How do I view all ignored patterns set with svn:ignore recursively in an SVN repository?


Svn Problem Overview

I see it is possible to view a list of properties set on every directory within an SVN repository using proplist and the -R flag (recursive) and -v flag (verbose):

svn proplist -Rv

This shows me all properties, such as svn:mime-type or svn:executable. I'm looking to filter this to just svn:ignore properties. I'm sure there is some way to pipe the result from this command through a shell command that would only show me the lines I'm interested in, but I can't figure out how to do it. As an example of the type of thing that would be most useful is some type of command like this (but this one doesn't work!).

svn proplist -Rv | grep "^  svn:ignore" | awk "{print \$1}"

I just don't know enough about shell commands like grep and awk to make this work for me. This just shows "svn:ignore" over and over again, but it doesn't print out the directory path or contents of the svn:ignore property. Here is an example of the output from "svn proplist -Rv" that I'd like to grab, where 'cache' is the path and '*' is the value of the property.

Properties on 'cache':

How can the above command be made to work and/or is there a better way to view all svn:ignore properties in my repository?

Svn Solutions

Solution 1 - Svn

svn pg -R svn:ignore .

...with pg being a shorthand notation for propget, so this is equal to...

svn propget -R svn:ignore .

Solution 2 - Svn

Sorry to jump in here late, but there is a simple solution here.

Just grep.

svn proplist -Rv | grep svn:ignore -B1 -A1

Show one line before, and one line after the match.


All content for this solution is sourced from the original question on Stackoverflow.

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Content TypeOriginal AuthorOriginal Content on Stackoverflow
QuestionstereoscottView Question on Stackoverflow
Solution 1 - SvnMartin v. LöwisView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 2 - SvnBrad BarnettView Answer on Stackoverflow