Is there a way to disable ReSharper for a specific file?
ResharperResharper Problem Overview
I want to tell ReSharper to ignore a few files in my project. Some of them are just too large (they contain canned test data). Some of them are just confusing it (with a mishmash of Silverlight and .NET code).
Is there a way to do this by putting a comment at the top of the file?
However it's done, it needs to be persistent (i.e. can be checked in), and per-file.
I found this, but it doesn't appear to be persisted.
Resharper Solutions
Solution 1 - Resharper
This may be a feature in a more recent version than the one available when the question was originally asked.
It is possible to suppress code inspection for a specific block (or file) by using the comments:
// ReSharper disable All
// ReSharper restore All
See here.
Solution 2 - Resharper
You can apply this to individual files via a shortcut key.
With the file open try both of these (the actual shortcut depends upon your environment).
- Ctrl + Shift + Alt + 8
- Ctrl + 8
You will see that it toggles the processing of this specific file.
The name of this shortcut in the Keyboard dialog is ReSharper_EnableDaemon
Solution 3 - Resharper
In order to skip inspections in some files or folders go to ReSharper | Options | Code Inspection | Settings -> Edit Items to Skip button. Or if your code is generated add it to appropriate list in ReSharper | Options | Generate Code section. You can read more about how it works here.