Git for Perforce users


Git Problem Overview

I've been using Perforce for a number of years. I'd like to switch to using git for my personal code, but all of the git tutorials that I've seen either assume that you'e a complete source control n00b (which makes them incredibly tedious) or that you're used to svn (which I'm not).

I know p4, and I also understand the idea behind a distributed source control system (so I don't need a sales pitch, thanks). What I'd like is a translation table from p4 command to equivalent git commands, as well as the "can't live without" commands that have no p4 equivalent.

Since I suspect every p4 user uses a different subset of p4, here are some of the things I regularly do in p4 that I'd like to be able to do in git that aren't immediately obvious from the docs I've looked at:

  1. create multiple pending changelists in a single client. (p4 change)
  2. edit a pending changelist. (also p4 change)
  3. see a list of all of my pending changelists (p4 changes -s pending)
  4. list of all of the changed files in my client (p4 opened) or in a pending changelist (p4 describe)
  5. see a diff of a pending changelist (I use a wrapper script for this which uses p4 diff and p4 describe)
  6. for a given file, see which submitted changelists affected which lines (p4 annotate)
  7. for a given file, see a list of the descriptions of the changelists that affected the file (p4 log)
  8. submit a pending changelist (p4 submit -c)
  9. abort a pending changelist (p4 revert)

A lot of these revolve around "changelists". "changelist" is p4 terminology. What's the git equivalent term?

It sounds like branches might be what git users use in place of what p4 calls changelists. A bit confusing, since p4 also has something called a branch though they seem to be only vaguely related concepts. (Though I always thought p4's concept of a branch was pretty weird it is different yet again from the classic RCS concept of a branch.)

Anyway... I'm not sure how to accomplish what I normally do in p4 changelists with git's branches. In p4 I can do something like this:

$ p4 edit a.txt
$ p4 change a.txt
Change 12345 created.

At this point I have a changlist that contains a.txt. I can edit the description and continue working without submitting the changelist. Also, if it turns out that I need to make some changes to some other files, like say a bugfix in some other layer of the code, I can do that in the same client:

$ p4 edit z.txt
$ p4 change z.txt
Change 12346 created.

Now I have two separate changelists in the same client. I can work on these concurrently, and I don't need to do anything to "switch between" them. When it comes time to commit, I can submit them separately:

$ p4 submit -c 12346  # this will submit the changes to z.txt
$ p4 submit -c 12345  # this will submit the changes to a.txt

I can't figure out how to replicate this in git. From my experiments, it doesn't appear that git add is associated with the current branch. As far as I can tell, when I git commit it's going to commit all files that I git add-ed no matter what branch I was in at the time:

$ git init
Initialized empty Git repository in /home/laurence/git-playground/.git/
$ ls
a.txt  w.txt  z.txt
$ git add -A .
$ git commit
 Initial commit.
 3 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 a.txt
 create mode 100644 w.txt
 create mode 100644 z.txt
$ vi a.txt z.txt 
2 files to edit
$ git status
# On branch master
# Changed but not updated:
#   (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
#   (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
#	modified:   a.txt
#	modified:   z.txt
no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")
$ git branch aardvark
$ git checkout aardvark
M	a.txt
M	z.txt
Switched to branch 'aardvark'
$ git add a.txt 
$ git checkout master
M	a.txt
M	z.txt
Switched to branch 'master'
$ git branch zebra
$ git checkout zebra
M	a.txt
M	z.txt
Switched to branch 'zebra'
$ git add z.txt 
$ git status
# On branch zebra
# Changes to be committed:
#   (use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage)
#	modified:   a.txt
#	modified:   z.txt
$ git checkout aardvark
M	a.txt
M	z.txt
Switched to branch 'aardvark'
$ git status
# On branch aardvark
# Changes to be committed:
#   (use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage)
#	modified:   a.txt
#	modified:   z.txt

In this example, the aardvark and zebra branches seem to contain exactly the same set of changes, and based on the output of git status it appears that doing a commit in either will have the same effect. Am I doing something wrong?

Git Solutions

Solution 1 - Git

I haven't used perforce much so this may not be exactly be a 1:1 translation. Then again distributed source control systems like git and mercurial have a different workflow anyway so there really isn't (and there shouldn't) be a 1:1 translation. Anyway, here goes:

  • Create multiple pending changelists -> Use branches instead. In git branches are light and quick, takes less than a second to create and typically less than two seconds to merge. Don't be afraid of branching and rebase often.

      git branch new-branch-name
      git checkout new-branch-name

Or do it all in one line:

    git checkout -b new-branch-name
  • See a list of all pending changelists -> Since the equivalent of multiple pending changelist is multiple branches just view the branches:

      git branch

If you want to view remote branches as well:

    git branch -a

It is considered good practice to immediately delete a branch after a successful merge so you don't have to keep track of which branch are pending to be merged and which have already been merged.

  • List all changed files -> For a single pending "changelist" in a specific branch git has a concept of the index or cache. In order to commit a change you must first add files to this index. This allows you to manually select which group of files represent a single change or to ignore irrelevant files. To see the status of which files are added, or not to this index just do:

      git status
  • See a diff of a pending changelist -> There are two parts to this. First to see a diff between the working directory and the index:

      git diff

But if you want to know the diff between what you're typing now and the last commit then you are really asking for a diff between the working directory+index and the HEAD:

    git diff HEAD
  • For a given file, see which submitted changelists affected which lines -> This is easy:

      git blame filename

or even better, if you are in a windowing environment:

    git gui blame filename

Git gui takes longer to parse the file (it was written in tcl instead of C) but it has lots of neat features including the ability to "time travel" back into the past by clicking on a commit ID. I only wish they'd implement a feature to "time travel" to the future so I can find out how a given bug will finally be resolved ;-)

  • For a given file, see a list of the descriptions of the changelists that affected the file -> also easy:

      git log filename

But git log is a much more powerful tool than just this. In fact most of my personal scripts piggyback off-of git log to read the repository. Read the man page.

  • Submit a pending changelist -> Also easy:

      git commit

See my answer to a previous question to see my typical git workflow:

If you follow the workflow I outlined then you'll find tools like gitk to be much more valuable since it allows you to clearly see groups of changes.

Additional answer:

Git is very flexible and there are several ways to do what you describe. The thing to remember is to always start a new branch for each feature you're working on. This means the master branch isn't touched so you can always go back to it to do bug fixes. Working in git one should almost always start with:

git checkout -b new-feature-a

Now you can edit file a.txt. To work concurrently on another feature do:

git checkout master
git checkout -b new-feature-z

Now you can edit file z.txt. To switch back to a.txt:

git checkout new-feature-a

But wait, there are changes to new-feature-z and git won't let you switch branches. At this point you have two choices. The first is the simplest, commit all changes to the current branch:

git add .
git commit
git checkout new-feature-a

This is what I'd recommend. But if you are really not ready to commit the code, you can temporarily stash it:

git stash

Now you can switch to branch new-feature-a. To go back to the code you were working on just pop the stash:

git checkout new-feature-z
git stash pop

When all is done merge back all changes to master:

git merge --no-ff new-feature-a
git merge --no-ff new-feature-z

Because merges are so quick and easy (easy because conflicts are so rare and conflict resolution, when one does happen, not too hard) we use branches in git for everything.

Here's another example of a common use of branches in git that you don't see in other source control tools (except perhaps mercurial):

Need to keep changing your config files to reflect your dev environment? Then use a branch:

git checkout -b dev-config

Now edit your config files in your favourite editor then commit changes:

git add .
git commit

Now every new branch can start from the dev-config branch instead of master:

git checkout dev-config
git checkout -b new-feature-branch

Once you're done remove the edits in dev-config from new-feature-branch using interactive rebase:

git rebase -i master

Delete the commits you don't want then save. Now you have a clean branch without custom config edits. Time to merge back to master:

git checkout master
git merge --no-ff new-feature-branch
# because master have changed, it's a good idea to rebase dev-config:
git checkout dev-config
git rebase master

It should be noted that removing edits with git rebase -i even works when all changes happen in the same file. Git remembers changes, not file content*.

*note: actually, technically not entirely true but as a user that's what it feels like

More additional answer:

So, from you comments it looks like you want to have two branches to exist simultaneously so you can test how the combined code works. Well, this is a good way to illustrate the power and flexibility of branches.

First, a word on the implication of cheap branching and modifiable history on your workflow. When I was using CVS and SVN I was always a bit reluctant to commit. That's because committing unstable code would inevitably f**k up other people's working code. But with git I lost that fear. That's because in git other people won't get my changes until I merge them to master. So now I find myself committing code every 5 lines I write. You don't need perfect foresight to commit. You just need to change your mindset: commit-to-branch==add-to-changeset, merge-to-master==commit-changeset.

So, back to examples. Here's how I would do it. Say you have a branch new-feature-z and you want to test it with new-feature-a. I would just create a new branch to test it:

# assume we are currently in branch new-feature-z
# branch off this branch for testing
git checkout -b feature-z-and-feature-a
# now temporarily merge new-feature-a
git merge --no-ff new-feature-a

Now you can test. If you need to modify something to make feature-z work with feature-a then do so. If so you can merge back the changes to the relevant branch. Use git rebase -i to remove irrelevant changes from the merge.

Alternatively, you can also use git rebase to temporarily change the base of new-feature-z to point to new-feature-a:

# assume we are currently in branch new-feature-z
git rebase new-feature-a

Now the branch history is modified so that new-feature-z will be based off new-feature-a instead of master. Now you can test. Any changes committed in this branch will belong to the branch new-feature-z. If you need to modify new-feature-a just switch back to it and the rebase to get the new changes:

git checkout new-feature-a
# edit code, add, commit etc..
git checkout new-feature-z
git rebase new-feature-a
# now new-feature-z will contain new changes from new-feature-a

When you're done, simply rebase back to master to remove changes from new-feature-a:

# assume we are currently in branch new-feature-z
git rebase master

Don't be afraid to start a new branch. Don't be afraid to start a throwaway branch. Don't be afraid to throw away branches. And since merge==submit and commit==add-to-changeset don't be afraid to commit often. Remember, commit is a developer's ultimate undo tool.

Oh, and another thing, in git deleted branches still exist in your repository. So if you've accidentally deleted something that you later realise is useful after all you can always get it back by searching the history. So don't be afraid to throw away branches.

Solution 2 - Git

I don't have enough p4 experience to produce an actual cheat sheet, but there are at least some similarities to fall back on. A p4 "changeset" is a git "commit".

Changes to your local work space get added to the "index" with git add, and the index later gets committed with git commit. So the index is your pending changelist, for all intents and purposes.

You look at changes with git diff and git status, where git diff usually shows changes between the workspace and the index, but git diff --cached shows changes between the index and the repository (= your pending changelist).

For more in depth information, I recommend Since you know version control in general, you can probably skim a lot of it and extract the git-specific information...

Solution 3 - Git

I suffer like you with the lack of the "changelist" concept which is not exactly the same as git branches.

I would write a small script that will create a changelist file with the list of files in that changelist.

Another command to submit just a certain changelist by simply calling git commit -a @change_list_contents.txt and then "git commit"

Hope that helps, Elias

Solution 4 - Git

There is a more lightweight alternative in git that could form part of your workflow; using the git staging area.

I often just make changes then submit as several commits (e.g. add debug statements, refactor, actually fix a bug). Rather than setting up your perforce changelists, then make changes, then submit, you can just make your changes then choose how to submit them (optionally using the git staging area).

You can commit particular files from the command line with:

git commit a.txt
git commit z.txt

Or explicitly staging the files first:

git add a.txt
git commit
git add z.txt
git commit

git gui will let you select lines or hunks from within files to build up a commit in the staging area. This is very useful if you have changes in one file that you want to be in different commits. Having moved from git to perforce and this is one thing that I really miss.

There is a small caveat to bear in mind with this workflow. If you make changes A and B to a file, test the file, then commit A then you haven't tested that commit (independently of B).

Solution 5 - Git

This doesn't answer your question specifically, but I don't know if you are aware that a 2 User, 5 Workspace version of perforce is free to download and use from the perforce website.

This way you can use perforce at home for your personal projects if you wish. The one annoyance is the 5 workspaces which can be a bit limiting, but its pretty incredible to have perforce available for home use.

Solution 6 - Git

Having used both Perforce and git fairly extensively, there's only one way I can see to get anywhere near Perforce changelists with git.

The first thing to understand is that to correctly implement this functionality in git in such a way that it's a not a complete kluge, e.g. trying to shoehorn it into branches, would require the following change: git would require multiple staging areas for a single branch.

Perforce changelists permit a workflow that simply has no equivalent in git. Consider the following workflow:

Check out a branch
Modify file A and add it to changelist 1
Modify file B and add it to changelist 2

If you try to do this using branches in git you'll wind up with two branches, one of which has the changes to file A, the other has the changes to file B, but no place where you can see the changes to both files A and B at the same time.

The closest approximation I can see is to use git add . -p and then use the 'a' and 'd' sub-commands to select or reject entire files. However that's not quite the same, and the difference here stems from a fundamental disparity in the general modus operandi of the two systems.

Git (and subversion, not that it matters for this discussion) allow a file to be changed without telling anyone about this ahead of time. You just change a file, and then let git sort it all out when you commit the changes. Perforce requires you to actively check out a file before changes are allowed, and it is for this reason that changelists have to exist. In essence, Perforce requires you to add a file to the index before changing it. Hence the necessity for multiple changelists in Perforce, and also the reason why git has no equivalent. It simply doesn't need them.

Solution 7 - Git

With Git 2.27 (Q2 2020), "git p4" learned four new hooks and also "--no-verify" option to bypass them (and the existing "p4-pre-submit" hook).

See commit 1ec4a0a, commit 38ecf75, commit cd1e0dc (14 Feb 2020), and commit 4935c45, commit aa8b766, commit 9f59ca4, commit 6b602a2 (11 Feb 2020) by Ben Keene (seraphire).
(Merged by Junio C Hamano -- gitster -- in commit 5f2ec21, 22 Apr 2020)

> ## git-p4: add p4 submit hooks
> Signed-off-by: Ben Keene

> The git command "commit" supports a number of hooks that support changing the behavior of the commit command.

> The program only has one existing hook, "p4-pre-submit".

> This command occurs early in the process.

> There are no hooks in the process flow for modifying the P4 changelist text programmatically.

> Adds 3 new hooks to to the submit option.

> The new hooks are:

> * p4-prepare-changelist - Execute this hook after the changelist file has been created.
The hook will be executed even if the --prepare-p4-only option is set.
This hook ignores the --no-verify option in keeping with the existing behavior of git commit.

> * p4-changelist - Execute this hook after the user has edited the changelist.
Do not execute this hook if the user has selected the --prepare-p4-only option.
This hook will honor the --no-verify, following the conventions of git commit.

> * p4-post-changelist - Execute this hook after the P4 submission process has completed successfully.
This hook takes no parameters and is executed regardless of the --no-verify option.

> It's return value will not be checked.

> The calls to the new hooks: p4-prepare-changelist, p4-changelist, and p4-post-changelist should all be called inside the try-finally block.

Before Git 2.28 (Q3 2020), the "--prepare-p4-only" option is supposed to stop after replaying one changeset, but kept going (by mistake?)

See commit 2dfdd70 (12 May 2020) by Ben Keene (seraphire).
(Merged by Junio C Hamano -- gitster -- in commit 7a8fec9, 02 Jun 2020)

> ## fix --prepare-p4-only error with multiple commits
> Signed-off-by: Ben Keene

> When using git p4 submit with the --prepare-p4-only option, the program should prepare a single p4 changelist and notify the user that more commits are pending and then stop processing.

> A bug has been introduced by the p4-changelist hook feature that causes the program to continue to try and process all pending changelists at the same time.

> The function applyCommit returns True when applying the commit was successful and the program should continue.
However, when the optional flag --prepare-p4-only is set, the program should stop after the first application.

> Change the logic in the run method for P4Submit to check for the flag --prepare-p4-only after successfully completing the applyCommit method.

> If more than 1 commit is pending submission to P4, the method will properly prepare the P4 changelist, however it will still exit the application with an exitcode of 1.

> The current documentation does not define what the exit code should be in this condition.


All content for this solution is sourced from the original question on Stackoverflow.

The content on this page is licensed under the Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) license.

Content TypeOriginal AuthorOriginal Content on Stackoverflow
QuestionLaurence GonsalvesView Question on Stackoverflow
Solution 1 - GitslebetmanView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 2 - GitJakob BorgView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 3 - GitElias BachaalanyView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 4 - GitRussell GallopView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 5 - GitToby AllenView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 6 - GitdgnuffView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 7 - GitVonCView Answer on Stackoverflow