What are the pros and cons of performing calculations in sql vs. in your application


Java Problem Overview

shopkeeper table has following fields:

id (bigint),amount (numeric(19,2)),createddate (timestamp)

Let's say, I have the above table. I want to get the records for yesterday and generate a report by having the amount printed to cents.

One way of doing is to perform calculations in my java application and execute a simple query

Date previousDate ;// $1 calculate in application

Date todayDate;// $2 calculate in application

select amount where createddate between $1 and $2 

and then loop through the records and convert amount to cents in my java application and generate the report

Another way is like performing calculations in sql query itself:

select cast(amount * 100 as int) as "Cents"
from shopkeeper  where createddate  between date_trunc('day', now()) - interval '1 day'  and  date_trunc('day', now())

and then loop through the records and generate the report

In one way , all my processing is done in java application and a simple query is fired. In other case all the conversions and calculations is done in Sql query.

The above use case is just an example, in a real scenario a table can have many columns that require processing of the similar kind.

Can you please tell me which approach is better in terms of performance and other aspects and why?

Java Solutions

Solution 1 - Java

It depends on a lot of factors - but most crucially:

  • complexity of calculations (prefer doing complex crunching on an app-server, since that scales out; rather than a db server, which scales up)
  • volume of data (if you need to access/aggregate a lot of data, doing it at the db server will save bandwidth, and disk io if the aggregates can be done inside indexes)
  • convenience (sql is not the best language for complex work - especially not great for procedural work, but very good for set-based work; lousy error-handling, though)

As always, if you do bring the data back to the app-server, minimising the columns and rows will be to your advantage. Making sure the query is tuned and appropriately indexed will help either scenario.

Re your note:

> and then loop through the records

Looping through records is almost always the wrong thing to do in sql - writing a set-based operation is preferred.

As a general rule, I prefer to keep the database's job to a minimum "store this data, fetch this data" - however, there are always examples of scenarios where an elegant query at the server can save a lot of bandwidth.

Also consider: if this is computationally expensive, can it be cached somewhere?

If you want an accurate "which is better"; code it both ways and compare it (noting that a first draft of either is likely not 100% tuned). But factor in typical usage to that: if, in reality, it is being called 5 times (separately) at once, then simulate that: don't compare just a single "1 of these vs 1 of those".

Solution 2 - Java

Let me use a metaphor: if you want to buy a golden necklace in Paris, the goldsmith could sit in Cape Town or Paris, that is a matter of skill and taste. But you would never ship tons of gold ore from South Africa to France for that. The ore is processed at the mining site (or at least in the general area), only the gold gets shipped. The same should be true for apps and databases.

As far as PostgreSQL is concerned, you can do almost anything on the server, quite efficiently. The RDBMS excels at complex queries. For procedural needs you can choose from a variety of server-side script languages: tcl, python, perl and many more. Mostly I use PL/pgSQL, though.

Worst case scenario would be to repeatedly go to the server for every single row of a larger set. (That would be like shipping one ton of ore a time.)

Second in line, if you send a cascade of queries, each depending on the one before, while all of it could be done in one query or procedure on the server. (That's like shipping the gold, and each of the jewels with a separate ship, sequentially.)

Going back and forth between app and server is expensive. For server and client. Try to cut down on that, and you will win - ergo: use server side procedures and / or sophisticated SQL where necessary.

We just finished a project where we packed almost all complex queries into Postgres functions. The app hands over parameters and gets the datasets it needs. Fast, clean, simple (for the app developer), I/O reduced to a minimum ... a shiny necklace with a low carbon footprint.

Solution 3 - Java

In this case you are probably slightly better off doing the calculation in SQL as the database engine is likely to have a more efficient decimal arithmetic routines than Java.

Generally though for row level calculations there is not much difference.

Where it does make a difference is:

  • Aggregate calculations like SUM(), AVG(),MIN(), MAX() here the database engine will be an order of magnitude faster than a Java implementation.
  • Anywhere the calculation is used to filter rows. Filtering at the DB is much more efficient than reading a row and then discarding it.

Solution 4 - Java

There's no black / white with respect to what parts of data access logic should be performed in SQL and what parts should be performed in your application. I like Mark Gravell's wording, distinguishing between

  • complex calculations
  • data-intensive calculations

The power and expressivity of SQL is heavily underestimated. Since the introduction of window functions, a lot of non-strictly set-oriented calculations can be performed very easily and elegantly in the database.

Three rules of thumb should always be followed, regardless of the overall application architecture:

  • keep the amount of data transferred between database and application slim (in favour of calculating stuff in the DB)
  • keep the amount of data loaded from the disk by the database slim (in favour of letting the database optimise statements to avoid unnecessary data access)
  • don't push the database to its CPU limits with complex, concurrent calculations (in favour of pulling data into application memory and performing calculations there)

In my experience, with a decent DBA and some decent knowledge about your decent database, you won't run into your DBs CPU limits very soon.

Some further reading where these things are explained:

Solution 5 - Java

In general do things in SQL if there are chances that also other modules or component in same or other projects will need to get those results. an atomic operation done server side is also better because you just need to invoke the stored proc from any db management tool to get final values without further processing.

In some cases this does not apply but when it does it makes sense. also in general the db box has the best hardware and performances.

Solution 6 - Java

Whether to perform calculations at the front end or at the backend is very much decided if we can determine our goal in the business implementation. At time java code might perform better than a sql code both well written or it might be vice-versa. But still if confused you can try to determine first -

  1. If you can achieve something straightforward via database sql then better go for it as db will perform much better and do computations there and then with the result fetch. However if the actual computation requires too much calculation from here and there stuff then you can go with the application code. Why? Because scenario's like looping in most cases are not best handled by sql wherease front end languages are better designed for these things.
  2. In case similar calculation is required from many places then obviously placing the calculation code at the db end will be better to keep things at the same place.
  3. If there are lots of calculations to be done to attain the final result via many different queries then also go for db end as you can place the same code in a stored procedure to perform better than retrieving results from backend and then computing them at the front end.

There are many other aspects which you can think before you decide where to place the code. One perception is totally wrong - Everything can be done best in Java (app code) and/or everything is best to be done by the db (sql code).

Solution 7 - Java

If you are writing on top of ORM or writing casual low-performance applications, use whatever pattern simplifies the application. If you are writing a high performance application and thinking carefully about scale, you will win by moving processing to data. I strongly advocate moving the processing to the data.

Let's think about this in two steps: (1) OLTP (small number of record) transactions. (2) OLAP (long scans of many records).

In the OLTP case, if you want to be fast (10k - 100k transactions per second), you must remove latch, lock and dead lock contention from the database. This means that you need to eliminate long stalls in transactions: round trips from client to DB to move processing to the client are one such long stall. You can't have long lived transactions (to make read/update atomic) and have very high throughput.

Re: horizontal scaling. Modern databases scale horizontally. Those systems implement HA and fault tolerance already. Leverage that and try to simplify your application space.

Let's look at OLAP -- in this case it should be obvious that dragging possibly terrabytes of data back to the application is a horrible idea. These systems are built specifically to operate extremely efficiently against compressed, pre-organized columnar data. Modern OLAP systems also scale horizontally and have sophisticated query planners that disperse work horizontally (internally moving processing to data).

Solution 8 - Java

Form a performance point of view: This is a very simple arithmetic operation which almost certainly can be performed much faster than actually fetching the data from the disks that underly the database. Also, calculating the values in the where clause is likely to be very fast on any runtime. In summary, the bottleneck should be disk IO, not the computation of the values.

As per readability, I think if you use an ORM you should do it in your app server environment, because the ORM will let you work with the underlying data very easily, using set based operations. If you are going to write raw SQL anyway, there's nothing wrong with doing the computation there, Your SQL would also look a little nicer and easier to read if formatted properly.

Solution 9 - Java

Crucially, "performance" isn't defined.

The one that matters to me the most is developer time.

Write the SQL query. If it's too slow or the DB becomes a bottleneck, then reconsider. By that time, you'll be able to benchmark the two approaches and make your decision based on real data relevant to your setup (hardware and whatever stack you're on).

Solution 10 - Java

I don't believe the performance differences can be reasoned about without specific examples and benchmarks, but I have another take:

Which can you maintain better? For example, you might want to switch your front-end from Java to Flash, or HTML5, or C++, or something else. A vast number of programs have gone through such a change, or even exist in more than one language to begin with, because they need to work on multiple devices.

Even if you have a proper middle layer (from the example given, it seems like that's not the case), that layer might change and JBoss might become Ruby/Rails.

On the other hand, it is unlikely that you will replace the SQL-backend with something that's not a relational DB with SQL and even if you do, you will have to rewrite the front-end from scratch anyway, so the point is moot.

My idea is that if you do calculations in the DB, it will be much easier to write a second front-end or middle-layer later, because you don't have to re-implement everything. In practise however, I think "where can I do this with code that people will understand" is the most important factor.

Solution 11 - Java

To simplify how to answer this would be to look at load balancing. You want to put the load where you have the most capacity (if it makes any sense). In most systems it is the SQL server that quickly becomes a bottleneck so the probably answer is that you don't want SQL doing one ounce of work more than it has to.

Also in most architectures it is the SQL server(s) that make up the core of the system and outside systems that get added on.

But the math above is so trivial that unless you are pushing your system to the limit the best place to put it is where you want to put it. If the math were not trivial such as calculating sin/cos/tan for say a distance calculation then the effort might become non-trivial and require careful planning and testing.

Solution 12 - Java

The other answers to this question are interesting. Surprisingly, no one has answered your question. You are wondering:

  1. Is it better to cast to Cents in the query? I don’t think the cast to cents adds anything in your query.
  2. Is it better to use now() in the query? I would prefer to pass dates into the query instead of calculating them in the query.

More info: For question one you want to be sure that aggregating the fractions works without rounding errors. I think numeric 19,2 is reasonable for money and in the second case the integers are OK. Using a float for money is wrong for this reason.

For question two, I like to have full control as a programmer of what date is considered “now”. It can be hard to write automatic unit tests when using functions like now(). Also, when you have a longer transaction script it can be good to set a variable equal to now() and use the variable so that all of the logic uses the exact same value.

Solution 13 - Java

Let me take a real example to address this question

I needed to calculate a weighted moving average on my ohlc data, I have about 134000 candles with a symbol for each to do so

  1. Option 1 Do it in Python/Node etc etc
  2. Option 2 Do it in SQL itself!

Which one is better?

  • If I had to do this in Python, essentially, I would have to fetch all stored records at the worst, case, perform the computation and save everything back which in my opinion is a huge wastage of IO
  • Weighted moving average changes everytime you get a new candle meaning I would be doing massive amounts of IO at regular intervals which is not a good opinion in my sign
  • In SQL, all I have to do is probably write a trigger that computes and stores everything so only need to fetch the final WMA values for each pair every now and then and that is so much more efficient


  • If I had to calculate WMA for every candle and store it, I would do it on Python
  • But since I only need the last value, SQL is much faster than Python

To give you some encouragement, this is the Python version to do a weighted moving average

WMA done through code

import psycopg2
import psycopg2.extras
from talib import func
import timeit
import numpy as np
with psycopg2.connect('dbname=xyz user=xyz') as conn:
with conn.cursor() as cur:
t0 = timeit.default_timer()
cur.execute('select distinct symbol from ohlc_900 order by symbol')
for symbol in cur.fetchall():
cur.execute('select c from ohlc_900 where symbol = %s order by ts', symbol)
ohlc = np.array(cur.fetchall(), dtype = ([('c', 'f8')]))
wma = func.WMA(ohlc['c'], 10)
# print(*symbol, wma[-1])
print(timeit.default_timer() - t0)

WMA Through SQL

if the period is 10
then we need 9 previous candles or 15 x 9 = 135 mins on the interval department
we also need to start counting at row number - (count in that group - 10)
For example if AAPL had 134 coins and current row number was 125
weight at that row will be weight = 125 - (134 - 10) = 1
10 period WMA calculations
Row no Weight c
125 1
126 2
127 3
128 4
129 5
130 6
131 7
132 8
133 9
134 10
query2 = """
condition(sym, maxts, cnt) as (
select symbol, max(ts), count(symbol) from ohlc_900 group by symbol
cte as (
select symbol, ts,
case when cnt >= 10 and ts >= maxts - interval '135 mins'
then (row_number() over (partition by symbol order by ts) - (cnt - 10)) * c
else null
end as weighted_close
from ohlc_900
INNER JOIN condition
ON symbol = sym
w as (partition by symbol order by ts rows between 9 preceding and current row)
select symbol, sum(weighted_close)/55 as wma
from cte
WHERE weighted_close is NOT NULL
GROUP by symbol ORDER BY symbol
with psycopg2.connect('dbname=xyz user=xyz') as conn:
with conn.cursor() as cur:
t0 = timeit.default_timer()
# for i in cur.fetchall():
# print(*i)
print(timeit.default_timer() - t0)

Believe it or not, the query runs faster than the Pure Python version of doing a WEIGHTED MOVING AVERAGE!!! I went step by step into writing that query so hang in there and you ll do just fine


0.42141127300055814 seconds Python

0.23801879299935536 seconds SQL

I have 134000 fake OHLC records in my database divided amongst a 1000 stocks so that is an example of where SQL can outperform your app server


All content for this solution is sourced from the original question on Stackoverflow.

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Content TypeOriginal AuthorOriginal Content on Stackoverflow
QuestionhellojavaView Question on Stackoverflow
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Solution 2 - JavaErwin BrandstetterView Answer on Stackoverflow
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