Java 8 stream map to list of keys sorted by values

JavaCollectionsLambdaJava 8Java Stream

Java Problem Overview

I have map Map<Type, Long> countByType and I want to have a list which has sorted (min to max) keys by their corresponding values. My try is:


however this just gives me a list of entries, how can I get a list of types, without losing the order?

Java Solutions

Solution 1 - Java

You say you want to sort by value, but you don't have that in your code. Pass a lambda (or method reference) to sorted to tell it how you want to sort.

And you want to get the keys; use map to transform entries to keys.

List<Type> types = countByType.entrySet().stream()

Solution 2 - Java

You have to sort with a custom comparator based on the value of the entry. Then select all the keys before collecting

           .sorted((e1, e2) -> e1.getValue().compareTo(e2.getValue())) // custom Comparator
           .map(e -> e.getKey())

Solution 3 - Java

You can sort a map by value as below, more example here

//Sort a Map by their Value.
Map<Integer, String> random = new HashMap<Integer, String>();


Map<Integer, String> sortedMap =
                .collect(Collectors.toMap(Map.Entry::getKey, Map.Entry::getValue,
                        (e1, e2) -> e2, LinkedHashMap::new));
System.out.println("Sorted Map: " + Arrays.toString(sortedMap.entrySet().toArray()));

Solution 4 - Java

Map<Integer, String> map = new HashMap<>();
map.put(1, "B");
map.put(2, "C");
map.put(3, "D");
map.put(4, "A");

List<String> list = map.values()

Output: [A, B, C, D]

Solution 5 - Java

You can use this as an example of your problem

    Map<Integer, String> map = new HashMap<>();
    map.put(10, "apple");
    map.put(20, "orange");
    map.put(30, "banana");
    map.put(40, "watermelon");
    map.put(50, "dragonfruit");

    // split a map into 2 List
    List<Integer> resultSortedKey = new ArrayList<>();
    List<String> resultValues = map.entrySet().stream()
            //sort a Map by key and stored in resultSortedKey
            .sorted(Map.Entry.<Integer, String>comparingByKey().reversed())
            .peek(e -> resultSortedKey.add(e.getKey()))
            .map(x -> x.getValue())
            // filter banana and return it to resultValues
            .filter(x -> !"banana".equalsIgnoreCase(x))


Solution 6 - Java

Here is the simple solution with StreamEx

EntryStream.of(countByType).sortedBy(e -> e.getValue()).keys().toList();


All content for this solution is sourced from the original question on Stackoverflow.

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Content TypeOriginal AuthorOriginal Content on Stackoverflow
QuestionadaPleaseView Question on Stackoverflow
Solution 1 - JavaJesperView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 2 - JavaSotirios DelimanolisView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 3 - JavaAjay KumarView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 4 - JavaKannan MskView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 5 - JavaMADHUR GUPTAView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 6 - Javauser_3380739View Answer on Stackoverflow