Visual Studio 2013 git, only Master branch listed

GitVisual Studio-2013Git Branch

Git Problem Overview

I'm using Visual Studio 2013's Git support to work on a private GitHub repository. I have permission to commit to it. I want to switch branches, but when I go to the Branches view, the only branch in any of the lists (branch drop-down, published branches, merge tool) is master. Other branches show up in GitHub, GitHub for Windows, and TortoiseGit. So I know they're there and I have access.

Any ideas why I can't see other branches in Visual Studio?

enter image description here

I'm running Visual Studio 2013 Update 2.

Git Solutions

Solution 1 - Git

The branch dropdown will only show local branches, it will not show remote branches. You should create a new local branch to track that remote branch. Simply click the New Branch dropdown, and you will see all the remote branches:

enter image description here

Once you've done that, this will appear as a "published branch" allowing you to push and pull to it.


All content for this solution is sourced from the original question on Stackoverflow.

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Content TypeOriginal AuthorOriginal Content on Stackoverflow
QuestionVimesView Question on Stackoverflow
Solution 1 - GitEdward ThomsonView Answer on Stackoverflow