What is the idiomatic scala way of finding, if a given string contains a given substring?
RegexStringScalaSubstringContainsRegex Problem Overview
I have two strings in scala and I want to find out, if the bigger string (needle
) contains a smaller string (haystack
What I found is doing it with regexps and matches like this (from this question):
which is (1) grossly overcomplicated for such a simple problem, but more importantly, (2) doesn't work for me, because
"needle".r.pattern.matcher("Finding needle in haystack").matches
Boolean = false
Regex Solutions
Solution 1 - Regex
If you want to do it with maximum efficiency, you may have to write it yourself (or find a good substring searching algorithm somewhere). If you just want it to work at all, then in Scala:
scala> "Finding needle in haystack" contains "needle"
res0: Boolean = true
scala> "Finding needle in haystack" indexOf "needle"
res1: Int = 8
These are not regex searches. You aren't using the regex match correctly either (edit: because that code asks for an exact match to the whole string, not to find a matching substring), but that's a different issue. If you want a count of the number of matches, you can do something like
scala> "needle".r.findAllIn("Finding needle in haystack").length
res2: Int = 1
Solution 2 - Regex
Although answered I thought I would also offer this regex style
scala> "I have a needle in my haystack" matches ".*needle.*"
res10: Boolean = true