How can I solve a connection pool problem between ASP.NET and SQL Server?

.Netasp.netSql ServerSql Server-2005

.Net Problem Overview

The last few days we see this error message in our website too much:

> "Timeout expired. The timeout period > elapsed prior to obtaining a > connection from the pool. This may > have occurred because all pooled > connections were in use and max pool > size was reached."

We have not changed anything in our code in a while. I revised the code to check open connections which didn't close, but found everything to be fine.

  • How can I solve this?

  • Do I need to edit this pool?

  • How can I edit this pool's max number of connections?

  • What is the recommended value for a high traffic website?


Do I need to edit something in IIS?


I found that the number of active connections are anywhere from 15 to 31, and I found that the max allowed number of connections configured in SQL server is more than 3200 connections, is 31 too many or should I edit something in the ASP.NET configration?

.Net Solutions

Solution 1 - .Net

In most cases connection pooling problems are related to connection leaks. Your application probably doesn't close its database connections correctly and consistently. When you leave connections open, they remain blocked until the .NET garbage collector closes them for you by calling their Finalize() method.

You want to make sure that you are really closing the connection. For example the following code will cause a connection leak, if the code between .Open and Close throws an exception:

var connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString);

// some code

The correct way would be this:

var connection = new SqlConnection(ConnectionString);

     someCall (connection);


using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString))

When your function returns a connection from a class method make sure you cache it locally and call its Close method. You'll leak a connection using this code for example:

var command = new OleDbCommand(someUpdateQuery, getConnection());

result = command.ExecuteNonQuery();

The connection returned from the first call to getConnection() is not being closed. Instead of closing your connection, this line creates a new one and tries to close it.

If you use SqlDataReader or a OleDbDataReader, close them. Even though closing the connection itself seems to do the trick, put in the extra effort to close your data reader objects explicitly when you use them.

This article "Why Does a Connection Pool Overflow?" from MSDN/SQL Magazine explains a lot of details and suggests some debugging strategies:

  • Run sp_who or sp_who2. These system stored procedures return information from the sysprocesses system table that shows the status of and information about all working processes. Generally, you'll see one server process ID (SPID) per connection. If you named your connection by using the Application Name argument in the connection string, your working connections will be easy to find.
  • Use SQL Server Profiler with the SQLProfiler TSQL_Replay template to trace open connections. If you're familiar with Profiler, this method is easier than polling by using sp_who.
  • Use the Performance Monitor to monitor the pools and connections. I discuss this method in a moment.
  • Monitor performance counters in code. You can monitor the health of your connection pool and the number of established connections by using routines to extract the counters or by using the new .NET PerformanceCounter controls.

Solution 2 - .Net

Upon installing .NET Framework v4.6.1 our connections to a remote database immediately started timing out due to this change.

To fix simply add the parameter TransparentNetworkIPResolution in the connection string and set it to false:

> Server=myServerName;Database=myDataBase;Trusted_Connection=True;TransparentNetworkIPResolution=False

Solution 3 - .Net

Unless your usage went up a lot, it seems unlikely that there is just a backlog of work. IMO, the most likely option is that something is using connections and not releasing them promptly. Are you sure you are using using in all cases? Or (through whatever mechanism) releasing the connections?

Solution 4 - .Net

Did you check for DataReaders that are not closed and response.redirects before closing the connection or a datareader. Connections stay open when you dont close them before a redirect.

Solution 5 - .Net

We encounter this problem from time to time on our web site as well. The culprit in our case, is our stats/indexes getting out of date. This causes a previously fast running query to (eventually) become slow and time out.

Try updating statistics and/or rebuilding the indexes on the tables affected by the query and see if that helps.

Solution 6 - .Net

You can try that too, for solve timeout problem:

If you didn't add httpRuntime to your webconfig, add that in <system.web> tag

     <httpRuntime maxRequestLength="20000" executionTimeout="999999"/>


Modify your connection string like this;

 <add name="connstring" connectionString="Data Source=DSourceName;Initial Catalog=DBName;Integrated Security=True;Max Pool Size=50000;Pooling=True;" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />

At last use


Solution 7 - .Net

Yet another reason happened in my case, because of using async/await, resulting in the same error message:

> System.InvalidOperationException: 'Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to obtaining a connection from the pool. This may have occurred because all pooled connections were in use and max pool size was reached.'

Just a quick overview of what happened (and how I resolved it), hopefully this will help others in the future:

Finding the cause

This all happened in an ASP.NET Core 3.1 web project with Dapper and SQL Server, but I do think it is independent of that very kind of project.

First, I have a central function to get me SQL connections:

internal async Task<DbConnection> GetConnection()
    var r = new SqlConnection(GetConnectionString());
    await r.OpenAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
    return r;

I'm using this function in dozens of methods like e.g. this one:

public async Task<List<EmployeeDbModel>> GetAll()
    await using var conn = await GetConnection();
    var sql = @"SELECT * FROM Employee";

    var result = await conn.QueryAsync<EmployeeDbModel>(sql);
    return result.ToList();

As you can see, I'm using the new using statement without the curly braces ({, }), so disposal of the connection is done at the end of the function.

Still, I got the error about no more connections in the pool being available.

I started debugging my application and let it halt upon the exception happening. When it halted, I first did a look at the Call Stack window, but this only showed some location inside System.Data.SqlClient, and was no real help to me:

enter image description here

Next, I took a look at the Tasks window, which was of a much better help:

enter image description here

There were literally thousands of calls to my own GetConnection method in an "Awaiting" or "Scheduled" state.

When double-clicking such a line in the Tasks window, it showed me the related location in my code via the Call Stack window.

This helped my to find out the real reason of this behaviour. It was in the below code (just for completeness):

public async Task<IActionResult> LoadEmployees(
    DataSourceLoadOptions loadOption)
    var data = await CentralDbRepository.EmployeeRepository.GetAll();

    var list =
        data.Select(async d =>
                var values = await CentralDbRepository.EmployeeRepository.GetAllValuesForEmployee(d);
                return await d.ConvertToListItemViewModel(
    return Json(DataSourceLoader.Load(await list, loadOption));

In the above controller action, I first did a call to EmployeeRepository.GetAll() to get a list of models from the database table "Employee".

Then, for each of the returned models (i.e. for each row of the result set), I did again do a database call to EmployeeRepository.GetAllValuesForEmployee(d).

While this is very bad in terms of performance anyway, in an async context it behaves in a way, that it is eating up connection pool connections without releasing them appropriately.


I resolved it by removing the SQL query in the inner loop of the outer SQL query.

This should be done by either completely omitting it, or if required, move it to one/multilpe JOINs in the outer SQL query to get all data from the database in one single SQL query.

tl;dr / lessons learned

Don't do lots of SQL queries in a short amount of time, especially when using async/await.

Solution 8 - .Net

You can specify minimum and maximum pool size by specifying MinPoolSize=xyz and/or MaxPoolSize=xyz in the connection string. This cause of the problem could be a different thing however.

Solution 9 - .Net

I just had the same problem and wanted to share what helped me find the source: Add the Application name to your connection string and then monitor the open connections to the SQL Server

select st.text,
from sys.dm_exec_sessions as es
    inner join sys.dm_exec_connections as ec on es.session_id = ec.session_id
    cross apply sys.dm_exec_sql_text(ec.most_recent_sql_handle) st
where es.program_name = '<your app name here>'

Solution 10 - .Net

I have encountered this problem too, when using some 3rd party data layer in one of my .NET applications. The problem was that the layer did not close the connections properly.

We threw out the layer and created one ourselves, which always closes and disposes the connections. Since then we don't get the error anymore.

Solution 11 - .Net

In my case, I was not closing the DataReader object.

using (SqlCommand dbCmd = new SqlCommand("*StoredProcedureName*"))
using (dbCmd.Connection = new SqlConnection(WebConfigurationAccess.ConnectionString))
    dbCmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;

    //Add parametres
    dbCmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@ID", SqlDbType.Int)).Value = ID;


    var dr = dbCmd.ExecuteReader(); //created a Data reader here
    dr.Close();    //gotta close the data reader
    //dbCmd.Connection.Close(); //don't need this as 'using' statement should take care of this in its implicit dispose method.

Solution 12 - .Net

In addition to the posted solutions.

In dealing with 1000 pages of legacy code, each calling a common GetRS multiple times, here is another way to fix the issue:

In an existing common DLL, we added the CommandBehavior.CloseConnection option:

static public IDataReader GetRS(String Sql)
    SqlConnection dbconn = new SqlConnection(DB.GetDBConn());
    SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(Sql, dbconn);
    return cmd.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection);   

Then in each page, as long as you close the data reader, the connection is also automatically closed so connection leaks are prevented.

IDataReader rs = CommonDLL.GetRS("select * from table");
while (rs.Read())
    // do something
rs.Close();   // this also closes the connection

Solution 13 - .Net

This is mainly due to the connection not been closed in the application. Use "MinPoolSize" and "MaxPoolSize" in the connection string.

Solution 14 - .Net

If you are working on complex legacy code where a simple using(..) {..} isn't possible - as I was - you may want to check out the code snippet I posted in this SO question for a way to determine the call stack of the connection creation when a connection is potentially leaked (not closed after a set timeout). This makes it fairly easy to spot the cause of the leaks.

Solution 15 - .Net

Don't instantiate the sql connection too much times. Open one or two connections and use them for all next sql operations.

Seems that even when Disposeing the connections the exception is thrown.

Solution 16 - .Net

Use this:


Solution 17 - .Net

This problem i had in my code. I will paste some example code i have over came below error. The timeout period elapsed prior to obtaining a connection from the pool. This may have occurred because all pooled connections were in use and max pool size was reached.

 String query = "insert into STATION2(ID,CITY,STATE,LAT_N,LONG_W) values('" + a1 + "','" + b1 + "','" + c1 + "','" + d1 + "','" + f1 + "')";
    //,'" + d1 + "','" + f1 + "','" + g1 + "'
    SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(mycon);
    SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand();
    cmd.CommandText = query;
    cmd.Connection = con;

You want to close the connection each and every time. Before that i didn't us the close connect due to this i got error. After adding close statement i have over came this error

Solution 18 - .Net

I was facing the same problem, after hours of research I realized I was connected on Guest network without VPN so setting up VPN did the trick for me

Solution 19 - .Net

I also got this exact error log on my AWS EC2 instance.

There were no connection leaks since I was just deploying the alpha application (no real users), and I confirmed with Activity Monitor and sp_who that there are in fact no connections to the database.

My issue was AWS related - more specifically, with the Security Groups. See, only certain security groups had access to the RDS server where I hosted the database. I added an ingress rule with authorize-security-group-ingress command to allow access to the correct EC2 instance to the RDS server by using --source-group-name parameter. The ingress rule was added, I could see that on the AWS UI - but I got this error.

When I removed and then added the ingress rule manually on AWS UI - suddenly the exception was no more and the app was working.

Solution 20 - .Net

This problem I have encountered before. It ended up being an issue with the firewall. I just added a rule to the firewall. I had to open port 1433 so the SQL server can connect to the server.

Solution 21 - .Net

In my case, I had infinite loop (from a get Property trying to get value from database) which kept opening hundreds of Sql connections.

To reproduce the problem try this:

while (true)
    using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString))

Solution 22 - .Net

Yes, There is a way to change configuration. If you are on a dedicated server and simply need more SQL connections, you may update the "max pool size" entries in both connection strings by following these instructions:

  1. Log into your server using Remote Desktop
  2. Open My Computer (Windows - E) and go to C:\inetpub\vhosts[domain]\httpdocs
  3. Double click on the web.config file. This may just be listed as web if the file structure is set to hide extensions. This will open up Visual Basic or similar editor.
  4. Find your Connection Strings, these will look similar to the examples below :

"add name="SiteSqlServer" connectionString="server=(local);database=dbname;uid=dbuser;pwd=dbpassword;pooling=true;connection lifetime=120;max pool size=25;""

5.Change the max pool size=X value to the required pool size.

  1. Save and close your web.config file.

Solution 23 - .Net

Make sure you set up the correct settings for connection pool. This is very important as I have explained in the following article: You will see a drastic improvement in your application's performance if you follow it.

Solution 24 - .Net

I wasn't thinking this was my issue at first but in running through this list I discovered that it didn't cover what my issues was.

My issue was that I had a bug in which it tried to write the same record numerous times using entity framework. It shouldn't have been doing this; it was my bug. Take a look at the data you are writing. My thoughts are that SQL was busy writing a record, possibly locking and creating the timeout. After I fixed the area of code that was attempting to write the record multiple in sequential attempts, the error went away.

Solution 25 - .Net

You have leaked connections on your code. You may try to use using to certify that you're closing them.

using (SqlConnection sqlconnection1 = new SqlConnection(“Server=.\\SQLEXPRESS ;Integrated security=sspi;connection timeout=5”)) 
    SqlCommand sqlcommand1 = sqlconnection1.CreateCommand();
    sqlcommand1.CommandText = “raiserror (‘This is a fake exception’, 17,1)”;
    sqlcommand1.ExecuteNonQuery();  //this throws a SqlException every time it is called.
    sqlconnection1.Close(); //Still never gets called.
} // Here sqlconnection1.Dispose is _guaranteed_


All content for this solution is sourced from the original question on Stackoverflow.

The content on this page is licensed under the Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) license.

Content TypeOriginal AuthorOriginal Content on Stackoverflow
QuestionAmr ElgarhyView Question on Stackoverflow
Solution 1 - .NetsplattneView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 2 - .NetajbeavenView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 3 - .NetMarc GravellView Answer on Stackoverflow
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Solution 5 - .NetAlex CzartoView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 6 - .NetKa_YaView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 7 - .NetUwe KeimView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 8 - .NetmmxView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 9 - .NetManfred WippelView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 10 - .NetWim HaanstraView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 11 - .NetDevelopZenView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 12 - .NetDavid NelsonView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 13 - .Netsubramanian.mView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 14 - .NetLOASView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 15 - .Netuser586399View Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 16 - .NetJeno MView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 17 - .NetAravindhan RView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 18 - .NetSiphe ThonyamaView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 19 - .NetBorisView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 20 - .NetFeisal AswadView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 21 - .NetstomyView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 22 - .NetSrusti ThakkarView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 23 - .NetWaqas KamalView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 24 - .NetZonusView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 25 - .NetEduLopezView Answer on Stackoverflow