mongoDB distinct & where in same query?


Mongodb Problem Overview

Let's say I have the following documents

Article { Comment: embedMany }

Comment { Reply: embedMany }

Reply { email: string, ip: string }

I want to make a query that selects distinct Reply.ip where = xxx

Something like this, only it doesn't work..

db.Article.find("" : "xxx").distinct("Comment.Reply.ip")

JSON export:

         "name":"comment test",
         "name":"comment 2 test",

I run : db.Article.distinct("Comment.Reply.ip",{"" : "xxx"})

I expect : ["", ""]

I get : ["", "", "", ""]

Mongodb Solutions

Solution 1 - Mongodb

Distinct query in mongo with condition works like this

 db.Article.distinct("Comment.Reply.ip",{"" : "xxx"})

not other way around


I understand the problem now, inorder to match/filter subdocuments we need to use $elemMatch operator, like this

  db.Article.distinct("Comment.Reply.ip",{Comment: {$elemMatch: {"" : "xxx"}}})

but this will not work if the sub-document contains sub arrays (in your case, you have array of replies). There is an existing issue $elemMatch on subArray is opened. And its planned for mongo 2.1. You can check out the link for more info

Solution 2 - Mongodb

Maybe you could try this

{$unwind: "$Comment"},
{$unwind: "$Comment.Reply"},
{$match: {"": "xxx"}},
{$group: {_id: "$Comment.Reply.ip"}}

The result of example should be

/* 1 */
    "_id" : ""

/* 2 */
    "_id" : ""

Solution 3 - Mongodb

db.collection.distinct("field_name", query)

will return all the distinct values from your collection in the form of an array

field_name should be the field for which you want to return distinct values.

query specifies the documents from where you want to retrieve the distinct values. ex :- {"" : "xxx"} or {'country' : 'India','state' : 'MH','city' : 'mumbai'}

Solution 4 - Mongodb




where find will retrieve as per condition and distinct at the end will give unique dates.


All content for this solution is sourced from the original question on Stackoverflow.

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Content TypeOriginal AuthorOriginal Content on Stackoverflow
QuestionInoryyView Question on Stackoverflow
Solution 1 - MongodbRameshVelView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 2 - MongodbKaimView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 3 - MongodbAkshansh SaxenaView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 4 - MongodbAbilash RaghuView Answer on Stackoverflow