How to chain scope queries with OR instead of AND?

Ruby on-RailsRuby on-Rails-3ActiverecordRails Activerecord

Ruby on-Rails Problem Overview

I'm using Rails3, ActiveRecord

Just wondering how can I chain the scopes with OR statements rather than AND.


Person.where(:name => "John").where(:lastname => "Smith")

That normally returns:

name = 'John' AND lastname = 'Smith'

but I'd like:

`name = 'John' OR lastname = 'Smith'

Ruby on-Rails Solutions

Solution 1 - Ruby on-Rails

You would do

Person.where('name=? OR lastname=?', 'John', 'Smith')

Right now, there isn't any other OR support by the new AR3 syntax (that is without using some 3rd party gem).

Solution 2 - Ruby on-Rails

According to this pull request, Rails 5 now supports the following syntax for chaining queries:

Post.where(id: 1).or(Post.where(id: 2))

There's also a backport of the functionality into Rails 4.2 via this gem.

Solution 3 - Ruby on-Rails

Just posting the Array syntax for same column OR queries to help peeps out.

Person.where(name: ["John", "Steve"])

Solution 4 - Ruby on-Rails

Use ARel

t = Person.arel_table

results = Person.where(

Solution 5 - Ruby on-Rails

Update for Rails4

requires no 3rd party gems

a = Person.where(name: "John") # or any scope 
b = Person.where(lastname: "Smith") # or any scope 
Person.where([a, b].map{|s| s.arel.constraints.reduce(:and) }.reduce(:or))\
  .tap {|sc| sc.bind_values = [a, b].map(&:bind_values) }

Old answer

requires no 3rd party gems

    Person.where(:name => "John").where(:lastname => "Smith")

Solution 6 - Ruby on-Rails

In case anyone is looking for an updated answer to this one, it looks like there is an existing pull request to get this into Rails:

Thanks to @j-mcnally's monkey patch for ActiveRecord ( you can do the following:

Person.where(name: 'John').or.where(last_name: 'Smith').all

Even more valuable is the ability to chain scopes with OR:

scope :first_or_last_name, ->(name) { where(name: name.split(' ').first).or.where(last_name: name.split(' ').last) }
scope :parent_last_name, ->(name) { includes(:parents).where(last_name: name) }

Then you can find all Persons with first or last name or whose parent with last name

Person.first_or_last_name('John Smith').or.parent_last_name('Smith')

Not the best example for the use of this, but just trying to fit it with the question.

Solution 7 - Ruby on-Rails

You can also use MetaWhere gem to not mix up your code with SQL stuff:

Person.where((:name => "John") | (:lastname => "Smith"))

Solution 8 - Ruby on-Rails

If you're looking to provide a scope (instead of explicitly working on the whole dataset) here's what you should do with Rails 5:

scope :john_or_smith, -> { where(name: "John").or(where(lastname: "Smith")) }


def self.john_or_smith
  where(name: "John").or(where(lastname: "Smith"))

Solution 9 - Ruby on-Rails

For me (Rails 4.2.5) it only works like this:

{ where("name = ? or name = ?", a, b) }

Solution 10 - Ruby on-Rails

This would be a good candidate for MetaWhere if you're using Rails 3.0+, but it doesn't work on Rails 3.1. You might want to try out squeel instead. It's made by the same author. Here's how'd you'd perform an OR based chain:

Person.where{(name == "John") | (lastname == "Smith")}

You can mix and match AND/OR, among many other awesome things.

Solution 11 - Ruby on-Rails

An updated version of Rails/ActiveRecord may support this syntax natively. It would look similar to:

Foo.where(foo: 'bar').or.where(bar: 'bar')

As noted in this pull request

For now, simply sticking with the following works great:

Foo.where('foo= ? OR bar= ?', 'bar', 'bar')

Solution 12 - Ruby on-Rails

Rails 4 + Scope + Arel

class Creature < ActiveRecord::Base
	scope :is_good_pet, -> {

I tried chaining named scopes with .or and no luck, but this worked for finding anything with those booleans set. Generates SQL like

SELECT 'CREATURES'.* FROM 'CREATURES' WHERE ((('CREATURES'.'is_cat' = 1 OR 'CREATURES'.'is_dog' = 1) OR 'CREATURES'.'eats_children' = 0))

Solution 13 - Ruby on-Rails

Rails 4

scope :combined_scope, -> { where("name = ? or name = ?", 'a', 'b') }

Solution 14 - Ruby on-Rails

If you can't write out the where clause manually to include the "or" statement (ie, you want to combine two scopes), you can use union:

Model.find_by_sql("#{Model.scope1.to_sql} UNION #{Model.scope2.to_sql}")


This is will return all records matching either query. However, this returns an array, not an arel. If you really want to return an arel, you checkout this gist:

This will do the job, as long as you don't mind monkey patching rails.

Solution 15 - Ruby on-Rails

Also see these related questions: here, here and here

For rails 4, based on this article and this original answer

  .unscoped # See the caution note below. Maybe you want default scope here, in which case just remove this line.
  .where( # Begin a where clause
    where(:name => "John").where(:lastname => "Smith")  # join the scopes to be OR'd
    .where_values  # get an array of arel where clause conditions based on the chain thus far
    .inject(:or)  # inject the OR operator into the arels 
    # ^^ Inject may not work in Rails3. But this should work instead:
    .joins(" OR ")
    # ^^ Remember to only use .inject or .joins, not both
  )  # Resurface the arels inside the overarching query

Note the article's caution at the end:

> Rails 4.1+ > > Rails 4.1 treats default_scope just as a regular scope. The default > scope (if you have any) is included in the where_values result and > inject(:or) will add or statement between the default scope and your > wheres. That's bad. > > To solve that, you just need to unscope the query.

Solution 16 - Ruby on-Rails

This is a very convenient way and it works fine in Rails 5:

  .where(transaction_type: ["Create", "Correspond"])
      transaction_type: "Status",
      field: "Status",
      newvalue: ["resolved", "deleted"]
    Transaction.where(transaction_type: "Set", field: "Queue")

Solution 17 - Ruby on-Rails

I'm working in Rails 6 now and it seems like this is now possible. Using the queries from the OP:

# in the Person model:
scope :john, -> { where(name: "John") }
scope :smith, -> { where(lastname: "Smith") }
scope :john_or_smith, -> { john.or(self.smith) }

Solution 18 - Ruby on-Rails

the squeel gem provides an incredibly easy way to accomplish this (prior to this I used something like @coloradoblue's method):

names = ["Kroger", "Walmart", "Target", "Aldi"]
matching_stores = Grocery.where{name.like_any(names)}

Solution 19 - Ruby on-Rails

So the answer to the original question, can you join scopes with 'or' instead of 'and' seems to be "no you can't". But you can hand code a completely different scope or query that does the job, or use a different framework from ActiveRecord e.g. MetaWhere or Squeel. Not useful in my case

I'm 'or'ing a scope generated by pg_search, which does a bit more than select, it includes order by ASC, which makes a mess of a clean union. I want to 'or' it with a handcrafted scope that does stuff I can't do in pg_search. So I've had to do it like this.

Product.find_by_sql("(#{Product.code_starts_with('Tom').to_sql}) union (#{Product.name_starts_with('Tom').to_sql})")

I.e. turn the scopes into sql, put brackets around each one, union them together and then find_by_sql using the sql generated. It's a bit rubbish, but it does work.

No, don't tell me I can use "against: [:name,:code]" in pg_search, I'd like to do it like that, but the 'name' field is an hstore, which pg_search can't handle yet. So the scope by name has to be hand crafted and then unioned with the pg_search scope.

Solution 20 - Ruby on-Rails

names = ["tim", "tom", "bob", "alex"]
sql_string = { |t| "name = '#{t}'" }.join(" OR ")
@people = People.where(sql_string)


All content for this solution is sourced from the original question on Stackoverflow.

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