What's your most controversial programming opinion?

Language Agnostic

Language Agnostic Problem Overview

This is definitely subjective, but I'd like to try to avoid it becoming argumentative. I think it could be an interesting question if people treat it appropriately.

The idea for this question came from the comment thread from my answer to the "What are five things you hate about your favorite language?" question. I contended that classes in C# should be sealed by default - I won't put my reasoning in the question, but I might write a fuller explanation as an answer to this question. I was surprised at the heat of the discussion in the comments (25 comments currently).

So, what contentious opinions do you hold? I'd rather avoid the kind of thing which ends up being pretty religious with relatively little basis (e.g. brace placing) but examples might include things like "unit testing isn't actually terribly helpful" or "public fields are okay really". The important thing (to me, anyway) is that you've got reasons behind your opinions.

Please present your opinion and reasoning - I would encourage people to vote for opinions which are well-argued and interesting, whether or not you happen to agree with them.

Language Agnostic Solutions

Solution 1 - Language Agnostic

Programmers who don't code in their spare time for fun will never become as good as those that do.

I think even the smartest and most talented people will never become truly good programmers unless they treat it as more than a job. Meaning that they do little projects on the side, or just mess with lots of different languages and ideas in their spare time.

(Note: I'm not saying good programmers do nothing else than programming, but they do more than program from 9 to 5)

Solution 2 - Language Agnostic

The only "best practice" you should be using all the time is "Use Your Brain".

Too many people jumping on too many bandwagons and trying to force methods, patterns, frameworks etc onto things that don't warrant them. Just because something is new, or because someone respected has an opinion, doesn't mean it fits all :)

EDIT: Just to clarify - I don't think people should ignore best practices, valued opinions etc. Just that people shouldn't just blindly jump on something without thinking about WHY this "thing" is so great, IS it applicable to what I'm doing, and WHAT benefits/drawbacks does it bring?

Solution 3 - Language Agnostic

Most comments in code are in fact a pernicious form of code duplication.

We spend most of our time maintaining code written by others (or ourselves) and poor, incorrect, outdated, misleading comments must be near the top of the list of most annoying artifacts in code.

I think eventually many people just blank them out, especially those flowerbox monstrosities.

Much better to concentrate on making the code readable, refactoring as necessary, and minimising idioms and quirkiness.

On the other hand, many courses teach that comments are very nearly more important than the code itself, leading to the this next line adds one to invoiceTotal style of commenting.

Solution 4 - Language Agnostic

"Googling it" is okay!

Yes, I know it offends some people out there that their years of intense memorization and/or glorious stacks of programming books are starting to fall by the wayside to a resource that anyone can access within seconds, but you shouldn't hold that against people that use it.

Too often I hear googling answers to problems the result of criticism, and it really is without sense. First of all, it must be conceded that everyone needs materials to reference. You don't know everything and you will need to look things up. Conceding that, does it really matter where you got the information? Does it matter if you looked it up in a book, looked it up on Google, or heard it from a talking frog that you hallucinated? No. A right answer is a right answer.

What is important is that you understand the material, use it as the means to an end of a successful programming solution, and the client/your employer is happy with the results.

(although if you are getting answers from hallucinatory talking frogs, you should probably get some help all the same)

Solution 5 - Language Agnostic

XML is highly overrated

I think too many jump onto the XML bandwagon before using their brains... XML for web stuff is great, as it's designed for it. Otherwise I think some problem definition and design thoughts should preempt any decision to use it.

My 5 cents

Solution 6 - Language Agnostic

Not all programmers are created equal

Quite often managers think that DeveloperA == DeveloperB simply because they have same level of experience and so on. In actual fact, the performance of one developer can be 10x or even 100x that of another.

It's politically risky to talk about it, but sometimes I feel like pointing out that, even though several team members may appear to be of equal skill, it's not always the case. I have even seen cases where lead developers were 'beyond hope' and junior devs did all the actual work - I made sure they got the credit, though. :)

Solution 7 - Language Agnostic

I fail to understand why people think that Java is absolutely the best "first" programming language to be taught in universities.

For one, I believe that first programming language should be such that it highlights the need to learn control flow and variables, not objects and syntax

For another, I believe that people who have not had experience in debugging memory leaks in C / C++ cannot fully appreciate what Java brings to the table.

Also the natural progression should be from "how can I do this" to "how can I find the library which does that" and not the other way round.

Solution 8 - Language Agnostic

If you only know one language, no matter how well you know it, you're not a great programmer.

There seems to be an attitude that says once you're really good at C# or Java or whatever other language you started out learning then that's all you need. I don't believe it- every language I have ever learned has taught me something new about programming that I have been able to bring back into my work with all the others. I think that anyone who restricts themselves to one language will never be as good as they could be.

It also indicates to me a certain lack of inquistiveness and willingness to experiment that doesn't necessarily tally with the qualities I would expect to find in a really good programmer.

Solution 9 - Language Agnostic

Performance does matter.

Solution 10 - Language Agnostic

Print statements are a valid way to debug code

I believe it is perfectly fine to debug your code by littering it with System.out.println (or whatever print statement works for your language). Often, this can be quicker than debugging, and you can compare printed outputs against other runs of the app.

Just make sure to remove the print statements when you go to production (or better, turn them into logging statements)

Solution 11 - Language Agnostic

Your job is to put yourself out of work.

When you're writing software for your employer, any software that you create is to be written in such a way that it can be picked up by any developer and understood with a minimal amount of effort. It is well designed, clearly and consistently written, formatted cleanly, documented where it needs to be, builds daily as expected, checked into the repository, and appropriately versioned.

If you get hit by a bus, laid off, fired, or walk off the job, your employer should be able to replace you on a moment's notice, and the next guy could step into your role, pick up your code and be up and running within a week tops. If he or she can't do that, then you've failed miserably.

Interestingly, I've found that having that goal has made me more valuable to my employers. The more I strive to be disposable, the more valuable I become to them.

Solution 12 - Language Agnostic

1) The Business Apps farce:

I think that the whole "Enterprise" frameworks thing is smoke and mirrors. J2EE, .NET, the majority of the Apache frameworks and most abstractions to manage such things create far more complexity than they solve.

Take any regular Java or .NET ORM, or any supposedly modern MVC framework for either which does "magic" to solve tedious, simple tasks. You end up writing huge amounts of ugly XML boilerplate that is difficult to validate and write quickly. You have massive APIs where half of those are just to integrate the work of the other APIs, interfaces that are impossible to recycle, and abstract classes that are needed only to overcome the inflexibility of Java and C#. We simply don't need most of that.

How about all the different application servers with their own darned descriptor syntax, the overly complex database and groupware products?

The point of this is not that complexity==bad, it's that unnecessary complexity==bad. I've worked in massive enterprise installations where some of it was necessary, but even in most cases a few home-grown scripts and a simple web frontend is all that's needed to solve most use cases.

I'd try to replace all of these enterprisey apps with simple web frameworks, open source DBs, and trivial programming constructs.

2) The n-years-of-experience-required:

Unless you need a consultant or a technician to handle a specific issue related to an application, API or framework, then you don't really need someone with 5 years of experience in that application. What you need is a developer/admin who can read documentation, who has domain knowledge in whatever it is you're doing, and who can learn quickly. If you need to develop in some kind of language, a decent developer will pick it up in less than 2 months. If you need an administrator for X web server, in two days he should have read the man pages and newsgroups and be up to speed. Anything less and that person is not worth what he is paid.

3) The common "computer science" degree curriculum:

The majority of computer science and software engineering degrees are bull. If your first programming language is Java or C#, then you're doing something wrong. If you don't get several courses full of algebra and math, it's wrong. If you don't delve into functional programming, it's incomplete. If you can't apply loop invariants to a trivial for loop, you're not worth your salt as a supposed computer scientist. If you come out with experience in x and y languages and object orientation, it's full of s***. A real computer scientist sees a language in terms of the concepts and syntaxes it uses, and sees programming methodologies as one among many, and has such a good understanding of the underlying philosophies of both that picking new languages, design methods, or specification languages should be trivial.

Solution 13 - Language Agnostic

Getters and Setters are Highly Overused

I've seen millions of people claiming that public fields are evil, so they make them private and provide getters and setters for all of them. I believe this is almost identical to making the fields public, maybe a bit different if you're using threads (but generally is not the case) or if your accessors have business/presentation logic (something 'strange' at least).

I'm not in favor of public fields, but against making a getter/setter (or Property) for everyone of them, and then claiming that doing that is encapsulation or information hiding... ha!


This answer has raised some controversy in it's comments, so I'll try to clarify it a bit (I'll leave the original untouched since that is what many people upvoted).

First of all: anyone who uses public fields deserves jail time

Now, creating private fields and then using the IDE to automatically generate getters and setters for every one of them is nearly as bad as using public fields.

Many people think:

private fields + public accessors == encapsulation

I say (automatic or not) generation of getter/setter pair for your fields effectively goes against the so called encapsulation you are trying to achieve.

Lastly, let me quote Uncle Bob in this topic (taken from chapter 6 of "Clean Code"):

> There is a reason that we keep our > variables private. We don't want > anyone else to depend on them. We want > the freedom to change their type or > implementation on a whim or an > impulse. Why, then, do so many > programmers automatically add getters > and setters to their objects, exposing > their private fields as if they were > public?

Solution 14 - Language Agnostic

UML diagrams are highly overrated

Of course there are useful diagrams e.g. class diagram for the Composite Pattern, but many UML diagrams have absolutely no value.

Solution 15 - Language Agnostic

Opinion: SQL is code. Treat it as such

That is, just like your C#, Java, or other favorite object/procedure language, develop a formatting style that is readable and maintainable.

I hate when I see sloppy free-formatted SQL code. If you scream when you see both styles of curly braces on a page, why or why don't you scream when you see free formatted SQL or SQL that obscures or obfuscates the JOIN condition?

Solution 16 - Language Agnostic

Readability is the most important aspect of your code.

Even more so than correctness. If it's readable, it's easy to fix. It's also easy to optimize, easy to change, easy to understand. And hopefully other developers can learn something from it too.

Solution 17 - Language Agnostic

If you're a developer, you should be able to write code

I did quite a bit of interviewing last year, and for my part of the interview I was supposed to test the way people thought, and how they implemented simple-to-moderate algorithms on a white board. I'd initially started out with questions like:

> Given that Pi can be estimated using the function 4 * (1 - 1/3 + 1/5 - 1/7 + ...) with more terms giving greater accuracy, write a function that calculates Pi to an accuracy of 5 decimal places.

It's a problem that should make you think, but shouldn't be out of reach to a seasoned developer (it can be answered in about 10 lines of C#). However, many of our (supposedly pre-screened by the agency) candidates couldn't even begin to answer it, or even explain how they might go about answering it. So after a while I started asking simpler questions like:

> Given the area of a circle is given by Pi times the radius squared, write a function to calculate the area of a circle.

Amazingly, more than half the candidates couldn't write this function in any language (I can read most popular languages so I let them use any language of their choice, including pseudo-code). We had "C# developers" who could not write this function in C#.

I was surprised by this. I had always thought that developers should be able to write code. It seems that, nowadays, this is a controversial opinion. Certainly it is amongst interview candidates!


There's a lot of discussion in the comments about whether the first question is a good or bad one, and whether you should ask questions as complex as this in an interview. I'm not going to delve into this here (that's a whole new question) apart from to say you're largely missing the point of the post.

Yes, I said people couldn't make any headway with this, but the second question is trivial and many people couldn't make any headway with that one either! Anybody who calls themselves a developer should be able to write the answer to the second one in a few seconds without even thinking. And many can't.

Solution 18 - Language Agnostic

The use of hungarian notation should be punished with death.

That should be controversial enough ;)

Solution 19 - Language Agnostic

Design patterns are hurting good design more than they're helping it.

IMO software design, especially good software design is far too varied to be meaningfully captured in patterns, especially in the small number of patterns people can actually remember - and they're far too abstract for people to really remember more than a handful. So they're not helping much.

And on the other hand, far too many people become enamoured with the concept and try to apply patterns everywhere - usually, in the resulting code you can't find the actual design between all the (completely meaningless) Singletons and Abstract Factories.

Solution 20 - Language Agnostic

Less code is better than more!

If the users say "that's it?", and your work remains invisible, it's done right. Glory can be found elsewhere.

Solution 21 - Language Agnostic

PHP sucks ;-)

The proof is in the pudding.

Solution 22 - Language Agnostic

Unit Testing won't help you write good code

The only reason to have Unit tests is to make sure that code that already works doesn't break. Writing tests first, or writing code to the tests is ridiculous. If you write to the tests before the code, you won't even know what the edge cases are. You could have code that passes the tests but still fails in unforeseen circumstances.

And furthermore, good developers will keep cohesion low, which will make the addition of new code unlikely to cause problems with existing stuff.

In fact, I'll generalize that even further,

Most "Best Practices" in Software Engineering are there to keep bad programmers from doing too much damage.

They're there to hand-hold bad developers and keep them from making dumbass mistakes. Of course, since most developers are bad, this is a good thing, but good developers should get a pass.

Solution 23 - Language Agnostic

Write small methods. It seems that programmers love to write loooong methods where they do multiple different things.

I think that a method should be created wherever you can name one.

Solution 24 - Language Agnostic

It's ok to write garbage code once in a while

Sometimes a quick and dirty piece of garbage code is all that is needed to fulfill a particular task. Patterns, ORMs, SRP, whatever... Throw up a Console or Web App, write some inline sql ( feels good ), and blast out the requirement.

Solution 25 - Language Agnostic

Code == Design

I'm no fan of sophisticated UML diagrams and endless code documentation. In a high level language, your code should be readable and understandable as is. Complex documentation and diagrams aren't really any more user friendly.

Here's an article on the topic of Code as Design.

Solution 26 - Language Agnostic

Software development is just a job

Don't get me wrong, I enjoy software development a lot. I've written a blog for the last few years on the subject. I've spent enough time on here to have >5000 reputation points. And I work in a start-up doing typically 60 hour weeks for much less money than I could get as a contractor because the team is fantastic and the work is interesting.

But in the grand scheme of things, it is just a job.

It ranks in importance below many things such as family, my girlfriend, friends, happiness etc., and below other things I'd rather be doing if I had an unlimited supply of cash such as riding motorbikes, sailing yachts, or snowboarding.

I think sometimes a lot of developers forget that developing is just something that allows us to have the more important things in life (and to have them by doing something we enjoy) rather than being the end goal in itself.

Solution 27 - Language Agnostic

I also think there's nothing wrong with having binaries in source control.. if there is a good reason for it. If I have an assembly I don't have the source for, and might not necessarily be in the same place on each devs machine, then I will usually stick it in a "binaries" directory and reference it in a project using a relative path.

Quite a lot of people seem to think I should be burned at the stake for even mentioning "source control" and "binary" in the same sentence. I even know of places that have strict rules saying you can't add them.

Solution 28 - Language Agnostic

Every developer should be familiar with the basic architecture of modern computers. This also applies to developers who target a virtual machine (maybe even more so, because they have been told time and time again that they don't need to worry themselves with memory management etc.)

Solution 29 - Language Agnostic

Software Architects/Designers are Overrated

As a developer, I hate the idea of Software Architects. They are basically people that no longer code full time, read magazines and articles, and then tell you how to design software. Only people that actually write software full time for a living should be doing that. I don't care if you were the worlds best coder 5 years ago before you became an Architect, your opinion is useless to me.

How's that for controversial?

Edit (to clarify): I think most Software Architects make great Business Analysts (talking with customers, writing requirements, tests, etc), I simply think they have no place in designing software, high level or otherwise.

Solution 30 - Language Agnostic

There is no "one size fits all" approach to development

I'm surprised that this is a controversial opinion, because it seems to me like common sense. However, there are many entries on popular blogs promoting the "one size fits all" approach to development so I think I may actually be in the minority.

Things I've seen being touted as the correct approach for any project - before any information is known about it - are things like the use of Test Driven Development (TDD), Domain Driven Design (DDD), Object-Relational Mapping (ORM), Agile (capital A), Object Orientation (OO), etc. etc. encompassing everything from methodologies to architectures to components. All with nice marketable acronyms, of course.

People even seem to go as far as putting badges on their blogs such as "I'm Test Driven" or similar, as if their strict adherence to a single approach whatever the details of the project project is actually a good thing.

It isn't.

Choosing the correct methodologies and architectures and components, etc., is something that should be done on a per-project basis, and depends not only on the type of project you're working on and its unique requirements, but also the size and ability of the team you're working with.

Solution 31 - Language Agnostic

Most professional programmers suck

I have come across too many people doing this job for their living who were plain crappy at what they were doing. Crappy code, bad communication skills, no interest in new technology whatsoever. Too many, too many...

Solution 32 - Language Agnostic

A degree in computer science does not---and is not supposed to---teach you to be a programmer.

Programming is a trade, computer science is a field of study. You can be a great programmer and a poor computer scientist and a great computer scientist and an awful programmer. It is important to understand the difference.

If you want to be a programmer, learn Java. If you want to be a computer scientist, learn at least three almost completely different languages. e.g. (assembler, c, lisp, ruby, smalltalk)

Solution 33 - Language Agnostic

SESE (Single Entry Single Exit) is not law


public int foo() {
   if( someCondition ) {
      return 0;

   return -1;


public int foo() {
   int returnValue = -1;
   if( someCondition ) {
      returnValue = 0;

   return returnValue;

My team and I have found that abiding by this all the time is actually counter-productive in many cases.

Solution 34 - Language Agnostic

C++ is one of the WORST programming languages - EVER.

It has all of the hallmarks of something designed by committee - it does not do any given job well, and does some jobs (like OO) terribly. It has a "kitchen sink" desperation to it that just won't go away.

It is a horrible "first language" to learn to program with. You get no elegance, no assistance (from the language). Instead you have bear traps and mine fields (memory management, templates, etc.).

It is not a good language to try to learn OO concepts. It behaves as "C with a class wrapper" instead of a proper OO language.

I could go on, but will leave it at that for now. I have never liked programming in C++, and although I "cut my teeth" on FORTRAN, I totally loved programming in C. I still think C was one of the great "classic" languages. Something that C++ is certainly NOT, in my opinion.



EDIT: To respond to the comments on teaching C++. You can teach C++ in two ways - either teaching it as C "on steroids" (start with variables, conditions, loops, etc), or teaching it as a pure "OO" language (start with classes, methods, etc). You can find teaching texts that use one or other of these approaches. I prefer the latter approach (OO first) as it does emphasize the capabilities of C++ as an OO language (which was the original design emphasis of C++). If you want to teach C++ "as C", then I think you should teach C, not C++.

But the problem with C++ as a first language in my experience is that the language is simply too BIG to teach in one semester, plus most "intro" texts try and cover everything. It is simply not possible to cover all the topics in a "first language" course. You have to at least split it into 2 semesters, and then it's no longer "first language", IMO.

I do teach C++, but only as a "new language" - that is, you must be proficient in some prior "pure" language (not scripting or macros) before you can enroll in the course. C++ is a very fine "second language" to learn, IMO.


'Nother Edit: (to Konrad)

I do not at all agree that C++ "is superior in every way" to C. I spent years coding C programs for microcontrollers and other embedded applications. The C compilers for these devices are highly optimized, often producing code as good as hand-coded assembler. When you move to C++, you gain a tremendous overhead imposed by the compiler in order to manage language features you may not use. In embedded applications, you gain little by adding classes and such, IMO. What you need is tight, clean code. You can write it in C++, but then you're really just writing C, and the C compilers are more optimized in these applications.

I wrote a MIDI engine, first in C, later in C++ (at the vendor's request) for an embedded controller (sound card). In the end, to meet the performance requirements (MIDI timings, etc) we had to revert to pure C for all of the core code. We were able to use C++ for the high-level code, and having classes was very sweet - but we needed C to get the performance at the lower level. The C code was an order of magnitude faster than the C++ code, but hand coded assembler was only slightly faster than the compiled C code. This was back in the early 1990s, just to place the events properly.


Solution 35 - Language Agnostic

You must know how to type to be a programmer.

It's controversial among people who don't know how to type, but who insist that they can two-finger hunt-and-peck as fast as any typist, or that they don't really need to spend that much time typing, or that Intellisense relieves the need to type...

I've never met anyone who does know how to type, but insists that it doesn't make a difference.

See also: Programming's Dirtiest Little Secret

Solution 36 - Language Agnostic

A degree in Computer Science or other IT area DOES make you a more well rounded programmer

I don't care how many years of experience you have, how many blogs you've read, how many open source projects you're involved in. A qualification (I'd recommend longer than 3 years) exposes you to a different way of thinking and gives you a great foundation.

Just because you've written some better code than a guy with a BSc in Computer Science, does not mean you are better than him. What you have he can pick up in an instant which is not the case the other way around.

Having a qualification shows your commitment, the fact that you would go above and beyond experience to make you a better developer. Developers which are good at what they do AND have a qualification can be very intimidating.

I would not be surprized if this answer gets voted down.

Also, once you have a qualification, you slowly stop comparing yourself to those with qualifications (my experience). You realize that it all doesn't matter at the end, as long as you can work well together.

Always act mercifully towards other developers, irrespective of qualifications.

Solution 37 - Language Agnostic

Lazy Programmers are the Best Programmers

A lazy programmer most often finds ways to decrease the amount of time spent writing code (especially a lot of similar or repeating code). This often translates into tools and workflows that other developers in the company/team can benefit from.

As the developer encounters similar projects he may create tools to bootstrap the development process (e.g. creating a DRM layer that works with the company's database design paradigms).

Furthermore, developers such as these often use some form of code generation. This means all bugs of the same type (for example, the code generator did not check for null parameters on all methods) can often be fixed by fixing the generator and not the 50+ instances of that bug.

A lazy programmer may take a few more hours to get the first product out the door, but will save you months down the line.

Solution 38 - Language Agnostic

Don't use inheritance unless you can explain why you need it.

Solution 39 - Language Agnostic

The world needs more GOTOs

GOTOs are avoided religiously often with no reasoning beyond "my professor told me GOTOs are bad." They have a purpose and would greatly simplify production code in many places.

That said, they aren't really necessary in 99% of the code you'll ever write.

Solution 40 - Language Agnostic

I've been burned for broadcasting these opinions in public before, but here goes:

Well-written code in dynamically typed languages follows static-typing conventions

Having used Python, PHP, Perl, and a few other dynamically typed languages, I find that well-written code in these languages follows static typing conventions, for example:

  • Its considered bad style to re-use a variable with different types (for example, its bad style to take a list variable and assign an int, then assign the variable a bool in the same method). Well-written code in dynamically typed languages doesn't mix types.

  • A type-error in a statically typed language is still a type-error in a dynamically typed language.

  • Functions are generally designed to operate on a single datatype at a time, so that a function which accepts a parameter of type T can only sensibly be used with objects of type T or subclasses of T.

  • Functions designed to operator on many different datatypes are written in a way that constrains parameters to a well-defined interface. In general terms, if two objects of types A and B perform a similar function, but aren't subclasses of one another, then they almost certainly implement the same interface.

While dynamically typed languages certainly provide more than one way to crack a nut, most well-written, idiomatic code in these languages pays close attention to types just as rigorously as code written in statically typed languages.

Dynamic typing does not reduce the amount of code programmers need to write

When I point out how peculiar it is that so many static-typing conventions cross over into dynamic typing world, I usually add "so why use dynamically typed languages to begin with?". The immediate response is something along the lines of being able to write more terse, expressive code, because dynamic typing allows programmers to omit type annotations and explicitly defined interfaces. However, I think the most popular statically typed languages, such as C#, Java, and Delphi, are bulky by design, not as a result of their type systems.

I like to use languages with a real type system like OCaml, which is not only statically typed, but its type inference and structural typing allow programmers to omit most type annotations and interface definitions.

The existence of the ML family of languages demostrates that we can enjoy the benefits of static typing with all the brevity of writing in a dynamically typed language. I actually use OCaml's REPL for ad hoc, throwaway scripts in exactly the same way everyone else uses Perl or Python as a scripting language.

Solution 41 - Language Agnostic

Programmers who spend all day answering questions on Stackoverflow are probably not doing the work they are being paid to do.

Solution 42 - Language Agnostic

Code layout does matter

Maybe specifics of brace position should remain purely religious arguments - but it doesn't mean that all layout styles are equal, or that there are no objective factors at all!

The trouble is that the uber-rule for layout, namely: "be consistent", sound as it is, is used as a crutch by many to never try to see if their default style can be improved on - and that, furthermore, it doesn't even matter.

A few years ago I was studying Speed Reading techniques, and some of the things I learned about how the eye takes in information in "fixations", can most optimally scan pages, and the role of subconsciously picking up context, got me thinking about how this applied to code - and writing code with it in mind especially.

It led me to a style that tended to be columnar in nature, with identifiers logically grouped and aligned where possible (in particular I became strict about having each method argument on its own line). However, rather than long columns of unchanging structure it's actually beneficial to vary the structure in blocks so that you end up with rectangular islands that the eye can take in in a single fixture - even if you don't consciously read every character.

The net result is that, once you get used to it (which typically takes 1-3 days) it becomes pleasing to the eye, easier and faster to comprehend, and is less taxing on the eyes and brain because it's laid out in a way that makes it easier to take in.

Almost without exception, everyone I have asked to try this style (including myself) initially said, "ugh I hate it!", but after a day or two said, "I love it - I'm finding it hard not to go back and rewrite all my old stuff this way!".

I've been hoping to find the time to do more controlled experiments to collect together enough evidence to write a paper on, but as ever have been too busy with other things. However this seemed like a good opportunity to mention it to people interested in controversial techniques :-)


I finally got around to blogging about this (after many years parked in the "meaning to" phase): Part one, Part two, Part three.

Solution 43 - Language Agnostic

Opinion: explicit variable declaration is a great thing.

I'll never understand the "wisdom" of letting the developer waste costly time tracking down runtime errors caused by variable name typos instead of simply letting the compiler/interpreter catch them.

Nobody's ever given me an explanation better than "well it saves time since I don't have to write 'int i;'." Uhhhhh... yeah, sure, but how much time does it take to track down a runtime error?

Solution 44 - Language Agnostic

Opinion: Never ever have different code between "debug" and "release" builds

The main reason being that release code almost never gets tested. Better to have the same code running in test as it is in the wild.

Solution 45 - Language Agnostic

Opinion: developers should be testing their own code

I've seen too much crap handed off to test only to have it not actually fix the bug in question, incurring communication overhead and fostering irresponsible practices.

Solution 46 - Language Agnostic

Pagination is never what the user wants

If you start having the discussion about where to do pagination, in the database, in the business logic, on the client, etc. then you are asking the wrong question. If your app is giving back more data than the user needs, figure out a way for the user to narrow down what they need based on real criteria, not arbitrary sized chunks. And if the user really does want all those results, then give them all the results. Who are you helping by giving back 20 at a time? The server? Is that more important than your user?

[EDIT: clarification, based on comments]

As a real world example, let's look at this Stack Overflow question. Let's say I have a controversial programming opinion. Before I post, I'd like to see if there is already an answer that addresses the same opinion, so I can upvote it. The only option I have is to click through every page of answers.

I would prefer one of these options:

  1. Allow me to search through the answers (a way for me to narrow down what I need based on real criteria).

  2. Allow me to see all the answers so I can use my browser's "find" option (give me all the results).

The same applies if I just want to find an answer I previously read, but can't find anymore. I don't know when it was posted or how many votes it has, so the sorting options don't help. And even if I did, I still have to play a guessing game to find the right page of results. The fact that the answers are paginated and I can directly click into one of a dozen pages is no help at all.


Solution 47 - Language Agnostic

Respect the Single Responsibility Principle

At first glance you might not think this would be controversial, but in my experience when I mention to another developer that they shouldn't be doing everything in the page load method they often push back ... so for the children please quit building the "do everything" method we see all to often.

Solution 48 - Language Agnostic

Source Control: Anything But SourceSafe

Also: Exclusive locking is evil.

I once worked somewhere where they argued that exclusive locks meant that you were guaranteeing that people were not overwriting someone else's changes when you checked in. The problem was that in order to get any work done, if a file was locked devs would just change their local file to writable and merging (or overwriting) the source control with their version when they had the chance.

Solution 49 - Language Agnostic

Architects that do not code are useless.

That sounds a little harsh, but it's not unreasonable. If you are the "architect" for a system, but do not have some amount of hands-on involvement with the technologies employed then how do you get the respect of the development team? How do you influence direction?

Architects need to do a lot more (meet with stakeholders, negotiate with other teams, evaluate vendors, write documentation, give presentations, etc.) But, if you never see code checked in from by your architect... be wary!

Solution 50 - Language Agnostic

Objects Should Never Be In An Invalid State

Unfortunately, so many of the ORM framework mandate zero-arg constructors for all entity classes, using setters to populate the member variables. In those cases, it's very difficult to know which setters must be called in order to construct a valid object.

MyClass c = new MyClass(); // Object in invalid state. Doesn't have an ID.
c.setId(12345); // Now object is valid.

In my opinion, it should be impossible for an object to ever find itself in an invalid state, and the class's API should actively enforce its class invariants after every method call.

Constructors and mutator methods should atomically transition an object from one valid state to another. This is much better:

MyClass c = new MyClass(12345); // Object starts out valid. Stays valid.

As the consumer of some library, it's a huuuuuuge pain to keep track of whether all the right setters have been invoked before attempting to use an object, since the documentation usually provides no clues about the class's contract.

Solution 51 - Language Agnostic

Opinion: Unit tests don't need to be written up front, and sometimes not at all.

Reasoning: Developers suck at testing their own code. We do. That's why we generally have test teams or QA groups.

Most of the time the code we write is to intertwined with other code to be tested separately, so we end up jumping through patterned hoops to provide testability. Not that those patterns are bad, but they can sometimes add unnecessary complexity, all for the sake of unit testing...

... which often doesn't work anyway. To write a comprehensive unit test requires alot of time. Often more time than we're willing to give. And the more comprehensive the test, the more brittle it becomes if the interface of the thing it's testing changes, forcing a rewrite of a test that no longer compiles.

Solution 52 - Language Agnostic

All variables/properties should be readonly/final by default.

The reasoning is a bit analogous to the sealed argument for classes, put forward by Jon. One entity in a program should have one job, and one job only. In particular, it makes absolutely no sense for most variables and properties to ever change value. There are basically two exceptions.

  1. Loop variables. But then, I argue that the variable actually doesn't change value at all. Rather, it goes out of scope at the end of the loop and is re-instantiated in the next turn. Therefore, immutability would work nicely with loop variables and everyone who tries to change a loop variable's value by hand should go straight to hell.

  2. Accumulators. For example, imagine the case of summing over the values in an array, or even a list/string that accumulates some information about something else.

    Today, there are better means to accomplish the same goal. Functional languages have higher-order functions, Python has list comprehension and .NET has LINQ. In all these cases, there is no need for a mutable accumulator / result holder.

    Consider the special case of string concatenation. In many environments (.NET, Java), strings are actually immutables. Why then allow an assignment to a string variable at all? Much better to use a builder class (i.e. a StringBuilder) all along.

I realize that most languages today just aren't built to acquiesce in my wish. In my opinion, all these languages are fundamentally flawed for this reason. They would lose nothing of their expressiveness, power, and ease of use if they would be changed to treat all variables as read-only by default and didn't allow any assignment to them after their initialization.

Solution 53 - Language Agnostic

Realizing sometimes good enough is good enough, is a major jump in your value as a programmer.

Note that when I say 'good enough', I mean 'good enough', not it's some crap that happens to work. But then again, when you are under a time crunch, 'some crap that happens to work', may be considered 'good enough'.

Solution 54 - Language Agnostic

If I were being controversial, I'd have to suggest that Jon Skeet isn't omnipotent..

Solution 55 - Language Agnostic

"Java Sucks" - yeah, I know that opinion is definitely not held by all :)

I have that opinion because the majority of Java applications I've seen are memory hogs, run slowly, horrible user interface and so on.


Solution 56 - Language Agnostic

Okay, I said I'd give a bit more detail on my "sealed classes" opinion. I guess one way to show the kind of answer I'm interested in is to give one myself :)

Opinion: Classes should be sealed by default in C#


There's no doubt that inheritance is powerful. However, it has to be somewhat guided. If someone derives from a base class in a way which is completely unexpected, this can break the assumptions in the base implementation. Consider two methods in the base class, where one calls another - if these methods are both virtual, then that implementation detail has to be documented, otherwise someone could quite reasonably override the second method and expect a call to the first one to work. And of course, as soon as the implementation is documented, it can't be changed... so you lose flexibility.

C# took a step in the right direction (relative to Java) by making methods sealed by default. However, I believe a further step - making classes sealed by default - would have been even better. In particular, it's easy to override methods (or not explicitly seal existing virtual methods which you don't override) so that you end up with unexpected behaviour. This wouldn't actually stop you from doing anything you can currently do - it's just changing a default, not changing the available options. It would be a "safer" default though, just like the default access in C# is always "the most private visibility available at that point."

By making people explicitly state that they wanted people to be able to derive from their classes, we'd be encouraging them to think about it a bit more. It would also help me with my laziness problem - while I know I should be sealing almost all of my classes, I rarely actually remember to do so :(


I can see an argument that says that a class which has no virtual methods can be derived from relatively safely without the extra inflexibility and documentation usually required. I'm not sure how to counter this one at the moment, other than to say that I believe the harm of accidentally-unsealed classes is greater than that of accidentally-sealed ones.

Solution 57 - Language Agnostic

Bad Programmers are Language-Agnostic

A really bad programmer can write bad code in almost any language.

Solution 58 - Language Agnostic

A Clever Programmer Is Dangerous

I have spent more time trying to fix code written by "clever" programmers. I'd rather have a good programmer than an exceptionally smart programmer who wants to prove how clever he is by writing code that only he (or she) can interpret.

Solution 59 - Language Agnostic

If you have any idea how to program you are not fit to place a button on a form

Is that controversial enough? ;)

No matter how hard we try, it's almost impossible to have appropriate empathy with 53 year old Doris who has to use our order-entry software. We simply cannot grasp the mental model of what she imagines is going on inside the computer, because we don't need to imagine: we know whats going on, or have a very good idea.

Interaction Design should be done by non-programmers. Of course, this is never actually going to happen. Contradictorily I'm quite glad about that; I like UI design even though deep down I know I'm unsuited to it.

For further info, read the book The Inmates Are Running the Asylum. Be warned, I found this book upsetting and insulting; it's a difficult read if you are a developer that cares about the user's experience.

Solution 60 - Language Agnostic

Avoid indentation.

Use early returns, continues or breaks.

instead of:

if (passed != NULL)
   for(x in list)
      if (peter)
          print "peter";
          more code.
          print "no peter?!"


if (pPassed==NULL)
    return false;

for(x in list)
   if (!peter)
       print "no peter?!"

   print "peter";
   more code.

Solution 61 - Language Agnostic

Before January 1st 1970, true and false were the other way around...

Solution 62 - Language Agnostic

I'm probably gonna get roasted for this, but:

Making invisible characters syntactically significant in python was a bad idea

It's distracting, causes lots of subtle bugs for novices and, in my opinion, wasn't really needed. About the only code I've ever seen that didn't voluntarily follow some sort of decent formatting guide was from first-year CS students. And even if code doesn't follow "nice" standards, there are plenty of tools out there to coerce it into a more pleasing shape.

Solution 63 - Language Agnostic

You don't have to program everything

I'm getting tired that everything, but then everything needs to be stuffed in a program, like that is always faster. everything needs to be webbased, evrything needs to be done via a computer. Please, just use your pen and paper. it's faster and less maintenance.

Solution 64 - Language Agnostic

Null references should be removed from OO languages

Coming from a Java and C# background, where its normal to return null from a method to indicate a failure, I've come to conclude that nulls cause a lot of avoidable problems. Language designers can remove a whole class of errors relate to NullRefernceExceptions if they simply eliminate null references from code.

Additionally, when I call a method, I have no way of knowing whether that method can return null references unless I actually dig in the implementation. I'd like to see more languages follow F#'s model for handling nulls: F# doesn't allow programmers to return null references (at least for classes compiled in F#), instead it requires programmers to represent empty objects using option types. The nice thing about this design is how useful information, such as whether a function can return null references, is propagated through the type system: functions which return a type 'a have a different return type than functions which return 'a option.

Solution 65 - Language Agnostic

Singletons are not evil

There is a place for singletons in the real world, and methods to get around them (i.e. monostate pattern) are simply singletons in disguise. For instance, a Logger is a perfect candidate for a singleton. Addtionally, so is a message pump. My current app uses distributed computing, and different objects need to be able to send appropriate messages. There should only be one message pump, and everyone should be able to access it. The alternative is passing an object to my message pump everywhere it might be needed and hoping that a new developer doesn't new one up without thinking and wonder why his messages are going nowhere. The uniqueness of the singleton is the most important part, not its availability. The singleton has its place in the world.

Solution 66 - Language Agnostic

It's fine if you don't know. But you're fired if you can't even google it.

Internet is a tool. It's not making you stupider if you're learning from it.

Solution 67 - Language Agnostic

A picture is not worth a thousand words.

Some pictures might be worth a thousand words. Most of them are not. This trite old aphorism is mostly untrue and is a pathetic excuse for many a lazy manager who did not want to read carefully created reports and documentation to say "I need you to show me in a diagram."

My wife studied for a linguistics major and saw several fascinating proofs against the conventional wisdom on pictures and logos: they do not break across language and cultural barriers, they usually do not communicate anywhere near as much information as correct text, they simply are no substitute for real communication.

In particular, labeled bubbles connected with lines are useless if the lines are unlabeled and unexplained, and/or if every line has a different meaning instead of signifying the same relationship (unless distinguished from each other in some way). If your lines sometimes signify relationships and sometimes indicate actions and sometimes indicate the passage of time, you're really hosed.

Every good programmer knows you use the tool suited for the job at hand, right? Not all systems are best specified and documented in pictures. Graphical specification languages that can be automatically turned into provably-correct, executable code or whatever are a spectacular idea, if such things exist. Use them when appropriate, not for everything under the sun. Entity-Relationship diagrams are great. But not everything can be summed up in a picture.

Note: a table may be worth its weight in gold. But a table is not the same thing as a picture. And again, a well-crafted short prose paragraph may be far more suitable for the job at hand.

Solution 68 - Language Agnostic

You need to watch out for Object-Obsessed Programmers.

e.g. if you write a class that models built-in types such as ints or floats, you may be an object-obsessed programmer.

Solution 69 - Language Agnostic

There's an awful lot of bad teaching out there.

We developers like to feel smugly superior when Joel says there's a part of the brain for understanding pointers that some people are just born without. The topics many of us discuss here and are passionate about are esoteric, but sometimes that's only because we make them so.

Solution 70 - Language Agnostic

Don't write code, remove code!

As a smart teacher once told me: "Don't write code, Writing code is bad, Removing code is good. and if you have to write code - write small code..."

Solution 71 - Language Agnostic

It's a good idea to keep optimisation in mind when developing code.

Whenever I say this, people always reply: "premature optimisation is the root of all evil".

But I'm not saying optimise before you debug. I'm not even saying optimise ever, but when you're designing code, bear in mind the possibility that this might become a bottleneck, and write it so that it will be possible to refactor it for speed, without tearing the API apart.


Solution 72 - Language Agnostic

If a developer cannot write clear, concise and grammatically correct comments then they should have to go back and take English 101.

We have developers and (the horror) architects who cannot write coherently. When their documents are reviewed they say things like "oh, don't worry about grammatical errors or spelling - that's not important". Then they wonder why their convoluted garbage documents become convoluted buggy code.

I tell the interns that I mentor that if you can't communicate your great ideas verbally or in writing you may as well not have them.

Solution 73 - Language Agnostic

C++ is a good language

I practically got lynched in another question a week or two back for saying that C++ wasn't a very nice language. So now I'll try saying the opposite. ;)

No, seriously, the point I tried to make then, and will try again now, is that C++ has plenty of flaws. It's hard to deny that. It's so extremely complicated that learning it well is practically something you can dedicate your entire life to. It makes many common tasks needlessly hard, allows the user to plunge head-first into a sea of undefined behavior and unportable code, with no warnings given by the compiler.

But it's not the useless, decrepit, obsolete, hated language that many people try to make it. It shouldn't be swept under the carpet and ignored. The world wouldn't be a better place without it. It has some unique strengths that, unfortunately, are hidden behind quirky syntax, legacy cruft and not least, bad C++ teachers. But they're there.

C++ has many features that I desperately miss when programming in C# or other "modern" languages. There's a lot in it that C# and other modern languages could learn from.

It's not blindly focused on OOP, but has instead explored and pioneered generic programming. It allows surprisingly expressive compile-time metaprogramming producing extremely efficient, robust and clean code. It took in lessons from functional programming almost a decade before C# got LINQ or lambda expressions.

It allows you to catch a surprising number of errors at compile-time through static assertions and other metaprogramming tricks, which eases debugging vastly, and even beats unit tests in some ways. (I'd much rather catch an error at compile-time than afterwards, when I'm running my tests).

Deterministic destruction of variables allows RAII, an extremely powerful little trick that makes try/finally blocks and C#'s using blocks redundant.

And while some people accuse it of being "design by committee", I'd say yes, it is, and that's actually not a bad thing in this case. Look at Java's class library. How many classes have been deprecated again? How many should not be used? How many duplicate each others' functionality? How many are badly designed?

C++'s standard library is much smaller, but on the whole, it's remarkably well designed, and except for one or two minor warts (vector<bool>, for example), its design still holds up very well. When a feature is added to C++ or its standard library, it is subjected to heavy scrutiny. Couldn't Java have benefited from the same? .NET too, although it's younger and was somewhat better designed to begin with, is still accumulating a good handful of classes that are out of sync with reality, or were badly designed to begin with.

C++ has plenty of strengths that no other language can match. It's a good language

Solution 74 - Language Agnostic

Source files are SO 20th century.

Within the body of a function/method, it makes sense to represent procedural logic as linear text. Even when the logic is not strictly linear, we have good programming constructs (loops, if statements, etc) that allow us to cleanly represent non-linear operations using linear text.

But there is no reason that I should be required to divide my classes among distinct files or sort my functions/methods/fields/properties/etc in a particular order within those files. Why can't we just throw all those things within a big database file and let the IDE take care of sorting everything dynamically? If I want to sort my members by name then I'll click the member header on the members table. If I want to sort them by accessibility then I'll click the accessibility header. If I want to view my classes as an inheritence tree, then I'll click the button to do that.

Perhaps classes and members could be viewed spatially, as if they were some sort of entities within a virtual world. If the programmer desired, the IDE could automatically position classes & members that use each other near each other so that they're easy to find. Imaging being able to zoom in and out of this virtual world. Zoom all the way out and you can namespace galaxies with little class planets in them. Zoom in to a namespace and you can see class planets with method continents and islands and inner classes as orbitting moons. Zoom in to a method, and you see... the source code for that method.

Basically, my point is that in modern languages it doesn't matter what file(s) you put your classes in or in what order you define a class's members, so why are we still forced to use these archaic practices? Remember when Gmail came out and Google said "search, don't sort"? Well, why can't the same philosophy be applied to programming languages?

Solution 75 - Language Agnostic

One I have been tossing around for a while:

The data is the system.

Processes and software are built for data, not the other way around.

Without data, the process/software has little value. Data still has value without a process or software around it.

Once we understand the data, what it does, how it interacts, the different forms it exists in at different stages, only then can a solution be built to support the system of data.

Successful software/systems/processes seem to have an acute awareness, if not fanatical mindfulness of "where" the data is at in any given moment.

Solution 76 - Language Agnostic

Design Patterns are a symptom of Stone Age programming language design

They have their purpose. A lot of good software gets built with them. But the fact that there was a need to codify these "recipes" for psychological abstractions about how your code works/should work speaks to a lack of programming languages expressive enough to handle this abstraction for us.

The remedy, I think, lies in languages that allow you to embed more and more of the design into the code, by defining language constructs that might not exist or might not have general applicability but really really make sense in situations your code deals with incessantly. The Scheme people have known this for years, and there are things possible with Scheme macros that would make most monkeys-for-hire piss their pants.

Solution 77 - Language Agnostic

Regurgitating well known sayings by programming greats out of context with the zeal of a fanatic and the misplaced assumption that they are ironclad rules really gets my goat. For example 'premature optimization is the root of all evil' as covered by this thread.

IMO, many technical problems and solutions are very context sensitive and the notion of global best practices is a fallacy.

Solution 78 - Language Agnostic

I often get shouted down when I claim that the code is merely an expression of my design. I quite dislike the way I see so many developers design their system "on the fly" while coding it.

The amount of time and effort wasted when one of these cowboys falls off his horse is amazing - and 9 times out of 10 the problem they hit would have been uncovered with just a little upfront design work.

I feel that modern methodologies do not emphasize the importance of design in the overall software development process. Eg, the importance placed on code reviews when you haven't even reviewed your design! It's madness.

Solution 79 - Language Agnostic

Cowboy coders get more done.

I spend my life in the startup atmosphere. Without the Cowboy coders we'd waste endless cycles making sure things are done "right".

As we know it's basically impossible to forsee all issues. The Cowboy coder runs head-on into these problems and is forced to solve them much more quickly than someone who tries to forsee them all.

Though, if you're Cowboy coding you had better refactor that spaghetti before someone else has to maintain it. ;) The best ones I know use continuous refactoring. They get a ton of stuff done, don't waste time trying to predict the future, and through refactoring it becomes maintainable code.

Process always gets in the way of a good Cowboy, no matter how Agile it is.

Solution 80 - Language Agnostic

The users aren't idiots -- you are.

So many times I've heard developers say "so-and-so is an idiot" and my response is typically "he may be an idiot but you allowed him to be one."

Solution 81 - Language Agnostic

Emacs is better

Solution 82 - Language Agnostic

1-based arrays should always be used instead of 0-based arrays. 0-based arrays are unnatural, unnecessary, and error prone.

When I count apples or employees or widgets I start at one, not zero. I teach my kids the same thing. There is no such thing as a 0th apple or 0th employee or 0th widget. Using 1 as the base for an array is much more intuitive and less error-prone. Forget about plus-one-minus-one-hell (as we used to call it). 0-based arrays are an unnatural construct invented by the computer science - they do not reflect reality and computer programs should reflect reality as much as possible.

Solution 83 - Language Agnostic

The more process you put around programming, the worse the code becomes

I have noticed something in my 8 or so years of programming, and it seems ridiculous. It's that the only way to get quality is to employ quality developers, and remove as much process and formality from them as you can. Unit testing, coding standards, code/peer reviews, etc only reduce quality, not increase it. It sounds crazy, because the opposite should be true (more unit testing should lead to better code, great coding standards should lead to more readable code, code reviews should improve the quality of code) but it's not.

I think it boils down to the fact we call it "Software Engineering" when really it's design and not engineering at all.

Some numbers to substantiate this statement:

> From the Editor > > IEEE Software, November/December 2001 > Quantifying Soft Factors > ----------------------------- > > by Steve McConnell > > ... > > Limited Importance of Process Maturity > > ... > In comparing medium-size projects > (100,000 lines of code), the one with > the worst process will require 1.43 > times as much effort as the one with > the best process, all other things > being equal. In other words, the > maximum influence of process maturity > on a project’s productivity is 1.43. ... > > ... What Clark doesn’t emphasize is that > for a program of 100,000 lines of > code, several human-oriented factors > influence productivity more than > process does. ... > > ... The seniority-oriented factors alone > (AEXP, LTEX, PEXP) exert an influence > of 3.02. The seven > personnel-oriented factors > collectively (ACAP, AEXP, LTEX, > PCAP, PCON, PEXP, and SITE §) exert a > staggering influence range of 25.8! > This simple fact accounts for much of > the reason that non-process-oriented > organizations such as Microsoft, > Amazon.com, and other entrepreneurial > powerhouses can experience > industry-leading productivity while > seemingly shortchanging process. ... > > The Bottom Line > > ... It turns out that trading process > sophistication for staff continuity, > business domain experience, private > offices, and other human-oriented > factors is a sound economic tradeoff. > Of course, the best organizations > achieve high motivation and process > sophistication at the same time, and > that is the key challenge for any > leading software organization.

§ Read the article for an explanation of these acronyms.

Solution 84 - Language Agnostic

Opinion: That frameworks and third part components should be only used as a last resort.

I often see programmers immediately pick a framework to accomplish a task without learning the underlying approach it takes to work. Something will inevitably break, or we'll find a limition we didn't account for and we'll be immediately stuck and have to rethink major part of a system. Frameworks are fine to use as long it is carefully thought out.

Solution 85 - Language Agnostic

Generated documentation is nearly always totally worthless.

Or, as a corollary: Your API needs separate sets of documentation for maintainers and users.

There are really two classes of people who need to understand your API: maintainers, who must understand the minutiae of your implementation to be effective at their job, and users, who need a high-level overview, examples, and thorough details about the effects of each method they have access to.

I have never encountered generated documentation that succeeded in either area. Generally, when programmers write comments for tools to extract and make documentation out of, they aim for somewhere in the middle--just enough implementation detail to bore and confuse users yet not enough to significantly help maintainers, and not enough overview to be of any real assistance to users.

As a maintainer, I'd always rather have clean, clear comments, unmuddled by whatever strange markup your auto-doc tool requires, that tell me why you wrote that weird switch statement the way you did, or what bug this seemingly-redundant parameter check fixes, or whatever else I need to know to actually keep the code clean and bug-free as I work on it. I want this information right there in the code, adjacent to the code it's about, so I don't have to hunt down your website to find it in a state that lends itself to being read.

As a user, I'd always rather have a thorough, well-organized document (a set of web pages would be ideal, but I'd settle for a well-structured text file, too) telling me how your API is architectured, what methods do what, and how I can accomplish what I want to use your API to do. I don't want to see internally what classes you wrote to allow me to do work, or files they're in for that matter. And I certainly don't want to have to download your source so I can figure out exactly what's going on behind the curtain. If your documentation were good enough, I wouldn't have to.

That's how I see it, anyway.

Solution 86 - Language Agnostic

To produce great software, you need domain specialists as much as good developers.

Solution 87 - Language Agnostic

If your text editor doesn't do good code completion, you're wasting everyone's time.

Quickly remembering thousands of argument lists, spellings, and return values (not to mention class structures and similarly complex organizational patterns) is a task computers are good at and people (comparatively) are not. I buy wholeheartedly that slowing yourself down a bit and avoiding the gadget/feature cult is a great way to increase efficiency and avoid bugs, but there is simply no benefit to spending 30 seconds hunting unnecessarily through sourcecode or docs when you could spend nil... especially if you just need a spelling (which is more often than we like to admit).

Granted, if there isn't an editor that provides this functionality for your language, or the task is simple enough to knock out in the time it would take to load a heavier editor, nobody is going to tell you that Eclipse and 90 plugins is the right tool. But please don't tell me that the ability to H-J-K-L your way around like it's 1999 really saves you more time than hitting escape every time you need a method signature... even if you do feel less "hacker" doing it.


Solution 88 - Language Agnostic

The customer is not always right.

In most cases that I deal with, the customer is the product owner, aka "the business". All too often, developers just code and do not try to provide a vested stake in the product. There is too much of a misconception that the IT Department is a "company within a company", which is a load of utter garbage.

I feel my role is that of helping the business express their ideas - with the mutual understanding that I take an interest in understanding the business so that I can provide the best experience possible. And that route implies that there will be times that the product owner asks for something that he/she feels is the next revolution in computing leaving someone to either agree with that fact, or explain the more likely reason of why no one does something a certain way. It is mutually beneficial, because the product owner understands the thought that goes into the product, and the development team understands that they do more than sling code.

This has actually started to lead us down the path of increased productivity. How? Since the communication has improved due to disagreements on both sides of the table, it is more likely that we come together earlier in the process and come to a mutually beneficial solution to the product definition.

Solution 89 - Language Agnostic

My most controversial programming opinion is that finding performance problems is not about measuring, it is about capturing.

If you're hunting for elephants in a room (as opposed to mice) do you need to know how big they are? NO! All you have to do is look. Their very bigness is what makes them easy to find! It isn't necessary to measure them first.

The idea of measurement has been common wisdom at least since the paper on gprof (Susan L. Graham, et al 1982)*, when all along, right under our noses, has been a very simple and direct way to find code worth optimizing.

As a small example, here's how it works. Suppose you take 5 random-time samples of the call stack, and you happen to see a particular instruction on 3 out of 5 samples. What does that tell you?

.............   .............   .............   .............   .............
.............   .............   .............   .............   .............
Foo: call Bar   .............   .............   Foo: call Bar   .............
.............   Foo: call Bar   .............   .............   .............
.............   .............   .............   Foo: call Bar   .............
.............   .............   .............   .............   .............
                .............                                   .............

It tells you the program is spending 60% of its time doing work requested by that instruction. Removing it removes that 60%:

...\...../...   ...\...../...   .............   ...\...../...   .............
....\.../....   ....\.../....   .............   ....\.../....   .............
Foo: \a/l Bar   .....\./.....   .............   Foo: \a/l Bar   .............
......X......   Foo: cXll Bar   .............   ......X......   .............
...../.\.....   ...../.\.....   .............   Foo: /a\l Bar   .............
..../...\....   ..../...\....   .............   ..../...\....   .............
   /     \      .../.....\...                      /     \      .............


If you can remove the instruction (or invoke it a lot less), that's a 2.5x speedup, approximately. (Notice - recursion is irrelevant - if the elephant's pregnant, it's not any smaller.) Then you can repeat the process, until you truly approach an optimum.

  • This did not require accuracy of measurement, function timing, call counting, graphs, hundreds of samples, any of that typical profiling stuff.

Some people use this whenever they have a performance problem, and don't understand what's the big deal.

Most people have never heard of it, and when they do hear of it, think it is just an inferior mode of sampling. But it is very different, because it pinpoints problems by giving cost of call sites (as well as terminal instructions), as a percent of wall-clock time. Most profilers (not all), whether they use sampling or instrumentation, do not do that. Instead they give a variety of summary measurements that are, at best, clues to the possible location of problems. Here is a more extensive summary of the differences.

*In fact that paper claimed that the purpose of gprof was to "help the user evaluate alternative implementations of abstractions". It did not claim to help the user locate the code needing an alternative implementation, at a finer level then functions.

My second most controversial opinion is this, or it might be if it weren't so hard to understand.

Solution 90 - Language Agnostic

It's fine if you don't know. But you're fired if you can't even google it.

Internet is a tool. It's not making you stupider if you're learning from it.

Solution 91 - Language Agnostic

It's okay to be Mort

Not everyone is a "rockstar" programmer; some of us do it because it's a good living, and we don't care about all the latest fads and trends; we just want to do our jobs.

Solution 92 - Language Agnostic

Don't comment your code

Comments are not code and therefore when things change it's very easy to not change the comment that explained the code. Instead I prefer to refactor the crap out of code to a point that there is no reason for a comment. An example:

if(data == null)  // First time on the page


bool firstTimeOnPage = data == null;

The only time I really comment is when it's a TODO or explaining why

Widget.GetData(); // only way to grab data, TODO: extract interface or wrapper

Solution 93 - Language Agnostic

A Good Programmer Hates Coding

Similar to "A Good Programmer is a Lazy Programmer" and "Less Code is Better." But by following this philosophy, I have managed to write applications which might otherwise use several times as much code (and take several times as much development time). In short: think before you code. Most of the parts of my own programs which end up causing problems later were parts that I actually enjoyed coding, and thus had too much code, and thus were poorly written. Just like this paragraph.

A Good Programmer is a Designer

I've found that programming uses the same concepts as design (as in, the same design concepts used in art). I'm not sure most other programmers find the same thing to be true; maybe it is a right brain/left brain thing. Too many programs out there are ugly, from their code to their command line user interface to their graphical user interface, and it is clear that the designers of these programs were not, in fact, designers.

Although correlation may not, in this case, imply causation, I've noticed that as I've become better at design, I've become better at coding. The same process of making things fit and feel right can and should be used in both places. If code doesn't feel right, it will cause problems because either a) it is not right, or b) you'll assume it works in a way that "feels right" later, and it will then again be not right.

Art and code are not on opposite ends of the spectrum; code can be used in art, and can itself be a form of art.

Disclaimer: Not all of my code is pretty or "right," unfortunately.

Solution 94 - Language Agnostic

I work in ASP.NET / VB.NET a lot and find ViewState an absolute nightmare. It's enabled by default on the majority of fields and causes a large quantity of encoded data at the start of every web page. The bigger a page gets in terms of controls on a page, the larger the ViewState data will become. Most people don't turn an eye to it, but it creates a large set of data which is usually irrelevant to the tasks being carried on the page. You must manually disable this option on all ASP controls if they're not being used. It's either that or have custom controls for everything.

On some pages I work with, half of the page is made up of ViewState, which is a shame really as there's probably better ways of doing it.

That's just one small example I can think of in terms of language/technology opinions. It may be controversial.

By the way, you might want to edit voting on this thread, it could get quite heated by some ;)

Solution 95 - Language Agnostic

My controversial opinion: Object Oriented Programming is absolutely the worst thing that's ever happened to the field of software engineering.

The primary problem with OOP is the total lack of a rigorous definition that everyone can agree on. This easily leads to implementations that have logical holes in them, or language like Java that adhere to this bizarre religious dogma about what OOP means, while forcing the programmer into doing all these contortions and "design patterns" just to work around the limitations of a particular OOP system.

So, OOP tricks the programmer into thinking they're making these huge productivity gains, that OOP is somehow a "natural" way to think, while forcing the programmer to type boatloads of unnecessary boilerplate.

Then since nobody knows what OOP actually means, we get vast amounts of time wasted on petty arguments about whether language X or Y is "truly OOP" or not, what bizarre cargo cultish language features are absolutely "essential" for a language to be considered "truly OOP".

Instead of demanding that this language or that language be "truly oop", we should be looking at what language features are shown by experiment, to actually increase productivity, instead of trying to force it into being some imagined ideal language, or indeed forcing our programs to conform to some platonic ideal of a "truly object oriented program".

Instead of insisting that our programs conform to some platonic ideal of "Truly object oriented", how about we focus on adhering to good engineering principles, making our code easy to read and understand, and using the features of a language that are productive and helpful, regardless of whether they are "OOP" enough or not.

Solution 96 - Language Agnostic

Boolean variables should be used only for Boolean logic. In all other cases, use enumerations.

Boolean variables are used to store data that can only take on two possible values. The problems that arise from using them are frequently overlooked:

  • Programmers often cannot correctly identify when some piece of data should only have two possible values
  • The people who instruct programmers what to do, such as program managers or whomever writes the specs that programmers follow, often cannot correctly identify this either
  • Even when a piece of data is correctly identified as having only two possible states, that guarantee may not hold in the future.

In these cases, using Boolean variables leads to confusing code that can often be prevented by using enumerations.


Say a programmer is writing software for a car dealership that sells only cars and trucks. The programmer develops a thorough model of the business requirements for his software. Knowing that the only types of vehicles sold are cars and trucks, he correctly identifies that he can use a boolean variable inside a Vehicle class to indicate whether the vehicle is a car or a truck.

class Vehicle {
 bool isTruck;

The software is written so when isTruck is true a vehicle is a truck, and when isTruck is false the vehicle is a car. This is a simple check performed many times throughout the code.

Everything works without trouble, until one day when the car dealership buys another dealership that sells motorcycles as well. The programmer has to update the software so that it works correctly considering the dealership's business has changed. It now needs to identify whether a vehicle is a car, truck, or motorcycle, three possible states.

How should the programmer implement this? isTruck is a boolean variable, so it can hold only two states. He could change it from a boolean to some other type that allows many states, but this would break existing logic and possibly not be backwards compatible. The simplest solution from the programmer's point of view is to add a new variable to represent whether the vehicle is a motorcycle.

class Vehicle {
 bool isTruck;
 bool isMotorcycle;

The code is changed so that when isTruck is true a vehicle is a truck, when isMotorcycle is true a vehicle is a motorcycle, and when they're both false a vehicle is a car.


There are two big problems with this solution:

  • The programmer wants to express the type of the vehicle, which is one idea, but the solution uses two variables to do so. Someone unfamiliar with the code will have a harder time understanding the semantics of these variables than if the programmer had used just one variable that specifies the type entirely.
  • Solving this motorcycle problem by adding a new boolean doesn't make it any easier for the programmer to deal with such situations that happen in the future. If the dealership starts selling buses, the programmer will have to repeat all these steps over again by adding yet another boolean.

It's not the developer's fault that the business requirements of his software changed, requiring him to revise existing code. But using boolean variables in the first place made his code less flexible and harder to modify to satisfy unknown future requirements (less "future-proof"). When he implemented the changes in the quickest way, the code became harder to read. Using a boolean variable was ultimately a premature optimization.


Using an enumeration in the first place would have prevented these problems.

enum EVehicleType { Truck, Car }

class Vehicle {
 EVehicleType type;

To accommodate motorcycles in this case, all the programmer has to do is add Motorcycle to EVehicleType, and add new logic to handle the motorcycle cases. No new variables need to be added. Existing logic shouldn't be disrupted. And someone who's unfamiliar with the code can easily understand how the type of the vehicle is stored.

Cliff Notes

Don't use a type that can only ever store two different states unless you're absolutely certain two states will always be enough. Use an enumeration if there are any possible conditions in which more than two states will be required in the future, even if a boolean would satisfy existing requirements.

Solution 97 - Language Agnostic

C (or C++) should be the first programming language

The first language should NOT be the easy one, it should be one that sets up the student's mind and prepare it for serious computer science.
C is perfect for that, it forces students to think about memory and all the low level stuff, and at the same time they can learn how to structure their code (it has functions!)

C++ has the added advantage that it really sucks :) thus the students will understand why people had to come up with Java and C#

Solution 98 - Language Agnostic

You don't always need a database.

If you need to store less than a few thousand "things" and you don't need locking, flat files can work and are better in a lot of ways. They are more portable, and you can hand edit them in a pinch. If you have proper separation between your data and business logic, you can easily replace the flat files with a database if your app ever needs it. And if you design it with this in mind, it reminds you to have proper separation between your data and business logic.


Solution 99 - Language Agnostic

Here's one which has seemed obvious to me for many years but is anathema to everyone else: it is almost always a mistake to switch off C (or C++) assertions with NDEBUG in 'release' builds. (The sole exceptions are where the time or space penalty is unacceptable).

Rationale: If an assertion fails, your program has entered a state which

  • has never been tested
  • the developer was unable to code a recovery strategy for
  • the developer has effectively documented as being inconceivable.

Yet somehow 'industry best practice' is that the thing should just muddle on and hope for the best when it comes to live runs with your customers' data.

Solution 100 - Language Agnostic

All source code and comments should be written in English

Writing source code and/or comments in languages other than English makes it less reusable and more difficult to debug if you don't understand the language they are written in.

Same goes for SQL tables, views, and columns, especially when abbrevations are used. If they aren't abbreviated, I might be able to translate the table/column name on-line, but if they're abbreviated all I can do is SELECT and try to decipher the results.


All content for this solution is sourced from the original question on Stackoverflow.

The content on this page is licensed under the Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) license.

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