What does "nit" mean in hacker-speak?
ShorthandAbbreviationShorthand Problem Overview
When someone writes "nit: removed whitespace" on a commit, what does "nit" mean? I've also seen it capitalized as if it were an abbreviation (i.e. NIT). For an example usage see this post:
> Of course there is a difference between a comment saying: "Nit: > Trailing whitespace" and "According to Section V, Subsection VII of > the Coding Manual you should never add trailing whitespace. Please see > that you don't." or some stuff like that. The latter is a > passive-aggressive potshot, the former IMO is just a quick reminder.
Other example from "Chromium Code Reviews":
> Issue 9662: fix minor style nit (Closed)
EDIT: And an answer comes from Bugzilla's review page:
> Sometimes the reviewer will prefix his comments with "Nit:". This > means that he's just "nitpicking"--you don't have to fix these points, > but we'd like you to.
Shorthand Solutions
Solution 1 - Shorthand
In the context of "nit: removed whitespace," I would assume that the term is short for nit-pick
. That is, a small change that may not be very important, but is technically correct.
Solution 2 - Shorthand
It is short for "nit pick". Pretty sure.
Solution 3 - Shorthand
Technically, it means "a louse egg" - in context it indicates "a very small detail".
Solution 4 - Shorthand
NIT in this context means nit pick. Its generally used for small change requests and suggestions.
for more details you may refer to https://www.chromium.org/glossary
Solution 5 - Shorthand
The act of removing nits. Very small nonfunctional things. e.g. format, coding style, etc.
Solution 6 - Shorthand
shorthand for NIT : (N)ot (I)mportant, (T)hough