How to delete my itunesconnect app with status "Prepare for Submission"?

IosApp Store-Connect

Ios Problem Overview

I am trying to change my Bundle-ID & SKU but i came to know that its not possible.

So i decided to delete this app and create the new one with appropriate naming, still i didn't submit anything to itunes.

But there is no option for deleting the submission

This is my 1st experience with itunes connect. When i created my 1st project, i gave random Bundle-ID & SKU, now my app is ready and i realised that it should be something else.

Any help will be great.

Ios Solutions

Solution 1 - Ios

You can change it here (follow the red square as shown below)

In my case i accidentally entered version number '6.0.1' when i actually wanted '6.1'. The 'version' field is editable. when you change it and hit the 'save' button (give it a second..) it will change.

enter image description here

Solution 2 - Ios

There is no way to delete an app in that state, according to the iTunes Connect Developer Guide.

> Apps that have not been approved yet can’t be deleted

The only thing we can do for now is to change the name and bundle ID until Apple changes its mind.

Edit: Seems that Apple finally made this possible according to Leszek Szary's answer here

Solution 3 - Ios

As of Year 2017, everything is still the same.. what a shame

This rule is so counter-intuitive especially for people who plan to test the app with testflight like us..

I don't know if this is gonna work. But we will prepare two apple accounts, one for testing and just name the SKU and etc whatever works. The other one is the official account use to submit app to app store..

Hope it will get fixed soon.

Solution 4 - Ios

I saw many people experiencing this issue. The only way update version is to contact apple team. Here is it how I did.

Click on the help icon on the iTunesconnect and click on contact us. Check screenshot. enter image description here

You will see

  1. Please choose from the following topics: (select itunes connect upload or general error help)

Now you will see If you need further assistance resolving your iTunes Connect error message, contact us.
Now click on contact us and you will see contact form like this. enter image description here

Write your issue properly with your apple id. You will get the option to change version once they review your issue.

It took me only one day to get their reply. You will get email like this from apple team. enter image description here

Solution 5 - Ios

I also got the version ID wrong for an update and then there was no way to change it.

I think the best way is to update the build numbering. go to project and under identity section increment the build number.

for me it was

Version : 1.4.3 Build :0.4

I changed it to

Version : 1.4.3 Build :0.5

I didn't find any other solution to my problem. Hope this helps someone

Solution 6 - Ios

Not sure if this is fixing the issue at hand, but I managed to change my wrongly assigned version number by simply going to the "General App Information" section in the bad version and updating it in the textfield!

Solution 7 - Ios

We are in 2019 and Apple finally (!) added a possibility to delete an app in "Prepare for Submission" state which was not previously accepted in the App Store at all (for example if you added a test app only for Testflight).

Now you can simply go to "App information" section and at the bottom you will see "Remove App" option which removes the entire application.

Remove App in Prepare for submission state

Also Apple's website with help: was updated and now it confirms that you can remove apps in "Prepare for Submission" state:

> To remove an app from your main view in My Apps, it must be first > removed from the App Store and any associated in-app purchases must be > removed from sale. > > Additionally, you can only remove apps if all versions of that app are > in one of the following states: > > * Prepare for Submission > * Invalid Binary > * Developer Rejected > * Rejected > * Metadata Rejected > * Developer Removed from Sale > * Removed from Sale > > Apps can’t be removed if they are part of a Game Center group, in an > app bundle, currently available on the App Store, associated with > in-app purchases available for sale, or if they're being actively > transferred to another account. > > If the app is part of a Game Center group or app bundle and hasn't > been approved yet, it must be removed from the group or bundle before > it can be removed from your main view in My Apps. App bundles and > approved apps that are part of a Game Center group cannot be removed.

Solution 8 - Ios

I'm not sure how this works with new apps that don't have published versions yet but if it does you'll first need to set the old version to "Remove from Sale". After that you'll be able to remove the entire app.

Solution 9 - Ios

First, submit your app for review purpose, after some time (In my case 3hr) remove option will appear on your app version details page, you can remove build and upload new build again with the same version but after removal of the build, it takes some time before uploading again.


All content for this solution is sourced from the original question on Stackoverflow.

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