how to make auto reload with Spring-boot on IDEA Intellij

JavaSpringSpring BootIntellij Idea

Java Problem Overview

I had wrote a project base on Spring-boot,tomcat,freemarker, I run it successful, but whenever I modify some templates and java class, I must restart server or use "reload changed classes" menu on Intellij to make the changes become effective. It wastes lots time!

Then I try to use springloaded as the official said:


then I rerun server, but doesn't work as expected! I still need to restart server after any change on template or class.

How could I configure the springloaded to auto reload. Thanks a lot!

The version of Spring-boot is 1.3.0RC1


maven version:3.2 jdk:1.8 intellij :14.1.5 os:windows 8.1 64 bit

Java Solutions

Solution 1 - Java

First, be sure that you added spring-boot-devtools as dependency:


Second, verify that the option check-box File->Setting –> Build, Execution, Deployment –> Compiler–>Build project automatically is selected.

Last, press SHIFT+CTRL+A for Linux/Windows users or Command+SHIFT+A for Mac users, then type registry in the opened pop-up window. Scroll down to Registry... using the down arrow key and hit ENTER on Registry.... In the Registry window verify the option is checked.

If the static files are not reloaded, press CTRL+F9 to force a reload.

The instructions above are taken from here

Solution 2 - Java

Note :: For who those not found that option in registry.The newer version of intellij idea for my case @Version:2021.2 the option is moved to advanced settings:

enter image description here

Solution 3 - Java

For macOS

  1. Preference -> Compiler -> check "Build project automatically" asds

  2. shift + command + A enter image description here

enter image description here


If the static files are not reloaded, press CTRL+F9 to force a reload.

Solution 4 - Java

CTRL+F9 to make project with debugging. The idea is to make the project automatically work while not running or debugging!

> Setting->Build->Compiler->check Make project automatically.

Solution 5 - Java

Possibly you could check if build is fired on any changes on Build Tools settings enter image description here


All content for this solution is sourced from the original question on Stackoverflow.

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