How to pass an associative array as argument to a function in Bash?
ArraysBashAssociative ArrayAssociativeArrays Problem Overview
How do you pass an associative array as an argument to a function? Is this possible in Bash?
The code below is not working as expected:
function iterateArray
local ADATA="${@}" # associative array
for key in "${!ADATA[@]}"
echo "key - ${key}"
echo "value: ${ADATA[$key]}"
Passing associative arrays to a function like normal arrays does not work:
iterateArray "$A_DATA"
iterateArray "$A_DATA[@]"
Arrays Solutions
Solution 1 - Arrays
I had exactly the same problem last week and thought about it for quite a while.
It seems, that associative arrays can't be serialized or copied. There's a good Bash FAQ entry to associative arrays which explains them in detail. The last section gave me the following idea which works for me:
function print_array {
# eval string into a new associative array
eval "declare -A func_assoc_array="${1#*=}
# proof that array was successfully created
declare -p func_assoc_array
# declare an associative array
declare -A assoc_array=(["key1"]="value1" ["key2"]="value2")
# show associative array definition
declare -p assoc_array
# pass associative array in string form to function
print_array "$(declare -p assoc_array)"
Solution 2 - Arrays
If you're using Bash 4.3 or newer, the cleanest way is to pass the associative array by name and then access it inside your function using a name reference with local -n
. For example:
function foo {
local -n data_ref=$1
echo ${data_ref[a]} ${data_ref[b]}
declare -A data
data[a]="Fred Flintstone"
data[b]="Barney Rubble"
foo data
You don't have to use the _ref
suffix; that's just what I picked here. You can call the reference anything you want so long as it's different from the original variable name (otherwise youll get a "circular name reference" error).
Solution 3 - Arrays
Based on Florian Feldhaus's solution:
# Bash 4+ only
function printAssocArray # ( assocArrayName )
var=$(declare -p "$1")
eval "declare -A _arr="${var#*=}
for k in "${!_arr[@]}"; do
echo "$k: ${_arr[$k]}"
declare -A conf
printAssocArray "conf"
The output will be:
doo: 456
pou: 789
mail: ab\npo
Solution 4 - Arrays
Update, to fully answer the question, here is an small section from my library:
Iterating an associative array by reference
shopt -s expand_aliases
alias array.getbyref='e="$( declare -p ${1} )"; eval "declare -A E=${e#*=}"'
alias array.foreach='array.keys ${1}; for key in "${KEYS[@]}"'
function array.print {
echo "$key: ${E[$key]}"
function array.keys {
# Example usage:
declare -A A=([one]=1 [two]=2 [three]=3)
array.print A
This we a devlopment of my earlier work, which I will leave below.
@ffeldhaus - nice response, I took it and ran with it:
e="$( declare -p $1 )"
eval "declare -A E=${e#*=}"
declare -p E
declare -A A='([a]="1" [b]="2" [c]="3" )'
echo -n original declaration:; declare -p A
echo -n running function tst:
t A
# Output:
# original declaration:declare -A A='([a]="1" [b]="2" [c]="3" )'
# running function tst:declare -A E='([a]="1" [b]="2" [c]="3" )'
Solution 5 - Arrays
You can only pass associative arrays by name.
It's better (more efficient) to pass regular arrays by name also.
Solution 6 - Arrays
declare -A dict
fun() {
for i in $@; do
echo $i
fun ${dict[@]} # || ${dict[key]} || ${!dict[@] || ${dict[$1]}
Solution 7 - Arrays
Here is a solution I came up with today using eval echo ...
to do the indirection:
print_assoc_array() {
local arr_keys="\${!$1[@]}" # \$ means we only substitute the $1
local arr_val="\${$1[\"\$k\"]}"
for k in $(eval echo $arr_keys); do #use eval echo to do the next substitution
printf "%s: %s\n" "$k" "$(eval echo $arr_val)"
declare -A my_arr
print_assoc_array my_arr
Outputs on bash 4.3:
def: 456
abc: 123
Solution 8 - Arrays
Here's another way: you can manually serialize the associative array as you pass it to a function, then deserialize it back into a new associative array inside the function:
1. Manual passing (via serialization/deserialization) of the associative array
Here's a full, runnable example from my eRCaGuy_hello_world repo:
# Print an associative array using manual serialization/deserialization
# Usage:
# # General form:
# print_associative_array array_length array_keys array_values
# # Example:
# # length indices (keys) values
# print_associative_array "${#array1[@]}" "${!array1[@]}" "${array1[@]}"
print_associative_array() {
# read 1st argument, the array length
# read all key:value pairs into a new associative array
declare -A array
for (( i_key="$i"; i_key<$(($i + "$array_len")); i_key++ )); do
i_value=$(($i_key + $array_len))
# print the array by iterating through all of the keys now
for key in "${!array[@]}"; do
echo " $key: $value"
# Let's create and load up an associative array and print it
declare -A array1
# length indices (keys) values
print_associative_array "${#array1[@]}" "${!array1[@]}" "${array1[@]}"
Sample output:
a: cat
b: dog
c: mouse
For a given function named print_associative_array
, here is the general form:
# general form
print_associative_array array_length array_keys array_values
For an array named array1
, here is how to obtain the array length, indices (keys), and values:
- array length:
- all of the array indices (keys in this case, since it's an associative array):
- all of the array values:
So, an example call to print_associative_array
would look like this:
# example call
# length indices (keys) values
print_associative_array "${#array1[@]}" "${!array1[@]}" "${array1[@]}"
Putting the length of the array first is essential, as it allows us to parse the incoming serialized array as it arrives into the print_associative_array
function inside the magic @
array of all incoming arguments.
To parse the @
array, we'll use array slicing, which is described as follows (this snippet is copy-pasted from my answer here):
# array slicing basic format 1: grab a certain length starting at a certain
# index
echo "${@:2:5}"
# │ │
# │ └────> slice length
# └──────> slice starting index (zero-based)
2. [Better technique than above!] Pass the array by reference @Todd Lehman explains in his answer here
# Print an associative array by passing the array by reference
# Usage:
# # General form:
# print_associative_array2 array
# # Example
# print_associative_array2 array1
print_associative_array2() {
# declare a local **reference variable** (hence `-n`) named `array_reference`
# which is a reference to the value stored in the first parameter
# passed in
local -n array_reference="$1"
# print the array by iterating through all of the keys now
for key in "${!array_reference[@]}"; do
echo " $key: $value"
echo 'print_associative_array2 array1'
print_associative_array2 array1
echo ""
echo "OR (same thing--quotes don't matter in this case):"
echo 'print_associative_array2 "array1"'
print_associative_array2 "array1"
Sample output:
print_associative_array2 array1
a: cat
b: dog
c: mouse
OR (same thing--quotes don't matter in this case):
print_associative_array2 "array1"
a: cat
b: dog
c: mouse
See also:
- [my answer] a more-extensive demo of me serializing/deserializing a regular "indexed" bash array in order to pass one or more of them as parameters to a function: Passing arrays as parameters in bash
- [my answer] a demo of me passing a regular "indexed" bash array by reference: Passing arrays as parameters in bash
- [my answer] array slicing: Unix & Linux: Bash: slice of positional parameters
- [my question] Why do the
man bash
pages state thedeclare
attribute "cannot be applied to array variables", and yet it can?
Solution 9 - Arrays
From the best Bash guide ever:
declare -A fullNames
fullNames=( ["lhunath"]="Maarten Billemont" ["greycat"]="Greg Wooledge" )
for user in "${!fullNames[@]}"
echo "User: $user, full name: ${fullNames[$user]}."
I think the issue in your case is that $@
is not an associative array: "@: Expands to all the words of all the positional parameters. If double quoted, it expands to a list of all the positional parameters as individual words."