Pass enums in angular2 view templates

EnumsAngularAngular2 Template

Enums Problem Overview

Can we use enums in an angular2 view template?

<div class="Dropdown" dropdownType="instrument"></div>

passes the string as input:

enum DropdownType {

    selector: '[.Dropdown]',
export class Dropdown {

    @Input() public set dropdownType(value: any) {


But how to pass an enum configuration? I want something like this in the template:

<div class="Dropdown" dropdownType="DropdownType.instrument"></div>

What would be the best practice?

Edited: Created an example:

import {bootstrap} from 'angular2/platform/browser';
import {Component, View, Input} from 'angular2/core';

export enum DropdownType {

    instrument = 0,
    account = 1,
    currency = 2

@Component({selector: '[.Dropdown]',})
@View({template: ''})
export class Dropdown {

    public dropdownTypes = DropdownType;

    @Input() public set dropdownType(value: any) {console.log(`-- dropdownType: ${value}`);};
    constructor() {console.log('-- Dropdown ready --');}

@Component({ selector: 'header' })
@View({ template: '<div class="Dropdown" dropdownType="dropdownTypes.instrument"> </div>', directives: [Dropdown] })
class Header {}

@Component({ selector: 'my-app' })
@View({ template: '<header></header>', directives: [Header] })
class Tester {}


Enums Solutions

Solution 1 - Enums

Create an Enum:

  HOME = 0,
  USERS = 1,

Create a component, be sure your enum list will have the typeof:

export class AppComponent {

Create a template:

<li [ngClass]="{ 'active': active === ACTIVE_OPTIONS.HOME }">
  <a routerLink="/in">
    <i class="fa fa-fw fa-dashboard"></i> Home

Solution 2 - Enums

Create a property for your enum on the parent component to your component class and assign the enum to it, then reference that property in your template.

export class Parent {
    public dropdownTypes = DropdownType;        

export class Dropdown {       
    @Input() public set dropdownType(value: any) {

This allows you to enumerate the enum as expected in your template.

<div class="Dropdown" [dropdownType]="dropdownTypes.instrument"></div>

Solution 3 - Enums

If you want get Enum name :

export enum Gender { Man = 1, Woman = 2 }

then in component file

public gender: typeof Gender = Gender;

in template

Solution 4 - Enums

Maybe you don't have to do this.

For example, in Numeric Enum:

export enum DropdownType {
    instrument = 0,
    account = 1,
    currency = 2

In HTML Template:

<div class="Dropdown" [dropdownType]="1"></div>

result: dropdownType == DropdownType.account

or String Enum:

export enum DropdownType {
    instrument = "instrument",
    account = "account",
    currency = "currency"
<div class="Dropdown" [dropdownType]="'currency'"></div>

result: dropdownType == DropdownType.currency

If you want get Enum name :

val enumValue = DropdownType.currency
DropdownType[enumValue] //  print "currency", Even the "numeric enum" is also. 


All content for this solution is sourced from the original question on Stackoverflow.

The content on this page is licensed under the Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) license.

Content TypeOriginal AuthorOriginal Content on Stackoverflow
QuestionMcLacView Question on Stackoverflow
Solution 1 - EnumsOswaldo AlvarezView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 2 - EnumsDavid LView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 3 - EnumsMilad JafariView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 4 - EnumsBin ZhanView Answer on Stackoverflow