How to enumerate an enum with String type?


Swift Problem Overview

enum Suit: String {
    case spades = "♠"
    case hearts = "♥"
    case diamonds = "♦"
    case clubs = "♣"

For example, how can I do something like:

for suit in Suit {
    // do something with suit

Resulting example:


Swift Solutions

Solution 1 - Swift

This post is relevant here

Essentially the proposed solution is

enum ProductCategory : String {
     case Washers = "washers", Dryers = "dryers", Toasters = "toasters"

     static let allValues = [Washers, Dryers, Toasters]

for category in ProductCategory.allValues{
     //Do something

Solution 2 - Swift

Swift 4.2+

Starting with Swift 4.2 (with Xcode 10), just add protocol conformance to CaseIterable to benefit from allCases. To add this protocol conformance, you simply need to write somewhere:

extension Suit: CaseIterable {}

If the enum is your own, you may specify the conformance directly in the declaration:

enum Suit: String, CaseIterable { case spades = "♠"; case hearts = "♥"; case diamonds = "♦"; case clubs = "♣" }

Then the following code will print all possible values:

Suit.allCases.forEach {

Compatibility with earlier Swift versions (3.x and 4.x)

If you need to support Swift 3.x or 4.0, you may mimic the Swift 4.2 implementation by adding the following code:

#if !swift(>=4.2)
public protocol CaseIterable {
    associatedtype AllCases: Collection where AllCases.Element == Self
    static var allCases: AllCases { get }
extension CaseIterable where Self: Hashable {
    static var allCases: [Self] {
        return [Self](AnySequence { () -> AnyIterator<Self> in
            var raw = 0
            var first: Self?
            return AnyIterator {
                let current = withUnsafeBytes(of: &raw) { $0.load(as: Self.self) }
                if raw == 0 {
                    first = current
                } else if current == first {
                    return nil
                raw += 1
                return current

Solution 3 - Swift

I made a utility function iterateEnum() for iterating cases for arbitrary enum types.

Here is the example usage:

enum Suit: String {
    case Spades = "♠"
    case Hearts = "♥"
    case Diamonds = "♦"
    case Clubs = "♣"

for f in iterateEnum(Suit) {

Which outputs:


But, this is only for debug or test purposes: This relies on several undocumented Swift1.1 compiler behaviors, so, use it at your own risk.

Here is the code:

func iterateEnum<T: Hashable>(_: T.Type) -> GeneratorOf<T> {
    var cast: (Int -> T)!
    switch sizeof(T) {
        case 0: return GeneratorOf(GeneratorOfOne(unsafeBitCast((), T.self)))
        case 1: cast = { unsafeBitCast(UInt8(truncatingBitPattern: $0), T.self) }
        case 2: cast = { unsafeBitCast(UInt16(truncatingBitPattern: $0), T.self) }
        case 4: cast = { unsafeBitCast(UInt32(truncatingBitPattern: $0), T.self) }
        case 8: cast = { unsafeBitCast(UInt64($0), T.self) }
        default: fatalError("cannot be here")
    var i = 0
    return GeneratorOf {
        let next = cast(i)
        return next.hashValue == i++ ? next : nil

The underlying idea is:

  • Memory representation of enum, excluding enums with associated types, is just an index of cases when the count of the cases is 2...256, it's identical to UInt8, when 257...65536, it's UInt16 and so on. So, it can be unsafeBitcast from corresponding unsigned integer types.
  • .hashValue of enum values is the same as the index of the case.
  • .hashValue of enum values bitcasted from invalid index is 0.

Revised for Swift2 and implemented casting ideas from @Kametrixom's answer:

func iterateEnum<T: Hashable>(_: T.Type) -> AnyGenerator<T> {
    var i = 0
    return anyGenerator {
        let next = withUnsafePointer(&i) { UnsafePointer<T>($0).memory }
        return next.hashValue == i++ ? next : nil

Revised for Swift3:

func iterateEnum<T: Hashable>(_: T.Type) -> AnyIterator<T> {
    var i = 0
    return AnyIterator {
        let next = withUnsafePointer(to: &i) {
            $0.withMemoryRebound(to: T.self, capacity: 1) { $0.pointee }
        if next.hashValue != i { return nil }
        i += 1
        return next

Revised for Swift3.0.1:

func iterateEnum<T: Hashable>(_: T.Type) -> AnyIterator<T> {
    var i = 0
    return AnyIterator {
        let next = withUnsafeBytes(of: &i) { $0.load(as: T.self) }
        if next.hashValue != i { return nil }
        i += 1
        return next

Solution 4 - Swift

The other solutions work but they all make assumptions of for example the number of possible ranks and suits, or what the first and last rank may be. True, the layout of a deck of cards probably isn't going to change much in the foreseeable future. In general, however, it's neater to write code which makes as little assumptions as possible. My solution:

I've added a raw type to the Suit enum, so I can use Suit(rawValue:) to access the Suit cases:

enum Suit: Int {
    case Spades = 1
    case Hearts, Diamonds, Clubs
    func simpleDescription() -> String {
        switch self {
            case .Spades:
                return "spades"
            case .Hearts:
                return "hearts"
            case .Diamonds:
                return "diamonds"
            case .Clubs:
                return "clubs"
    func color() -> String {
        switch self {
        case .Spades:
            return "black"
        case .Clubs:
            return "black"
        case .Diamonds:
            return "red"
        case .Hearts:
            return "red"

enum Rank: Int {
    case Ace = 1
    case Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten
    case Jack, Queen, King
    func simpleDescription() -> String {
        switch self {
            case .Ace:
                return "ace"
            case .Jack:
                return "jack"
            case .Queen:
                return "queen"
            case .King:
                return "king"
                return String(self.rawValue)

Below the implementation of Card's createDeck() method. init(rawValue:) is a failable initializer and returns an optional. By unwrapping and checking its value in both while statements, there's no need to assume the number of Rank or Suit cases:

struct Card {
    var rank: Rank
    var suit: Suit
    func simpleDescription() -> String {
        return "The \(rank.simpleDescription()) of \(suit.simpleDescription())"
    func createDeck() -> [Card] {
        var n = 1
        var deck = [Card]()
        while let rank = Rank(rawValue: n) {
            var m = 1
            while let suit = Suit(rawValue: m) {
                deck.append(Card(rank: rank, suit: suit))
                m += 1
            n += 1
        return deck

Here is how to call the createDeck method:

let card = Card(rank: Rank.Ace, suit: Suit.Clubs)
let deck = card.createDeck()

Solution 5 - Swift

I stumbled around in the bits and bytes and created an extension that I later found out works very similar to @rintaro's answer. It's used like this:

enum E : EnumCollection {
    case A, B, C

Array(E.cases())    // [A, B, C]

What's remarkable is that it's usable on any enum without associated values. Note that this doesn't work for enums that have no cases.

As with @rintaro's answer, this code uses the underlying representation of an enum. This representation isn't documented and might change in the future, which would break it. I don't recommend the usage of this in production.

Code (Swift 2.2, Xcode 7.3.1, not working on Xcode 10):

protocol EnumCollection : Hashable {}
extension EnumCollection {
	static func cases() -> AnySequence<Self> {
		typealias S = Self
		return AnySequence { () -> AnyGenerator<S> in
			var raw = 0
			return AnyGenerator {
				let current : Self = withUnsafePointer(&raw) { UnsafePointer($0).memory }
				guard current.hashValue == raw else { return nil }
				raw += 1
				return current

Code (Swift 3, Xcode 8.1, not working on Xcode 10):

protocol EnumCollection : Hashable {}
extension EnumCollection {
    static func cases() -> AnySequence<Self> {
        typealias S = Self
        return AnySequence { () -> AnyIterator<S> in
            var raw = 0
            return AnyIterator {
                let current : Self = withUnsafePointer(to: &raw) { $0.withMemoryRebound(to: S.self, capacity: 1) { $0.pointee } }
                guard current.hashValue == raw else { return nil }
                raw += 1
                return current

I have no idea why I need typealias, but the compiler complains without it.

Solution 6 - Swift

You could iterate through an enum by implementing the ForwardIndexType protocol.

The ForwardIndexType protocol requires you to define a successor() function to step through the elements.

enum Rank: Int, ForwardIndexType {
    case Ace = 1
    case Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten
    case Jack, Queen, King

    // ... other functions

    // Option 1 - Figure it out by hand
    func successor() -> Rank {
        switch self {
            case .Ace:
              return .Two
            case .Two:
              return .Three

            // ... etc.

              return .King

    // Option 2 - Define an operator!
    func successor() -> Rank {
        return self + 1

// NOTE: The operator is defined OUTSIDE the class
func + (left: Rank, right: Int) -> Rank {
    // I'm using to/from raw here, but again, you can use a case statement
    // or whatever else you can think of

    return left == .King ? .King : Rank(rawValue: left.rawValue + right)!

Iterating over an open or closed range (..< or ...) will internally call the successor() function which allows you to write this:

// Under the covers, successor(Rank.King) and successor(Rank.Ace) are called to establish limits
for r in Rank.Ace...Rank.King {
    // Do something useful

Solution 7 - Swift

This problem is now much easier. Here is my Swift 4.2 Solution:

enum Suit: Int, CaseIterable {
  case None
  case Spade, Heart, Diamond, Club

  static let allNonNullCases = Suit.allCases[Spade.rawValue...]

enum Rank: Int, CaseIterable {
  case Joker
  case Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight
  case Nine, Ten, Jack, Queen, King, Ace

  static let allNonNullCases = Rank.allCases[Two.rawValue...]

func makeDeck(withJoker: Bool = false) -> [Card] {
  var deck = [Card]()
  for suit in Suit.allNonNullCases {
    for rank in Rank.allNonNullCases {
      deck.append(Card(suit: suit, rank: rank))
  if withJoker {
    deck.append(Card(suit: .None, rank: .Joker))
  return deck

Pre 4.2:

I like this solution which I put together after finding "";.

It uses Int raws instead of Strings but it avoids typing twice, it allows customizing the ranges, and doesn't hard code raw values.

This is a Swift 4 version of my original solution but see the 4.2 improvement above:

enum Suit: Int {
  case None
  case Spade, Heart, Diamond, Club

  static let allRawValues = Suit.Spade.rawValue...Suit.Club.rawValue
  static let allCases = Array({ Suit(rawValue: $0)! })
enum Rank: Int {
  case Joker
  case Two, Three, Four, Five, Six
  case Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten
  case Jack, Queen, King, Ace

  static let allRawValues = Rank.Two.rawValue...Rank.Ace.rawValue
  static let allCases = Array({ Rank(rawValue: $0)! })
func makeDeck(withJoker: Bool = false) -> [Card] {
  var deck = [Card]()
  for suit in Suit.allCases {
    for rank in Rank.allCases {
      deck.append(Card(suit: suit, rank: rank))
  if withJoker {
    deck.append(Card(suit: .None, rank: .Joker))
  return deck

Solution 8 - Swift

In principle it is possible to do it this way assuming that you don't use raw values assignment for enum's cases:

enum RankEnum: Int {
  case Ace
  case One
  case Two

class RankEnumGenerator: Generator {
    var i = 0
    typealias Element = RankEnum
    func next() -> Element? {
        let r = RankEnum.fromRaw(i)
        i += 1
        return r

extension RankEnum {
    static func enumerate() -> SequenceOf<RankEnum> {
        return SequenceOf<RankEnum>({ RankEnumGenerator() })

for r in RankEnum.enumerate() {

Solution 9 - Swift

If you give the enum a raw Int value it will make looping much easier.

For example, you can use anyGenerator to get a generator that can enumerate across your values:

enum Suit: Int, CustomStringConvertible {
    case Spades, Hearts, Diamonds, Clubs
    var description: String {
        switch self {
        case .Spades:   return "Spades"
        case .Hearts:   return "Hearts"
        case .Diamonds: return "Diamonds"
        case .Clubs: 	return "Clubs"
    static func enumerate() -> AnyGenerator<Suit> {
        var nextIndex = Spades.rawValue
        return anyGenerator { Suit(rawValue: nextIndex++) }
// You can now use it like this:
for suit in Suit.enumerate() {
// or like this:
let allSuits: [Suit] = Array(Suit.enumerate())

However, this looks like a fairly common pattern, wouldn't it be nice if we could make any enum type enumerable by simply conforming to a protocol? Well with Swift 2.0 and protocol extensions, now we can!

Simply add this to your project:

protocol EnumerableEnum {
    init?(rawValue: Int)
    static func firstValue() -> Int
extension EnumerableEnum {
    static func enumerate() -> AnyGenerator<Self> {
        var nextIndex = firstRawValue()
        return anyGenerator { Self(rawValue: nextIndex++) }
    static func firstRawValue() -> Int { return 0 }

Now any time you create an enum (so long as it has an Int raw value), you can make it enumerable by conforming to the protocol:

enum Rank: Int, EnumerableEnum {
    case Ace, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten, Jack, Queen, King
// ...
for rank in Rank.enumerate() { ... }

If your enum values don't start with 0 (the default), override the firstRawValue method:

enum DeckColor: Int, EnumerableEnum {
    case Red = 10, Blue, Black
    static func firstRawValue() -> Int { return Red.rawValue }
// ...
let colors = Array(DeckColor.enumerate())

The final Suit class, including replacing simpleDescription with the more standard CustomStringConvertible protocol, will look like this:

enum Suit: Int, CustomStringConvertible, EnumerableEnum {
    case Spades, Hearts, Diamonds, Clubs
    var description: String {
        switch self {
        case .Spades:   return "Spades"
        case .Hearts:   return "Hearts"
        case .Diamonds: return "Diamonds"
        case .Clubs: 	return "Clubs"
// ...
for suit in Suit.enumerate() {

Swift 3 syntax:

protocol EnumerableEnum {
    init?(rawValue: Int)
    static func firstRawValue() -> Int

extension EnumerableEnum {
    static func enumerate() -> AnyIterator<Self> {
        var nextIndex = firstRawValue()

        let iterator: AnyIterator<Self> = AnyIterator {
            defer { nextIndex = nextIndex + 1 }
            return Self(rawValue: nextIndex)

        return iterator
    static func firstRawValue() -> Int {
        return 0

Solution 10 - Swift

Updated to Swift 2.2+

func iterateEnum<T: Hashable>(_: T.Type) -> AnyGenerator<T> {
    var i = 0
    return AnyGenerator {
        let next = withUnsafePointer(&i) {
        if next.hashValue == i {
            i += 1
            return next
        } else {
            return nil

It's updated code to Swift 2.2 form @Kametrixom's answer

For Swift 3.0+ (many thanks to @Philip)

func iterateEnum<T: Hashable>(_: T.Type) -> AnyIterator<T> {
    var i = 0
    return AnyIterator {
        let next = withUnsafePointer(&i) {
        if next.hashValue == i {
            i += 1
            return next
        } else {
            return nil

Solution 11 - Swift

Swift 5 Solution:

enum Suit: String, CaseIterable {
    case spades = "♠"
    case hearts = "♥"
    case diamonds = "♦"
    case clubs = "♣"

// access cases like this:

for suitKey in Suit.allCases {

Solution 12 - Swift

Updated Code : Swift 4.2/Swift 5

enum Suit: String, CaseIterable {
   case spades = "♠"
   case hearts = "♥"
   case diamonds = "♦"
   case clubs = "♣"

To access the Output as per question:

for suitKey in Suit.allCases {

Output :


CaseIterable: provides a collection of all of its values. Types that conform to the CaseIterable protocol are typically enumerations without associated values. When using a CaseIterable type, you can access a collection of all of the type’s cases by using the type’s allCases property.

For accessing cases we are using .allCases. For more information click

Solution 13 - Swift

Xcode 10 with Swift 4.2

enum Filter: String, CaseIterable {

    case salary = "Salary"
    case experience = "Experience"
    case technology = "Technology"
    case unutilized = "Unutilized"
    case unutilizedHV = "Unutilized High Value"

    static let allValues = { $0.rawValue }

Call it



> ["Salary", "Experience", "Technology", "Unutilized", "Unutilized High Value"]

Older versions

For enum representing Int

enum Filter: Int {
    case salary
    case experience
    case technology
    case unutilized
    case unutilizedHV
    static let allRawValues = salary.rawValue...unutilizedHV.rawValue  // First to last case
    static let allValues = { Filter(rawValue: $0)!.rawValue }

Call it like this:



> [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]

For enum representing String

enum Filter: Int {
    case salary
    case experience
    case technology
    case unutilized
    case unutilizedHV
    static let allRawValues = salary.rawValue...unutilizedHV.rawValue  // First to last case
    static let allValues = { Filter(rawValue: $0)!.description }

extension Filter: CustomStringConvertible {
    var description: String {
        switch self {
        case .salary: return "Salary"
        case .experience: return "Experience"
        case .technology: return "Technology"
        case .unutilized: return "Unutilized"
        case .unutilizedHV: return "Unutilized High Value"

Call it



> ["Salary", "Experience", "Technology", "Unutilized", "Unutilized High Value"]

Solution 14 - Swift

I found myself doing .allValues alot throughout my code. I finally figured out a way to simply conform to an Iteratable protocol and have an rawValues() method.

protocol Iteratable {}
extension RawRepresentable where Self: RawRepresentable {

    static func iterateEnum<T: Hashable>(_: T.Type) -> AnyIterator<T> {
        var i = 0
        return AnyIterator {
            let next = withUnsafePointer(to: &i) {
                $0.withMemoryRebound(to: T.self, capacity: 1) { $0.pointee }
            if next.hashValue != i { return nil }
            i += 1
            return next

extension Iteratable where Self: RawRepresentable, Self: Hashable {
    static func hashValues() -> AnyIterator<Self> {
        return iterateEnum(self)

    static func rawValues() -> [Self.RawValue] {
        return hashValues().map({$0.rawValue})

// Example
enum Grocery: String, Iteratable {
    case Kroger = "kroger"
    case HEB = "h.e.b."
    case Randalls = "randalls"

let groceryHashes = Grocery.hashValues() // AnyIterator<Grocery>
let groceryRawValues = Grocery.rawValues() // ["kroger", "h.e.b.", "randalls"]

Solution 15 - Swift

EDIT: Swift Evolution Proposal SE-0194 Derived Collection of Enum Cases proposes a level headed solution to this problem. We see it in Swift 4.2 and newer. The proposal also points out to some workarounds that are similar to some already mentioned here but it might be interesting to see nevertheless.

I will also keep my original post for completeness' sake.

This is yet another approach based on @Peymmankh's answer, adapted to Swift 3.

public protocol EnumCollection: Hashable {}

extension EnumCollection {

public static func allValues() -> [Self] {
    typealias S = Self
    let retVal = AnySequence { () -> AnyIterator<S> in
        var raw = 0
        return AnyIterator {
            let current = withUnsafePointer(to: &raw) {
                 $0.withMemoryRebound(to: S.self, capacity: 1) { $0.pointee }
            guard current.hashValue == raw else { return nil }
            raw += 1
            return current
    return [S](retVal)

Solution 16 - Swift

enum Rank: Int {
    static let ranks = (Rank.Ace.rawValue ... Rank.King.rawValue).map{Rank(rawValue: $0)! }

enum Suit {
    static let suits = [Spades, Hearts, Diamonds, Clubs]

struct Card {
    static func fullDesk() -> [Card] {
        var desk: [Card] = []
        for suit in Suit.suits {
            for rank in Rank.ranks {
                desk.append(Card(rank: rank,suit: suit))
        return desk

How about this?

Solution 17 - Swift

This solution strikes the right balance of readability and maintainability.

struct Card {

    // ...

    static func deck() -> Card[] {
        var deck = Card[]()
        for rank in Rank.Ace.toRaw()...Rank.King.toRaw() {
            for suit in [Suit.Spades, .Hearts, .Clubs, .Diamonds] {
                let card = Card(rank: Rank.fromRaw(rank)!, suit: suit)
    return deck

let deck = Card.deck()

Solution 18 - Swift

Sorry, my answer was specific to how I used this post in what I needed to do. For those who stumble upon this question, looking for a way to find a case within an enum, this is the way to do it (new in Swift 2):

Edit: lowercase camelCase is now the standard for Swift 3 enum values

// From apple docs: If the raw-value type is specified as String and you don’t assign values to the cases explicitly, each unassigned case is implicitly assigned a string with the same text as the name of that case.

enum Theme: String
    case white, blue, green, lavender, grey

func loadTheme(theme: String)
    // this checks the string against the raw value of each enum case (note that the check could result in a nil value, since it's an optional, which is why we introduce the if/let block
    if let testTheme = Theme(rawValue: theme)
        // testTheme is guaranteed to have an enum value at this point

For those wondering about the enumerating on an enum, the answers given on this page that include a static var/let containing an array of all enum values are correct. The latest Apple example code for tvOS contains this exact same technique.

That being said, they should build a more convenient mechanism into the language (Apple, are you listening?)!

Solution 19 - Swift

In Swift 3, when the underlying enum has rawValue, you could implement the Strideable protocol. The advantages are that no arrays of values are created like in some other suggestions and that the standard Swift "for in" loop works, which makes a nice syntax.

// "Int" to get rawValue, and Strideable so we can iterate
enum MyColorEnum: Int, Strideable {
    case Red
    case Green
    case Blue
    case Black
    // required by Strideable
    typealias Stride = Int
    func advanced(by n:Stride) -> MyColorEnum {
        var next = self.rawValue + n
        if next > MyColorEnum.Black.rawValue {
            next = MyColorEnum.Black.rawValue
        return MyColorEnum(rawValue: next)!
    func distance(to other: MyColorEnum) -> Int {
        return other.rawValue - self.rawValue
    // just for printing
    func simpleDescription() -> String {
        switch self {
        case .Red: return "Red"
        case .Green: return "Green"
        case .Blue: return "Blue"
        case .Black: return "Black"

// this is how you use it:
for i in MyColorEnum.Red ... MyColorEnum.Black {
    print("ENUM: \(i)")

Solution 20 - Swift

You can try to enumerate like this

enum Planet: String {
    case Mercury
    case Venus
    case Earth
    case Mars

    static var enumerate: [Planet] {
        var a: [Planet] = []
        switch Planet.Mercury {
            case .Mercury: a.append(.Mercury); fallthrough
            case .Venus: a.append(.Venus); fallthrough
            case .Earth: a.append(.Earth); fallthrough
            case .Mars: a.append(.Mars)
    return a

Planet.enumerate // [Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars]

Solution 21 - Swift

The experiment was: EXPERIMENT

Add a method to Card that creates a full deck of cards, with one card of each combination of rank and suit.

So without modifying or enhancing the given code other than adding the method (and without using stuff that hasn't been taught yet), I came up with this solution:

struct Card {
    var rank: Rank
    var suit: Suit
    func simpleDescription() -> String {
        return "The \(rank.simpleDescription()) of \(suit.simpleDescription())"
    func createDeck() -> [Card] {
        var deck: [Card] = []
        for rank in Rank.Ace.rawValue...Rank.King.rawValue {
            for suit in Suit.Spades.rawValue...Suit.Clubs.rawValue {
                let card = Card(rank: Rank(rawValue: rank)!, suit: Suit(rawValue: suit)!)
                deck += [card]
        return deck
let threeOfSpades = Card(rank: .Three, suit: .Spades)
let threeOfSpadesDescription = threeOfSpades.simpleDescription()
let deck = threeOfSpades.createDeck()

Solution 22 - Swift

Here is a method I use to both iterate an enum and provide multiple values types from one enum

enum IterateEnum: Int {
    case Zero
    case One
    case Two
    case Three
    case Four
    case Five
    case Six
    case Seven
    //tuple allows multiple values to be derived from the enum case, and
    //since it is using a switch with no default, if a new case is added,
    //a compiler error will be returned if it doesn't have a value tuple set
    var value: (french: String, spanish: String, japanese: String) {
        switch self {
        case .Zero: return (french: "zéro", spanish: "cero", japanese: "nuru")
        case .One: return (french: "un", spanish: "uno", japanese: "ichi")
        case .Two: return (french: "deux", spanish: "dos", japanese: "ni")
        case .Three: return (french: "trois", spanish: "tres", japanese: "san")
        case .Four: return (french: "quatre", spanish: "cuatro", japanese: "shi")
        case .Five: return (french: "cinq", spanish: "cinco", japanese: "go")
        case .Six: return (french: "six", spanish: "seis", japanese: "roku")
        case .Seven: return (french: "sept", spanish: "siete", japanese: "shichi")
    //Used to iterate enum or otherwise access enum case by index order.
    //Iterate by looping until it returns nil
    static func item(index: Int) -> IterateEnum? {
        return IterateEnum.init(rawValue: index)

    static func numberFromSpanish(number: String) -> IterateEnum? {
        return findItem { $0.value.spanish == number }

    //use block to test value property to retrieve the enum case        
    static func findItem(predicate: ((_: IterateEnum) -> Bool)) -> IterateEnum? {
        var enumIndex: Int = -1
        var enumCase: IterateEnum?

        //Iterate until item returns nil
        repeat {
            enumIndex += 1
            enumCase = IterateEnum.item(index: enumIndex)
            if let eCase = enumCase {
                if predicate(eCase) {
                    return eCase
        } while enumCase != nil
        return nil

var enumIndex: Int = -1
var enumCase: IterateEnum?

// Iterate until item returns nil
repeat {
    enumIndex += 1
    enumCase = IterateEnum.item(index: enumIndex)
    if let eCase = enumCase {
        print("The number \(eCase) in french: \(eCase.value.french), spanish: \(eCase.value.spanish), japanese: \(eCase.value.japanese)")
} while enumCase != nil

print("Total of \(enumIndex) cases")

let number = IterateEnum.numberFromSpanish(number: "siete")

print("siete in japanese: \((number?.value.japanese ?? "Unknown"))")

This is the output:

The number Zero in french: zéro, spanish: cero, japanese: nuru
The number One in french: un, spanish: uno, japanese: ichi
The number Two in french: deux, spanish: dos, japanese: ni
The number Three in french: trois, spanish: tres, japanese: san
The number Four in french: quatre, spanish: cuatro, japanese: shi
The number Five in french: cinq, spanish: cinco, japanese: go
The number Six in french: six, spanish: seis, japanese: roku
The number Seven in french: sept, spanish: siete, japanese: shichi

Total of 8 cases

siete in japanese: shichi


I recently created a protocol to handle the enumeration. The protocol requires an enum with an Int raw value:

protocol EnumIteration {

    //Used to iterate enum or otherwise access enum case by index order. Iterate by looping until it returns nil

    static func item(index:Int) -> Self?
    static func iterate(item:((index:Int, enumCase:Self)->()), completion:(()->())?) {
    static func findItem(predicate:((enumCase:Self)->Bool)) -> Self?
    static func count() -> Int

extension EnumIteration where Self: RawRepresentable, Self.RawValue == Int {

    //Used to iterate enum or otherwise access enum case by index order. Iterate by looping until it returns nil
    static func item(index:Int) -> Self? {
        return Self.init(rawValue: index)

    static func iterate(item:((index:Int, enumCase:Self)->()), completion:(()->())?) {
        var enumIndex:Int = -1
        var enumCase:Self?
        //Iterate until item returns nil
        repeat {
            enumIndex += 1
            enumCase = Self.item(enumIndex)
            if let eCase = enumCase {
                item(index: enumIndex, enumCase: eCase)
        } while enumCase != nil
    static func findItem(predicate:((enumCase:Self)->Bool)) -> Self? {
        var enumIndex:Int = -1
        var enumCase:Self?
        //Iterate until item returns nil
        repeat {
            enumIndex += 1
            enumCase = Self.item(enumIndex)
            if let eCase = enumCase {
                if predicate(enumCase:eCase) {
                    return eCase
        } while enumCase != nil
        return nil

    static func count() -> Int {
        var enumIndex:Int = -1
        var enumCase:Self?

        //Iterate until item returns nil
        repeat {
            enumIndex += 1
            enumCase = Self.item(enumIndex)
        } while enumCase != nil
        //last enumIndex (when enumCase == nil) is equal to the enum count
        return enumIndex

Solution 23 - Swift

Enums have toRaw() and fromRaw() methods. So if your raw value is an Int, you can iterate from the first to last enum:

enum Suit: Int {
    case Spades = 1
    case Hearts, Diamonds, Clubs
    func simpleDescription() -> String {
        switch self {
        case .Spades:
            return "spades"
        case .Hearts:
            return "hearts"
        case .Diamonds:
            return "diamonds"
        case .Clubs:
            return "clubs"

for i in Suit.Spades.toRaw()...Suit.Clubs.toRaw() {
    if let covertedSuit = Suit.fromRaw(i) {
        let description = covertedSuit.simpleDescription()

One gotcha is that you need to test for optional values before running the simpleDescription method, so we set convertedSuit to our value first and then set a constant to convertedSuit.simpleDescription()

Solution 24 - Swift

This seems like a hack but if you use raw values you can do something like this

enum Suit: Int {  
    case Spades = 0, Hearts, Diamonds, Clubs  

var suitIndex = 0  
while var suit = Suit.fromRaw(suitIndex++) {  

Solution 25 - Swift

Here's my suggested approach. It's not completely satisfactory (I'm very new to Swift and OOP!) but maybe someone can refine it. The idea is to have each enum provide its own range information as .first and .last properties. It adds just two lines of code to each enum: still a bit hard-coded, but at least it's not duplicating the whole set. It does require modifying the Suit enum to be an Int like the Rank enum is, instead of untyped.

Rather than echo the whole solution, here's the code I added to the . enum, somewhere after the case statements (Suit enum is similar):

var first: Int { return Ace.toRaw() }
var last: Int { return King.toRaw() }

and the loop I used to build the deck as an array of String. (The problem definition did not state how the deck was to be structured.)

func createDeck() -> [String] {
    var deck: [String] = []
    var card: String
    for r in Rank.Ace.first...Rank.Ace.last {
        for s in Suit.Hearts.first...Suit.Hearts.last {
            card = Rank.simpleDescription( Rank.fromRaw(r)!)() + " of " + Suit.simpleDescription( Suit.fromRaw(s)!)()
           deck.append( card)
    return deck

It's unsatisfactory because the properties are associated to an element rather than to the enum. But it does add clarity to the 'for' loops. I'd like it to say Rank.first instead of Rank.Ace.first. It works (with any element), but it's ugly. Can someone show how to elevate that to the enum level?

And to make it work, I lifted the createDeck method out of the Card struct. I could not figure out how to get a [String] array returned from that struct, and that seems a bad place to put such a method anyway.

Solution 26 - Swift

I did it using computed property, which returns the array of all values (thanks to this post However, it also uses int raw-values, but I don't need to repeat all members of enumeration in separate property.

UPDATE Xcode 6.1 changed a bit a way how to get enum member using rawValue, so I fixed listing. Also fixed small error with wrong first rawValue.

enum ValidSuits: Int {
    case Clubs = 0, Spades, Hearts, Diamonds
    func description() -> String {
        switch self {
        case .Clubs:
            return "♣︎"
        case .Spades:
            return "♠︎"
        case .Diamonds:
            return "♦︎"
        case .Hearts:
            return "♥︎"

    static var allSuits: [ValidSuits] {
        return Array(
            SequenceOf {
                () -> GeneratorOf<ValidSuits> in
                var i=0
                return GeneratorOf<ValidSuits> {
                    return ValidSuits(rawValue: i++)

Solution 27 - Swift

While dealing with Swift 2.0 here is my suggestion:

I have added the raw type to Suit enum

enum Suit: Int {


struct Card {
    var rank: Rank
    var suit: Suit
    func fullDeck()-> [Card] {
        var deck = [Card]()
        for i in Rank.Ace.rawValue...Rank.King.rawValue {
            for j in Suit.Spades.rawValue...Suit.Clubs.rawValue {
                deck.append(Card(rank:Rank(rawValue: i)! , suit: Suit(rawValue: j)!))
        return deck

Solution 28 - Swift

This is a pretty old post, from Swift 2.0. There are now some better solutions here that use newer features of swift 3.0:

And on this question there is a solution that uses a new feature of (the not-yet-released as I write this edit) Swift 4.2:

There are lots of good solutions in this thread and others however some of them are very complicated. I like to simplify as much as possible. Here is a solution which may or may not work for different needs but I think it works well in most cases:

enum Number: String {
    case One
    case Two
    case Three
    case Four
    case EndIndex
    func nextCase () -> Number
        switch self {
        case .One:
            return .Two
        case .Two:
            return .Three
        case .Three:
            return .Four
        case .Four:
            return .EndIndex
        Add all additional cases above
        case .EndIndex:
            return .EndIndex
    static var allValues: [String] {
        var array: [String] = Array()
        var number = Number.One
        while number != Number.EndIndex {
            number = number.nextCase()
        return array

To iterate:

for item in Number.allValues {
    print("number is: \(item)")

Solution 29 - Swift

As with @Kametrixom answer here I believe returning an array would be better than returning AnySequence, since you can have access to all of Array's goodies such as count, etc.

Here's the re-write:

public protocol EnumCollection : Hashable {}
extension EnumCollection {
    public static func allValues() -> [Self] {
        typealias S = Self
        let retVal = AnySequence { () -> AnyGenerator<S> in
            var raw = 0
            return AnyGenerator {
                let current : Self = withUnsafePointer(&raw) { UnsafePointer($0).memory }
                guard current.hashValue == raw else { return nil }
                raw += 1
                return current
        return [S](retVal)

Solution 30 - Swift

Another solution:

enum Suit: String {
    case spades = "♠"
    case hearts = "♥"
    case diamonds = "♦"
    case clubs = "♣"

    static var count: Int {
        return 4   

    init(index: Int) {
        switch index {
            case 0: self = .spades
            case 1: self = .hearts
            case 2: self = .diamonds
            default: self = .clubs

for i in 0..<Suit.count {
    print(Suit(index: i).rawValue)

Solution 31 - Swift

I have used the below method, the assumption is that I know which is the last value in the Rank enum and all the ranks have incremental values after Ace

I prefer this way as it is clean and small, easy to understand

 func cardDeck() -> Card[] {
     var cards: Card[] = []
     let minRank = Rank.Ace.toRaw()
     let maxRank = Rank.King.toRaw()
     for rank in minRank...maxRank {
         if var convertedRank: Rank = Rank.fromRaw(rank) {
             cards.append(Card(rank: convertedRank, suite: Suite.Clubs))
             cards.append(Card(rank: convertedRank, suite: Suite.Diamonds))
             cards.append(Card(rank: convertedRank, suite: Suite.Hearts))
             cards.append(Card(rank: convertedRank, suite: Suite.Spades))
    return cards

Solution 32 - Swift

There is a clever way, and frustrating as it is it illustrates the difference between the two different kinds of enums.

Try this:

    func makeDeck() -> Card[] {
      var deck: Card[] = []
      var suits: Suit[] = [.Hearts, .Diamonds, .Clubs, .Spades]
      for i in 1...13 {
        for suit in suits {
          deck += Card(rank: Rank.fromRaw(i)!, suit: suit)
      return deck

The deal is that an enum backed by numbers (raw values) is implicitly explicitly ordered, whereas an enum that isn't backed by numbers is explicitly implicitly unordered.

E.g. when we give the enum values numbers, the language is cunning enough to figure out what order the numbers are in. If on the other hand we don't give it any ordering, when we try to iterate over the values the language throws its hands up in the air and goes "yes, but which one do you want to go first???"

Other languages which can do this (iterating over unordered enums) might be the same languages where everything is 'under the hood' actually a map or dictionary, and you can iterate over the keys of a map, whether there's any logical ordering or not.

So the trick is to provide it with something that is explicitly ordered, in this case instances of the suits in an array in the order we want. As soon as you give it that, Swift is like "well why didn't you say so in the first place?"

The other shorthand trick is to use the forcing operator on the fromRaw function. This illustrates another 'gotcha' about enums, that the range of possible values to pass in is often larger than the range of enums. For instance if we said Rank.fromRaw(60) there wouldn't be a value returned, so we're using the optional feature of the language, and where we start using optionals, forcing will soon follow. (Or alternately the if let construction which still seems a bit weird to me)

Solution 33 - Swift

enum Rank: Int
    case Ace = 0
    case Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seve, Eight, Nine, Ten
    case Jack, Queen, King
    case Count

enum Suit : Int
    case Spades = 0
    case Hearts, Diamonds, Clubs
    case Count

struct Card
    var rank:Rank
    var suit:Suit

class Test
    func makeDeck() -> Card[]
        let suitsCount:Int = Suit.Count.toRaw()
        let rankCount:Int = Rank.Count.toRaw()
        let repeatedCard:Card = Card(rank:Rank.Ace, suit:Suit.Spades)
        let deck:Card[] = Card[](count:suitsCount*rankCount, repeatedValue:repeatedCard)
        for i:Int in 0..rankCount
            for j:Int in 0..suitsCount
                deck[i*suitsCount+j] = Card(rank: Rank.fromRaw(i)!, suit: Suit.fromRaw(j)!)
        return deck

Based on Rick answer: this is 5 times faster

Solution 34 - Swift

Sometimes, you may deal with an enumerated type with an underlying raw integer type that changes throughout the software development lifecycle. Here is an example that works well for that case:

public class MyClassThatLoadsTexturesEtc

    // Colors used for gems and sectors.
    public enum Color: Int
        // Colors arranged in order of the spectrum.
        case First = 0
        case Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple, Pink
        // --> Add more colors here, between the first and last markers.
        case Last


    public func preloadGems()
        // Preload all gems.
        for i in (Color.First.toRaw() + 1) ..< (Color.Last.toRaw())
            let color = Color.fromRaw(i)!
            loadColoredTextures(forKey: color)


Solution 35 - Swift

(Improvement on Karthik Kumar answer)

This solution is using the compiler to guarantee you won't miss a case.

enum Suit: String {
    case spades = "♠"
    case hearts = "♥"
    case diamonds = "♦"
    case clubs = "♣"
    static var enumerate: [Suit] {
        switch Suit.spades {
        // make sure the two lines are identical ^_^
        case        .spades, .hearts, .diamonds, .clubs:
            return [.spades, .hearts, .diamonds, .clubs]

Solution 36 - Swift

It took me a little more than just one method in the struct like the swift book called for but I set up next functions in the enum. I would have used a protocol I'm not sure why but having rank set as int messes it up.

enum Rank: Int {
    case Ace = 1
    case Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten
    case Jack, Queen, King
    func simpleDescription() -> String {
        switch self {
        case .Ace:
            return "ace"
        case .Jack:
            return "jack"
        case .Queen:
            return "Queen"
        case .King:
            return "King"
            return String(self.toRaw())
    mutating func next() -> Rank {
        var rank = self
        var rawrank = rank.toRaw()
        var nrank: Rank = self
        rawrank = rawrank + 1
        if let newRank = Rank.fromRaw(rawrank) {
            nrank = newRank
        } else {
            return self
        return nrank

enum Suit {
    case Spades, Hearts, Diamonds, Clubs
    func color() -> String {
        switch self {
        case .Spades, .Clubs:
            return "black"
            return "red"
    func simpleDescription() -> String {
        switch self {
        case .Spades:
            return "spades"
        case .Hearts:
            return "hearts"
        case .Diamonds:
            return "diamonds"
        case .Clubs:
            return "clubs"
    mutating func next() -> Suit {
        switch self {
        case .Spades:
            return Hearts
        case .Hearts:
            return Diamonds
        case .Diamonds:
            return Clubs
        case .Clubs:
            return Spades

struct Card {
    var rank: Rank
    var suit: Suit
    func deck() -> Card[] {
        var tRank = self.rank
        var tSuit = self.suit
        let tcards = 52 // we start from 0
        var cards: Card[] = []
        for i in 0..tcards {
            var card = Card(rank: tRank, suit: tSuit)
            tRank =
            tSuit =
        return cards
    func simpleDescription() -> String {
        return "The \(rank.simpleDescription()) of \(suit.simpleDescription())"

var card = Card(rank: .Ace, suit: .Spades)
var deck = card.deck()

I used a little general knowledge but that can be easily rectified by multiplying suits by rank (if you aren't using a standard deck of cards and you'd have to change the enums accordingly and if basically just steps through the different enums. To save time I used ranks rawValues you could do the same for suits if you wanted. However, the example did not have it so I decided to figure it out without changing suits rawValue

Solution 37 - Swift

I added function count(), and iterate the values:

public enum MetricType: Int {
    case mvps = 0
    case allNBA = 1
    case championshipRings = 2
    case finalAppearances = 3
    case gamesPlayed = 4
    case ppg = 5

    static func count() -> Int {
        return (ppg.rawValue) + 1

    static var allValues: [MetricType] {
        var array: [MetricType] = Array()
        var item : MetricType = MetricType.mvps
        while item.rawValue < MetricType.count() {
            item = MetricType(rawValue: (item.rawValue + 1))!
    return array

Solution 38 - Swift

I found a somewhat hacky-feeling but much safer way of doing this that doesn't require typing the values twice or referencing the memory of the enum values, making it very unlikely to break.

Basically, instead of using an enum, make a struct with a single instance, and make all of the enum-values constants. The variables can then be queried using a Mirror

public struct Suit{
    // the values
    let spades = "♠"
    let hearts = "♥"
    let diamonds = "♦"
    let clubs = "♣"
    // make a single instance of the Suit struct, Suit.instance
    struct SStruct{static var instance: Suit = Suit()}
    static var instance : Suit{
        get{return SStruct.instance}
        set{SStruct.instance = newValue}
    // an array with all of the raw values
    static var allValues: [String]{
        var values = [String]()
        let mirror = Mirror(reflecting: Suit.instance)
        for (_, v) in mirror.children{
            guard let suit = v as? String else{continue}
        return values

If you use this method, to get a single value you'll need to use Suit.instance.clubs or Suit.instance.spades

But all of that is so boring... Let's do some stuff that makes this more like a real enum!

public struct SuitType{
    // store multiple things for each suit
    let spades = Suit("♠", order: 4)
    let hearts = Suit("♥", order: 3)
    let diamonds = Suit("♦", order: 2)
    let clubs = Suit("♣", order: 1)
    struct SStruct{static var instance: SuitType = SuitType()}
    static var instance : SuitType{
        get{return SStruct.instance}
        set{SStruct.instance = newValue}
    // a dictionary mapping the raw values to the values
    static var allValuesDictionary: [String : Suit]{
        var values = [String : Suit]()
        let mirror = Mirror(reflecting: SuitType.instance)
        for (_, v) in mirror.children{
            guard let suit = v as? Suit else{continue}
            values[suit.rawValue] = suit
        return values

public struct Suit: RawRepresentable, Hashable{
    public var rawValue: String
    public typealias RawValue = String
    public var hashValue: Int{
        // find some integer that can be used to uniquely identify
        // each value. In this case, we could have used the order
        // variable because it is a unique value, yet to make this
        // apply to more cases, the hash table address of rawValue
        // will be returned, which should work in almost all cases
        // you could also add a hashValue parameter to init() and
        // give each suit a different hash value
        return rawValue.hash

    public var order: Int
    public init(_ value: String, order: Int){
        self.rawValue = value
        self.order = order
    // an array of all of the Suit values
    static var allValues: [Suit]{
        var values = [Suit]()
        let mirror = Mirror(reflecting: SuitType.instance)
        for (_, v) in mirror.children{
            guard let suit = v as? Suit else{continue}
        return values
    // allows for using Suit(rawValue: "♦"), like a normal enum
    public init?(rawValue: String){
        // get the Suit from allValuesDictionary in SuitType, or return nil if that raw value doesn't exist
        guard let suit = SuitType.allValuesDictionary[rawValue] else{return nil}
        // initialize a new Suit with the same properties as that with the same raw value
        self.init(suit.rawValue, order: suit.order)

You can now do stuff like

let allSuits: [Suit] = Suit.allValues


for suit in Suit.allValues{
   print("The suit \(suit.rawValue) has the order \(suit.order)")

However, To get a single you'll still need to use SuitType.instance.spades or SuitType.instance.hearts. To make this a little more intuitive, you could add some code to Suit that allows you to use Suit.type.* instead of SuitType.instance.*

public struct Suit: RawRepresentable, Hashable{
   // ...your code...

   static var type = SuitType.instance

   // ...more of your code...

You can now use instead of, or Suit.type.clubs instead of SuitType.instance.clubs

Solution 39 - Swift

My solution is to declare an array with all the enum possibilities. So for loop can traverse through all of them.

//Function inside struct Card
static func generateFullDeck() -> [Card] {
    let allRanks = [Rank.Ace, Rank.Two, Rank.Three, Rank.Four, Rank.Five, Rank.Six, Rank.Seven, Rank.Eight, Rank.Nine, Rank.Ten, Rank.Jack, Rank.Queen, Rank.King]
    let allSuits = [Suit.Hearts, Suit.Diamonds, Suit.Clubs, Suit.Spades]
    var myFullDeck: [Card] = []
    for myRank in allRanks {
        for mySuit in allSuits {
            myFullDeck.append(Card(rank: myRank, suit: mySuit))
    return myFullDeck

//actual use:
let aFullDeck = Card.generateFullDeck()    //Generate the desired full deck

var allDesc: [String] = []
for aCard in aFullDeck {
    println(aCard.simpleDescription())    //You'll see all the results in playground

Solution 40 - Swift

On Swift, enum types can be accessed like EnumType.Case:

let tableView = UITableView(frame: self.view.bounds, style: UITableViewStyle.Plain)

Most of the time you're only going to use enum types when you have a few options to work with, and know exactly what you're going to do on each one.

It wouldn't make much sense to use the for-in structure when working with enum types.

You can do this, for instance:

func sumNumbers(numbers : Int...) -> Int {
    var sum = 0
    for number in numbers{
        sum += number
    return sum

Solution 41 - Swift

Here's a less cryptic example if you still wanted to use enums for Rank And Suit. Just collect them into an Array if you want to use a for-in loop to iterate over each one.

Example of a standard 52-card deck:
enum Rank: Int {
    case Ace = 1, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten, Jack, Queen, King
    func name() -> String {
        switch self {
        case .Ace:
            return "ace"
        case .Jack:
            return "jack"
        case .Queen:
            return "queen"
        case .King:
            return "king"
            return String(self.toRaw())

enum Suit: Int {
    case Diamonds = 1, Clubs, Hearts, Spades
    func name() -> String {
        switch self {
        case .Diamonds:
            return "diamonds"
        case .Clubs:
            return "clubs"
        case .Hearts:
            return "hearts"
        case .Spades:
            return "spades"
            return "NOT A VALID SUIT"

let Ranks = [

let Suits = [

class Card {
    var rank: Rank
    var suit: Suit
    init(rank: Rank, suit: Suit) {
        self.rank = rank
        self.suit = suit

class Deck {
    var cards = Card[]()
    init() {
        for rank in Ranks {
            for suit in Suits {
                cards.append(Card(rank: rank, suit: suit))

var myDeck = Deck()  // => 52

Solution 42 - Swift

enum Rank: Int {
    case Ace = 1
    case Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten
    case Jack, Queen, King
    func simpleDescription() -> String {
        switch self {
        case .Ace: return "ace"
        case .Jack: return "jack"
        case .Queen: return "queen"
        case .King: return "king"
        default: return String(self.toRaw())

enum Suit: Int {
    case Spades = 1
    case Hearts, Diamonds, Clubs
    func simpleDescription() -> String {
        switch self {
        case .Spades: return "spades"
        case .Hearts: return "hearts"
        case .Diamonds: return "diamonds"
        case .Clubs: return "clubs"
    func color() -> String {
        switch self {
        case .Spades, .Clubs: return "black"
        case .Hearts, .Diamonds: return "red"

struct Card {
    var rank: Rank
    var suit: Suit
    func simpleDescription() -> String {
        return "The \(rank.simpleDescription()) of \(suit.simpleDescription())"

    static func createPokers() -> Card[] {
        let ranks = Array(Rank.Ace.toRaw()...Rank.King.toRaw())
        let suits = Array(Suit.Spades.toRaw()...Suit.Clubs.toRaw())
        let cards = suits.reduce(Card[]()) { (tempCards, suit) in
            tempCards + { rank in
                Card(rank: Rank.fromRaw(rank)!, suit: Suit.fromRaw(suit)!)
        return cards


All content for this solution is sourced from the original question on Stackoverflow.

The content on this page is licensed under the Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) license.

Content TypeOriginal AuthorOriginal Content on Stackoverflow
QuestionLucienView Question on Stackoverflow
Solution 1 - SwiftrougeExciterView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 2 - SwiftCœurView Answer on Stackoverflow
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Solution 4 - SwiftsdduursmaView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 5 - SwiftKametrixomView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 6 - SwiftRndmTskView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 7 - SwiftadazacomView Answer on Stackoverflow
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Solution 20 - SwiftKarthik KumarView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 21 - SwiftHans-PeterView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 22 - SwiftMSimicView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 23 - SwiftAdrian Harris CrowneView Answer on Stackoverflow
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Solution 25 - SwiftRoger WordenView Answer on Stackoverflow
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Solution 28 - SwiftAbbey JacksonView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 29 - SwiftPeymankhView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 30 - SwiftMiguel GallegoView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 31 - SwiftNinad ShahView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 32 - SwiftRickView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 33 - SwiftJohn Lluch-ZorrillaView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 34 - SwiftByron FormwaltView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 35 - SwiftCœurView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 36 - SwiftSnymaxView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 37 - SwiftMihaelaView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 38 - SwiftJojodmoView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 39 - SwiftJeff ChenView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 40 - SwiftOscar SwanrosView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 41 - SwiftMike RapadasView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 42 - SwiftFrankView Answer on Stackoverflow