How to use substringToIndex in Swift?
SwiftSubstringSwift Problem Overview
I get compiler error at this line:
Type 'String.Index' does not conform to protocol 'IntegerLiteralConvertible'
My intention is to get the substring, but how?
Swift Solutions
Solution 1 - Swift
In Swift, String
indexing respects grapheme clusters, and an IndexType
is not an Int
. You have two choices - cast the string (your UUID) to an NSString, and use it as "before", or create an index to the nth character.
Both are illustrated below :
However, the method has changed radically between versions of Swift. Read down for later versions...
Swift 1
let s: String = "Stack Overflow"
let ss1: String = (s as NSString).substringToIndex(5) // "Stack"
//let ss2: String = s.substringToIndex(5)// 5 is not a String.Index
let index: String.Index = advance(s.startIndex, 5)
let ss2:String = s.substringToIndex(index) // "Stack"
CMD-Click on substringToIndex
confusingly takes you to the NSString
definition, however CMD-Click on String
and you will find the following:
extension String : Collection {
struct Index : BidirectionalIndex, Reflectable {
func successor() -> String.Index
func predecessor() -> String.Index
func getMirror() -> Mirror
var startIndex: String.Index { get }
var endIndex: String.Index { get }
subscript (i: String.Index) -> Character { get }
func generate() -> IndexingGenerator<String>
Swift 2
As commentator @DanielGalasko points out advance
has now changed...
let s: String = "Stack Overflow"
let ss1: String = (s as NSString).substringToIndex(5) // "Stack"
//let ss2: String = s.substringToIndex(5)// 5 is not a String.Index
let index: String.Index = s.startIndex.advancedBy(5) // Swift 2
let ss2:String = s.substringToIndex(index) // "Stack"
Swift 3
In Swift 3, it's changed again:
let s: String = "Stack Overflow"
let ss1: String = (s as NSString).substring(to: 5) // "Stack"
let index: String.Index = s.index(s.startIndex, offsetBy: 5)
var ss2: String = s.substring(to: index) // "Stack"
Swift 4
In Swift 4, yet another change:
let s: String = "Stack Overflow"
let ss1: String = (s as NSString).substring(to: 5) // "Stack"
let index: String.Index = s.index(s.startIndex, offsetBy: 5)
var ss3: Substring = s[..<index] // "Stack"
var ss4: String = String(s[..<index]) // "Stack"