Is it faster to count down than it is to count up?


C Problem Overview

Our computer science teacher once said that for some reason it is more efficient to count down than to count up. For example if you need to use a FOR loop and the loop index is not used somewhere (like printing a line of N * to the screen) I mean that code like this:

for (i = N; i >= 0; i--)  

is better than:

for (i = 0; i < N; i++)  

Is it really true? And if so, does anyone know why?

C Solutions

Solution 1 - C

> Is it really true? and if so does anyone know why?

In ancient days, when computers were still chipped out of fused silica by hand, when 8-bit microcontrollers roamed the Earth, and when your teacher was young (or your teacher's teacher was young), there was a common machine instruction called decrement and skip if zero (DSZ). Hotshot assembly programmers used this instruction to implement loops. Later machines got fancier instructions, but there were still quite a few processors on which it was cheaper to compare something with zero than to compare with anything else. (It's true even on some modern RISC machines, like PPC or SPARC, which reserve a whole register to be always zero.)

So, if you rig your loops to compare with zero instead of N, what might happen?

  • You might save a register
  • You might get a compare instruction with a smaller binary encoding
  • If a previous instruction happens to set a flag (likely only on x86 family machines), you might not even need an explicit compare instruction

Are these differences likely to result in any measurable improvement on real programs on a modern out-of-order processor? Highly unlikely. In fact, I'd be impressed if you could show a measurable improvement even on a microbenchmark.

Summary: I smack your teacher upside the head! You shouldn't be learning obsolete pseudo-facts about how to organize loops. You should be learning that the most important thing about loops is to be sure that they terminate, produce correct answers, and are easy to read. I wish your teacher would focus on the important stuff and not mythology.

Solution 2 - C

Here's what might happen on some hardware depending on what the compiler can deduce about the range of the numbers you're using: with the incrementing loop you have to test i<N each time round the loop. For the decrementing version, the carry flag (set as a side effect of the subtraction) may automatically tell you if i>=0. That saves a test per time round the loop.

In reality, on modern pipelined processor hardware, this stuff is almost certainly irrelevant as there isn't a simple 1-1 mapping from instructions to clock cycles. (Though I could imagine it coming up if you were doing things like generating precisely timed video signals from a microcontroller. But then you'd write in assembly language anyway.)

Solution 3 - C

In the Intel x86 instruction set, building a loop to count down to zero can usually be done with fewer instructions than a loop that counts up to a non-zero exit condition. Specifically, the ECX register is traditionally used as a loop counter in x86 asm, and the Intel instruction set has a special jcxz jump instruction that tests the ECX register for zero and jumps based on the result of the test.

However, the performance difference will be negligible unless your loop is already very sensitive to clock cycle counts. Counting down to zero might shave 4 or 5 clock cycles off each iteration of the loop compared to counting up, so it's really more of a novelty than a useful technique.

Also, a good optimizing compiler these days should be able to convert your count up loop source code into count down to zero machine code (depending on how you use the loop index variable) so there really isn't any reason to write your loops in strange ways just to squeeze a cycle or two here and there.

Solution 4 - C


Counting from N down to 0 is slightly faster that Counting from 0 to N in the sense of how hardware will handle comparison..

Note the comparison in each loop


Most processors have comparison with zero the first one will be translated to machine code as:

  1. Load i
  2. Compare and jump if Less than or Equal zero

But the second one needs to load N form Memory each time

  1. load i
  2. load N
  3. Sub i and N
  4. Compare and jump if Less than or Equal zero

So it is not because of counting down or up.. But because of how your code will be translated into machine code..

So counting from 10 to 100 is the same as counting form 100 to 10
But counting from i=100 to 0 is faster than from i=0 to 100 - in most cases
And counting from i=N to 0 is faster than from i=0 to N

  • Note that nowadays compilers may do this optimization for you (if it is smart enough)
  • Note also that pipeline can cause Belady's anomaly-like effect (can not be sure what will be better)
  • At last: please note that the 2 for loops you have presented are not equivalent.. the first prints one more * ....

>Related: >

Solution 5 - C

In C to psudo-assembly:

for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {

turns into

    clear i
    call foo
    increment i
    compare 10, i
    jump_less top_of_loop


for (i = 10; i >= 0; i--) {

turns into

    load i, 10
    call foo
    decrement i
    jump_not_neg top_of_loop

Note the lack of the compare in the second psudo-assembly. On many architectures there are flags that are set by arithmatic operations (add, subtract, multiply, divide, increment, decrement) which you can use for jumps. These often give you what is essentially a comparison of the result of the operation with 0 for free. In fact on many architectures

x = x - 0

is semantically the same as

compare x, 0

Also, the compare against a 10 in my example could result in worse code. 10 may have to live in a register, so if they are in short supply that costs and may result in extra code to move things around or reload the 10 every time through the loop.

Compilers can sometimes rearrange the code to take advantage of this, but it is often difficult because they are often unable to be sure that reversing the direction through the loop is semantically equivalent.

Solution 6 - C

Count down faster in case like this:

for (i = someObject.getAllObjects.size(); i >= 0; i--) {…}

because someObject.getAllObjects.size() executes once at the beginning.

Sure, similar behaviour can be achieved by calling size() out of the loop, as Peter mentioned:

size = someObject.getAllObjects.size();
for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {…}

Solution 7 - C

What matters much more than whether you're increasing or decreasing your counter is whether you're going up memory or down memory. Most caches are optimized for going up memory, not down memory. Since memory access time is the bottleneck that most programs today face, this means that changing your program so that you go up memory can result in a performance boost even if this requires comparing your counter to a non-zero value. In some of my programs, I saw a significant improvement in performance by changing my code to go up memory instead of down it.

Skeptical? Just write a program to time loops going up/down memory. Here's the output that I got:

Average Up Memory   = 4839 mus
Average Down Memory = 5552 mus

Average Up Memory   = 18638 mus
Average Down Memory = 19053 mus

(where "mus" stands for microseconds) from running this program:

#include <chrono>
#include <iostream>
#include <random>
#include <vector>

//Sum all numbers going up memory.
template<class Iterator, class T>
inline void sum_abs_up(Iterator first, Iterator one_past_last, T &total) {
  T sum = 0;
  auto it = first;
  do {
    sum += *it;
  } while (it != one_past_last);
  total += sum;

//Sum all numbers going down memory.
template<class Iterator, class T>
inline void sum_abs_down(Iterator first, Iterator one_past_last, T &total) {
  T sum = 0;
  auto it = one_past_last;
  do {
    sum += *it;
  } while (it != first);
  total += sum;

//Time how long it takes to make num_repititions identical calls to sum_abs_down().
//We will divide this time by num_repitions to get the average time.
template<class T>
std::chrono::nanoseconds TimeDown(std::vector<T> &vec, const std::vector<T> &vec_original,
                                  std::size_t num_repititions, T &running_sum) {
  std::chrono::nanoseconds total{0};
  for (std::size_t i = 0; i < num_repititions; i++) {
    auto start_time = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
    sum_abs_down(vec.begin(), vec.end(), running_sum);
    total += std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now() - start_time;
    vec = vec_original;
  return total;

template<class T>
std::chrono::nanoseconds TimeUp(std::vector<T> &vec, const std::vector<T> &vec_original,
                                std::size_t num_repititions, T &running_sum) {
  std::chrono::nanoseconds total{0};
  for (std::size_t i = 0; i < num_repititions; i++) {
    auto start_time = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
    sum_abs_up(vec.begin(), vec.end(), running_sum);
    total += std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now() - start_time;
    vec = vec_original;
  return total;

template<class Iterator, typename T>
void FillWithRandomNumbers(Iterator start, Iterator one_past_end, T a, T b) {
  std::random_device rnd_device;
  std::mt19937 generator(rnd_device());
  std::uniform_int_distribution<T> dist(a, b);
  for (auto it = start; it != one_past_end; it++)
    *it = dist(generator);
  return ;

template<class Iterator>
void FillWithRandomNumbers(Iterator start, Iterator one_past_end, double a, double b) {
  std::random_device rnd_device;
  std::mt19937_64 generator(rnd_device());
  std::uniform_real_distribution<double> dist(a, b);
  for (auto it = start; it != one_past_end; it++)
    *it = dist(generator);
  return ;

template<class ValueType>
void TimeFunctions(std::size_t num_repititions, std::size_t vec_size = (1u << 24)) {
  auto lower = std::numeric_limits<ValueType>::min();
  auto upper = std::numeric_limits<ValueType>::max();
  std::vector<ValueType> vec(vec_size);

  FillWithRandomNumbers(vec.begin(), vec.end(), lower, upper);
  const auto vec_original = vec;
  ValueType sum_up = 0, sum_down = 0;

  auto time_up   = TimeUp(vec, vec_original, num_repititions, sum_up).count();
  auto time_down = TimeDown(vec, vec_original, num_repititions, sum_down).count();
  std::cout << "Average Up Memory   = " << time_up/(num_repititions * 1000) << " mus\n";
  std::cout << "Average Down Memory = " << time_down/(num_repititions * 1000) << " mus"
            << std::endl;
  return ;

int main() {
  std::size_t num_repititions = 1 << 10;
  std::cout << '\n';
  return 0;

Both sum_abs_up and sum_abs_down do the same thing (sum the vector of numbers) and are timed the same way with the only difference being that sum_abs_up goes up memory while sum_abs_down goes down memory. I even pass vec by reference so that both functions access the same memory locations. Nevertheless, sum_abs_up is consistently faster than sum_abs_down. Give it a run yourself (I compiled it with g++ -O3).

It's important to note how tight the loop that I'm timing is. If a loop's body is large then it likely won't matter whether its iterator goes up or down memory since the time it takes to execute the loop's body will likely completely dominate. Also, it's important to mention that with some rare loops, going down memory is sometimes faster than going up it. But even with such loops it was never the case that going up memory was always slower than going down (unlike small-bodied loops that go up memory, for which the opposite is frequently true; in fact, for a small handful of loops I've timed, the increase in performance by going up memory was 40+%).

The point is, as a rule of thumb, if you have the option, if the loop's body is small, and if there's little difference between having your loop go up memory instead of down it, then you should go up memory.

FYI vec_original is there for experimentation, to make it easy to change sum_abs_up and sum_abs_down in a way that makes them alter vec while not allowing these changes to affect future timings. I highly recommend playing around with sum_abs_up and sum_abs_down and timing the results.

Solution 8 - C

> Is it faster to count down than up?

Maybe. But far more than 99% of the time it won't matter, so you should use the most 'sensible' test for terminating the loop, and by sensible, I mean that it takes the least amount of thought by a reader to figure out what the loop is doing (including what makes it stop). Make your code match the mental (or documented) model of what the code is doing.

If the loop is working it's way up through an array (or list, or whatever), an incrementing counter will often match up better with how the reader might be thinking of what the loop is doing - code your loop this way.

But if you're working through a container that has N items, and are removing the items as you go, it might make more cognitive sense to work the counter down.

A bit more detail on the 'maybe' in the answer:

It's true that on most architectures, testing for a calculation resulting in zero (or going from zero to negative) requires no explicit test instruction - the result can be checked directly. If you want to test whether a calculation results in some other number, the instruction stream will generally have to have an explicit instruction to test for that value. However, especially with modern CPUs, this test will usually add less than noise-level additional time to a looping construct. Particularly if that loop is performing I/O.

On the other hand, if you count down from zero, and use the counter as an array index, for example, you might find the code working against the memory architecture of the system - memory reads will often cause a cache to 'look ahead' several memory locations past the current one in anticipation of a sequential read. If you're working backwards through memory, the caching system might not anticipate reads of a memory location at a lower memory address. In this case, it's possible that looping 'backwards' might hurt performance. However, I'd still probably code the loop this way (as long as performance didn't become an issue) because correctness is paramount, and making the code match a model is a great way to help ensure correctness. Incorrect code is as unoptimized as you can get.

So I would tend to forget the professor's advice (of course, not on his test though - you should still be pragmatic as far as the classroom goes), unless and until the performance of the code really mattered.

Solution 9 - C

On some older CPUs there are/were instructions like DJNZ == "decrement and jump if not zero". This allowed for efficient loops where you loaded an initial count value into a register and then you could effectively manage a decrementing loop with one instruction. We're talking 1980s ISAs here though - your teacher is seriously out of touch if he thinks this "rule of thumb" still applies with modern CPUs.

Solution 10 - C


Not until you are doing microoptimizations, at which point you will have the manual for your CPU to hand. Further, if you were doing that sort of thing, you probably wouldn't be needing to ask this question anyway. :-) But, your teacher evidently doesn't subscribe to that idea....

There are 4 things to consider in your loop example:

for (i=N; 
 i>=0;             //thing 1
 i--)             //thing 2
  putchar('*');   //thing 3
  • Comparison

Comparison is (as others have indicated) relevant to particular processor architectures. There are more types of processors than those that run Windows. In particular, there might be an instruction that simplifies and speeds up comparisons with 0.

  • Adjustment

In some cases, it is faster to adjust up or down. Typically a good compiler will figure it out and redo the loop if it can. Not all compilers are good though.

  • Loop Body

You are accessing a syscall with putchar. That is massively slow. Plus, you are rendering onto the screen (indirectly). That is even slower. Think 1000:1 ratio or more. In this situation, the loop body totally and utterly outweighs the cost of the loop adjustment/comparison.

  • Caches

A cache and memory layout can have a large effect on performance. In this situation, it doesn't matter. However, if you were accessing an array and needed optimal performance, it would behoove you to investigate how your compiler and your processor laid out memory accessses and to tune your software to make the most of that. The stock example is the one given in relation to matrix multiplication.

Solution 11 - C

It can be faster.

On the NIOS II processor I'm currently working with, the traditional for loop


produces the assembly:

ldw r2,-3340(fp) %load i to r2
addi r2,r2,1     %increase i by 1
stw r2,-3340(fp) %save value of i
ldw r2,-3340(fp) %load value again (???)
cmplti r2,r2,100 %compare if less than equal 100
bne r2,zero,0xa018 %jump

If we count down


we get an assembly that needs 2 instructions less.

ldw r2,-3340(fp)
addi r3,r2,-1
stw r3,-3340(fp)
bne r2,zero,0xa01c

If we have nested loops, where the inner loop is executed a lot, we can have a measurable difference:

int i,j,a=0;
		a = j+1;

If the inner loop is written like above, the execution time is: 0.12199999999999999734 seconds. If the inner loop is written the traditional way, the execution time is: 0.17199999999999998623 seconds. So the loop counting down is about 30% faster.

But: this test was made with all GCC optimizations turned off. If we turn them on, the compiler is actually smarter than this handish optimization and even keeps the value in a register during the whole loop and we would get an assembly like

addi r2,r2,-1
bne r2,zero,0xa01c

In this particular example the compiler even notices, that variable a will allways be 1 after the loop execution and skips the loops alltogether.

However I experienced that sometimes if the loop body is complex enough, the compiler is not able to do this optimization, so the safest way to always get a fast loop execution is to write:

register int i;
{ ... }

Of course this only works, if it does not matter that the loop is executed in reverse and like Betamoo said, only if you are counting down to zero.

Solution 12 - C

regardless of the direction always use the prefix form (++i instead of i++)!

for (i=N; i>=0; --i)  


for (i=0; i<N; ++i) 


Furthermore you can write

for (i=N; i; --i)  

But i would expect modern compilers to be able to do exactly these optimizations.

Solution 13 - C

It is an interesting question, but as a practical matter I don't think it's important and does not make one loop any better than the other.

According to this wikipedia page: Leap second, "...the solar day becomes 1.7 ms longer every century due mainly to tidal friction." But if you are counting days until your birthday, do you really care about this tiny difference in time?

It's more important that the source code is easy to read and understand. Those two loops are a good example of why readability is important -- they don't loop the same number of times.

I would bet that most programmers read (i = 0; i < N; i++) and understand immediately that this loops N times. A loop of (i = 1; i <= N; i++), for me anyway, is a little less clear, and with (i = N; i > 0; i--) I have to think about it for a moment. It's best if the intent of the code goes directly into the brain without any thinking required.

Solution 14 - C

Strangely, it appears that there IS a difference. At least, in PHP. Consider following benchmark:


print "<br>".PHP_VERSION;
$iter = 100000000;

$t1 = microtime(true);
$t2 = microtime(true);
print '<br>$i++ : '.($t2-$t1);

$t1 = microtime(true);
$t2 = microtime(true);
print '<br>$i-- : '.($t2-$t1);

$t1 = microtime(true);
$t2 = microtime(true);
print '<br>++$i : '.($t2-$t1);

$t1 = microtime(true);
$t2 = microtime(true);
print '<br>--$i : '.($t2-$t1);

Results are interesting:

PHP 5.2.13
$i++ : 8.8842368125916
$i-- : 8.1797409057617
++$i : 8.0271911621094
--$i : 7.1027431488037

PHP 5.3.1
$i++ : 8.9625310897827
$i-- : 8.5790238380432
++$i : 5.9647901058197
--$i : 5.4021768569946

If someone knows why, it would be nice to know :)

EDIT: Results are the same even if you start counting not from 0, but other arbitrary value. So there is probably not only comparison to zero which makes a difference?

Solution 15 - C

What your teacher have said was some oblique statement without much clarification. It is NOT that decrementing is faster than incrementing but you can create much much faster loop with decrement than with increment.

Without going on at length about it, without need of using loop counter etc - what matters below is just speed and loop count (non zero).

Here is how most people implement loop with 10 iterations:

int i;
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
	//something here

For 99% of cases it is all one may need but along with PHP, PYTHON, JavaScript there is the whole world of time critical software (usually embedded, OS, games etc) where CPU ticks really matter so look briefly at assembly code of:

int i;
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
	//something here

after compilation (without optimisation) compiled version may look like this (VS2015):

-------- C7 45 B0 00 00 00 00  mov         dword ptr [i],0  
-------- EB 09                 jmp         labelB 
labelA   8B 45 B0              mov         eax,dword ptr [i]  
-------- 83 C0 01              add         eax,1  
-------- 89 45 B0              mov         dword ptr [i],eax  
labelB   83 7D B0 0A           cmp         dword ptr [i],0Ah  
-------- 7D 02                 jge         out1 
-------- EB EF                 jmp         labelA  

The whole loop is 8 instructions (26 bytes). In it - there are actually 6 instructions (17 bytes) with 2 branches. Yes yes I know it can be done better (its just an example).

Now consider this frequent construct which you will often find written by embedded developer:

i = 10;
	//something here
} while (--i);

It also iterates 10 times (yes I know i value is different compared with shown for loop but we care about iteration count here). This may be compiled into this:

00074EBC C7 45 B0 01 00 00 00 mov         dword ptr [i],1  
00074EC3 8B 45 B0             mov         eax,dword ptr [i]  
00074EC6 83 E8 01             sub         eax,1  
00074EC9 89 45 B0             mov         dword ptr [i],eax  
00074ECC 75 F5                jne         main+0C3h (074EC3h)  

5 instructions (18 bytes) and just one branch. Actually there are 4 instruction in the loop (11 bytes).

The best thing is that some CPUs (x86/x64 compatible included) have instruction that may decrement a register, later compare result with zero and perform branch if result is different than zero. Virtually ALL PC cpus implement this instruction. Using it the loop is actually just one (yes one) 2 byte instruction:

00144ECE B9 0A 00 00 00       mov         ecx,0Ah  
                          // something here
00144ED3 E2 FE                loop        label (0144ED3h)  // decrement ecx and jump to label if not zero

Do I have to explain which is faster?

Now even if particular CPU does not implement above instruction all it requires to emulate it is a decrement followed by conditional jump if result of previous instruction happens to be zero.

So regardless of some cases that you may point out as an comment why I am wrong etc etc I EMPHASISE - YES IT IS BENEFICIAL TO LOOP DOWNWARDS if you know how, why and when.

PS. Yes I know that wise compiler (with appropriate optimisation level) will rewrite for loop (with ascending loop counter) into do..while equivalent for constant loop iterations ... (or unroll it) ...

Solution 16 - C

No, that's not really true. One situation where it could be faster is when you would otherwise be calling a function to check the bounds during every iteration of a loop.

for(int i=myCollection.size(); i >= 0; i--)

But if it's less clear to do it that way, it's not worthwhile. In modern languages, you should use a foreach loop when possible, anyway. You specifically mention the case where you should use a foreach loop -- when you don't need the index.

Solution 17 - C

The point is that when counting down you don't need to check i >= 0 separately to decrementing i. Observe:

for (i = 5; i--;) {
  alert(i);  // alert boxes showing 4, 3, 2, 1, 0

Both the comparison and decrementing i can be done in the one expression.

See other answers for why this boils down to fewer x86 instructions.

As to whether it makes a meaningful difference in your application, well I guess that depends on how many loops you have and how deeply nested they are. But to me, it's just as readable to do it this way, so I do it anyway.

Solution 18 - C

Now, I think you had enough assembly lectures:) I would like to present you another reason for top->down approach.

The reason to go from the top is very simple. In the body of the loop, you might accidentally change the boundary, which might end in incorrect behaviour or even non-terminating loop.

Look at this small portion of Java code (the language does not matter I guess for this reason):

	int n = 999;
	for (int i = n; i >= 0; i--) {
		System.out.println("i = " + i + "\t n = " + n);
	n = 1;
	for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
		System.out.println("i = " + i + "\t n = " + n);

So my point is you should consider prefering going from the top down or having a constant as a boundary.

Solution 19 - C

At an assembler level a loop that counts down to zero is generally slightly faster than one that counts up to a given value. If the result of a calculation is equal to zero most processors will set a zero flag. If subtracting one makes a calculation wrap around past zero this will normally change the carry flag (on some processors it will set it on others it will clear it), so the comparison with zero comes essentially for free.

This is even more true when the number of iterations is not a constant but a variable.

In trivial cases the compiler may be able to optimise the count direction of a loop automatically but in more complex cases it may be that the programmer knows that the direction of the loop is irrelevant to the overall behaviour but the compiler cannot prove that.


All content for this solution is sourced from the original question on Stackoverflow.

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Content TypeOriginal AuthorOriginal Content on Stackoverflow
QuestionBobView Question on Stackoverflow
Solution 1 - CNorman RamseyView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 2 - CsigfpeView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 3 - CdthorpeView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 4 - CBetamooView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 5 - CnategooseView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 6 - CMiKoView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 7 - CMatthew K.View Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 8 - CMichael BurrView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 9 - CPaul RView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 10 - CPaul NathanView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 11 - Cuser2998086View Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 12 - CRSabetView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 13 - CJim FloodView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 14 - Cts.View Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 15 - CArturView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 16 - CJonathon FaustView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 17 - CthomasrutterView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 18 - CGabriel ŠčerbákView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 19 - CplugwashView Answer on Stackoverflow