Restart python-script from within itself


Python Problem Overview

I have a python-based GTK application that loads several modules. It is run from the (linux) terminal like so:

./ --some-flag setting

From within the program the user can download (using Git) newer versions. If such exists/are downloaded, a button appear that I wish would restart the program with newly compiled contents (including dependencies/imports). Preferably it would also restart it using the contents of sys.argv to keep all the flags as they were.

So what I fail to find/need is a nice restart procedure that kills the current instance of the program and starts a new using the same arguments.

Preferably the solution should work for Windows and Mac as well but it is not essential.

Python Solutions

Solution 1 - Python

You're looking for">`os.exec*()`</a> family of commands.

To restart your current program with exact the same command line arguments as it was originally run, you could use the following:

os.execv(sys.argv[0], sys.argv)

Solution 2 - Python

I think this is a more elaborate answer, as sometimes you may end up with too many open file objects and descriptors, that can cause memory issues or concurrent connections to a network device.

import os
import sys
import psutil
import logging

def restart_program():
    """Restarts the current program, with file objects and descriptors

        p = psutil.Process(os.getpid())
        for handler in p.get_open_files() + p.connections():
    except Exception, e:

    python = sys.executable
    os.execl(python, python, *sys.argv)

Solution 3 - Python

UPDATE - of the above answer with some example for future reference

I have

kill -9
python /home/sun/workspace/c/src/ &

And i have where i need to restart the application itself, so i had:


but that did not restart the application itself by following, so when i used this way:

os.execl('', '')

Then i was able to restart itself

Solution 4 - Python

I know this solution isn't technically what you are asking for but if you want to be 100% sure you freed everything or don't want to rely on dependencies you could just run the script in from a loop in another:

import os, time

while 1:
	print "Restarting..."
	time.sleep(0.2) # 200ms to CTR+C twice

Then you can restart as simply as:


Solution 5 - Python

Works at Windows (Without args)




Solution 6 - Python

For me this part worked like a charm:

def restart():
    import sys
    print("argv was",sys.argv)
    print("sys.executable was", sys.executable)
    print("restart now")

    import os
    os.execv(sys.executable, ['python'] + sys.argv)

I got it here.

Solution 7 - Python

I have just a little amelioration on the code of #s3niOr.

In my case there are spaces in the path of the python file. So by adding a proper formatting, the problem can be solved.

Notice that in my case my python file has no other arguments. So if you do have other arguments, you have to deal with them.

This solves the problem of restarting a python script that has spaces in its path :

import os
import sys
import psutil
import logging

def restart_program():
    """Restarts the current program, with file objects and descriptors

        p = psutil.Process(os.getpid())
        for handler in p.get_open_files() + p.connections():
    except Exception, e:

    python = sys.executable
    os.execl(python, python, "\"{}\"".format(sys.argv[0]))

Solution 8 - Python

I was looking for a solution to this and found nothing that works on any of the stack overflow posts. Maybe some of the answers are too out of date, e.g. os.system has been replaced by subprocess. I am on linux lubuntu 17.10, using python 3.

Two methods worked for me. Both open a new shell window and run the script in it and then close the old one.

1. Using with an .sh script.

Adapted from @YumYumYum method. I did not need the kill option, (though it did not kill my python process by name anyway and I had to use killall python3 to achieve it when testing).

I use lxterminal but you could probably use any.

In the file called (chmod +x to make it executable)


lxterminal -e python3 /home/my/folder/ &

Then in the use this when you need to call it

import subprocess'/home/my/folder/', shell=True)

2. From within

Adapted from @Stuffe method. This one is internal to the script and opens a new shell window then runs the new script, then quits out of the old script. I am not sure it needs the time.sleep delay but I used it anyway.

import subprocess, time

cmd = 'python3 /home/my/folder/''lxterminal -e ' + cmd, shell=True)   

Solution 9 - Python

Inspired by @YumYumYum and fixed the problem Using and os.execl

pkill -f

Add this to your


Solution 10 - Python

I'm using this to give an option for the users to restart the script within the console. Hope it could be a help.

def close_restart(self,csvfile):

    choice = input('Do you want to restart the program? Please select \'Y\' if you would like to restart.')
    if choice == 'Y' or choice == 'y':
        print('Restarting now...')
        os.execl(sys.executable, sys.executable, *sys.argv)
        print('Thank you for using the tool!')
        print('The program will close in 10s...')

So the user can input an option 'Y/N' to restart the program or not.

Solution 11 - Python

The old answers utilize exec which is fine, but not scalable in the long run. There's also an approach of master/slave process relationship or a daemon/service in the background which will watch for the changes but is mostly OS specific or even different between the same family of OSs (init.d vs systemd vs whatever).

There's also a middle ground by using a bootstraping technique and a simple subprocess.Popen() call thus assuming that the user who started the original program had the permissions to run the executable (such as /usr/bin/python) should also work without any permission errors due to utilizing the exactly same executable. Bootstraping because it's the main program that's creating and calling the restarter a.k.a. pulling itself by own bootstraps after the initial start.

So a simple program (re)starter can be written like this, as written in the other answers:

from subprocess import Popen
from time import sleep

def main():
    Popen([<executable path>, *<list of argv>], cwd=<cwd path>)

if __name__ == "__main__":

Depending on your needs you might want to do some cleanup afterwards such as removing the (re)starter file.

import sys
from os import remove
from os.path import realpath
from subprocess import Popen
from time import sleep

def start():
    # unpack -----------------v
    Popen([<executable path>, *<list of argv>], cwd=<cwd path>)

def cleanup():

def main():

if __name__ == "__main__":

This file would be called from your main program. However, your main program may have an exception, utilize sys.exit(), may be killed by a OS signal and so on. Python provides multiple hooks how to do something after such an event seamlessly, one of which is implemented by the atexit module. atexit doesn't care about Python exceptions and about some signals either (SIGINT) (for further improvement check signal module), so it's a reasonable choice before implementing own signal handler(s).

This allows you to register a function that will execute once your program stops. That function can be anything in Python, so it can write a file too.

The file content itself can be templated with F-strings, format(), Jinja, or can be even kept out of the main program ( and the values might be even provided via CLI + argparse such as python --exe <path> --argv <one> [--argv <two>, ...], --cwd <cwd>. Everything depending on the use-case and how far do you want to scale it before implementing an OS service/daemon or a master/slave process spawning+watching.

Here is a sample:

import sys
from atexit import register

# getcwd() is necessary if you want to prevent issues
# with implicitly changing working directory by a mistake
from os import getpid, getcwd
from os.path import exists, realpath, join, dirname
from subprocess import Popen
from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile

import sys
from atexit import register
from os import remove
from os.path import realpath
from subprocess import Popen
from time import sleep

def start():
    # unnecessary, but may provide enough breathing space
    # for the previous process to shut down correctly
    # alternatively, watch for a file/file contents
    # or utilize a socket
    # repr() on strings, list is passed as is to unpack it properly
    # will fail on custom objects / serialization
    Popen([{exe!r}, *{argv}], cwd={cwd!r})

def cleanup():
    # remove itself because it's always created
    # by the main program on exit

def main():
    # the register() call can be encapsulated in a condition
    # so it restarts only in some cases

if __name__ == "__main__":

def restart():
    with NamedTemporaryFile(mode="w", delete=False) as file:
            delay=5,  # 5s until restart

        # call the restarting program by the Python executable
        # which started the main program

def main():
    # create a "norestart.txt" in the folder of "" to halt
    if not exists(join(dirname(realpath(__file__)), "norestart.txt")):

    # tail -f log.txt to check it works properly
    # or "ps aux|grep python"
    with open("log.txt", "a") as file:
        file.write(f"Hello, from {getpid()}\n")

if __name__ == "__main__":

Note: It might fail by using the temporary folder, so in that case just switch it to the join(dirname(realpath(__file__)), "") and call that from the main program.

Solution 12 - Python

os.execv(sys.executable, ['python3'] + sys.argv)


os.execv(sys.executable, ['python2'] + sys.argv)

Solution 13 - Python

Try this work with Windows:

> when you want to restart the script call this function

import os
def rest():
    script_name = os.path.basename(__file__)

Solution 14 - Python

I do it as follows:

    def restartApp(self):
        python = sys.executable
        os.execl(python, python, *sys.argv)

works like a charm


All content for this solution is sourced from the original question on Stackoverflow.

The content on this page is licensed under the Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) license.

Content TypeOriginal AuthorOriginal Content on Stackoverflow
QuestiondeinonychusaurView Question on Stackoverflow
Solution 1 - PythonIgnacio Vazquez-AbramsView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 2 - Pythons3ni0rView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 3 - Pythonuser285594View Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 4 - PythonBasic BlockView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 5 - PythonVilleView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 6 - PythonKamornik ColaView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 7 - PythonDr ALOUIView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 8 - PythonmdkbView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 9 - PythonImagine BreakerView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 10 - PythonSilvis SoraView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 11 - PythonPeter BadidaView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 12 - PythonÍhor MéView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 13 - PythonAh2devioView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 14 - PythondragonflyView Answer on Stackoverflow