JMeter Basic Authentication

JmeterAuthorizationHttp Authentication

Jmeter Problem Overview

I am trying to imply the basic authentication process for a web service using JMeter. But everytime it throws out an error 401:Unauthorized. I tried using the HTTP Header manager to add a header Authorization and value to it. Still it does not work. I have also tried using the HTTP Authorization manager. Still no luck. Can someone help.

Jmeter Solutions

Solution 1 - Jmeter

I've found through debugging requests coming in from JMeter that the HTTP Authorization Manager module doesn't encode the username and password correctly. It puts a newline character after the username.

To run a JMeter test against a Basic Auth protected endpoint, include the HTTP Header Manager and add the Basic Auth header yourself:

Manually Encoding Credentials
  • From MacOS or Linux:

    echo -n "username:password" | base64

  • From Windows:

    Go here and encode your "username:password" string

Adding the Authorization Header

In the HTTP Header Manager, add an entry with the name "Authorization" and the value "Basic [encoded credentials from above]"

Solution 2 - Jmeter

Edit 19 august 2017 for JMeter 3.2:

Basically to bypass a Basic Authorization you need to add the Authorization header with the value Basic base64(username:password). The problem is that JMeter has no base64 function embedded.

The solution is :

Step1 Add BeanShell PreProcessor (PreProcessor --> BeanShell Preprocessor)

enter image description here

Step2 Add the following script to the PreProcessor

import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64;
byte[] encodedUsernamePassword = Base64.encodeBase64("neo4j:1234".getBytes());
vars.put("base64HeaderValue",new String(encodedUsernamePassword));

enter image description here

Step3 Add HTTP Header Manager

enter image description here

Step4 Add Authorization header with correct value

header name Authorization
header value Basic ${base64HeaderValue} (base64HeaderValue variable is initialized by the BeanShell Preprocessor)

enter image description here

So in the end when you create a http request Authorization header will be passed to the server with base64 encoded string

enter image description here

Solution 3 - Jmeter

Do the following:

  • 1/ Configure HTTP Authorization Manager correctly with all required fields

  • 2/ Option 1 : Using HTTP 4 : (default)

  • it is possible since JMeter 3.2 without any further configuration using Authorization Manager

Option 2 : Using HTTP 3.1 : (deprecated)

  • in , uncomment:

  • in httpclient.parameters, uncomment:


If you're looking to learn JMeter, this book by 3 developers of the project will help you

Solution 4 - Jmeter

Make sure to provide a protocol for the base URL, i.e.: "http://localhost" instead of "localhost"

Solution 5 - Jmeter

Like Ryan T said, in the HTTP Header Manager, add an entry with the name "Authorization" and the value "Basic [encoded credentials from above]" but without [].

Solution 6 - Jmeter

If you get Response code as 401, then add "HTTP Authorization manager" Config Element enter image description here

Solution 7 - Jmeter

I am using Jmeter 3.3

GO to Jmeter on User choose add then HTTP Authorization Manager

enter image description here

Then add ur url , userid,password

enter image description here

If response type is json then add HTTP Header manager

enter image description here

Solution 8 - Jmeter

Adding a slight variation of @yurko which uses the username & password from User defined variables. (for Jmeter prior to 3.2)

import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64;
String username = vars.get("USERNAME");
String password = vars.get("PASSWORD");
String combineduserpass = username + ":" + password;
byte[] encodedUsernamePassword = Base64.encodeBase64(combineduserpass.getBytes());
vars.put("base64HeaderValue",new String(encodedUsernamePassword));

Solution 9 - Jmeter

In reference to the first answer above, the incorrect encoding problem you mention must be now fixed, as Apache 3.1 does appear to encode the username:password correctly in HTTP Auth Manager

Solution 10 - Jmeter

You can easily use JSON Extractor for authentication inside the auth request to store the token in a variable, then you will just need to use it whenever the token is needed, in order to use that you will need an HTTP header manager using that variable you can follow the screenshots for clear instructions.

JSON Extractor configuration: JSON Extractor HTTP header manager configuration: HTTP header manager

Solution 11 - Jmeter

Updating good findings from your 2013 answers:

The HTTP4 option also works under current Jmeter version 2.13 after adding HTTP Header Manager row containing:

name="Authorization", value="Basic [base64-encoded user/password string]"

Verified on current host amazon linux having reverse proxy from apache 2.4 to tomcat8; tomcat8 recognized the user credentials instead of throwing 401 status.


All content for this solution is sourced from the original question on Stackoverflow.

The content on this page is licensed under the Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) license.

Content TypeOriginal AuthorOriginal Content on Stackoverflow
QuestionDepyView Question on Stackoverflow
Solution 1 - Jmeteruser480918View Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 2 - JmeteryurkoView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 3 - JmeterUBIK LOAD PACKView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 4 - JmeteresteewhyView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 5 - Jmeteruser2910552View Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 6 - JmeterS KrishnaView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 7 - Jmetervaquar khanView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 8 - JmeterMarcel WilsonView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 9 - JmeterScott StingelView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 10 - JmeterAffes SalemView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 11 - JmeterTom PyleView Answer on Stackoverflow