How to Destroy multiple objects simultaneously in Rails 3
Ruby on-RailsRuby on-Rails-3Ruby on-Rails Problem Overview
I have a Rails application that is trying to delete multiple objects at a time.
I have tried like sending set of id seperated by ',' to rails destroy method,but it destroy only single object. Is it possible to delete multiple objects in rails 3.
Ruby on-Rails Solutions
Solution 1 - Ruby on-Rails
destroy_all destroys the records matching conditions by calling destroy method for each instantiating record. So object’s callbacks are executed.
Model.destroy_all(:status => "inactive")
Model.where(:id => [1,2,3,4,5]).destroy_all
Model.where(:id => 1..5).destroy_all
User.where(:id => params[:ids]).destroy_all
Solution 2 - Ruby on-Rails
Model.delete_all(["col_name in (?)", [1,2,5,6]])
Just pass the ids array
Solution 3 - Ruby on-Rails
If performance is important to you and/or if you work on a large dataset you should prefer delete_all over destroy_all.
Destroy_all will execute a DELETE query one at a time. So it can be very slow. More details about the differences between delete_all and destroy_all can be found on this page.
Since the @M Kumar's answer will be deprecated with the new rail's version.
Model.delete_all(["col_name in (?)", [1,2,5,6]])
DEPRECATION WARNING: Passing conditions to delete_all is deprecated and will be removed in Rails 5.1.
This command might help other's in the future :
Model.where(id: [1,2,5,6]).delete_all
Solution 4 - Ruby on-Rails
You can also delete for a range of Ids. Say you have 1500 records and you want to delete from 751 to last:
a = Model.where(id: [751..1500])
Solution 5 - Ruby on-Rails
I had exactly the same problem, but the solution here did not work for me in rails 5.1.6.
Perhaps you pass parameter params[:ids]
in the wrong way.
Here's how I fix it.
Model.where(:id => params[:ids]).destroy_all
ids = params[:ids].split(",")
Model.where(:id => ids).destroy_all