Override SHIFT + CTRL + Z in Notepad++


Notepad++ Problem Overview

Hello I use Notepad++ for a lot of my development.
One of the things that I do not like about it is the way you perform a redo by pressing CTRL + Y and when you press SHIFT + CTRL + Z you get sub

Is there a plugin or a way to override the CTRL + SHIFT + Z hotkey in developing a plugin for notepad++ to make it perform the redo instead of the CTRL + Y?

Now I'm not trying to criticize the design choice for this, it's just that my fingers are short and fat and I have trouble pressing CTRL and Y at the same time.

Notepad++ Solutions

Solution 1 - Notepad++

You could try the 'shortcut mapper' under the Settings menu.

It seems that this key is not found in the normal Main menu commands, but it's the SCI_REDO command in the Scintalla tab. Whatever that may mean. ;)

Solution 2 - Notepad++

Note: CtrlShiftZ is now natively supported by the current version of Notepad++. Just update to the newest version and you shouldn't need the instructions below.

To clarify GolezTrol's answer, here's the exact instructions:

  1. Menu bar Settings > Shortcut mapper

  2. Scintilla commands tab > double click SCI_REDO in the list

  3. Tick Shift and select Z from the dropdown > click Apply and OK

  4. Click Close on the Shortcut mapper window.


All content for this solution is sourced from the original question on Stackoverflow.

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Content TypeOriginal AuthorOriginal Content on Stackoverflow
QuestionBiff MaGriffView Question on Stackoverflow
Solution 1 - Notepad++GolezTrolView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 2 - Notepad++KeavonView Answer on Stackoverflow