the lapply code above, the one on the right uses this instead:

lapply(seq(0.01, 1, by=0.01), function(x) rgl.spheres(0,0,0,rad=1.1*x, alpha=.01,
...code from above

Here is a different approach where you can define your own texture file and use that to color the crystal ball:

# create a texture file, get as creative as you want:
x <- seq(1,870)
y <- seq(1,610)
z <- matrix(rnorm(870*610), nrow=870)
z <- t(apply(z,1,cumsum))/100

# Swirly texture options:
# Use the Simon O'Hanlon's roll function from this answer:
# roll <- function( x , n ){
#   if( n == 0 )
#     return( x )
#   c( tail(x,n) , head(x,-n) )
# }

# One option
# z <- mapply(function(x,y) roll(z[,x], y), x = 1:ncol(z), y=1:ncol(z))
# Another option
# z <- mapply(function(x,y) roll(z[,x], y), x = 1:ncol(z), y=rep(c(1:50,51:2), 10))[1:870, 1:610]
# One more
# z <- mapply(function(x,y) roll(z[,x], y), x = 1:ncol(z), y=rep(seq(0, 100, by=10), each=5))[1:870, 1:610]
image(x, y, z, col = colorRampPalette(c("cyan","black"))(100), axes = FALSE)

xyz <- matrix(rnorm(3*100), ncol=3)
xyz <- xyz * runif(100)^(1/3) / sqrt(rowSums(xyz^2))

rgl.spheres(xyz[1:50,], rad=.02, col="blue")
rgl.spheres(xyz[51:100,], rad=.02, col="red")

rgl.spheres(0,0,0, rad=1.1, texture="texture.png", alpha=0.4, back="cull")
rgl.viewpoint(phi=90, zoom=.75) # change the view if need be"black")

enter image description hereenter image description here!enter image description hereenter image description here

The first image on the top left is what you get if you just run the code above, the other three are the results of using the different options in the commented out code.

Solution 3 - R

As the question is

> I wonder if there is any way to program with R, matlab, or any other language.

and TeX is Turing complete and can be considered a programming language, I took some time and created an example in LaTeX using TikZ. As the OP writes it is for a research paper, this comes with the advantage that it can directly be integrated into the paper, assuming it is also written in LaTeX.

So, here goes:

\usetikzlibrary{positioning, backgrounds}

\begin{tikzpicture}[background rectangle/.style={fill=black},                    show background rectangle,                   ] 

    % Definitions

    % Draw all red points
    \foreach \i in {1,...,\nRed}
        % Get random coordinates
        % Convert to x/y/z
        \fill[ball color=blue] (\mz,\mx,\my) circle (\pointRadius);
    % Draw all blue points
    \foreach \i in {1,...,\nBlue}
        % Get random coordinates
        % Convert to x/y/z
        \fill[ball color=red] (\mz,\mx,\my) circle (\pointRadius);
    % Draw ball
    \shade[ball color=blue!10!white,opacity=0.65] (0,0) circle (\ballRadius);


And the result:


Solution 4 - R

I just had to generate something as shiny as the R-answer in Matlab :) So, here is my late-night, overly complicated, super-slow solution, but my it's pretty ain't it? :)

figure(1), clf, hold on

    'Position',[-3 -1 0],...

colormap cool

[x,y,z] = sphere(50);

lighting phong
shading interp
grid off

blues = 2*rand(15,3)-1;
reds  = 2*rand(15,3)-1;
R     = linspace(0.001, 0.02, 20);

done = false;
while ~done
    indsB = sum(blues.^2,2)>1-0.02;    
    if any(indsB)
        done = false;
        blues(indsB,:) = 2*rand(sum(indsB),3)-1; 
        done = true;
    indsR = sum( reds.^2,2)>1-0.02;
    if any(indsR)
        done = false;
        reds(indsR,:) = 2*rand(sum(indsR),3)-1; 
        done = done && true;

nR = numel(R);
[x,y,z] = sphere(15);
for ii = 1:size(blues,1)
    for jj = 1:nR        
        surf(x*R(jj)-blues(ii,1), y*R(jj)-blues(ii,2), z*R(jj)-blues(ii,3), ...
            'edgecolor', 'none', ...
            'facecolor', [1-jj/nR 1-jj/nR 1],...
            'facealpha', exp(-(jj-1)/5));

nR = numel(R);
[x,y,z] = sphere(15);
for ii = 1:size(reds,1)
    for jj = 1:nR        
        surf(x*R(jj)-reds(ii,1), y*R(jj)-reds(ii,2), z*R(jj)-reds(ii,3), ...
            'edgecolor', 'none', ...
            'facecolor', [1 1-jj/nR 1-jj/nR],...
            'facealpha', exp(-(jj-1)/5));

    'SpecularColorReflectance',0.4 ,...

axis equal

enter image description here

Solution 5 - R

I'd recommend you have a look at a ray-tracing program, for instance povray. I don't know much of the language, but fiddling around with some examples I managed to produce this without too much effort.

enter image description here

background { color rgb <1,1,1,1> }
#include ""
#include "" 

#declare R = 3;
#declare Rs = 0.05;
#declare Rd = R - Rs ;

camera {location <1, 10 ,1>
right <0, 4/3, 0>
 up    <0,0.1,1>
 look_at  <0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0>}

light_source { 

light_source{<15,25,-25> color  rgb <1,1,1> }

#declare T_05 = texture { pigment { color Clear } finish { F_Glass1 } } 

#declare Ball =	sphere {
	<0,0,0>, R
	  pigment { rgbf <0.75,0.8,1,0.9> } // A blue-tinted glass

  { phong 0.5 phong_size 40  // A highlight
    reflection 0.2  // Glass reflects a bit
	interior{ior 1.5}

#declare redsphere =	sphere {
	<0,0,0>, Rs
	    pigment{color Red}
      texture { T_05 } interior { I_Glass4 fade_color Col_Red_01 }}
#declare bluesphere =	sphere {
	<0,0,0>, Rs
    pigment{color Blue}
      texture { T_05 } interior { I_Glass4 fade_color Col_Blue_01 }}
object{ Ball }

#declare Rnd_1 = seed (123);
 #for (Cntr, 0, 200)
#declare rr = Rd* rand( Rnd_1);
#declare theta = -pi/2 + pi * rand( Rnd_1);
#declare phi = -pi+2*pi* rand( Rnd_1);
#declare xx = rr * cos(theta) * cos(phi);
#declare yy = rr * cos(theta) * sin(phi);
#declare zz = rr * sin(theta) ;
object{ bluesphere  translate  <xx , yy , zz > }
#declare rr = Rd* rand( Rnd_1);
#declare theta = -pi/2 + pi * rand( Rnd_1);
#declare phi = -pi+2*pi* rand( Rnd_1);
#declare xx = rr * cos(theta) * cos(phi);
#declare yy = rr * cos(theta) * sin(phi);
#declare zz = rr * sin(theta) ;
object{ redsphere  translate  <xx , yy , zz > }

Solution 6 - R

A bit late in the game, but here's a Matlab code that implements scatter3sph (from FEX)

figure('Color', [0.04 0.15 0.4]);
nos = 11; % number small of spheres
S= 3; %small spheres sizes
X= Grid_Size*(0.5+rand(2*nos,1));
Y= Grid_Size*(0.5+rand(2*nos,1));
Z= Grid_Size*(0.5+rand(2*nos,1));
%Small spheres colors: (Red & Blue)
C= ones(nos,1)*[0 0 1];
C= [C;ones(nos,1)*[1 0 0]];
% Plot big Sphere
scatter3sph(Grid_Size,Grid_Size,Grid_Size,'size',220,'color',[0.9 0.9 0.9]); hold on
light('Position',[0 0 0],'Style','local');
material shiny 
% Plot small spheres 
axis equal; axis tight; grid off
view([108 -42]);

enter image description here

Solution 7 - R

In Javascript with d3.js: or > Run Code Snippet

Useful for publishing online.

var particleChangePerMs = 1000;
var particleTotal = 250;
var particleSizeInRelationToCircle = 75;

var svgWidth = (window.innerWidth > window.innerHeight) ? window.innerHeight : window.innerWidth;
var svgHeight = (window.innerHeight > window.innerWidth) ? window.innerWidth : window.innerHeight;

var circleX = svgWidth / 2;
var circleY = svgHeight / 2;
var circleRadius = (circleX / 4) + (circleY / 4);
var circleDiameter = circleRadius * 2;

var particleX = function() {
  return Math.floor(Math.random() * circleDiameter) + circleX - circleRadius;
var particleY = function() {
  return Math.floor(Math.random() * circleDiameter) + circleY - circleRadius;
var particleRadius = function() {
  return circleDiameter / particleSizeInRelationToCircle;
var particleColorList = [
var particleColor = function() {
  return "url(#" + particleColorList[Math.floor(Math.random() * particleColorList.length)] + "Gradient)";

var svg ="#quantumBall")
  .attr("width", svgWidth)
  .attr("height", svgHeight);

var blackGradient = svg.append("svg:defs")
  .attr("id", "blackGradient")
  .attr("cx", "50%")
  .attr("cy", "50%")
  .attr("radius", "90%")

  .attr("offset", "80%")
  .attr("stop-color", "black")

  .attr("offset", "100%")
  .attr("stop-color", "grey")

var redGradient = svg.append("svg:defs")
  .attr("id", "redGradient")
  .attr("x1", "0%")
  .attr("y1", "0%")
  .attr("x2", "100%")
  .attr("y2", "100%")
  .attr("spreadMethod", "pad");

  .attr("offset", "0%")
  .attr("stop-color", "red")
  .attr("stop-opacity", 1);

  .attr("offset", "100%")
  .attr("stop-color", "pink")
  .attr("stop-opacity", 1);

var blueGradient = svg.append("svg:defs")
  .attr("id", "blueGradient")
  .attr("x1", "0%")
  .attr("y1", "0%")
  .attr("x2", "100%")
  .attr("y2", "100%")
  .attr("spreadMethod", "pad");

  .attr("offset", "0%")
  .attr("stop-color", "blue")
  .attr("stop-opacity", 1);

  .attr("offset", "100%")
  .attr("stop-color", "skyblue")
  .attr("stop-opacity", 1);

  .attr("r", circleRadius)
  .attr("cx", circleX)
  .attr("cy", circleY)
  .attr("fill", "url(#blackGradient)");

function isParticleInQuantumBall(particle) {
  var x1 = circleX;
  var y1 = circleY;
  var r1 = circleRadius;
  var x0 = particle.x;
  var y0 = particle.y;
  var r0 = particle.radius;
  return Math.sqrt((x1 - x0) * (x1 - x0) + (y1 - y0) * (y1 - y0)) < (r1 - r0);

function randomizedParticles() {
  d3.selectAll("svg > .particle").remove();
  var particle = {};
  particle.radius = particleRadius();
  for (var i = 0; i < particleTotal;) {
    particle.x = particleX();
    particle.y = particleY();
    particle.color = particleColor();
    if (isParticleInQuantumBall(particle)) {
        .attr("class", "particle")
        .attr("cx", particle.x)
        .attr("cy", particle.y)
        .attr("r", particle.radius)
        .attr("fill", particle.color);

setInterval(randomizedParticles, particleChangePerMs);

<script src=""></script>
<div id="quantumBall"></div>

Solution 8 - R

Another solution with Matlab.

[x,y,z] = sphere(50);
[img] = imread('crystal.jpg');

figure('Color',[0 0 0]);
hold on;

i = 0;
while i<100
    px = randn();
    py = randn();
    pz = randn();
    d = pdist([0 0 0; px py pz],'euclidean');
    if d<1
        if mod(i,2)==0
            scatter3(px, py, pz,30,'ro','filled');
            scatter3(px, py, pz,30,'bo','filled');
        i = i+1;

hold off;

axis equal;
axis off;


enter image description here

Solution 9 - R

In R you can use the rasterImage function to add to a current plot, you could either create/download a nice image of a crystal ball and load it into R (see png, EBImage, or other packages) then make it semi-transparent and use rasterImage to add it to the current plot. I would probably plot your 2 colored points first, then do the image of the ball over the top (with transparency they will still be visible and look like they are inside).

A simpler approach (though probably not as nice looking) is to just draw a semitransparent grey circle using the polygon function to represent the ball.

If you want to do this in 3 dimensions then look at the rgl package, here is a basic example:

spheres3d(0,0,0, radius=1, color='lightgrey', alpha=0.2)
spheres3d(c(.3,-.3),c(-.2,.4),c(.1,.2), color=c('red','blue'),
	 alpha=1, radius=0.15)


All content for this solution is sourced from the original question on Stackoverflow.

The content on this page is licensed under the Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) license.

Content TypeOriginal AuthorOriginal Content on Stackoverflow
QuestionTae-Sung ShinView Question on Stackoverflow
Solution 1 - RBen BolkerView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 2 - RJotaView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 3 - RhbadertsView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 4 - RRody OldenhuisView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 5 - RbaptisteView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 6 - RblaView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 7 - RjjcosareView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 8 - RHuá dé ní 華得尼View Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 9 - RGreg SnowView Answer on Stackoverflow