IntelliJ IDEA with Git remember author

GitIntellij Idea

Git Problem Overview

I'm using IntelliJ with a Git project, and have setup my and properly. The problem is when committing using the IDE interface the author is not selected by default. I can click and I get a dropdown to select it, but sometimes I forget to do that, and it's a pain to ammend the commit each time I forget.

Is there a way to set the author automatically on commit, since it's only one, and it would save me some headaches?

Git Solutions

Solution 1 - Git

IntelliJ IDEA doesn't pre-select author in the combobox which is a known cosmetic issue, however it should use the author defined in the git configuration by default.

Please double check that and is specified properly in the global git configuration.

Some users mentioned a problem when using cygwin git, when IDEA probably cannot find the global git config. In this case it may help if you specify the user for the local project configuration:

git config --local "John Doe"
git config --local [email protected]

Solution 2 - Git

Go to your project where git is initialized.

Then enable the hidden folders and find ".git" and go inside the folder.

Find the file called "config" and add below code and save.

      name = username
      email = [email protected]

Enter your correct username and email accordingly. This will be picked permanently and you do not need to change again.


All content for this solution is sourced from the original question on Stackoverflow.

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Content TypeOriginal AuthorOriginal Content on Stackoverflow
QuestionAndrei FierbinteanuView Question on Stackoverflow
Solution 1 - GitCrazyCoderView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 2 - GitDu-LacosteView Answer on Stackoverflow