How can I define a variable in XAML?


Wpf Problem Overview

I have the following two buttons in XAML:

<Button Content="Previous"
<Button Content="Next"

How can I define "10" to be a variable so I can change it in one place, something like this:


<variable x:key="theMargin"/>
<Button Content="Previous"
        Margin="{Variable theMargin},0,0,{Variable theMargin}"/>
<Button Content="Next"
        Margin="0,0,{Variable theMargin},{Variable theMargin}"/>

Wpf Solutions

Solution 1 - Wpf

Try this:

add to the head of the xamlfile


Then Add this to the resource section:

<System:Double x:Key="theMargin">2.35</System:Double>

Lastly, use a thickness on the margin:

<Button Content="Next">
      <Thickness Top="{StaticResource theMargin}" Left="0" Right="0"
                  Bottom ="{StaticResource theMargin}" />

A lot of system types can be defined this way: int, char, string, DateTime, etc

Note: You're right... Had to do some better testing.. changed to code so that it should work

Solution 2 - Wpf

Similiar to Sorskoot's answer, you can add a thickness resource to use, thereby defining each margin direction independently

    <Thickness x:Key="myMargin" Top="5" Left="10" Right="10" Bottom ="5"></Thickness>

Then just use the Thickness as the Margin:

<Button Content="Next" Margin="{StaticResource myMargin}"/>

Solution 3 - Wpf

Why don't you try adding the value as a StaticResource?

Resources.Add("theMargin", 10);

Then you can get that value like this:

<Button Content="Previous"
        Margin="{StaticResource theMargin},0,0,{StaticResource theMargin}"/>
<Button Content="Next"
        Margin="0,0,{StaticResource theMargin},{StaticResource theMargin}"/>

Solution 4 - Wpf

You need invoke this before InitializeComponent or use INotifyPropertyChanged Interface after that

Solution 5 - Wpf

In .NET Core @Sorskoot's answer was working, but produced a warning. So instead I used this namespace declaration:



All content for this solution is sourced from the original question on Stackoverflow.

The content on this page is licensed under the Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) license.

Content TypeOriginal AuthorOriginal Content on Stackoverflow
QuestionEdward TanguayView Question on Stackoverflow
Solution 1 - WpfSorskootView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 2 - WpfCodyFView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 3 - WpfAndrew HareView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 4 - WpfinkubplView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 5 - Wpfmihails.kuzminsView Answer on Stackoverflow