Private getter and public setter for a Kotlin property

JavaKotlinKotlin Interop

Java Problem Overview

How to make a property in Kotlin that has a private getter (or just do not have it) but has a public setter?

var status
private get

doesn't work with an error: Getter visibility must be the same as property visibility

In my case, the reason is for Java interop: I want my Java code to be able to call setStatus but not getStatus.

Java Solutions

Solution 1 - Java

It's impossible at the moment in Kotlin to have a property with a setter that is more visible than the property. There's a language design issue in the issue tracker on this, feel free to watch/vote for it or share your use cases:

Solution 2 - Java

In current Kotlin version (1.0.3) the only option is to have separate setter method like so:

class Test {
    private var name: String = "name"

    fun setName(name: String) { = name

If you wish to restrict external libraries from accessing the getter you can use internal visibility modifier allowing you to still use property syntax within the library:

class Test {
    internal var name: String = "name"
    fun setName(name: String) { = name }

fun usage(){
    val t = Test() = "New"

Solution 3 - Java

Write-only properties with compile-time errors can be achieved since Kotlin 1.0, using a workaround based on @Deprecated.


Kotlin allows to mark functions deprecated with level ERROR, which leads to a compile-time error when called. Annotating the get accessor of a property as error-deprecated, combined with a backing field (so that private reads are still possible), achieves the desired behavior:

class WriteOnly {
	private var backing: Int = 0

	var property: Int
		@Deprecated("Property can only be written.", level = DeprecationLevel.ERROR)
		get() = throw NotImplementedError()
		set(value) { backing = value }

	val exposed get() = backing // public API


val wo = WriteOnly() = 20         // write: OK

val i: Int = // read: compile error
val j: Int =  // read value through other property

The compile error is quite helpful, too:

> Using 'getter for property: Int' is an error. Property can only be written.

Use cases

  1. The main use case are obviously APIs that allow properties to be written, but not read:

     user.password = "secret"
     val pw = user.password // forbidden
  2. Another scenario is a property which modifies the internal state, but is not stored itself as a field. (Could be done more elegantly using different design).

     body.thrust_force = velocity
     body.gravity_force = Vector(0, 0, 9.8)
     // only total force accessible, component vectors are lost
     val f = body.forces
  3. This pattern is also useful for DSLs of the following kind:

     server {
     	port = 80
     	host = ""

    In such cases, values are simply used as one-time settings, and the write-only mechanism described here can prevent accidentally reading a property (which might not be initialized yet).


Since this feature was not designed for this use case, it comes with certain limitations:

  • If accessed using a property reference, the compile-time error turns into a runtime error:

      val ref = wo::property
      val x = ref.get() // throws NotImplementedError
  • The same is true for reflection.

  • This functionality cannot be outsourced into a delegate, because an error-deprecated getValue() method cannot be used with by.


All content for this solution is sourced from the original question on Stackoverflow.

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Content TypeOriginal AuthorOriginal Content on Stackoverflow
QuestionRandy Sugianto 'Yuku'View Question on Stackoverflow
Solution 1 - JavaAlexander UdalovView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 2 - JavamiensolView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 3 - JavaTheOperatorView Answer on Stackoverflow