Python SQL query string formatting

PythonSqlString Formatting

Python Problem Overview

I'm trying to find the best way to format an sql query string. When I'm debugging my application I'd like to log to file all the sql query strings, and it is important that the string is properly formated.

Option 1

def myquery():
    sql = "select field1, field2, field3, field4 from table where condition1=1 and condition2=2"
    con = mymodule.get_connection()
  • This is good for printing the sql string.
  • It is not a good solution if the string is long and not fits the standard width of 80 characters.

Option 2

def query():
    sql = """
        select field1, field2, field3, field4
        from table
        where condition1=1
        and condition2=2"""
    con = mymodule.get_connection()
  • Here the code is clear but when you print the sql query string you get all these annoying white spaces.

>u'\nselect field1, field2, field3, field4\n____________from table\n____________where condition1=1 \n____________and condition2=2'

Note: I have replaced white spaces with underscore _, because they are trimmed by the editor

Option 3

def query():
    sql = """select field1, field2, field3, field4
from table
where condition1=1
and condition2=2"""
    con = mymodule.get_connection()
  • I don't like this option because it breaks the clearness of the well tabulated code.

Option 4

def query():
    sql = "select field1, field2, field3, field4 " \
          "from table " \
          "where condition1=1 " \
          "and condition2=2 "
    con = mymodule.get_connection()    
  • I don't like this option because all the extra typing in each line and is difficult to edit the query also.

For me the best solution would be Option 2 but I don't like the extra whitespaces when I print the sql string.

Do you know of any other options?

Python Solutions

Solution 1 - Python

Sorry for posting to such an old thread -- but as someone who also shares a passion for pythonic 'best', I thought I'd share our solution.

The solution is to build SQL statements using python's String Literal Concatenation (, which could be qualified a somewhere between Option 2 and Option 4

Code Sample:

sql = ("SELECT field1, field2, field3, field4 "
       "FROM table "
       "WHERE condition1=1 "
       "AND condition2=2;")

Works as well with f-strings:

fields = "field1, field2, field3, field4"
table = "table"
conditions = "condition1=1 AND condition2=2"

sql = (f"SELECT {fields} "
       f"FROM {table} "
       f"WHERE {conditions};")
  1. It retains the pythonic 'well tabulated' format, but does not add extraneous space characters (which pollutes logging).
  2. It avoids the backslash continuation ugliness of Option 4, which makes it difficult to add statements (not to mention white-space blindness).
  3. And further, it's really simple to expand the statement in VIM (just position the cursor to the insert point, and press SHIFT-O to open a new line).

Solution 2 - Python

You've obviously considered lots of ways to write the SQL such that it prints out okay, but how about changing the 'print' statement you use for debug logging, rather than writing your SQL in ways you don't like? Using your favourite option above, how about a logging function such as this:

def debugLogSQL(sql):
     print ' '.join([line.strip() for line in sql.splitlines()]).strip()

sql = """
    select field1, field2, field3, field4
    from table"""
if debug:

This would also make it trivial to add additional logic to split the logged string across multiple lines if the line is longer than your desired length.

Solution 3 - Python

Cleanest way I have come across is inspired by the sql style guide.

sql = """
    SELECT field1, field2, field3, field4
      FROM table
     WHERE condition1 = 1
       AND condition2 = 2;

Essentially, the keywords that begin a clause should be right-aligned and the field names etc, should be left aligned. This looks very neat and is easier to debug as well.

Solution 4 - Python

sql = ("select field1, field2, field3, field4 "
       "from table "
       "where condition1={} "
       "and condition2={}").format(1, 2)

Output: 'select field1, field2, field3, field4 from table 
         where condition1=1 and condition2=2'

if the value of condition should be a string, you can do like this:

sql = ("select field1, field2, field3, field4 "
       "from table "
       "where condition1='{0}' "
       "and condition2='{1}'").format('2016-10-12', '2017-10-12')

Output: "select field1, field2, field3, field4 from table where
         condition1='2016-10-12' and condition2='2017-10-12'"

Solution 5 - Python

Using 'sqlparse' library we can format the sqls.

>>> import sqlparse
>>> raw = 'select * from foo; select * from bar;'
>>> print(sqlparse.format(raw, reindent=True, keyword_case='upper'))
FROM foo;

FROM bar;


Solution 6 - Python

You can use inspect.cleandoc to nicely format your printed SQL statement.

This works very well with your option 2.

Note: the print("-"*40) is only to demonstrate the superflous blank lines if you do not use cleandoc.

from inspect import cleandoc
def query():
    sql = """
        select field1, field2, field3, field4
        from table
        where condition1=1
        and condition2=2





        select field1, field2, field3, field4
        from table
        where condition1=1
        and condition2=2

select field1, field2, field3, field4
from table
where condition1=1
and condition2=2

From the docs:

> inspect.cleandoc(doc) > > Clean up indentation from docstrings that are indented to line up with blocks of code. > > All leading whitespace is removed from the first line. Any leading whitespace that can be uniformly removed from the second line onwards is removed. Empty lines at the beginning and end are subsequently removed. Also, all tabs are expanded to spaces.

Solution 7 - Python

This is slightly modified version of @aandis answer. When it comes to raw string, prefix 'r' character before the string. For example:

sql = r"""
    SELECT field1, field2, field3, field4
      FROM table
     WHERE condition1 = 1
       AND condition2 = 2;

This is recommended when your query has any special character like '\' which requires escaping and lint tools like flake8 reports it as error.

Solution 8 - Python

To avoid formatting entirely, I think a great solution is to use procedures.

Calling a procedure gives you the result of whatever query you want to put in this procedure. You can actually process multiple queries within a procedure. The call will just return the last query that was called.

#MYSQL DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS example; DELIMITER // CREATE PROCEDURE example() BEGIN SELECT 2+222+2222+222+222+2222+2222 AS this_is_a_really_long_string_test; END // DELIMITER;

#calling the procedure gives you the result of whatever query you want to put in this procedure. You can actually process multiple queries within a procedure. The call just returns the last query result
 call example;

#Python sql =('call example;')

Solution 9 - Python

The Google style guide:

> Multi-line strings do not flow with the indentation of the rest of the > program. If you need to avoid embedding extra space in the string, use > either concatenated single-line strings or a multi-line string with > textwrap.dedent() to remove the initial space on each line: > > > Yes: > import textwrap > > long_string = textwrap.dedent("""\ > This is also fine, because textwrap.dedent() > will collapse common leading spaces in each line.""") >

Strings can be surrounded in a pair of matching triple-quotes: """ or '''. End of lines do not need to be escaped when using triple-quotes, but they will be included in the string. It is possible to prevent the end of line character by adding a \ at the end of the line.

The following uses one escape to avoid an unwanted initial blank line.

example = """\

So option 2 modified:

import textwrap

def query():
    sql = textwrap.dedent("""\
        SELECT field1, field2, field3, field4
        FROM table
        WHERE condition1=1
        AND condition2=2""")
    con = mymodule.get_connection()

The repr(sql):

'SELECT field1, field2, field3, field4\nFROM table\nWHERE condition1=1\nAND condition2=2'

Solution 10 - Python

Just sharing a quick hands on string formatting for basic users! Which Python String Formatting Method Should You Be Using in Your Data Science Project?

Solution 11 - Python

you could put the field names into an array "fields", and then:

sql = 'select %s from table where condition1=1 and condition2=2' % (
', '.join(fields))

Solution 12 - Python

I would suggest sticking to option 2 (I'm always using it for queries any more complex than SELECT * FROM table) and if you want to print it in a nice way you may always use a separate module.

Solution 13 - Python

For short queries that can fit on one or two lines, I use the string literal solution in the top-voted solution above. For longer queries, I break them out to .sql files. I then use a wrapper function to load the file and execute the script, something like:

script_cache = {}
def execute_script(cursor,script,*args,**kwargs):
    if not script in script_cache:
        with open(script,'r') as s:
            script_cache[script] = s
    return cursor.execute(script_cache[script],*args,**kwargs)

Of course this often lives inside a class so I don't usually have to pass cursor explicitly. I also generally use, but this gets the general idea across. Then SQL scripts are completely self-contained in their own files with their own syntax highlighting.

Solution 14 - Python

sql = """\
select field1, field2, field3, field4
from table
where condition1=1
and condition2=2

[edit in responese to comment]
Having an SQL string inside a method does NOT mean that you have to "tabulate" it:

>>> class Foo:
...     def fubar(self):
...         sql = """\
... select *
... from frobozz
... where zorkmids > 10
... ;"""
...         print sql
>>> Foo().fubar()
select *
from frobozz
where zorkmids > 10


All content for this solution is sourced from the original question on Stackoverflow.

The content on this page is licensed under the Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) license.

Content TypeOriginal AuthorOriginal Content on Stackoverflow
QuestionssolerView Question on Stackoverflow
Solution 1 - Pythonuser590028View Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 2 - PythoncdlkView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 3 - PythonaandisView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 4 - PythonpangpangView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 5 - PythonFazal SView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 6 - PythonMike ScottyView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 7 - PythonakhiView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 8 - PythonParoofkeyView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 9 - PythonThe DemzView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 10 - PythonmortezaView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 11 - Pythonjcomeau_ictxView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 12 - PythonMichal ChruszczView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 13 - PythonAikonView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 14 - PythonJohn MachinView Answer on Stackoverflow