How to convert SQLAlchemy row object to a Python dict?


Python Problem Overview

Is there a simple way to iterate over column name and value pairs?

My version of SQLAlchemy is 0.5.6

Here is the sample code where I tried using dict(row):

import sqlalchemy
from sqlalchemy import *
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker

print "sqlalchemy version:",sqlalchemy.__version__ 

engine = create_engine('sqlite:///:memory:', echo=False)
metadata = MetaData()
users_table = Table('users', metadata,
     Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
     Column('name', String),

class User(declarative_base()):
    __tablename__ = 'users'
    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
    name = Column(String)
    def __init__(self, name): = name

Session = sessionmaker(bind=engine)
session = Session()

user1 = User("anurag")

# uncommenting next line throws exception 'TypeError: 'User' object is not iterable'
#print dict(user1)
# this one also throws 'TypeError: 'User' object is not iterable'
for u in session.query(User).all():
    print dict(u)

Running this code on my system outputs:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 37, in <module>
    print dict(u)
TypeError: 'User' object is not iterable

Python Solutions

Solution 1 - Python

You may access the internal __dict__ of a SQLAlchemy object, like the following:

for u in session.query(User).all():
    print u.__dict__

Solution 2 - Python

I couldn't get a good answer so I use this:

def row2dict(row):
    d = {}
    for column in row.__table__.columns:
        d[] = str(getattr(row,

    return d

Edit: if above function is too long and not suited for some tastes here is a one liner (python 2.7+)

row2dict = lambda r: { str(getattr(r, for c in r.__table__.columns}

Solution 3 - Python

As per @zzzeek in comments:

> note that this is the correct answer for modern versions of > SQLAlchemy, assuming "row" is a core row object, not an ORM-mapped > instance.

for row in resultproxy:
    row_as_dict = row._mapping  # SQLAlchemy 1.4 and greater
    # row_as_dict = dict(row)  # SQLAlchemy 1.3 and earlier

background on row._mapping, new as of SQLAlchemy 1.4:

Solution 4 - Python

In SQLAlchemy v0.8 and newer, use the inspection system.

from sqlalchemy import inspect

def object_as_dict(obj):
    return {c.key: getattr(obj, c.key)
            for c in inspect(obj).mapper.column_attrs}

user = session.query(User).first()

d = object_as_dict(user)

Note that .key is the attribute name, which can be different from the column name, e.g. in the following case:

class_ = Column('class', Text)

This method also works for column_property.

Solution 5 - Python

rows have an _asdict() function which gives a dict

In [8]: r1 = db.session.query(

In [9]: r1
Out[9]: (u'blah')

In [10]:
Out[10]: u'blah'

In [11]: r1._asdict()
Out[11]: {'name': u'blah'}

Solution 6 - Python

Assuming the following functions will be added to the class User the following will return all key-value pairs of all columns:

def columns_to_dict(self):
    dict_ = {}
    for key in self.__mapper__.c.keys():
        dict_[key] = getattr(self, key)
    return dict_

unlike the other answers all but only those attributes of the object are returned which are Column attributes at class level of the object. Therefore no _sa_instance_state or any other attribute SQLalchemy or you add to the object are included. Reference

EDIT: Forget to say, that this also works on inherited Columns.

hybrid_property extention

If you also want to include hybrid_property attributes the following will work:

from sqlalchemy import inspect
from sqlalchemy.ext.hybrid import hybrid_property

def publics_to_dict(self) -> {}:
    dict_ = {}
    for key in self.__mapper__.c.keys():
        if not key.startswith('_'):
            dict_[key] = getattr(self, key)

    for key, prop in inspect(self.__class__).all_orm_descriptors.items():
        if isinstance(prop, hybrid_property):
            dict_[key] = getattr(self, key)
    return dict_

I assume here that you mark Columns with an beginning _ to indicate that you want to hide them, either because you access the attribute by an hybrid_property or you simply do not want to show them. Reference

Tipp all_orm_descriptors also returns hybrid_method and AssociationProxy if you also want to include them.

Remarks to other answers

Every answer (like 1, 2 ) which based on the __dict__ attribute simply returns all attributes of the object. This could be much more attributes then you want. Like I sad this includes _sa_instance_state or any other attribute you define on this object.

Every answer (like 1, 2 ) which is based on the dict() function only works on SQLalchemy row objects returned by session.execute() not on the classes you define to work with, like the class User from the question.

The solving answer which is based on row.__table__.columns will definitely not work. row.__table__.columns contains the column names of the SQL Database. These can only be equal to the attributes name of the python object. If not you get an AttributeError. For answers (like 1, 2 ) based on class_mapper(obj.__class__).mapped_table.c it is the same.

Solution 7 - Python

as @balki mentioned:

The _asdict() method can be used if you're querying a specific field because it is returned as a KeyedTuple.

In [1]: foo = db.session.query(
In [2]: foo._asdict()
Out[2]: {'name': u'blah'}

Whereas, if you do not specify a column you can use one of the other proposed methods - such as the one provided by @charlax. Note that this method is only valid for 2.7+.

In [1]: foo = db.session.query(Topic).first()
In [2]: { getattr(foo, for x in foo.__table__.columns}
Out[2]: {'name': u'blah'}

Solution 8 - Python

Old question, but since this the first result for "sqlalchemy row to dict" in Google it deserves a better answer.

The RowProxy object that SqlAlchemy returns has the items() method:

It simply returns a list of (key, value) tuples. So one can convert a row to dict using the following:

In Python <= 2.6:

rows = conn.execute(query)
list_of_dicts = [dict((key, value) for key, value in row.items()) for row in rows]

In Python >= 2.7:

rows = conn.execute(query)
list_of_dicts = [{key: value for (key, value) in row.items()} for row in rows]

Solution 9 - Python

Following @balki answer, since SQLAlchemy 0.8 you can use _asdict(), available for KeyedTuple objects. This renders a pretty straightforward answer to the original question. Just, change in your example the last two lines (the for loop) for this one:

for u in session.query(User).all():
   print u._asdict()

This works because in the above code u is an object of type class KeyedTuple, since .all() returns a list of KeyedTuple. Therefore it has the method _asdict(), which nicely returns u as a dictionary.

WRT the answer by @STB: AFAIK, anything that .all() returns is a list of KeypedTuple. Therefore, the above works either if you specify a column or not, as long as you are dealing with the result of .all() as applied to a Query object.

Solution 10 - Python

A very simple solution: row._asdict().

> data = session.query(Table).all()
> [row._asdict() for row in data]

Solution 11 - Python

from sqlalchemy.orm import class_mapper

def asdict(obj):
    return dict((, getattr(obj,
                for col in class_mapper(obj.__class__).mapped_table.c)

Solution 12 - Python

Refer to Alex Brasetvik's Answer, you can use one line of code to solve the problem

row_as_dict = [dict(row) for row in resultproxy]

Under the comment section of Alex Brasetvik's Answer, zzzeek the creator of SQLAlchemy stated this is the "Correct Method" for the problem.

Solution 13 - Python

I've found this post because I was looking for a way to convert a SQLAlchemy row into a dict. I'm using SqlSoup... but the answer was built by myself, so, if it could helps someone here's my two cents:

a = db.execute('select * from acquisizioni_motes')
b = a.fetchall()
c = b[0]

# and now, finally...
dict(zip(c.keys(), c.values()))

Solution 14 - Python

You could try to do it in this way.

for u in session.query(User).all():

It use a built-in method in the query object that return a dictonary object of the query object.


Solution 15 - Python

The expression you are iterating through evaluates to list of model objects, not rows. So the following is correct usage of them:

for u in session.query(User).all():

Do you realy need to convert them to dicts? Sure, there is a lot of ways, but then you don't need ORM part of SQLAlchemy:

result = session.execute(
for row in result:
    print dict(row)

Update: Take a look at sqlalchemy.orm.attributes module. It has a set of functions to work with object state, that might be useful for you, especially instance_dict().

Solution 16 - Python

With python 3.8+, we can do this with dataclass, and the asdict method that comes with it:

from dataclasses import dataclass, asdict

from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker
from sqlalchemy import Column, String, Integer, create_engine

Base = declarative_base()
engine = create_engine('sqlite:///:memory:', echo=False)

class User(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'users'

    id: int = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
    name: str = Column(String)
    email = Column(String)

    def __init__(self, name): = name = '[email protected]'


SessionMaker = sessionmaker(bind=engine)
session = SessionMaker()

user1 = User("anurag")

query_result = session.query(User).one()  # type: User
print(f'{}, {}, {}')
#,, [email protected]

query_result_dict = asdict(query_result)
# {'id': 1, 'name': 'anurag'}

The key is to use the @dataclass decorator, and annotate each column with its type (the : str part of the name: str = Column(String) line).

Also note that since the email is not annotated, it is not included in query_result_dict.

Solution 17 - Python

with sqlalchemy 1.4

session.execute(select(, User.username)).mappings().all()
>> [{'id': 1, 'username': 'Bob'}, {'id': 2, 'username': 'Alice'}]

Solution 18 - Python

I've just been dealing with this issue for a few minutes. The answer marked as correct doesn't respect the type of the fields. Solution comes from dictalchemy adding some interesting fetures. I've just tested it and works fine.

Base = declarative_base(cls=DictableModel)

{'id': 1, 'username': 'Gerald'}

{'username': 'Gerald'}

Solution 19 - Python

class User(object):
    def to_dict(self):
        return dict([(k, getattr(self, k)) for k in self.__dict__.keys() if not k.startswith("_")])

That should work.

Solution 20 - Python

You can convert sqlalchemy object to dictionary like this and return it as json/dictionary.

Helper functions:

import json
from collections import OrderedDict

def asdict(self):
    result = OrderedDict()
    for key in self.__mapper__.c.keys():
        if getattr(self, key) is not None:
            result[key] = str(getattr(self, key))
            result[key] = getattr(self, key)
    return result

def to_array(all_vendors):
    v = [ ven.asdict() for ven in all_vendors ]
    return json.dumps(v) 

Driver Function:

def all_products():
    all_products = Products.query.all()
    return to_array(all_products)

Solution 21 - Python

Two ways:

for row in session.execute(session.query(User).statement):


selected_columns = User.__table__.columns
rows = session.query(User).with_entities(*selected_columns).all()
for row in rows :

Solution 22 - Python

Here is how Elixir does it. The value of this solution is that it allows recursively including the dictionary representation of relations.

def to_dict(self, deep={}, exclude=[]):
    """Generate a JSON-style nested dict/list structure from an object."""
    col_prop_names = [p.key for p in self.mapper.iterate_properties \
                                  if isinstance(p, ColumnProperty)]
    data = dict([(name, getattr(self, name))
                 for name in col_prop_names if name not in exclude])
    for rname, rdeep in deep.iteritems():
        dbdata = getattr(self, rname)
        #FIXME: use attribute names (ie coltoprop) instead of column names
        fks = self.mapper.get_property(rname).remote_side
        exclude = [ for c in fks]
        if dbdata is None:
            data[rname] = None
        elif isinstance(dbdata, list):
            data[rname] = [o.to_dict(rdeep, exclude) for o in dbdata]
            data[rname] = dbdata.to_dict(rdeep, exclude)
    return data

Solution 23 - Python

With this code you can also to add to your query "filter" or "join" and this work!

query = session.query(User)
def query_to_dict(query):
        def _create_dict(r):
            return {c.get('name'): getattr(r, c.get('name')) for c in query.column_descriptions}

    return [_create_dict(r) for r in query]

Solution 24 - Python

For the sake of everyone and myself, here is how I use it:

def run_sql(conn_String):
  output_connection = engine.create_engine(conn_string, poolclass=NullPool).connect()
  rows = output_connection.execute('select * from db1.t1').fetchall()  
  return [dict(row) for row in rows]

Solution 25 - Python

I have a variation on Marco Mariani's answer, expressed as a decorator. The main difference is that it'll handle lists of entities, as well as safely ignoring some other types of return values (which is very useful when writing tests using mocks):

def to_dict(f, *args, **kwargs):
  result = f(*args, **kwargs)
  if is_iterable(result) and not is_dict(result):
    return map(asdict, result)

  return asdict(result)

def asdict(obj):
  return dict((, getattr(obj,
              for col in class_mapper(obj.__class__).mapped_table.c)

def is_dict(obj):
  return isinstance(obj, dict)

def is_iterable(obj):
  return True if getattr(obj, '__iter__', False) else False

Solution 26 - Python

To complete @Anurag Uniyal 's answer, here is a method that will recursively follow relationships:

from sqlalchemy.inspection import inspect

def to_dict(obj, with_relationships=True):
    d = {}
    for column in obj.__table__.columns:
        if with_relationships and len(column.foreign_keys) > 0:
             # Skip foreign keys
        d[] = getattr(obj,

    if with_relationships:
        for relationship in inspect(type(obj)).relationships:
            val = getattr(obj, relationship.key)
            d[relationship.key] = to_dict(val) if val else None
    return d

class User(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'users'
    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
    first_name = Column(TEXT)
    address_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('')
    address = relationship('Address')

class Address(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'addresses'
    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
    city = Column(TEXT)

user = User(first_name='Nathan', address=Address(city='Lyon'))
# Add and commit user to session to create ids

# {'id': 1, 'first_name': 'Nathan', 'address': {'city': 'Lyon'}}
to_dict(user, with_relationship=False)
# {'id': 1, 'first_name': 'Nathan', 'address_id': 1}

Solution 27 - Python

We can get a list of object in dict:

def queryset_to_dict(query_result):
   query_columns = query_result[0].keys()
   res = [list(ele) for ele in query_result]
   dict_list = [dict(zip(query_columns, l)) for l in res]
   return dict_list

query_result = db.session.query(LanguageMaster).all()

Solution 28 - Python

from copy import copy

def to_record(row):
    record = copy(row.__dict__)
    del record["_sa_instance_state"]
    return record

If not using copy, you might run into errors.

Solution 29 - Python

An improved version of Anurag Uniyal's version, which takes into account types:

def sa_vars(row):
    return { column.type.python_type(getattr(row,
        for column in row.__table__.columns

Solution 30 - Python

As OP stated, calling the dict initializer raises an exception with the message "User" object is not iterable. So the real question is how to make a SQLAlchemy Model iterable?

We'll have to implement the special methods __iter__ and __next__, but if we inherit directly from the declarative_base model, we would still run into the undesirable "_sa_instance_state" key. What's worse, is we would have to loop through __dict__.keys() for every call to __next__ because the keys() method returns a View -- an iterable that is not indexed. This would increase the time complexity by a factor of N, where N is the number of keys in __dict__. Generating the dict would cost O(N^2). We can do better.

We can implement our own Base class that implements the required special methods and stores a list of of the column names that can be accessed by index, reducing the time complexity of generating the dict to O(N). This has the added benefit that we can define the logic once and inherit from our Base class anytime we want our model class to be iterable.

class IterableBase(declarative_base()):
    __abstract__ = True

    def _init_keys(self):
        self._keys = [ for c in self.__table__.columns]
        self._dict = { getattr(self, for c in self.__table__.columns}

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)

    def __setattr__(self, name, value):
        super().__setattr__(name, value)
        if name not in ('_dict', '_keys', '_n') and '_dict' in self.__dict__:
            self._dict[name] = value

    def __iter__(self):
        self._n = 0
        return self

    def __next__(self):
        if self._n >= len(self._keys):
            raise StopIteration
        self._n += 1
        key = self._keys[self._n-1]
        return (key, self._dict[key])

Now the User class can inherit directly from our IterableBase class.

class User(IterableBase):
    __tablename__ = 'users'
    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
    name = Column(String)

You can confirm that calling the dict function with a User instance as an argument returns the desired dictionary, sans "_sa_instance_state". You may have noticed the __setattr__ method that was declared in the IterableBase class. This ensures the _dict is updated when attributes are mutated or set after initialization.

def main():
    user1 = User('Bob')
    # outputs {'id': None, 'name': 'Bob'} = 42
    # outputs {'id': 42, 'name': 'Bob'}

if __name__ == '__main__':

Solution 31 - Python

I am a newly minted Python programmer and ran into problems getting to JSON with Joined tables. Using information from the answers here I built a function to return reasonable results to JSON where the table names are included avoiding having to alias, or have fields collide.

Simply pass the result of a session query:

test = Session().query(VMInfo, Customer).join(Customer).order_by(VMInfo.vm_name).limit(50).offset(10)

json = sqlAl2json(test)

def sqlAl2json(self, result):
    arr = []
    for rs in result.all():
        proc = []
            iterator = iter(rs)
        except TypeError:
            for t in rs:

        dict = {}
        for p in proc:
            tname = type(p).__name__
            for d in dir(p):
                if d.startswith('_') | d.startswith('metadata'):
                    key = '%s_%s' %(tname, d)
                    dict[key] = getattr(p, d)
    return json.dumps(arr)

Solution 32 - Python

if your models table column is not equie mysql column.

such as :

class People:
    id: int = Column(name='id', type_=Integer, primary_key=True)
    createdTime: datetime = Column(name='create_time', type_=TIMESTAMP,
    modifiedTime: datetime = Column(name='modify_time', type_=TIMESTAMP,

Need to use:

 from sqlalchemy.orm import class_mapper 
 def asDict(self):
        return {x.key: getattr(self, x.key, None) for x in

if you use this way you can get modify_time and create_time both are None

{'id': 1, 'create_time': None, 'modify_time': None}

    def to_dict(self):
        return { getattr(self,, None)
         for c in self.__table__.columns}

Because Class Attributes name not equal with column store in mysql

Solution 33 - Python

Return the contents of this :class:.KeyedTuple as a dictionary

In [46]: result = aggregate_events[0]

In [47]: type(result)
Out[47]: sqlalchemy.util._collections.result

In [48]: def to_dict(query_result=None):
    ...:     cover_dict = {key: getattr(query_result, key) for key in query_result.keys()}
    ...:     return cover_dict

In [49]: to_dict(result)
{'calculate_avg': None,
 'calculate_max': None,
 'calculate_min': None,
 'calculate_sum': None,
 'dataPointIntID': 6,
 'data_avg': 10.0,
 'data_max': 10.0,
 'data_min': 10.0,
 'data_sum': 60.0,
 'deviceID': u'asas',
 'productID': u'U7qUDa',
 'tenantID': u'CvdQcYzUM'}

Solution 34 - Python

def to_dict(row):
    return { getattr(row, row.__mapper__.get_property_by_column(column).key) for column in row.__table__.columns}

for u in session.query(User).all():

This function might help. I can't find better solution to solve problem when attribute name is different then column names.

Solution 35 - Python

You'll need it everywhere in your project, I apriciate @anurag answered it works fine. till this point I was using it, but it'll mess all your code and also wont work with entity change.

Rather try this, inherit your base query class in SQLAlchemy

from flask_sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy, BaseQuery

class Query(BaseQuery):
	def as_dict(self):
		context = self._compile_context()
		context.statement.use_labels = False
		columns = [ for column in context.statement.columns]

		return list(map(lambda row: dict(zip(columns, row)), self.all()))

db = SQLAlchemy(query_class=Query)

after that wherever you'll define your object "as_dict" method will be there.

Solution 36 - Python

use dict Comprehensions

for u in session.query(User).all():
    print ({ str(getattr(row, for column in row.__table__.columns})

Solution 37 - Python

Here is a super simple way of doing it

row2dict = lambda r: dict(r.items())

Solution 38 - Python

In most scenarios, column name is fit for them. But maybe you write the code like follows:

class UserModel(BaseModel):
    user_id = Column("user_id", INT, primary_key=True)
    email = Column("user_email", STRING)

the "user_email" while the field name is "email", the could not work well as before.

also i write the answer here

Solution 39 - Python

A solution that works with inherited classes too:

from itertools import chain
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
Base = declarative_base()

class Mixin(object):
    def as_dict(self):
        tables = [base.__table__ for base in self.__class__.__bases__ if base not in [Base, Mixin]]
        return { getattr(self, for c in chain.from_iterable([x.columns for x in tables])}

Solution 40 - Python

whats wrong with it

all_users = [ dict(user) for user in paginated_all_users.items ],

> user is model instance > > > ` > in Python 3.7 / SQLAlchemy 1.3.and up


Solution 41 - Python

I don't have much experience with this, but the following seems to work for what I'm doing:


This seems too simple (compared to the other answers here). What am I missing?

Solution 42 - Python

Python 3.6.8+

The builtin str() method automatically converts datetime.datetime objects to iso-8806-1.

print(json.dumps([dict(row.items()) for row in rows], default=str, indent="  "))

NOTE: The default func will only be applied to a value if there's an error so int and float values won't be converted... unless there's an error :).

Solution 43 - Python

My take utilizing (too many?) dictionaries:

def serialize(_query):
#d = dictionary written to per row
#D = dictionary d is written to each time, then reset
#Master = dictionary of dictionaries; the id Key (int, unique from database) from D is used as the Key for the dictionary D entry in Master
Master = {}
D = {}
x = 0
for u in _query:
    d = u.__dict__
    D = {}
    for n in d.keys():
        if n != '_sa_instance_state':
            D[n] = d[n]
    x = d['id']
    Master[x] = D
return Master

Running with flask (including jsonify) and flask_sqlalchemy to print outputs as JSON.

Call the function with jsonify(serialize()).

Works with all SQLAlchemy queries I've tried so far (running SQLite3)


All content for this solution is sourced from the original question on Stackoverflow.

The content on this page is licensed under the Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) license.

Content TypeOriginal AuthorOriginal Content on Stackoverflow
QuestionAnurag UniyalView Question on Stackoverflow
Solution 1 - PythonhllauView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 2 - PythonAnurag UniyalView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 3 - PythonAlex BrasetvikView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 4 - PythonRazerMView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 5 - PythonbalkiView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 6 - PythonF.RaabView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 7 - PythonSam BourneView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 8 - PythonfgaspariniView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 9 - PythonjgbarahView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 10 - Pythonyellow-saintView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 11 - PythonMarco MarianiView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 12 - PythonNorWayView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 13 - PythonMychot sadView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 14 - PythonEnmanuel MedinaView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 15 - PythonDenis OtkidachView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 16 - PythontoaruScarView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 17 - Pythonslav0nicView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 18 - PythonEmiliano Gustavo NunezView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 19 - PythonSingletonedView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 20 - PythonChirag VoraView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 21 - PythonFrostSighView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 22 - PythonargentpepperView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 23 - PythonYakir TsuberiView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 24 - PythonhumanView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 25 - PythonChris RView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 26 - PythonnbarrailleView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 27 - PythonRamesh PonnusamyView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 28 - Pythons2t2View Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 29 - Pythonthrows_exceptions_at_youView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 30 - PythonRogView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 31 - PythontknightowlView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 32 - Pythonbzd111View Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 33 - PythonEds_kView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 34 - PythonАлександр НемировView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 35 - PythonYash PokarView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 36 - Pythonxie FaizView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 37 - Pythonuser2444711View Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 38 - Pythonkaka_aceView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 39 - Pythonmagne4000View Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 40 - PythonAtif ShafiView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 41 - PythonRalph CaseView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 42 - PythonZachary WilsonView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 43 - PythonSawyer BrooksView Answer on Stackoverflow