SELECT list is not in GROUP BY clause and contains nonaggregated column .... incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_by

MysqlGroup ByMysql Error-1055

Mysql Problem Overview

AM using MySQL 5.7.13 on my windows PC with WAMP Server

Here my Problem is While executing this query

FROM `tbl_customer_pod_uploads`
WHERE `load_id` = '78' AND
      `status` = 'Active'
GROUP BY `proof_type`

Am getting always error like this

> Expression #1 of SELECT list is not in GROUP BY clause and contains nonaggregated column '' which is not functionally dependent on columns in GROUP BY clause; this is incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_by

Can you please tell me the best solution...

I need Result like

| id | user_id | load_id | bill_id | latitude | langitude | proof_type | document_type | file_name    | is_private | status | createdon           | updatedon           |
|  1 |       1 | 78      | 1       | 21.1212  | 21.5454   |          1 |             1 | id_Card.docx |          0 | Active | 2017-01-27 11:30:11 | 2017-01-27 11:30:14 |

Mysql Solutions

Solution 1 - Mysql


> Expression #1 of SELECT list is not in GROUP BY clause and contains nonaggregated column '' which is not functionally dependent on columns in GROUP BY clause; this is incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_by

will be simply solved by changing the sql mode in MySQL by this command,


This too works for me.. I used this, because in my project there are many Queries like this so I just changed this sql mode to only_full_group_by

OR simply include all columns in the GROUP BY clause that was specified by the SELECT statement. The sql_mode can be left enabled.

Thank You... :-)

Solution 2 - Mysql

When MySQL's only_full_group_by mode is turned on, it means that strict ANSI SQL rules will apply when using GROUP BY. With regard to your query, this means that if you GROUP BY of the proof_type column, then you can only select two things:

  • the proof_type column, or
  • aggregates of any other column

By "aggregates" of other columns, I mean using an aggregate function such as MIN(), MAX(), or AVG() with another column. So in your case the following query would be valid:

SELECT proof_type,
       MAX(id) AS max_id,
FROM tbl_customer_pod_uploads
WHERE load_id = '78' AND
      status = 'Active'
GROUP BY proof_type

The vast majority of MySQL GROUP BY questions which I see on SO have strict mode turned off, so the query is running, but with incorrect results. In your case, the query won't run at all, forcing you to think about what you really want to do.

Note: The ANSI SQL extends what is allowed to be selected in GROUP BY by also including columns which are functionally dependent on the column(s) being selected. An example of functional dependency would be grouping by a primary key column in a table. Since the primary key is guaranteed to be unique for every record, therefore the value of any other column would also be determined. MySQL is one of the databases which allows for this (SQL Server and Oracle do not AFAIK).

Solution 3 - Mysql

There is a system variable ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY in MySql engine.

From Mysql Version 5.7.5: ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY SQL mode is enabled by default

Before Version 5.7.5: ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY was not enabled by default.

If the ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY SQL mode is enabled (which it is by default from version 5.7.5), MySQL rejects queries for which the select list, HAVING condition, or ORDER BY list refer to non-aggregated columns that are neither named in the GROUP BY clause nor are functionally dependent on them.

To sort out the issue, use any one solution (out of below 3)

(1) PHPMyAdmin

Disable: ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY mode

if you are using phpMyAdmin then change the sql_mode setting as mentioned in the below screenshot. enter image description here

Edit sql mode variable and remove the ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY text from the value


(2) SQL/Command prompt

Disable: ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY mode by running the below command.



(3) Don't use SELECT *

Do not disable the ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY mode but

Use relevant column in SELECT query. relevant means columns, which are either coming in group by clause or column with the aggregate function (MAX, MIN, SUM, COUNT etc)

Important note

Changes made by using point(1) OR point(2) does not set it PERMANENTLY, and it will revert after every restart.

So you should set this in your config file (e.g. /etc/mysql/my.cnf in the [mysqld] section), so that the changes remain in effect after MySQL restart:

Config File: /etc/mysql/my.cnf

Variable name: sql_mode OR sql-mode

Remove word ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY from the value and save the file.

Note: If you have not found sql_mode variable in the config file than please insert below 2 lines at the end of the file


Solution 4 - Mysql

only_full_group_by = on tells MySQL engine: Do not apply GROUP BY when you have doubt about what results to show and throw an error. Only apply it if Group By specifically tells you what to do. i.e. when the Group By is full and perfect!

only_full_group_by = off tells MySQL engine: always apply GROUP BY and if you have doubt about what results to choose, just pick one randomly!

You don't have to turn it off if you use GROUP BY properly!


Table: users

 id   |  name
  1      ali
  2      john
  3      ali

When you use GROUP BY on the name column:

SELECT * FROM users GROUP BY name;

There are two possible results:

  1      ali
  2      john     


  2      john
  3      ali

MYSQL does not know what result to choose! Because there are different ids but both have name=ali.


only selecting the name field:

SELECT name FROM users GROUP BY name;



This is a perfect solution. removing columns that makes GROUP BY confused. This means you know what you're doing. Usually, you do not need
those columns, but if you need them, go to Solution3!


Turning off only_full_group_by. MYSQL will pick one of the two possible results RANDOMLY!! (It's ok if you do not really care what id it will choose, but remember to turn it on immediately after your query to prevent unexpected behaviors in future groupBys)


Use an Aggregate function like MIN(), MAX() to help MYSQL to decide what it must choose.

For example:

SELECT MAX(id), name FROM users GROUP BY name;


  2      john     
  3      ali

It will choose the ali row which has the maximum id.

Solution 5 - Mysql

Below method solved my problem:

In ubuntu

Type: sudo vi /etc/mysql/my.cnf

type A to enter insert mode

In the last line paste below two line code:


Type esc to exit input mode

Type :wq to save and close vim.

Type sudo service mysql restart to restart MySQL.

Solution 6 - Mysql

You can disable sql_mode=only_full_group_by by some command you can try this by terminal or MySql IDE



Solution 7 - Mysql

In Ubuntu

Step 1:

sudo vi /etc/mysql/mysql.conf.d/mysqld.cnf

Step 2: Go to last line and add the following

sql_mode = ""

Step 3: Save

Step 4: Restart mysql server.

Solution 8 - Mysql

Hi instead of taking all columns, just take what you need by using ANY_VALUE(column_name). It is working perfectly. Just check.


SELECT proof_type,any_value("customer_name") as customer_name
FROM `tbl_customer_pod_uploads`
WHERE `load_id` = '78' AND `status` = 'Active' GROUP BY `proof_type`

Solution 9 - Mysql

>For the query to be legal in SQL92, the name column must be omitted from the select list or named in the GROUP BY clause.

>SQL99 and later permits such nonaggregates per optional feature T301 if they are functionally dependent on GROUP BY columns: If such a relationship exists between name and custid, the query is legal. This would be the case, for example, were custid a primary key of customers.

>MySQL 5.7.5 and up implements detection of functional dependence. If the ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY SQL mode is enabled (which it is by default), MySQL rejects queries for which the select list, HAVING condition, or ORDER BY list refer to nonaggregated columns that are neither named in the GROUP BY clause nor are functionally dependent on them.

>via MySQL :: MySQL 5.7 Reference Manual :: 12.19.3 MySQL Handling of GROUP BY

You can solve it by changing the sql mode with this command:

and ... remember to reconnect the database!!!

Solution 10 - Mysql

From how it looks, I think grouping by multiple columns/fields wont hurt your result. Why don't you try adding to the group by like this:

GROUP BY `proof_type`, `id`

This will group by proof_type first then id. I hope this does not alter the results. In some/most cases group by multiple columns gives wrong results.

Solution 11 - Mysql

go to the phpmyadmin and open the console and execute this request


Solution 12 - Mysql

> sudo nano /etc/mysql/my.cnf

Enter below

sql_mode = ""

Ctrl + O => Y = Ctrl + X

> sudo service mysql restart

Solution 13 - Mysql

I was facing this issue and the following query wasn't enough


because I was using Stored Procedure. After executing this query I had to drop the procedure and create again.

Solution 14 - Mysql

Two solutions:

a) Use

> SET GLOBAL sql_mode=(SELECT REPLACE(@@sql_mode,'ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY',''));

b) You can achieve the same effect without disabling ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY by using ANY_VALUE() to refer to the nonaggregated column.

> ANY_VALUE(value)

Solution 15 - Mysql

Update for MySQL 8.0

Your sql-mode will not have NO_AUTO_CREATE_USER as it has been removed as mentioned here - how-to-set-sql-mode-in-my-cnf-in-mysql-8


Also if someone doesn't have a my.cnf file then they can create a new one in /etc/my.cnf and then add the above lines.

Solution 16 - Mysql

I had similar problem with part of my database crushing. What I did is I changed the parameter in the DB via PHPStorm database console like this:

   SET GLOBAL sql_mode=(SELECT REPLACE(@@sql_mode,'ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY',''));

works like charm now

Solution 17 - Mysql

Search for "SQL mode" if you are using PhpMyAdmin and take off the value: ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY, just did and it okay.

Solution 18 - Mysql

Before running you query run bellow query


Solution 19 - Mysql

  1. Login to phpMyAdmin
  2. Navigate to : Server: localhost:3306 and do not select any database
  3. Click on variables from the top menu
  4. Search for "sql mode" and edit the corresponding value to : NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION

That's all.

I did this in my Ec2 and it worked like charm.

Solution 20 - Mysql

Here is a really fast and easy way of setting it permanently

NB: running SET GLOBAL sql_mode=(SELECT REPLACE(@@sql_mode,'ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY','')); is temporary and on server restart you will still end up with the error. To fix this permanently do the below

  1. Login to your server as root
  2. in your terminal run wget
  3. Make the script executable by running chmod +x
  4. Run the script by running ./

And your done , changes will be made to mysql and it will be restarted

Solution 21 - Mysql

You can also simply add GROUP_CONCAT() to the nonaggregated columns.

like GROUP_CONCAT(your_column)

Solution 22 - Mysql

In my case, This was my old sql_mode


You can check sql_mode with

show variables like "sql_mode";

then i SET it as this


Solution 23 - Mysql

For The ones using CentOS/RHEL (Linux server) and XAMPP Locally

Hello, I've come to a very different solution and I hope this helps somone. (May look overkill but this really worked for me unlike other solutions)

I am running CentOS 7 and all my code was working locally, but when I uploaded it to my server I started getting the error which this question addresses.

After some hours I tried viewing the problem from a different angle, I remembered that my local setup uses XAMPP and I thought I was using MySQL 8 (MySQL 8 was installed on my server).

But after logging in into MySql from XAMPP I got the next output:

mysql -u root -p //Login

Welcome to the MariaDB monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MariaDB connection id is 27
Server version: 10.4.18-MariaDB binary distribution

Copyright (c) 2000, 2018, Oracle, MariaDB Corporation Ab and others.

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.

Yes you may have noticed the same, XAMPP uses MariaDB, so the solution was to uninstall mysql and install MariaDB

And as I am running Centos 7 the steps to do this are the ones below:

  1. Remove mysql from your server

# yum remove mysql mysql-server

2. Update your system (this is common everytime we install something new)

# sudo yum  -y update

3. Add MariaDB to repository

# sudo tee /etc/yum.repos.d/MariaDB.repo<<EOF 
name = MariaDB
baseurl =

4. Update cache

# sudo yum makecache fast

5. Install MariaDB

# sudo yum -y install MariaDB-server MariaDB-client

6. Add MariaDB to the startup (Start MariaDB every time your system gets restarted)

#sudo systemctl enable --now mariadb

Then you can secure your installation by running the next command:

# sudo mysql_secure_installation

This last command will begin a process where you can set password, and other options.

After that dont forget to add non-root user and grant it the necessary privileges, that's because you can't use root user in your applications (Yes I had to figure that out later)

First Login using the root account:

# mysql -u root -p

Then add your user and grant privileges:

CREATE USER 'YourUserName'@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'YourPassword';

And finally you have to create your database, import your tables/data/triggers/procedures.

Now you will be able to run your code without any problems, just as your local setup. (Maybe you will have to install mysql extensions in case you had to do it locally too).

Solution 24 - Mysql

Login to phpMyAdmin Navigate to : Server: http://localhost/phpmyadmin and do not select any database Click on SQL from the top menu and pest below code Run SQL query/queries on server SET GLOBAL sql_mode=(SELECT REPLACE(@@sql_mode,'ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY','')); Sorce link

Solution 25 - Mysql

If you are using MAMP on Mac, any change to the variable in MySQL will be erased when you restart MAMP. To make sure the change is permanent do the following:

Stop the MAMP Servers that are running.

Use a text editor to create a file named my.cnf and save it to the /Applications/MAMP/conf folder. Put the file at the root of the folder (which seems a bit odd as it contains tons of apache folders and all but that's ok). Add the following lines into the file:


Save the file and close your editor. Start the MAMP servers.

This will make the change permanent.

Solution 26 - Mysql

Open you WAMP panel and open MySQL configuration file. In it search for "sql_mode" if you find it set it to "" else if you don't find it add sql_mode="" to the file.

Restart the MySQL server and you are good to go...

happy coding.

Solution 27 - Mysql

In your my.ini, write this:


depend on your version. Or:

sql_mode = ""

or simply remove this: ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY


All content for this solution is sourced from the original question on Stackoverflow.

The content on this page is licensed under the Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) license.

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