How to move the layout up when the soft keyboard is shown android

AndroidAndroid Softkeyboard

Android Problem Overview

I have a login screen with two EditTexts and a login button in my layout. The problem is that, when I start typing, the soft keyboard is shown and covers the login button. How can I push the layout up or above the keyboard when it appears?

I do not want to use a ScrollView, just want to implement it without scrolling down. Please, suggest me some way of doing it. Thanks in advance.

Android Solutions

Solution 1 - Android

Set windowSoftInputMode property to adjustPan and adjustResize

<activity android:windowSoftInputMode="adjustPan|adjustResize"> </activity>

Solution 2 - Android

Try this in the android manifest file corresponding to the activity.

<activity android:windowSoftInputMode="adjustPan"> </activity>

Solution 3 - Android

Use this code in onCreate() method:


Solution 4 - Android



in your activity tag inside Manifest file will do the trick

Solution 5 - Android

Put this line in activity declaration time in manifest.xml


Solution 6 - Android

I somehow achieved this by knowing the status of the soft keyboard on the device. i move the layout to y position when the keyboard is shown and moved back to its original position when not shown. this works fine, followed this guidelines.

Solution 7 - Android


add property on main layout of layout file and


add line in your Manifest.xml file on your Activty

its perfect work for me.

Solution 8 - Android

Put this in your activity declaration in manifest file <activity android:windowSoftInputMode="adjustPan|adjustResize"> </activity>

or if you want you can add in onCreate() method of your activity


Solution 9 - Android

This is all that is needed:

<activity android:windowSoftInputMode="adjustResize"> </activity>

Solution 10 - Android

Accoding to this guide, the correct way to achieve this is by declaring in your manifest:

<activity name="EditContactActivity"

Solution 11 - Android

When the softkeyboard appears, it changes the size of main layout, and what you need do is to make a listener for that mainlayout and within that listener, add the code scrollT0(x,y) to scroll up.

Solution 12 - Android

If you are working with xamarin, you can put this code WindowSoftInputMode =Android.Views.SoftInput.AdjustPan | Android.Views.SoftInput.AdjustResize in activity attribute of the MainActivity class. For example, now the activity attribute will look like below

    [Activity(WindowSoftInputMode =Android.Views.SoftInput.AdjustPan | Android.Views.SoftInput.AdjustResize)]
    public class MainActivity : global::Xamarin.Forms.Platform.Android.FormsApplicationActivity
        //some code here.

Solution 13 - Android

I solve this by adding code into manifest:

<activity android:name=".Login"

Solution 14 - Android

You should use


in your AndroidManifest.xml file where you are declaring your activity. This will adjust your layout contents, when keyboard is shown in the layout.

Solution 15 - Android

Make use of Relative layout it will adjust the view so that you can see that view while typing the text

Solution 16 - Android

This works like a charm for me


Solution 17 - Android

This will definitely work for you.



All content for this solution is sourced from the original question on Stackoverflow.

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