Is there a way to avoid positional arguments in bash?


Bash Problem Overview

I have to write a function in bash. The function will take about 7 arguments. I know that I can call a function like this:

To call a function with parameters:

function_name $arg1 $arg2

And I can refer my parameters like this inside the function:

function_name () {
   echo "Parameter #1 is $1"

My question is, is there a better way refer to the parameters inside the function? Can I avoid the $1, $2, $3, .... thing and simply use the $arg1, $arg2, ...?

Is there a proper method for this or do I need to re-assign these parameters to some other variables inside the function? E.g.:

function_name () {
   echo "Parameter #1 is $ARG1"

Any example would be much appreciated.

Bash Solutions

Solution 1 - Bash

The common way of doing that is assigning the arguments to local variables in the function, i.e.:

copy() {
    local from=${1}
    local to=${2}

    # ...

Another solution may be getopt-style option parsing.

copy() {
    local arg from to
    while getopts 'f:t:' arg
        case ${arg} in
            f) from=${OPTARG};;
            t) to=${OPTARG};;
            *) return 1 # illegal option

copy -f /tmp/a -t /tmp/b

Sadly, bash can't handle long options which would be more readable, i.e.:

copy --from /tmp/a --to /tmp/b

For that, you either need to use the external getopt program (which I think has long option support only on GNU systems) or implement the long option parser by hand, i.e.:

copy() {
    local from to

    while [[ ${1} ]]; do
        case "${1}" in
                echo "Unknown parameter: ${1}" >&2
                return 1

        if ! shift; then
            echo 'Missing parameter argument.' >&2
            return 1

copy --from /tmp/a --to /tmp/b

Also see: using getopts in bash shell script to get long and short command line options

You can also be lazy, and just pass the 'variables' as arguments to the function, i.e.:

copy() {
    local "${@}"

    # ...

copy from=/tmp/a to=/tmp/b

and you'll have ${from} and ${to} in the function as local variables.

Just note that the same issue as below applies — if a particular variable is not passed, it will be inherited from parent environment. You may want to add a 'safety line' like:

copy() {
    local from to    # reset first
    local "${@}"

    # ...

to ensure that ${from} and ${to} will be unset when not passed.

And if something very bad is of your interest, you could also assign the arguments as global variables when invoking the function, i.e.:

from=/tmp/a to=/tmp/b copy

Then you could just use ${from} and ${to} within the copy() function. Just note that you should then always pass all parameters. Otherwise, a random variable may leak into the function.

from= to=/tmp/b copy   # safe
to=/tmp/b copy         # unsafe: ${from} may be declared elsewhere

If you have bash 4.1 (I think), you can also try using associative arrays. It will allow you to pass named arguments but it will be ugly. Something like:

args=( [from]=/tmp/a [to]=/tmp/b )
copy args

And then in copy(), you'd need to grab the array.

Solution 2 - Bash

You can always pass things through the environment:

foo() {
  echo arg1 = "$arg1"
  echo arg2 = "$arg2"

arg1=banana arg2=apple foo

Solution 3 - Bash

All you have to do is name variables on the way in to the function call.

function test() {
    echo $a

a='hello world' test
#prove variable didnt leak
echo $a .

enter image description here

This isn't just a feature of functions, you could have that function in it's own script and call a='hello world' and it would work just the same

As an extra little bit of fun, you can combine this method with positional arguments (say you were making a script and some users mightn't know the variable names).
Heck, why not let it have defaults for those arguments too? Well sure, easy peasy!

function test2() {
    [[ -n "$1" ]] && local a="$1"; [[ -z "$a" ]] && local a='hi'
    [[ -n "$2" ]] && local b="$2"; [[ -z "$b" ]] && local b='bye'
    echo $a $b

#see the defaults

#use positional as usual
test2 '' there
#use named parameter
a=well test2
#mix it up
b=one test2 nice

#prove variables didnt leak
echo $a $b .

enter image description here

Note that if test was its own script, you don't need to use the local keyword.

Solution 4 - Bash

Shell functions have full access to any variable available in their calling scope, except for those variable names that are used as local variables inside the function itself. In addition, any non-local variable set within a function is available on the outside after the function has been called. Consider the following example:


echo "A=$A B=$B C=$C"

example() {
    echo "example(): A=$A B=$B C=$C"

    local B=BBB

    echo "example(): A=$A B=$B C=$C"


echo "A=$A B=$B C=$C"

This snippet has the following output:

A=aaa B=bbb C=
example(): A=aaa B=bbb C=
example(): A=AAA B=BBB C=CCC

The obvious disadvantage of this approach is that functions are not self-contained any more and that setting a variable outside a function may have unintended side-effects. It would also make things harder if you wanted to pass data to a function without assigning it to a variable first, since this function is not using positional parameters any more.

The most common way to handle this is to use local variables for arguments and any temporary variable within a function:

example() {
   local A="$1" B="$2" C="$3" TMP="/tmp"


This avoids polluting the shell namespace with function-local variables.

Solution 5 - Bash

I think I have a solution for you. With a few tricks you can actually pass named parameters to functions, along with arrays.

The method I developed allows you to access parameters passed to a function like this:

testPassingParams() {

    @var hello
    l=4 @array anArrayWithFourElements
    l=2 @array anotherArrayWithTwo
    @var anotherSingle
    @reference table   # references only work in bash >=4.3
    @params anArrayOfVariedSize

    test "$hello" = "$1" && echo correct
    test "${anArrayWithFourElements[0]}" = "$2" && echo correct
    test "${anArrayWithFourElements[1]}" = "$3" && echo correct
    test "${anArrayWithFourElements[2]}" = "$4" && echo correct
    # etc...
    test "${anotherArrayWithTwo[0]}" = "$6" && echo correct
    test "${anotherArrayWithTwo[1]}" = "$7" && echo correct
    test "$anotherSingle" = "$8" && echo correct
    test "${table[test]}" = "works"
    table[inside]="adding a new value"
    # I'm using * just in this example:
    test "${anArrayOfVariedSize[*]}" = "${*:10}" && echo correct

fourElements=( a1 a2 "a3 with spaces" a4 )
twoElements=( b1 b2 )
declare -A assocArray

testPassingParams "first" "${fourElements[@]}" "${twoElements[@]}" "single with spaces" assocArray "and more... " "even more..."

test "${assocArray[inside]}" = "adding a new value"

In other words, not only you can call your parameters by their names (which makes up for a more readable core), you can actually pass arrays (and references to variables - this feature works only in bash 4.3 though)! Plus, the mapped variables are all in the local scope, just as $1 (and others).

The code that makes this work is pretty light and works both in bash 3 and bash 4 (these are the only versions I've tested it with). If you're interested in more tricks like this that make developing with bash much nicer and easier, you can take a look at my Bash Infinity Framework, the code below was developed for that purpose.

Function.AssignParamLocally() {
    local commandWithArgs=( $1 )
    local command="${commandWithArgs[0]}"


    if [[ "$command" == "trap" || "$command" == "l="* || "$command" == "_type="* ]]
        return 0

    if [[ "$command" != "local" ]]

    local varDeclaration="${commandWithArgs[1]}"
    if [[ $varDeclaration == '-n' ]]
    local varName="${varDeclaration%%=*}"

    # var value is only important if making an object later on from it
    local varValue="${varDeclaration#*=}"

    if [[ ! -z $assignVarType ]]
        local previousParamNo=$(expr $paramNo - 1)

        if [[ "$assignVarType" == "array" ]]
            # passing array:
            execute="$assignVarName=( \"\${@:$previousParamNo:$assignArrLength}\" )"
            eval "$execute"
            paramNo+=$(expr $assignArrLength - 1)

            unset assignArrLength
        elif [[ "$assignVarType" == "params" ]]
            execute="$assignVarName=( \"\${@:$previousParamNo}\" )"
            eval "$execute"
        elif [[ "$assignVarType" == "reference" ]]
            eval "$execute"
        elif [[ ! -z "${!previousParamNo}" ]]
            eval "$execute"


Function.CaptureParams() {

alias @trapAssign='Function.CaptureParams; trap "declare -i \"paramNo+=1\"; Function.AssignParamLocally \"\$BASH_COMMAND\" \"\$@\"; [[ \$assignNormalCodeStarted = true ]] && trap - DEBUG && unset assignVarType && unset assignVarName && unset assignNormalCodeStarted && unset paramNo" DEBUG; '
alias @param='@trapAssign local'
alias @reference='_type=reference @trapAssign local -n'
alias @var='_type=var @param'
alias @params='_type=params @param'
alias @array='_type=array @param'

Solution 6 - Bash

I was personally hoping to see some sort of syntax like

func(a b){
    echo $a
    echo $b

But since that's not a thing, and a I see quite a few references to global variables (not without the caveat of scoping and naming conflicts), I'll share my approach.

Using the copy function from Michal's answer:

    cp $from $to

This is bad, because from and to are such broad words that any number of functions could use this. You could quickly end up with a naming conflict or a "leak" on your hands.

    echo "From: $from"
    echo "To:   $to"
    echo "$1"

letter "Hello Emily, you're fired for missing two days of work."

# Result:
#   From: /tmp/a
#   To:   Emily

#   Hello Emily, you're fired for missing two days of work.

So my approach is to "namespace" them. I name the variable after the function and delete it after the function is done with it. Of course, I only use it for optional values that have default values. Otherwise, I just use positional args.

    if [[ $copy_from ]] && [[ $copy_to ]]; then
        cp $copy_from $copy_to
        unset copy_from copy_to
copy # Copies /tmp/a to /tmp/b
copy # Does nothing, as it ought to
letter "Emily, you're 'not' re-hired for the 'not' bribe ;)"
# From: (no /tmp/a here!)
# To:

# Emily, you're 'not' re-hired for the 'not' bribe ;)

I would make a terrible boss...

In practice, my function names are more elaborate than "copy" or "letter".

The most recent example to my memory is get_input(), which has gi_no_sort and gi_prompt.

  • gi_no_sort is a true/false value that determines whether the completion suggestions are sorted or not. Defaults to true
  • gi_prompt is a string that is...well, that's self-explanatory. Defaults to "".

The actual arguments the function takes are the source of the aforementioned 'completion suggestions' for the input prompt, and as said list is taken from $@ in the function, the "named args" are optional[1], and there's no obvious way to distinguish between a string meant as a completion and a boolean/prompt-message, or really anything space-separated in bash, for that matter[2]; the above solution ended up saving me a lot of trouble.


  1. So a hard-coded shift and $1, $2, etc. are out of the question.

  2. E.g. is "0 Enter a command: {1..9} $(ls)" a value of 0, "Enter a command:", and a set of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 <directory contents>? Or are "0", "Enter", "a", and "command:" part of that set as well? Bash will assume the latter whether you like it or not.

Solution 7 - Bash

Arguments get sent to functions as an tuple of individual items, so they have no names as such, just positions. this allows some interesting possibilities like below, but it does mean that you are stuck with $1. $2, etc. as to whether to map them to better names, the question comes down to how big the function is, and how much clearer it will make reading the code. if its complex, then mapping meaningful names ($BatchID, $FirstName, $SourceFilePath) is a good idea. for simple stuff though, it probably isn't necessary. I certianly wouldn't bother if you are using names like $arg1.

now, if you just want to echo back the parameters, you can iterate over them:

for $arg in "$@"
  echo "$arg"

just a fun fact; unless you are processing a list, you are probably interested in somthing more useful

Solution 8 - Bash

this is an older topic, but still i'd like to share the function below (requires bash 4). It parses named arguments and sets the variables in the scripts environment. Just make sure you have sane default values for all parameters you need. The export statement at the end could also just be an eval. It's great in combination with shift to extend existing scripts which already take a few positional parameters and you dont want to change the syntax, but still add some flexibility.

  for opt in "${args[@]}"; do
    if [[ ! "${opt}" =~ .*=.* ]]; then
      echo "badly formatted option \"${opt}\" should be: option=value, stopping..."
      return 1
    local var="${opt%%=*}"
    local value="${opt#*=}"
    export ${var}="${value}"
  return 0


All content for this solution is sourced from the original question on Stackoverflow.

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Content TypeOriginal AuthorOriginal Content on Stackoverflow
QuestionBhushanView Question on Stackoverflow
Solution 1 - BashMichał GórnyView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 2 - BashWilliam PursellView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 3 - BashHashbrownView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 4 - BashthkalaView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 5 - BashniieaniView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 6 - BashBraden BestView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 7 - BashFrank ThomasView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 8 - BashmkrzewicView Answer on Stackoverflow