How to convert an array to object in PHP?


Php Problem Overview

How can I convert an array like this to an object?

[128] => Array
        [status] => "Figure A.
 Facebook's horizontal scrollbars showing up on a 1024x768 screen resolution."

[129] => Array
        [status] => "The other day at work, I had some spare time"

Php Solutions

Solution 1 - Php

In the simplest case, it's probably sufficient to "cast" the array as an object:

$object = (object) $array;

Another option would be to instantiate a standard class as a variable, and loop through your array while re-assigning the values:

$object = new stdClass();
foreach ($array as $key => $value)
    $object->$key = $value;

As Edson Medina pointed out, a really clean solution is to use the built-in json_ functions:

$object = json_decode(json_encode($array), FALSE);

This also (recursively) converts all of your sub arrays into objects, which you may or may not want. Unfortunately it has a 2-3x performance hit over the looping approach.

Warning! (thanks to Ultra for the comment):

> json_decode on different enviroments converts UTF-8 data in different ways. I end up getting on of values '240.00' locally and '240' on production - massive dissaster. Morover if conversion fails string get's returned as NULL

Solution 2 - Php

you can simply use type casting to convert an array to object.

// *convert array to object* Array([id]=> 321313[username]=>shahbaz)
$object = (object) $array_name;

//now it is converted to object and you can access it.
echo $object->username;

Solution 3 - Php

The easy way would be

$object = (object)$array;

But that's not what you want. If you want objects you want to achieve something, but that's missing in this question. Using objects just for the reason of using objects makes no sense.

Solution 4 - Php

Quick hack:

// assuming $var is a multidimensional array
$obj = json_decode (json_encode ($var), FALSE);

Not pretty, but works.

Solution 5 - Php

Here are three ways:

  1. Fake a real object:

     class convert
         public $varible;
         public function __construct($array)
             $this = $array;
         public static function toObject($array)
             $array = new convert($array);
             return $array;
  2. Convert the array into an object by casting it to an object:

     $array = array(
         // ...
     $object = (object) $array;
  3. Manually convert the array into an object:

     $object = object;
     foreach ($arr as $key => $value) {
         $object->{$key} = $value;

Solution 6 - Php

Its way to simple, This will create an object for recursive arrays as well:

$object = json_decode(json_encode((object) $yourArray), FALSE);

Solution 7 - Php

Depending on where you need that and how to access the object there are different ways to do it.

For example: just typecast it

$object =  (object) $yourArray;

However, the most compatible one is using a utility method (not yet part of PHP) that implements standard PHP casting based on a string that specifies the type (or by ignoring it just de-referencing the value):

 * dereference a value and optionally setting its type
 * @param mixed $mixed
 * @param null  $type (optional)
 * @return mixed $mixed set as $type
function rettype($mixed, $type = NULL) {
    $type === NULL || settype($mixed, $type);
    return $mixed;

The usage example in your case (Online Demo):

$yourArray = Array('status' => 'Figure A. ...');

echo rettype($yourArray, 'object')->status; // prints "Figure A. ..."

Solution 8 - Php

You can use the (object) function to convert your array into an object.

$arr= [128=> ['status'=>
                 'Figure A. Facebook \'s horizontal scrollbars showing up on a 1024x768 screen resolution.'],
                  129=>['status'=>'The other day at work, I had some spare time']];


The result will be an object that contains arrays:

> object(stdClass)#1048 (2) { [128]=> array(1) { > > ["status"]=> > string(87) "Figure A. Facebook 's horizontal scrollbars showing up on a 1024x768 screen resolution." }
> > [129]=> array(1) { > ["status"]=> > string(44) "The other day at work, I had some spare time" } }

Solution 9 - Php

This one worked for me

  function array_to_obj($array, &$obj)
    foreach ($array as $key => $value)
      if (is_array($value))
      $obj->$key = new stdClass();
      array_to_obj($value, $obj->$key);
        $obj->$key = $value;
  return $obj;

function arrayToObject($array)
 $object= new stdClass();
 return array_to_obj($array,$object);

usage :

$myobject = arrayToObject($array);

returns :

    [127] => stdClass Object
            [status] => Have you ever created a really great looking website design

    [128] => stdClass Object
            [status] => Figure A.
 Facebook's horizontal scrollbars showing up on a 1024x768 screen resolution.

    [129] => stdClass Object
            [status] => The other day at work, I had some spare time

like usual you can loop it like:

foreach($myobject as $obj)
  echo $obj->status;

Solution 10 - Php

There's no built-in method to do it as far as I'm aware, but it's as easy as a simple loop:

    $obj= new stdClass();

    foreach ($array as $k=> $v) {
        $obj->{$k} = $v;

You can expound on that if you need it to build your object recursively.

Solution 11 - Php

I also had this issue, but I noticed that json_decode converts JSON array to object.

So, I came about my solution by using json_encode($PHPArray) which returns A JSON string of object, then I decoded the string with Json_decode($string) and it would return a perfectly structured object. Shorthand

$object = json_decode(json_encode($array));


$jsonString = json_encode($array);
$object = json_decode($jsonString);

Solution 12 - Php

Actually if you want to use this with multi-dimensional arrays you would want to use some recursion.

static public function array_to_object(array $array)
	foreach($array as $key => $value)
			$array[$key] = self::array_to_object($value);
	return (object)$array;

Solution 13 - Php

I would definitly go with a clean way like this :


class Person {

  private $name;
  private $age;
  private $sexe;

  function __construct ($payload)
     if (is_array($payload))

  public function from_array($array)
     foreach(get_object_vars($this) as $attrName => $attrValue)
        $this->{$attrName} = $array[$attrName];

  public function say_hi ()
     print "hi my name is {$this->name}";

$mike = new Person($_POST);


if you submit:


you will get this:


I found this more logical comparing the above answers from Objects should be used for the purpose they've been made for (encapsulated cute little objects).

Also using get_object_vars ensure that no extra attributes are created in the manipulated Object (you don't want a car having a family name, nor a person behaving 4 wheels).

Solution 14 - Php

Little complicated but easy to extend technique:

Suppose you have an array

$a = [
     'name' => 'ankit',
     'age' => '33',
     'dob' => '1984-04-12'

Suppose you have have a Person class which may have more or less attributes from this array. for example

class Person 
    private $name;
    private $dob;
    private $age;
    private $company;
    private $city;

If you still wanna change your array to the person object. You can use ArrayIterator Class.

$arrayIterator = new \ArrayIterator($a); // Pass your array in the argument.

Now you have iterator object.

Create a class extending FilterIterator Class; where you have to define the abstract method accept. Follow the example

class PersonIterator extends \FilterIterator
    public function accept()
        return property_exists('Person', parent::current());

The above impelmentation will bind the property only if it exists in the class.

Add one more method in the class PersonIterator

public function getObject(Person $object)
        foreach ($this as $key => $value)
            $object->{'set' . underscoreToCamelCase($key)}($value);
        return $object;

Make sure you have mutators defined in your class. Now you are ready to call these function where you want to create object.

$arrayiterator = new \ArrayIterator($a);
$personIterator = new \PersonIterator($arrayiterator);

$personIterator->getObject(); // this will return your Person Object. 

Solution 15 - Php

You could also use an ArrayObject, for example:

    $arr = array("test",
    $o = new ArrayObject($arr);
    echo $o->offsetGet(2)["two"],"\n";
    foreach ($o as $key=>$val){
        if (is_array($val)) {
            foreach($val as $k => $v) {
               echo $k . ' => ' . $v,"\n";
               echo $val,"\n";

  one => 1
  two => 2
  three => 3
  one => 1
  two => 2
  three => 3

Solution 16 - Php

The one I use (it is a class member):

const MAX_LEVEL = 5; // change it as needed

public function arrayToObject($a, $level=0)

	if(!is_array($a)) {
		throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Type %s cannot be cast, array expected', gettype($a)));

	if($level > self::MAX_LEVEL) {
		throw new OverflowException(sprintf('%s stack overflow: %d exceeds max recursion level', __METHOD__, $level));

	$o = new stdClass();
	foreach($a as $key => $value) {
		if(is_array($value)) { // convert value recursively
			$value = $this->arrayToObject($value, $level+1);
		$o->{$key} = $value;
	return $o;

Solution 17 - Php

recursion is your friend:

function __toObject(Array $arr) {
    $obj = new stdClass();
    foreach($arr as $key=>$val) {
        if (is_array($val)) {
            $val = __toObject($val);
        $obj->$key = $val;
    return $obj;

Solution 18 - Php

This requires PHP7 because I chose to use a lambda function to lock away the 'innerfunc' within the main function. The lambda function is called recursively, hence the need for: "use ( &$innerfunc )". You could do it in PHP5 but could not hide the innerfunc.

function convertArray2Object($defs) {
    $innerfunc = function ($a) use ( &$innerfunc ) {
	   return (is_array($a)) ? (object) array_map($innerfunc, $a) : $a; 
    return (object) array_map($innerfunc, $defs);

Solution 19 - Php

use this function that i've made:

function buildObject($class,$data){
    $object = new $class;
    foreach($data as $key=>$value){
    return $object;


$myObject = buildObject('MyClassName',$myArray);

Solution 20 - Php

one liner

$object= json_decode(json_encode($result_array, JSON_FORCE_OBJECT));

Solution 21 - Php


$object = json_decode(json_encode($array));


$array = array(
    'key' => array(
        'k' => 'value',
    'group' => array('a', 'b', 'c')

$object = json_decode(json_encode($array));

Then, the following is true:

$object->key->k === 'value';
$object->group === array('a', 'b', 'c')

Solution 22 - Php

You could also do this by adding (object) on left of variable to create a new object.

$a = Array
    ( 'status' => " text" );
$b = (object)$a;

Solution 23 - Php

Using json_encode is problematic because of the way that it handles non UTF-8 data. It's worth noting that the json_encode/json_encode method also leaves non-associative arrays as arrays. This may or may not be what you want. I was recently in the position of needing to recreate the functionality of this solution but without using json_ functions. Here's what I came up with:

 * Returns true if the array has only integer keys
function isArrayAssociative(array $array) {
    return (bool)count(array_filter(array_keys($array), 'is_string'));

 * Converts an array to an object, but leaves non-associative arrays as arrays. 
 * This is the same logic that `json_decode(json_encode($arr), false)` uses.
function arrayToObject(array $array, $maxDepth = 10) {
    if($maxDepth == 0) {
        return $array;

    if(isArrayAssociative($array)) {
        $newObject = new \stdClass;
        foreach ($array as $key => $value) {
            if(is_array($value)) {
                $newObject->{$key} = arrayToObject($value, $maxDepth - 1);
            } else {
                $newObject->{$key} = $value;
        return $newObject;
    } else {

        $newArray = array();
        foreach ($array as $value) {
            if(is_array($value)) {
                $newArray[] = arrayToObject($value, $maxDepth - 1);
            } else {
                $newArray[] = $value;
        return $newArray;

Solution 24 - Php

Best Method in the WORLD :)

function arrayToObject($conArray)
        * Return array converted to object
        * Using __FUNCTION__ (Magic constant)
        * for recursive call
        return (object) array_map(__FUNCTION__, $conArray);
        // Return object
        return $conArray;

if you use different methods you will have problems. This is the best method. You have ever seen.

Solution 25 - Php

Obviously just an extrapolation of some other folks' answers, but here's the recursive function that will convert any mulch-dimensional array into an object:

   function convert_array_to_object($array){
      $obj= new stdClass();
      foreach ($array as $k=> $v) {
         if (is_array($v)){
            $v = convert_array_to_object($v);	
         $obj->{strtolower($k)} = $v;
      return $obj;

And remember that if the array had numeric keys they can still be referenced in the resulting object by using {} (for instance: $obj->prop->{4}->prop)

Solution 26 - Php

Multidimensional arrays into an object. this code is used for conversion of Bing search API try and catch method.

try {
        // Perform the Web request and get the JSON response
        $context = stream_context_create($options);
        $results = file_get_contents($url . "?cc=" . $country . "&category=" . $type, false, $context);
        $results = json_decode($results);
        return response()->json($results);
    } catch (\Exception $e) {
        $results = array('value' => array(
                (object) array(
                    "name" => "Unable to Retrive News",
                    "url" => "",
                    "image" => (object) array("thumbnail" => (object) array("contentUrl" => "")),
                    "publishedAt" => "",
                    "description" => "")
        $results = (object) $results;
        return response()->json($results);

Solution 27 - Php

You can use Reflection:


$array = ['name'=>'maria','age'=>33];

class Person {
    public $name;
    public $age;
    public function __construct(string $name, string $age){
        $this->name  = $name;
        $this->age = $age;

function arrayToObject(array $array, string $class_name){
    $r = new ReflectionClass($class_name);
    $object = $r->newInstanceWithoutConstructor();
    $list = $r->getProperties();
    foreach($list as $prop){
        $prop->setValue($object, $array[$prop->name]);
    return $object;

$pessoa1 = arrayToObject($array, 'Person');

Solution 28 - Php

CakePHP has a recursive Set::map class that basically maps an array into an object. You may need to change what the array looks like in order to make the object look the way you want it.

Worst case, you may be able to get a few ideas from this function.

Solution 29 - Php

Inspired by all these codes, i tried to create a enhanced version with support to: specific class name, avoid constructor method, 'beans' pattern and strict mode (set only existing properties):

    class Util {

static function arrayToObject($array, $class = 'stdClass', $strict = false) {
        if (!is_array($array)) {
            return $array;

        //create an instance of an class without calling class's constructor
        $object = unserialize(
                        'O:%d:"%s":0:{}', strlen($class), $class

        if (is_array($array) && count($array) > 0) {
            foreach ($array as $name => $value) {
                $name = strtolower(trim($name));
                if (!empty($name)) {
                    if(method_exists($object, 'set'.$name)){
                            if(property_exists($class, $name)){
                                $object->$name = Util::arrayToObject($value); 

                            $object->$name = Util::arrayToObject($value); 

            return $object;
        } else {
            return FALSE;

Solution 30 - Php


This function works as same as json_decode(json_encode($arr), false).

function arrayToObject(array $arr)
    $flat = array_keys($arr) === range(0, count($arr) - 1);
    $out = $flat ? [] : new \stdClass();

    foreach ($arr as $key => $value) {
        $temp = is_array($value) ? $this->arrayToObject($value) : $value;

        if ($flat) {
            $out[] = $temp;
        } else {
            $out->{$key} = $temp;

    return $out;


Test 1: Flat array

$arr = ["a", "b", "c"];


    0 => 'a',
    1 => 'b',
    2 => 'c',
    0 => 'a',
    1 => 'b',
    2 => 'c',

Test 2: Array of objects

$arr = [["a" => 1], ["a" => 1], ["a" => 1]];


    0 => stdClass::__set_state(array('a' => 1,)),
    1 => stdClass::__set_state(array('a' => 1,)),
    2 => stdClass::__set_state(array('a' => 1,)),
    0 => stdClass::__set_state(array('a' => 1,)),
    1 => stdClass::__set_state(array('a' => 1,)),
    2 => stdClass::__set_state(array('a' => 1,)),

Test 3: Object

$arr = ["a" => 1];


stdClass::__set_state(array('a' => 1,))
stdClass::__set_state(array('a' => 1,))

Solution 31 - Php

i have done it with quite simple way,

    $list_years 		= array();
	$object 			= new stdClass();
	$object->year_id   = 1 ;
	$object->year_name = 2001 ;
	$list_years[]		= $object;

Solution 32 - Php

function object_to_array($data)
    if (is_array($data) || is_object($data))
        $result = array();
        foreach ($data as $key => $value)
            $result[$key] = object_to_array($value);
        return $result;
    return $data;

function array_to_object($data)
    if (is_array($data) || is_object($data))
        $result= new stdClass();
        foreach ($data as $key => $value)
            $result->$key = array_to_object($value);
        return $result;
    return $data;

Solution 33 - Php

By using (array) and (object) as prefix, you can simply convert object array to standard array and vice-verse

//defining an array
$a = array('a'=>'1','b'=>'2','c'=>'3','d'=>'4');

//defining an object array
$obj = new stdClass();
$obj->a = '1';
$obj->b = '2';
$obj->c = '3';
$obj->d = '4';

print_r($a);echo '<br>';
print_r($obj);echo '<br>';

//converting object array to array
$b = (array) $obj;
print_r($b);echo '<br>';

//converting array to object
$c = (object) $a;
print_r($c);echo '<br>';

Solution 34 - Php

I use the following to parse Yaml files associative arrays into an object state.

This checks all supplied arrays if there are objects hiding there, and turns them also in objects.

     * Makes a config object from an array, making the first level keys properties a new object.
     * Property values are converted to camelCase and are not set if one already exists.
     * @param array $configArray Config array.
     * @param boolean $strict To return an empty object if $configArray is not an array
     * @return stdObject The config object
    public function makeConfigFromArray($configArray = [],$strict = true)
        $object = new stdClass();

        if (!is_array($configArray)) {
            if(!$strict && !is_null($configArray)) {
                return $configArray;
            return $object;

        foreach ($configArray as $name => $value) {
            $_name = camel_case($name);
            if(is_array($value)) {
                $makeobject = true;
                foreach($value as $key => $val) {
                    if(is_numeric(substr($key,0,1))) {
                        $makeobject = false;
                    if(is_array($val)) {
                        $value[$key] = $this->makeConfigFromArray($val,false);
                if($makeobject) {
                    $object->{$name} = $object->{$_name} = $this->makeConfigFromArray($value,false);
                else {
                    $object->{$name} = $object->{$_name} = $value;

            else {
                $object->{$name} = $object->{$_name} = $value;

        return $object;

This turns a yaml configured as

        type: formfield
            - a
            - b
            - c
            - d:

to an array consisting of:

array:1 [
  "fields" => array:1 [
    "abc" => array:2 [
      "type" => "formfield"
      "something" => array:4 [
        0 => "a"
        1 => "b"
        2 => "c"
        3 => array:1 [
          "d" => array:1 [
            "foo" => "bar"

to an object of:

  +"fields": {#326
    +"abc": {#324
      +"type": "formfield"
      +"something": array:4 [
        0 => "a"
        1 => "b"
        2 => "c"
        3 => {#328
          +"d": {#327
            +"foo": "bar"

Solution 35 - Php

If you need to cast an array to a specific class (as in my case I need the object to be of type Google_Service_AndroidPublisher_Resource_Inappproducts for my mock), you can str_replace the class name from stdClass to the intended class like this:

function castArrayToClass(array $array, string $className)
    //first cast the array to stdClass
    $subject = serialize((object)$array);
    //then change the class name
    $converted = str_replace(

    return unserialize($converted);


All content for this solution is sourced from the original question on Stackoverflow.

The content on this page is licensed under the Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) license.

Content TypeOriginal AuthorOriginal Content on Stackoverflow
QuestionstreetparadeView Question on Stackoverflow
Solution 1 - PhpjlbView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 2 - PhpShahbazView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 3 - PhpjohannesView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 4 - PhpEdson MedinaView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 5 - PhpJulius FView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 6 - PhpDPPView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 7 - PhphakreView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 8 - PhpNoha ShehabView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 9 - PhpstreetparadeView Answer on Stackoverflow
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Solution 11 - PhpUchephilzView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 12 - PhpNezzyView Answer on Stackoverflow
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Solution 14 - PhpAnkit VishwakarmaView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 15 - Phpslevy1View Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 16 - PhpTimSparrowView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 17 - PhpMinhajView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 18 - PhpChris JeffriesView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 19 - PhpDouraid ArfaouiView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 20 - PhpYesItsMeView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 21 - PhpEduardo CuomoView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 22 - PhpfedmichView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 23 - PhpDavidHView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 24 - PhpZezeronView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 25 - PhpBen DView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 26 - PhpKrishnamoorthy AcharyaView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 27 - PhpcelsowmView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 28 - PhpDooltazView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 29 - PhpcelsowmView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 30 - PhpacelotView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 31 - PhpMuhammadView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 32 - PhpMehmet Ali UlusanView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 33 - PhpVishnuPrasadView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 34 - PhpTschallackaView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 35 - Answer on Stackoverflow