How to parse HTML with PHP?

PhpHtmlRegexHtml Parsing

Php Problem Overview

> Possible Duplicate:
> How to parse and process HTML with PHP?

> Suggestion for a reference question. Stack Overflow has dozens of "How to parse HTML" questions coming in every day. However, it is very difficult to close as a duplicate because most questions deal with the specific scenario presented by the asker. This question is an attempt to build a generic "reference question" that covers all aspects of the issue.

> This is an experiment. If such a reference question already exists, let me know and I'll happily remove this one.

> My ideal vision is that each of the three questions gets answered separately, and the best answers to each bubble up to the top.

> I will be awarding a 200 bounty to the best answer in each of the three categories two weeks from now, pending discussion of this question on Meta.

> Each of these questions have already been answered brilliantly elsewhere, so copy+pasting your own answer to a different question is fine with me.

How do I parse HTML with PHP?

  1. What libraries are there? Which ones use PHP's native DOM, which ones come with their own parsing engine? (Hint: SimpleHTMLDOM)

1a. I need to find a specific element, but I find it hard to get used to the XPath syntax. Are there any DOM-based libraries that make parsing HTML easier? Please consider making generic real world examples.

  1. Is there a PHP library that enables me to query the DOM using CSS[2/3] selectors, like jQuery does? (Hint: phpQuery) Please consider making generic real world examples.

  2. Bonus question: Why shouldn't I use regular expressions? Please provide a very short answer in layman's terms.

Php Solutions


All content for this solution is sourced from the original question on Stackoverflow.

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