How do I get the `.class` attribute from a generic type parameter?


Java Problem Overview

The accepted answer to this question describes how to create an instance of T in the Generic<T> class. This involves passing in a Class<T> parameter to the Generic constructor and callin the newInstance method from that.

A new instance of Generic<Bar> is then created, and the parameter Bar.class is passed in.

What do you do if the generic type parameter for the new Generic class is not some known class like Bar but is itself a generic type parameter? Suppose I had some other class Skeet<J> and I wanted to create a new instance of Generic<J> from inside that class. Then, if I try to pass in J.class I get the following compiler error:

cannot select from a type variable.

Is there any way around this?

The specific bit of code triggering the error for me is:

public class InputField<W extends Component & WidgetInterface>
                                                 extends InputFieldArray<W>
  public InputField(String labelText)
    super(new String[] {labelText}, W.class);
  /* ... */

public class InputFieldArray<W extends Component & WidgetInterface>
                                                                 extends JPanel
   /* ... */
  public InputFieldArray(String[] labelText, Class<W> clazz)
                          throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException
    /* ... */

    for (int i = 0 ; i < labelText.length ; i++) {
      newLabel = new JLabel(labelText[i]);
      newWidget = clazz.newInstance();
      /* ... */
    /* ... */
  /* ... */

The error happens, because I can't write W.class. Is there some other way of passing in the same information?

Java Solutions

Solution 1 - Java

Using .class on a type parameter isn't allowed - because of type erasure, W will have been erased to Component at runtime. InputField will need to also take a Class<W> from the caller, like InputFieldArray:

public InputField(String labelText, Class<W> clazz)
    super(new String[] {labelText}, clazz);

Solution 2 - Java

If you're using the GSON library, you can get the type of T easily by using TypeToken. The class documentation is available here:

I did it like this:

This is my class definition:

public class ManagerGeneric <T> {}

This is in my method:

// Get the type of generic parameter
Type typeOfT = new TypeToken<T>(){}.getType();
// Deserialize
T data = gson.fromJson(json, typeOfT);

Solution 3 - Java

W may not be available due to type erasure. You should require that a Class<W> is passed into the method. You get a class object and its generic ensures that only W and no subclass is passed in, due to covariance.

public InputField(String labelText, Class<W> cls)
    super(new String[] {labelText}, cls);

will take W.class but not WSubtype.class.


All content for this solution is sourced from the original question on Stackoverflow.

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Content TypeOriginal AuthorOriginal Content on Stackoverflow
QuestionJohn GowersView Question on Stackoverflow
Solution 1 - JavaPaul BelloraView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 2 - JavajdexView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 3 - JavananofaradView Answer on Stackoverflow