Invariant Violation: Could not find "store" in either the context or props of "Connect(SportsDatabase)"


Reactjs Problem Overview

Full code here:


  • I have an application where it shows different templates for desktop and mobile on basis of build environment.
  • I am successfully able to develop it where I need to hide the navigation menu for my mobile template.
  • right now I am able to write one test case where it fetches all the values through the proptypes and renders correctly
  • but not sure how to write the unit test cases when its mobile it should not render nav component.
  • I tried but I am facing an error...can you tell me how to fix it.
  • provding code below.

Test case

import {expect} from 'chai';
import React from 'react';
import TestUtils from 'react-addons-test-utils';
import {SportsTopPortion} from '../../../src/components/sports-top-portion/sports-top-portion.jsx';

describe('"sports-top-portion" Unit Tests', function() {
    let shallowRenderer = TestUtils.createRenderer();

    let sportsContentContainerLayout ='mobile';
    let sportsContentContainerProfile = {'exists': 'hasSidebar'};
    let sportsContentContainerAuthExchange = {hasValidAccessToken: true};
    let sportsContentContainerHasValidAccessToken ='test'; 
    it('should render correctly', () => {
        shallowRenderer.render(<SportsTopPortion sportsWholeFramework={sportsContentContainerLayout} sportsPlayers={sportsContentContainerProfile} sportsAuthentication={sportsContentContainerAuthExchange} sportsUpperBar={{activeSportsLink:'test'}} />);
        //shallowRenderer.render(<SportsTopPortion sportsWholeFramework={sportsContentContainerLayout} sportsPlayers={sportsContentContainerProfile} hasValidAccessToken={sportsContentContainerHasValidAccessToken}  />);

        let renderedElement = shallowRenderer.getRenderOutput();
        console.log("renderedElement------->" + JSON.stringify(renderedElement));


    it('should not render sportsNavigationComponent when is mobile', () => {
        let sportsNavigationComponent = TestUtils.renderIntoDocument(<SportsTopPortion sportsWholeFramework={sportsContentContainerLayout} sportsPlayers={sportsContentContainerProfile} sportsAuthentication={sportsContentContainerAuthExchange} sportsUpperBar={{activeSportsLink:'test'}} />);
        console.log("sportsNavigationComponent------->" + JSON.stringify(sportsNavigationComponent));

        //let footnoteContainer = TestUtils.findRenderedDOMComponentWithClass(sportsNavigationComponent, 'linkPack--standard');



Code snippet where test case need to be written

if ( === 'mobile') {
    sportsNavigationComponent = <div />;
    sportsSideMEnu = <div />;
    searchComponent = <div />;
    sportsPlayersWidget = <div />;


1) "sports-top-portion" Unit Tests should not render sportsNavigationComponent when is mobile:
     Invariant Violation: Could not find "store" in either the context or props of "Connect(SportsDatabase)". Either wrap the root component in a <Provider>, or explicitly pass "store" as a prop to "Connect(SportsDatabase)".
      at Object.invariant [as default] (C:\sports-whole-page\node_modules\invariant\invariant.js:42:15)
      at new Connect (C:\sports-whole-page\node_modules\react-redux\lib\components\createConnect.js:135:33)
      at [object Object].ReactCompositeComponentMixin.mountComponent (C:\sports-whole-page\node_modules\react\lib\ReactCompositeComponent.js:148:18)
      at [object Object].wrapper [as mountComponent] (C:\sports-whole-page\node_modules\react\lib\ReactPerf.js:66:21)
      at Object.ReactReconciler.mountComponent (C:\sports-whole-page\node_modules\react\lib\ReactReconciler.js:37:35)
      at ReactDOMComponent.ReactMultiChild.Mixin.mountChildren (C:\sports-whole-page\node_modules\react\lib\ReactMultiChild.js:241:44)
      at ReactDOMComponent.Mixin._createContentMarkup (C:\sports-whole-page\node_modules\react\lib\ReactDOMComponent.js:591:32)
      at ReactDOMComponent.Mixin.mountComponent (C:\sports-whole-page\node_modules\react\lib\ReactDOMComponent.js:479:29)
      at Object.ReactReconciler.mountComponent (C:\sports-whole-page\node_modules\react\lib\ReactReconciler.js:37:35)
      at ReactDOMComponent.ReactMultiChild.Mixin.mountChildren (C:\sports-whole-page\node_modules\react\lib\ReactMultiChild.js:241:44)
      at ReactDOMComponent.Mixin._createContentMarkup (C:\sports-whole-page\node_modules\react\lib\ReactDOMComponent.js:591:32)
      at ReactDOMComponent.Mixin.mountComponent (C:\sports-whole-page\node_modules\react\lib\ReactDOMComponent.js:479:29)
      at Object.ReactReconciler.mountComponent (C:\sports-whole-page\node_modules\react\lib\ReactReconciler.js:37:35)
      at [object Object].ReactCompositeComponentMixin.mountComponent (C:\sports-whole-page\node_modules\react\lib\ReactCompositeComponent.js:225:34)
      at [object Object].wrapper [as mountComponent] (C:\sports-whole-page\node_modules\react\lib\ReactPerf.js:66:21)
      at Object.ReactReconciler.mountComponent (C:\sports-whole-page\node_modules\react\lib\ReactReconciler.js:37:35)
      at ReactDOMComponent.ReactMultiChild.Mixin.mountChildren (C:\sports-whole-page\node_modules\react\lib\ReactMultiChild.js:241:44)
      at ReactDOMComponent.Mixin._createContentMarkup (C:\sports-whole-page\node_modules\react\lib\ReactDOMComponent.js:591:32)
      at ReactDOMComponent.Mixin.mountComponent (C:\sports-whole-page\node_modules\react\lib\ReactDOMComponent.js:479:29)
      at Object.ReactReconciler.mountComponent (C:\sports-whole-page\node_modules\react\lib\ReactReconciler.js:37:35)
      at [object Object].ReactCompositeComponentMixin.mountComponent (C:\sports-whole-page\node_modules\react\lib\ReactCompositeComponent.js:225:34)
      at [object Object].wrapper [as mountComponent] (C:\sports-whole-page\node_modules\react\lib\ReactPerf.js:66:21)
      at Object.ReactReconciler.mountComponent (C:\sports-whole-page\node_modules\react\lib\ReactReconciler.js:37:35)
      at ReactDOMComponent.ReactMultiChild.Mixin.mountChildren (C:\sports-whole-page\node_modules\react\lib\ReactMultiChild.js:241:44)
      at ReactDOMComponent.Mixin._createContentMarkup (C:\sports-whole-page\node_modules\react\lib\ReactDOMComponent.js:591:32)
      at ReactDOMComponent.Mixin.mountComponent (C:\sports-whole-page\node_modules\react\lib\ReactDOMComponent.js:479:29)
      at Object.ReactReconciler.mountComponent (C:\sports-whole-page\node_modules\react\lib\ReactReconciler.js:37:35)
      at [object Object].ReactCompositeComponentMixin.mountComponent (C:\sports-whole-page\node_modules\react\lib\ReactCompositeComponent.js:225:34)
      at [object Object].wrapper [as mountComponent] (C:\sports-whole-page\node_modules\react\lib\ReactPerf.js:66:21)
      at Object.ReactReconciler.mountComponent (C:\sports-whole-page\node_modules\react\lib\ReactReconciler.js:37:35)
      at [object Object].ReactCompositeComponentMixin.mountComponent (C:\sports-whole-page\node_modules\react\lib\ReactCompositeComponent.js:225:34)
      at [object Object].wrapper [as mountComponent] (C:\sports-whole-page\node_modules\react\lib\ReactPerf.js:66:21)
      at Object.ReactReconciler.mountComponent (C:\sports-whole-page\node_modules\react\lib\ReactReconciler.js:37:35)
      at mountComponentIntoNode (C:\sports-whole-page\node_modules\react\lib\ReactMount.js:266:32)
      at ReactReconcileTransaction.Mixin.perform (C:\sports-whole-page\node_modules\react\lib\Transaction.js:136:20)
      at batchedMountComponentIntoNode (C:\sports-whole-page\node_modules\react\lib\ReactMount.js:282:15)
      at ReactDefaultBatchingStrategyTransaction.Mixin.perform (C:\sports-whole-page\node_modules\react\lib\Transaction.js:136:20)
      at Object.ReactDefaultBatchingStrategy.batchedUpdates (C:\sports-whole-page\node_modules\react\lib\ReactDefaultBatchingStrategy.js:62:19)
      at Object.batchedUpdates (C:\sports-whole-page\node_modules\react\lib\ReactUpdates.js:94:20)
      at Object.ReactMount._renderNewRootComponent (C:\sports-whole-page\node_modules\react\lib\ReactMount.js:476:18)
      at Object.wrapper [as _renderNewRootComponent] (C:\sports-whole-page\node_modules\react\lib\ReactPerf.js:66:21)
      at Object.ReactMount._renderSubtreeIntoContainer (C:\sports-whole-page\node_modules\react\lib\ReactMount.js:550:32)
      at Object.ReactMount.render (C:\sports-whole-page\node_modules\react\lib\ReactMount.js:570:23)
      at Object.wrapper [as render] (C:\sports-whole-page\node_modules\react\lib\ReactPerf.js:66:21)
      at Object.ReactTestUtils.renderIntoDocument (C:\sports-whole-page\node_modules\react\lib\ReactTestUtils.js:76:21)
      at Context.<anonymous> (C:/codebase/sports-whole-page/test/components/sports-top-portion/sports-top-portion-unit-tests.js:28:41)
      at callFn (C:\sports-whole-page\node_modules\mocha\lib\runnable.js:286:21)
      at (C:\sports-whole-page\node_modules\mocha\lib\runnable.js:279:7)
      at Runner.runTest (C:\sports-whole-page\node_modules\mocha\lib\runner.js:421:10)
      at C:\sports-whole-page\node_modules\mocha\lib\runner.js:528:12
      at next (C:\sports-whole-page\node_modules\mocha\lib\runner.js:341:14)
      at C:\sports-whole-page\node_modules\mocha\lib\runner.js:351:7
      at next (C:\sports-whole-page\node_modules\mocha\lib\runner.js:283:14)
      at Immediate._onImmediate (C:\sports-whole-page\node_modules\mocha\lib\runner.js:319:5)

Reactjs Solutions

Solution 1 - Reactjs

It's pretty simple. You're trying to test the wrapper component generated by calling connect()(MyPlainComponent). That wrapper component expects to have access to a Redux store. Normally that store is available as, because at the top of your component hierarchy you'd have a <Provider store={myStore} />. However, you're rendering your connected component by itself, with no store, so it's throwing an error.

You've got a few options:

  • Create a store and render a <Provider> around your connected component
  • Create a store and directly pass it in as <MyConnectedComponent store={store} /> , as the connected component will also accept "store" as a prop
  • Don't bother testing the connected component. Export the "plain", unconnected version, and test that instead. If you test your plain component and your mapStateToProps function, you can safely assume the connected version will work correctly.

You probably want to read through the "Testing" page in the Redux docs:


After actually seeing that you posted source, and re-reading the error message, the real problem is not with the SportsTopPane component. The problem is that you're trying to "fully" render SportsTopPane, which also renders all of its children, rather than doing a "shallow" render like you were in the first case. The line searchComponent = <SportsDatabase sportsWholeFramework="desktop" />; is rendering a component that I assume is also connected, and therefore expects a store to be available in React's "context" feature.

At this point, you have two new options:

  • Only do "shallow" rendering of SportsTopPane, so that you're not forcing it to fully render its children
  • If you do want to do "deep" rendering of SportsTopPane, you'll need to provide a Redux store in context. I highly suggest you take a look at the Enzyme testing library, which lets you do exactly that. See for an example.

Overall, I would note that you might be trying to do too much in this one component and might want to consider breaking it into smaller pieces with less logic per component.

Solution 2 - Reactjs

Possible solution that worked for me with jest

import React from "react";
import { shallow } from "enzyme";
import { Provider } from "react-redux";
import configureMockStore from "redux-mock-store";
import TestPage from "../TestPage";

const mockStore = configureMockStore();
const store = mockStore({});

describe("Testpage Component", () => {
	it("should render without throwing an error", () => {
				<Provider store={store}>
					<TestPage />
			).exists(<h1>Test page</h1>)

Solution 3 - Reactjs

As the official docs of redux suggest, better to export the unconnected component as well.

In order to be able to test the App component itself without having to deal with the decorator, we recommend you to also export the undecorated component:

import { connect } from 'react-redux'

// Use named export for unconnected component (for tests)
export class App extends Component { /* ... */ }
// Use default export for the connected component (for app)
export default connect(mapStateToProps)(App)

Since the default export is still the decorated component, the import statement pictured above will work as before so you won't have to change your application code. However, you can now import the undecorated App components in your test file like this:

// Note the curly braces: grab the named export instead of default export
import { App } from './App'

And if you need both:

import ConnectedApp, { App } from './App'

In the app itself, you would still import it normally:

import App from './App'

You would only use the named export for tests.

Solution 4 - Reactjs

When we put together a react-redux application we should expect to see a structure where at the top we have the Provider tag which has an instance of a redux store.

That Provider tag then renders your parent component, lets call it the App component which in turn renders every other component inside the application.

Here is the key part, when we wrap a component with the connect() function, that connect() function expects to see some parent component within the hierarchy that has the Provider tag.

So the instance you put the connect() function in there, it will look up the hierarchy and try to find the Provider.

Thats what you want to have happen, but in your test environment that flow is breaking down.



When we go back over to the assumed sportsDatabase test file, you must be the sportsDatabase component by itself and then trying to render that component by itself in isolation.

So essentially what you are doing inside that test file is just taking that component and just throwing it off in the wild and it has no ties to any Provider or store above it and thats why you are seeing this message.

There is not store or Provider tag in the context or prop of that component and so the component throws an error because it want to see a Provider tag or store in its parent hierarchy.

So that’s what that error means.

Solution 5 - Reactjs

in my case just

const myReducers = combineReducers({
  user: UserReducer

const store: any = createStore(

shallow(<Login />, { context: { store } });

Solution 6 - Reactjs

For me it was import issue, hope it helps. default import by WebStorm was wrong.


import connect from "react-redux/lib/connect/connect";


import {connect} from "react-redux";

Solution 7 - Reactjs

This happened to me when I upgraded. I had to downgrade back.

react-redux ^5.0.6 → ^7.1.3

Solution 8 - Reactjs

jus do this import { shallow, mount } from "enzyme";

const store = mockStore({
  startup: { complete: false }

describe("==== Testing App ======", () => {
  const setUpFn = props => {
    return mount(
      <Provider store={store}>
        <App />

  let wrapper;
  beforeEach(() => {
    wrapper = setUpFn();

Solution 9 - Reactjs

in the end of your Index.js need to add this Code:

import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import { BrowserRouter  } from 'react-router-dom';

import './index.css';
import App from './App';

import { Provider } from 'react-redux';
import { createStore, applyMiddleware, compose, combineReducers } from 'redux';
import thunk from 'redux-thunk';

///its your redux ex
import productReducer from './redux/reducer/admin/product/produt.reducer.js'

const rootReducer = combineReducers({
    adminProduct: productReducer
const composeEnhancers = window._REDUX_DEVTOOLS_EXTENSION_COMPOSE_ || compose;
const store = createStore(rootReducer, composeEnhancers(applyMiddleware(thunk)));

const app = (
    <Provider store={store}>
        <BrowserRouter   basename='/'>
            <App />
        </BrowserRouter >
ReactDOM.render(app, document.getElementById('root'));


All content for this solution is sourced from the original question on Stackoverflow.

The content on this page is licensed under the Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) license.

Content TypeOriginal AuthorOriginal Content on Stackoverflow
Questionuser6015171View Question on Stackoverflow
Solution 1 - ReactjsmarkeriksonView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 2 - ReactjscodeislifeView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 3 - ReactjsPeterView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 4 - ReactjsDanielView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 5 - Reactjsjose920405View Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 6 - ReactjsATQSHLView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 7 - ReactjscodieView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 8 - ReactjsHilal AissaniView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 9 - ReactjsMehrdadView Answer on Stackoverflow