What is the best way to cache single object within fixed timeout?
JavaGuavaJava Problem Overview
Google Guava has CacheBuilder that allows to create ConcurrentHash with expiring keys that allow to remove entries after the fixed tiemout. However I need to cache only one instance of certain type.
What is the best way to cache single object within fixed timeout using Google Guava?
Java Solutions
Solution 1 - Java
I'd use Guava's Suppliers.memoizeWithExpiration(Supplier
public class JdkVersionService {
private JdkVersionWebService jdkVersionWebService;
// No need to check too often. Once a year will be good :)
private final Supplier<JdkVersion> latestJdkVersionCache
= Suppliers.memoizeWithExpiration(jdkVersionSupplier(), 365, TimeUnit.DAYS);
public JdkVersion getLatestJdkVersion() {
return latestJdkVersionCache.get();
private Supplier<JdkVersion> jdkVersionSupplier() {
return new Supplier<JdkVersion>() {
public JdkVersion get() {
return jdkVersionWebService.checkLatestJdkVersion();
Update with JDK 8
Today, I would write this code differently, using JDK 8 method references and constructor injection for cleaner code:
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
import javax.inject.Inject;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;
import com.google.common.base.Suppliers;
public class JdkVersionService {
private final Supplier<JdkVersion> latestJdkVersionCache;
public JdkVersionService(JdkVersionWebService jdkVersionWebService) {
this.latestJdkVersionCache = Suppliers.memoizeWithExpiration(
365, TimeUnit.DAYS
public JdkVersion getLatestJdkVersion() {
return latestJdkVersionCache.get();