javascript: pause setTimeout();


Javascript Problem Overview

If I have an active timeout running that was set through var t = setTimeout("dosomething()", 5000),

Is there anyway to pause and resume it?

Is there any way to get the time remaining on the current timeout?
or do I have to in a variable, when the timeout is set, store the current time, then we we pause, get the difference between now and then?

Javascript Solutions

Solution 1 - Javascript

You could wrap window.setTimeout like this, which I think is similar to what you were suggesting in the question:

var Timer = function(callback, delay) {
    var timerId, start, remaining = delay;

    this.pause = function() {
        timerId = null;
        remaining -= - start;

    this.resume = function() {
        if (timerId) {

        start =;
        timerId = window.setTimeout(callback, remaining);


var timer = new Timer(function() {
}, 1000);

// Do some stuff...

Solution 2 - Javascript

Something like this should do the trick.

function Timer(fn, countdown) {
    var ident, complete = false;

    function _time_diff(date1, date2) {
        return date2 ? date2 - date1 : new Date().getTime() - date1;

    function cancel() {

    function pause() {
        total_time_run = _time_diff(start_time);
        complete = total_time_run >= countdown;

    function resume() {
        ident = complete ? -1 : setTimeout(fn, countdown - total_time_run);

    var start_time = new Date().getTime();
    ident = setTimeout(fn, countdown);

    return { cancel: cancel, pause: pause, resume: resume };

Solution 3 - Javascript

No. You'll need cancel it (clearTimeout), measure the time since you started it and restart it with the new time.

Solution 4 - Javascript

A slightly modified version of Tim Downs answer. However, since Tim rolled back my edit, I've to answer this myself. My solution makes it possible to use extra arguments as third (3, 4, 5...) parameter and to clear the timer:

function Timer(callback, delay) {
    var args = arguments,
        self = this,
        timer, start;

    this.clear = function () {

    this.pause = function () {
        delay -= new Date() - start;

    this.resume = function () {
        start = new Date();
        timer = setTimeout(function () {
            callback.apply(self,, 2, args.length));
        }, delay);


As Tim mentioned, extra parameters are not available in IE lt 9, however I worked a bit around so that it will work in oldIE's too.

Usage: new Timer(Function, Number, arg1, arg2, arg3...)

function callback(foo, bar) {
    console.log(foo); // "foo"
    console.log(bar); // "bar"

var timer = new Timer(callback, 1000, "foo", "bar");

document.onclick = timer.resume;

Solution 5 - Javascript

"Pause" and "resume" don't really make much sense in the context of setTimeout, which is a one-off thing. You might want to pause a chained series of setTimeout calls, in which case just don't schedule the next one (perhaps cancel the one that's outstanding via clearTimeout, as below). But setTimeout itself doesn't loop, there's nothing to pause and resume.

If you mean setInterval then no, you can't pause it, you can only cancel it (clearInterval) and then re-schedule it again. Details of all of these in the Timers section of the spec.

// Setting
var t = setInterval(doSomething, 1000);

// Pausing (which is really stopping)
t = 0;

// Resuming (which is really just setting again)
t = setInterval(doSomething, 1000);

Solution 6 - Javascript

The Timeout was easy enough to find a solution for, but the Interval was a little bit trickier.

I came up with the following two classes to solve this issues:

function PauseableTimeout(func, delay){
    this.func = func;

    var _now = new Date().getTime();
    this.triggerTime = _now + delay;

    this.t = window.setTimeout(this.func,delay);

    this.paused_timeLeft = 0;

    this.getTimeLeft = function(){
        var now = new Date();

        return this.triggerTime - now;

    this.pause = function(){
        this.paused_timeLeft = this.getTimeLeft();

        this.t = null;

    this.resume = function(){
        if (this.t == null){
            this.t = window.setTimeout(this.func, this.paused_timeLeft);

    this.clearTimeout = function(){ window.clearTimeout(this.t);}

function PauseableInterval(func, delay){
	this.func = func;
	this.delay = delay;
	this.triggerSetAt = new Date().getTime();
	this.triggerTime = this.triggerSetAt + this.delay;
	this.i = window.setInterval(this.func, this.delay);
	this.t_restart = null;
	this.paused_timeLeft = 0;
	this.getTimeLeft = function(){
		var now = new Date();
		return this.delay - ((now - this.triggerSetAt) % this.delay);
	this.pause = function(){
		this.paused_timeLeft = this.getTimeLeft();
		this.i = null;
	this.restart = function(sender){
		sender.i = window.setInterval(sender.func, sender.delay);
	this.resume = function(){
		if (this.i == null){
			this.i = window.setTimeout(this.restart, this.paused_timeLeft, this);
	this.clearInterval = function(){ window.clearInterval(this.i);}

These can be implemented as such:

var pt_hey = new PauseableTimeout(function(){
}, 2000);

}, 1000);

window.setTimeout("pt_hey.start()", 2000);

This example will set a pauseable Timeout (pt_hey) which is scheduled to alert, "hey" after two seconds. Another Timeout pauses pt_hey after one second. A third Timeout resumes pt_hey after two seconds. pt_hey runs for one second, pauses for one second, then resumes running. pt_hey triggers after three seconds.

Now for the trickier intervals

var pi_hey = new PauseableInterval(function(){
    console.log("hello world");
}, 2000);

window.setTimeout("pi_hey.pause()", 5000);

window.setTimeout("pi_hey.resume()", 6000);

This example sets a pauseable Interval (pi_hey) to write "hello world" in the console every two seconds. A timeout pauses pi_hey after five seconds. Another timeout resumes pi_hey after six seconds. So pi_hey will trigger twice, run for one second, pause for one second, run for one second, and then continue triggering every 2 seconds.


  • clearTimeout() and clearInterval()

    pt_hey.clearTimeout(); and pi_hey.clearInterval(); serve as an easy way to clear the timeouts and intervals.

  • getTimeLeft()

    pt_hey.getTimeLeft(); and pi_hey.getTimeLeft(); will return how many milliseconds till the next trigger is scheduled to occur.

Solution 7 - Javascript


ES6 Version using Class-y syntactic sugar 

(slightly-modified: added start())

class Timer {
  constructor(callback, delay) {
    this.callback = callback
    this.remainingTime = delay

  pause() {
    this.remainingTime -= new Date() - this.startTime

  resume() {
    this.startTime = new Date()
    this.timerId = setTimeout(this.callback, this.remainingTime)

  start() {
    this.timerId = setTimeout(this.callback, this.remainingTime)

// supporting code
const pauseButton = document.getElementById('timer-pause')
const resumeButton = document.getElementById('timer-resume')
const startButton = document.getElementById('timer-start')

const timer = new Timer(() => {
}, 3000)

pauseButton.addEventListener('click', timer.pause.bind(timer))
resumeButton.addEventListener('click', timer.resume.bind(timer))
startButton.addEventListener('click', timer.start.bind(timer))

<!doctype html>
  <title>Traditional HTML Document. ZZz...</title>
  <style type="text/css">
    .wow { color: blue; font-family: Tahoma, sans-serif; font-size: 1em; }
  <h1>DOM &amp; JavaScript</h1>

  <div id="change-me">I'm going to repaint my life, wait and see.</div>

  <button id="timer-start">Start!</button>
  <button id="timer-pause">Pause!</button>
  <button id="timer-resume">Resume!</button>

Solution 8 - Javascript

I needed to calculate the elapsed and remaining time to show a progress-bar. It was not easy using the accepted answer. 'setInterval' is better than 'setTimeout' for this task. So, I created this Timer class that you can use in any project.

'use strict';
    var Timer = function(cb, delay) {
      this.cb = cb;
      this.delay = delay;
      this.elapsed = 0;
      this.remaining = this.delay - self.elapsed;
    Timer.prototype = function() {
      var _start = function(x, y) {
          var self = this;
          if (self.elapsed < self.delay) {
            self.interval = setInterval(function() {
              self.elapsed += 50;
              self.remaining = self.delay - self.elapsed;
              console.log('elapsed: ' + self.elapsed, 
                          'remaining: ' + self.remaining, 
                          'delay: ' + self.delay);
              if (self.elapsed >= self.delay) {
            }, 50);
        _pause = function() {
          var self = this;
        _restart = function() {
          var self = this;
          self.elapsed = 0;
      //public member definitions
      return {
        start: _start,
        pause: _pause,
        restart: _restart
    // - - - - - - - - how to use this class
    var restartBtn = document.getElementById('restart');
    var pauseBtn = document.getElementById('pause');
    var startBtn = document.getElementById('start');
    var timer = new Timer(function() {
    }, 2000);
    restartBtn.addEventListener('click', function(e) {
    pauseBtn.addEventListener('click', function(e) {
    startBtn.addEventListener('click', function(e) {

Solution 9 - Javascript

Typescript implementation based on top rated answer

/** Represents the `setTimeout` with an ability to perform pause/resume actions */
export class Timer {
    private _start: Date;
    private _remaining: number;
    private _durationTimeoutId?: NodeJS.Timeout;
    private _callback: (...args: any[]) => void;
    private _done = false;
    get done () {
        return this._done;

    constructor(callback: (...args: any[]) => void, ms = 0) {
        this._callback = () => {
            this._done = true;
        this._remaining = ms;

    /** pauses the timer */
    pause(): Timer {
        if (this._durationTimeoutId && !this._done) {
            this._remaining -= new Date().getTime() - this._start.getTime();
        return this;

    /** resumes the timer */
    resume(): Timer {
        if (!this._durationTimeoutId && !this._done) {
            this._start = new Date;
            this._durationTimeoutId = setTimeout(this._callback, this._remaining);
        return this;

     * clears the timeout and marks it as done. 
     * After called, the timeout will not resume
    clearTimeout() {
        this._done = true;

    private _clearTimeoutRef() {
        if (this._durationTimeoutId) {
            this._durationTimeoutId = undefined;


Solution 10 - Javascript

You could look into clearTimeout()

or pause depending on a global variable that is set when a certain condition is hit. Like a button is pressed.

  <button onclick="myBool = true" > pauseTimeout </button>

  var myBool = false;

  var t = setTimeout(function() {if (!mybool) {dosomething()}}, 5000);

Solution 11 - Javascript

You could also implement it with events.

Instead of calculating the time difference, you start and stop listening to a 'tick' event which keeps running in the background:

var Slideshow = {

  _create: function(){                  
    this.timer = window.setInterval(function(){
      $(window).trigger('timer:tick'); }, 8000);

  play: function(){            
    $(window).bind('timer:tick', function(){
      // stuff

  pause: function(){        


Solution 12 - Javascript

If you're using jquery anyhow, check out the $.doTimeout plugin. This thing is a huge improvement over setTimeout, including letting you keep track of your time-outs with a single string id that you specify and that doesn't change every time you set it, and implement easy canceling, polling loops & debouncing, and more. One of my most-used jquery plugins.

Unfortunately, it doesn't support pause/resume out of the box. For this, you would need to wrap or extend $.doTimeout, presumably similarly to the accepted answer.

Solution 13 - Javascript

I needed to be able to pause setTimeout() for slideshow-like feature.

Here is my own implementation of a pausable timer. It integrates comments seen on Tim Down's answer, such as better pause (kernel's comment) and a form of prototyping (Umur Gedik's comment.)

function Timer( callback, delay ) {

	/** Get access to this object by value **/
	var self = this;

	/********************* PROPERTIES *********************/
	this.delay = delay;
	this.callback = callback;
	this.starttime;// = ;
	this.timerID = null;

	/********************* METHODS *********************/

	 * Pause
	this.pause = function() {
		/** If the timer has already been paused, return **/
		if ( self.timerID == null ) {
			console.log( 'Timer has been paused already.' );

		/** Pause the timer **/
		window.clearTimeout( self.timerID );
		self.timerID = null;	// this is how we keep track of the timer having beem cleared

		/** Calculate the new delay for when we'll resume **/
		self.delay = self.starttime + self.delay - new Date().getTime();
		console.log( 'Paused the timer. Time left:', self.delay );

	 * Resume
	this.resume = function() {
		self.starttime = new Date().getTime();
		self.timerID = window.setTimeout( self.callback, self.delay );
		console.log( 'Resuming the timer. Time left:', self.delay );

	/********************* CONSTRUCTOR METHOD *********************/

	 * Private constructor
	 * Not a language construct.
	 * Mind var to keep the function private and () to execute it right away.
	var __construct = function() {
		self.starttime = new Date().getTime();
		self.timerID = window.setTimeout( self.callback, self.delay )
	}();	/* END __construct */

}	/* END Timer */


var timer = new Timer( function(){ console.log( 'hey! this is a timer!' ); }, 10000 );

To test the code out, use timer.resume() and timer.pause() a few times and check how much time is left. (Make sure your console is open.)

Using this object in place of setTimeout() is as easy as replacing timerID = setTimeout( mycallback, 1000) with timer = new Timer( mycallback, 1000 ). Then timer.pause() and timer.resume() are available to you.

Solution 14 - Javascript

function delay (ms)   {  return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, s));  }

"async" working demo at: site

Solution 15 - Javascript

You can do like below to make setTimeout pausable on server side (Node.js)

const PauseableTimeout = function(callback, delay) {
    var timerId, start, remaining = delay;

    this.pause = function() {
        remaining -= - start;

    this.resume = function() {
        start =;
        timerId = global.setTimeout(callback, remaining);


and you can check it as below

var timer = new PauseableTimeout(function() {
}, 3000);
    console.log("setTimeout paused");

    console.log("setTimeout time complete");
    console.log("setTimeout resume again");

Solution 16 - Javascript

If anyone wants the TypeScript version shared by the Honorable @SeanVieira here, you can use this:

    public timer(fn: (...args: any[]) => void, countdown: number): { onCancel: () => void, onPause: () => void, onResume: () => void } {
        let ident: NodeJS.Timeout | number;
        let complete = false;
        let totalTimeRun: number;
        const onTimeDiff = (date1: number, date2: number) => {
            return date2 ? date2 - date1 : new Date().getTime() - date1;

        const handlers = {
            onCancel: () => {
                clearTimeout(ident as NodeJS.Timeout);
            onPause: () => {
                clearTimeout(ident as NodeJS.Timeout);
                totalTimeRun = onTimeDiff(startTime, null);
                complete = totalTimeRun >= countdown;
            onResume: () => {
                ident = complete ? -1 : setTimeout(fn, countdown - totalTimeRun);

        const startTime = new Date().getTime();
        ident = setTimeout(fn, countdown);

        return handlers;

Solution 17 - Javascript

I don't think you'll find anything better than clearTimeout. Anyway, you can always schedule another timeout later, instead 'resuming' it.

Solution 18 - Javascript

If you have several divs to hide, you could use an setInterval and a number of cycles to do like in:

<div id="div1">1</div><div id="div2">2</div>
<div id="div3">3</div><div id="div4">4</div>
	function hideDiv(elm){
		var interval,
			unit = 1000,
			cycle = 5,
			hide = function(){
				interval = setInterval(function(){
					if(--cycle === 0){ = 'none';
					elm.setAttribute('data-cycle', cycle);
					elm.innerHTML += '*';
				}, unit);
		elm.onmouseover = function(){
		elm.onmouseout = function(){
	function hideDivs(ids){
		var id;
		while(id = ids.pop()){


All content for this solution is sourced from the original question on Stackoverflow.

The content on this page is licensed under the Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) license.

Content TypeOriginal AuthorOriginal Content on Stackoverflow
QuestionHailwoodView Question on Stackoverflow
Solution 1 - JavascriptTim DownView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 2 - JavascriptSean VieiraView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 3 - JavascriptRoToRaView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 4 - JavascriptyckartView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 5 - JavascriptT.J. CrowderView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 6 - JavascriptTheCrzyManView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 7 - Javascriptjeremiah.treinView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 8 - JavascriptAshraf FayadView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 9 - JavascriptcuddlemeisterView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 10 - JavascriptJohn HartsockView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 11 - JavascriptmeleyalView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 12 - JavascriptB RobsterView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 13 - JavascriptFabien SnauwaertView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 14 - JavascriptJoe OliverView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 15 - JavascriptManoj RanaView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 16 - Javascript1antares1View Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 17 - JavascriptNikita RybakView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 18 - JavascriptMicView Answer on Stackoverflow